Students Say They Hated Trump’s SOTU

When you take hours and hours of video, and edit it down to less than 3 minutes, you can use the footage to say whatever you want

It's standard practice by the Trumptards here at USMB to use isolated examples to try to broadbrush millions,

but god forbid you do that to them, they will throw the worst fits and tantrums you've ever seen.
When you take hours and hours of video, and edit it down to less than 3 minutes, you can use the footage to say whatever you want

It's standard practice by the Trumptards here at USMB to use isolated examples to try to broadbrush millions,

but god forbid you do that to them, they will throw the worst fits and tantrums you've ever seen.
so you say it's a standard practice FOR THE OTHER SIDE

then turn around and say you do it too.

what an asstard.
When you take hours and hours of video, and edit it down to less than 3 minutes, you can use the footage to say whatever you want

It's standard practice by the Trumptards here at USMB to use isolated examples to try to broadbrush millions,

but god forbid you do that to them, they will throw the worst fits and tantrums you've ever seen.
so you say it's a standard practice FOR THE OTHER SIDE

then turn around and say you do it too.

what an asstard.

You're calling the OP an asstard? That's cold. Novel, but cold.
When you take hours and hours of video, and edit it down to less than 3 minutes, you can use the footage to say whatever you want

It's standard practice by the Trumptards here at USMB to use isolated examples to try to broadbrush millions,

but god forbid you do that to them, they will throw the worst fits and tantrums you've ever seen.
so you say it's a standard practice FOR THE OTHER SIDE

then turn around and say you do it too.

what an asstard.

You're calling the OP an asstard? That's cold. Novel, but cold.
even you know better than that, AT. (ie, Ass Tard)
Good little brainwashed Communists/Democrats. The dude hasn't even given the speech yet, and they're already hating on it. Oh boy, such dimwits. :cuckoo:

1. most people in this country aren't communists.
2. liberals are not communists.
3. communist and liberal is not synonomous.
4. trumpscum are really insane.

Tell us how you liked the speech.

say what, little troll boy? do you think you've seen it already? you might want to go read a newspaper or something if you do. :cuckoo:

Went right over your head. Did you watch the video? Doesn't sound like you did. They thought Trump already gave the speech. Without actually seeing or knowing anything about it, they claimed to hate it. Communists have decimated our education system. Shockingly Dumbed-Down. It's very sad.
Good little brainwashed Communists/Democrats. The dude hasn't even given the speech yet, and they're already hating on it. Oh boy, such dimwits. :cuckoo:

1. most people in this country aren't communists.
2. liberals are not communists.
3. communist and liberal is not synonomous.
4. trumpscum are really insane.

Tell us how you liked the speech.

say what, little troll boy? do you think you've seen it already? you might want to go read a newspaper or something if you do. :cuckoo:

Did you watch the video? Doesn't sound like you did. They thought Trump already gave the speech. Without actually seeing or knowing anything about it, they claimed to hate it. Communists have decimated our education system. It's very sad.

why would I watch the video distilled to the stupidest people (or most dishonest) on the planet?

liberals are not communists. democrats are not communists. try defining your terms properly first.

and our educational system did fine by my family so I'm not sure what experience you have that differs. unless you just don't like people being taught things like they shouldn't hate gays or people who have more melanin in their skin.
Trouble is Trump has not delivered the speech yet. These are supposed to be our nations leaders? So uninformed and thoroughly brainwashed from a hateful Left. it is pitiful.
Students Say They Hated Trump's SOTU (But He Hasn't Given Speech Yet)
My personal favorite is the student who described an incident that happened during the SOTU that didn’t happen yet, “One of the craziest moments when he started a build a wall chant with all the Republicans.”
Someone else who subscribes to the same Tard News Feed you do already started a topic about this yesterday.
Good little brainwashed Communists/Democrats. The dude hasn't even given the speech yet, and they're already hating on it. Oh boy, such dimwits. :cuckoo:

1. most people in this country aren't communists.
2. liberals are not communists.
3. communist and liberal is not synonomous.
4. trumpscum are really insane.

Tell us how you liked the speech.

say what, little troll boy? do you think you've seen it already? you might want to go read a newspaper or something if you do. :cuckoo:

Did you watch the video? Doesn't sound like you did. They thought Trump already gave the speech. Without actually seeing or knowing anything about it, they claimed to hate it. Communists have decimated our education system. It's very sad.

why would I watch the video distilled to the stupidest people (or most dishonest) on the planet?

liberals are not communists. democrats are not communists. try defining your terms properly first.

and our educational system did fine by my family so I'm not sure what experience you have that differs. unless you just don't like people being taught things like they shouldn't hate gays or people who have more melanin in their skin.

Try actually viewing material in posts before weighing in. You're just like the snowflake wingnuts in the video. The video was kinda funny, but it was more so sad. Claiming to have seen a speech that hasn't occurred, and then claiming to hate that speech, is so dishonest and ignorant. Communists destroy everything they touch. That obviously includes our education system.
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Did not realize so many of these snowflake students were also psychics
Did not realize so many of these snowflake students were also psychics

Very dishonest and ignorant folks. They claimed to see a speech that hasn't occurred, and then claimed to hate that speech. Just more good little brainwashed Communists. It's so sad what the Communists have done to our education system.
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Trouble is Trump has not delivered the speech yet. These are supposed to be our nations leaders? So uninformed and thoroughly brainwashed from a hateful Left. it is pitiful.
Students Say They Hated Trump's SOTU (But He Hasn't Given Speech Yet)
My personal favorite is the student who described an incident that happened during the SOTU that didn’t happen yet, “One of the craziest moments when he started a build a wall chant with all the Republicans.”
Someone else who subscribes to the same Tard News Feed you do already started a topic about this yesterday.

Hey don't get pissy with us, those are your fellow Communist/Progressive wingnuts. You should be pissy over their staggering dishonesty and ignorance. Check out the video.
Libtards and they young ones are so stupid.

that's why it's all uneducated uninformed loons who got sucked in by Donald, right?

Hey! Dumbass ass we are talking about libtards at NYU. You up to speed yet?

Every one of the people at NYU is smarter than you.

Are *you* up to speed yet, dumbass?
Yeah right! That’s why they sound fucking clueless. Kerry on libtard troll.
Libtards and they young ones are so stupid.

that's why it's all uneducated uninformed loons who got sucked in by Donald, right?

Hey! Dumbass ass we are talking about libtards at NYU. You up to speed yet?

Every one of the people at NYU is smarter than you.

Are *you* up to speed yet, dumbass?
Yeah right! That’s why they sound fucking clueless. Kerry on libtard troll.

*they* are people who some rightwingnut loony blogger SAYS are from NYU apparently. A) you shouldn't believe garbage on rightwingnut blogs; B) you shouldn't believe garbage on rightwingnut blogs.

you couldn't get into NYU on a bet. I promise you that.
Trouble is Trump has not delivered the speech yet. These are supposed to be our nations leaders? So uninformed and thoroughly brainwashed from a hateful Left. it is pitiful.
Students Say They Hated Trump's SOTU (But He Hasn't Given Speech Yet)
My personal favorite is the student who described an incident that happened during the SOTU that didn’t happen yet, “One of the craziest moments when he started a build a wall chant with all the Republicans.”
I hate the Beast's presidency...well, I would anyway. The sleaze, you understand.
Good little brainwashed Communists/Democrats. The dude hasn't even given the speech yet, and they're already hating on it. Oh boy, such dimwits. :cuckoo:

1. most people in this country aren't communists.
2. liberals are not communists.
3. communist and liberal is not synonomous.
4. trumpscum are really insane.

Tell us how you liked the speech.
Jill hated the speech! She's certainly no brighter or better informed than those interviewed.

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