Students Say They Hated Trump’s SOTU

If those interviews had been done at Brigham Young University or Liberty University or Hillsdale College or Southern Virginia University, etc., etc., the results would have been very different. If someone asked me about a speech that I had not seen, heard, or read, I would just say so and make no further comment.
Libtards and they young ones are so stupid.

that's why it's all uneducated uninformed loons who got sucked in by Donald, right?

Hey! Dumbass ass we are talking about libtards at NYU. You up to speed yet?

Every one of the people at NYU is smarter than you.

Are *you* up to speed yet, dumbass?
Yeah right! That’s why they sound fucking clueless. Kerry on libtard troll.

*they* are people who some rightwingnut loony blogger SAYS are from NYU apparently. A) you shouldn't believe garbage on rightwingnut blogs; B) you shouldn't believe garbage on rightwingnut blogs.

you couldn't get into NYU on a bet. I promise you that.
Stick your dumbassed head back up your ass!
Good little brainwashed Communists/Democrats. The dude hasn't even given the speech yet, and they're already hating on it. Oh boy, such dimwits. :cuckoo:

1. most people in this country aren't communists.
2. liberals are not communists.
3. communist and liberal is not synonomous.
4. trumpscum are really insane.

Tell us how you liked the speech.
Jill hated the speech! She's certainly no brighter or better informed than those interviewed.

Yeah, she didn't even view the video but decided to spout off anyway. She did exactly what her fellow dumbed-down Snowflakes in the video did. But hey, go figure? :cool-45:

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