Students sour on Obama


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Thank you for birthing the next generation of conservatives, Libtards.

'On election night 2008, freshman Meagan Cassidy left Lake Forest College and hopped a train to Chicago to celebrate Barack Obama’s impending victory.
“There was probably no better place to be,” Cassidy said in a phone interview. The excitement generated that evening spurred her on to become an intern and then a field organizer in three congressional contests and two human rights campaigns.'

Now a senior, Cassidy, 21, said she’s not working on a campaign this time around. She’s too busy looking for a job at a nonprofit advocacy group. She and her friends aren’t discussing the election as much as in 2008, she said.
“There is not much talk of Obama at all,” Cassidy said of the mood on campus, which extends beyond the president. “I don’t think anyone’s satisfied.”

Obama Campus Fervor Losing to Apathy as Students Sour on 2012 - Bloomberg
Our neighbors son (sophomore in college) and the rest of inner-circle, he tells us, are all going for Ron Paul this time.

The last election - they were swooning/in love with Obama...
Shit. Anyone with half a brain should be soured on Mr. Hope and Change.

It will take the kiddies a few more years and a taste of government that wants to insure their economic prosperity vs. dependency before it actually kicks in.
Thank you for birthing the next generation of conservatives, Libtards.

'On election night 2008, freshman Meagan Cassidy left Lake Forest College and hopped a train to Chicago to celebrate Barack Obama’s impending victory.
“There was probably no better place to be,” Cassidy said in a phone interview. The excitement generated that evening spurred her on to become an intern and then a field organizer in three congressional contests and two human rights campaigns.'

Now a senior, Cassidy, 21, said she’s not working on a campaign this time around. She’s too busy looking for a job at a nonprofit advocacy group. She and her friends aren’t discussing the election as much as in 2008, she said.
“There is not much talk of Obama at all,” Cassidy said of the mood on campus, which extends beyond the president. “I don’t think anyone’s satisfied.”

Obama Campus Fervor Losing to Apathy as Students Sour on 2012 - Bloomberg

libtards here will claim this is proof that people think Obama did not go far enough with his agenda... that he would win everyone over if he just did more... got more of his agenda passed.

It was bound to happen. The fruit of Progressivism was ripe in the 1960's after the passage of the Civil Rights Acts. That was when it should have stopped. But the left was not done yet, and so began the overreach on behalf of 'righting the wrongs' of the previous generation who had ushered in the Social Welfare state and International Interventionism. Before that, the birth of the Progressive movement made excellent moves in quality of life legislation, consumer protection and labor rights, all necessary for that time due to the over-reach of the Guilded Age lassaiez faire capitalism.

Now we have lassaiez faire statism, and the nation is reacting and revolting against it. It is my opinion that in the next 20-40 years we will see significant rollbacks of governmental power and a return to a much more independent life based on personal responsibility and freedom.

This also depends largely on how hard and fierce the advocates and defenders of statism will fight. This may just be a gentle slide back into more freedom and independence on individual levels as the corruption and inefficiencies of collectivism become more and more onerous. Of course if power is siezed by the throat, then violent revolution most likely will be necessary as the result and the changes will be much more radical and severe. One should never discount foreign powers playing games for their gain in this nation either.

With the sea change ending of Obamacare and the new awareness of governmental corruption and over-reach, this cultural epoch is over. The Progressive Era is dead. Long live the New Era.
Shit. Anyone with half a brain should be soured on Mr. Hope and Change.

It will take the kiddies a few more years and a taste of government that wants to insure their economic prosperity vs. dependency before it actually kicks in.
It will take exposure to ingratitude and witnessing indigent entitlement while they bust their asses to squeak by before it changes for sure.

"If you are in your 20's and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are in your 30's and aren't conservative, you have no brain." Winston Churchill.

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