Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment

To The Africans, they weren't selling their own. They were selling members of other tribes. In 400 years the estimate of captured slaves was only a bit over 12 million. That's miniscule. Capturing and selling rival tribe members into slavery did not end with the end of the slave trade in Europe and the Americas. It goes on today with young girls auctioned off to Arabs as brides and boys sold as dancing boys.

The African chiefs have nothing to apologize for. Many not sold as a slave ended up as dinner. Where is the black history month study of African culinary art?

This, is beautiful.

^^^^ This:

The ONLY Whites who display such hatred of Evil Whitey are ALL Leftist Self-Hating Whites....

Was Trump a self-hating White, two months ago? When he signed, and promoted, legislation which gives a quarter billion dollars, annually, to the USA's Black farmers and HBCU?

Donald Trump does not and has NEVER gone around vomiting the Anti-White, Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey bile that you have displayed throughout this entire thread. Donald Trump does not and has NEVER played off Blacks against Whites and vice versa like you have ATTEMPTED to and FAILED miserably at throughout this entire thread.
The ONLY Whites who display such hatred of Evil Whitey are ALL Leftist Self-Hating Whites....

Was our great President Trump a self-hating White, in 2019?

When a darkskinned negro rapper got arrested and jailed in, Sweden, for protecting himself from a racist White mob, after a concert? So Trump called the Swedish President then tweeted "It's been a Rocky week, get home A$AP!" as the negro rapper was on a plane back to the USA 1.5 days later??
A repeat post, that needed to be bumped...

As if you needed to post more to illustrate what an uneducated low IQ Muppet you are,

The only low IQ Muppet here is the, idiot, who tried to compare apples to oranges. Check your local mirror for that low IQ Muppet.

For example, all Races have indulged in intra-tribal wars where they sold their fellow brethren into Slavery. Yes. Those African tribes did the same thing we Caucasoids did to each other. So you look like a real, dumbass, by trying to bring that up.

The issue at hand, in bringing up African Tribes, is how your dumbass forgot that the African Tribes didn't decide to subjugate negro citizens from April 15 1619 - Feb 22 2020. We racist Americans made that decision.

African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Emanc Procl, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the 13th Amendment, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we USA Caucasoids do that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on Black History Month by subliminally deeming negros as, below animals, when we pretend to be celebrating this month ---we USA Caucasoids did that! And I have a feeling you really like what they did.
The ONLY Whites who display such hatred of Evil Whitey are ALL Leftist Self-Hating Whites....

Was our great President Trump a self-hating White, in 2019?

When a darkskinned negro rapper got arrested and jailed in, Sweden, for protecting himself from a racist White mob, after a concert? So Trump called the Swedish President then tweeted "It's been a Rocky week, get home A$AP!" as the negro rapper was on a plane back to the USA 1.5 days later??

^^^^ How does ANY of that equate with ALL of your other Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey comments throughout this entire thread?
Perhaps you would prefer stories about how Africans captured and sold other Africans to slave traders and that's how African-Americans got to this country.

Post proof. Don't just whine and sob here, post your proofs.

You post proof that African negros in the bush, are most responsible for slavery, and I'll post proofs that us Caucasoids went over there to help abduct tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here. Then let's see who is the most, correct, between you and I ... Fair?

Put up, or shut up.

Or the first legal life time slave owner was an African-American. I'm sure there could be many stories that would trigger your cream puff ass. Now feel free to throw out your meaningless race card again.

The only cream puff here, is the soft moist OKTexas spongecake who's all hurt up because these racist teachers got exposed ---and now it's a national story, that they disrespected Black History Month in a way which savage-racists like you, really enjoyed.

BTW you might want to check your OP, you showed you ignorance by using the wrong term.


No. I did exactly use the correct term on these flagrant anti-USA teachers, and on you; Racists!

ROFLMFAO, tens of millions? Really? In 1870 there were fewer than 5 million blacks in the US and many of those were born here. Feel free to keep proving how ignorant you really are.

Historical racial and ethnic demographics of the United States - Wikipedia

A repeat post, that needed to be bumped...

As if you needed to post more to illustrate what an uneducated low IQ Muppet you are,

The only low IQ Muppet here is the, idiot, who tried to compare apples to oranges. Check your local mirror for that low IQ Muppet.

For example, all Races have indulged in intra-tribal wars where they sold their fellow brethren into Slavery. Yes. Those African tribes did the same thing we Caucasoids did to each other. So you look like a real, dumbass, by trying to bring that up.

The issue at hand, in bringing up African Tribes, is how your dumbass forgot that the African Tribes didn't decide to subjugate negro citizens from April 15 1619 - Feb 22 2020. We racist Americans made that decision.

African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Emanc Procl, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the 13th Amendment, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we USA Caucasoids do that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on Black History Month by subliminally deeming negros as, below animals, when we pretend to be celebrating this month ---we USA Caucasoids did that! And I have a feeling you really like what they did.

^^^^ No it was moronic enough the FIRST time you posted it and so posting it again means zero.
The ONLY Whites who display such hatred of Evil Whitey are ALL Leftist Self-Hating Whites....

Was our great President Trump a self-hating White, from 2017-'19?

When we see him hanging out with darkskinned negros like ...

Floyd Mayweather? Kanye? Jim Brown?? Steve Harvey? Candace Owens?
I told you I'd post proofs that you are a, fool, and I think I will let you out of the chokehold now then get back on topic.
Perhaps you would prefer stories about how Africans captured and sold other Africans to slave traders and that's how African-Americans got to this country.

Post proof. Don't just whine and sob here, post your proofs.

You post proof that African negros in the bush, are most responsible for slavery, and I'll post proofs that us Caucasoids went over there to help abduct tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here. Then let's see who is the most, correct, between you and I ... Fair?

Put up, or shut up.

Or the first legal life time slave owner was an African-American. I'm sure there could be many stories that would trigger your cream puff ass. Now feel free to throw out your meaningless race card again.

The only cream puff here, is the soft moist OKTexas spongecake who's all hurt up because these racist teachers got exposed ---and now it's a national story, that they disrespected Black History Month in a way which savage-racists like you, really enjoyed.

BTW you might want to check your OP, you showed you ignorance by using the wrong term.


No. I did exactly use the correct term on these flagrant anti-USA teachers, and on you; Racists!

ROFLMFAO, tens of millions? Really? In 1870 there were fewer than 5 million blacks in the US and many of those were born here. Feel free to keep proving how ignorant you really are.

Historical racial and ethnic demographics of the United States - Wikipedia


The amount of ignorance displayed by the OP is shocking and yet He/She/It continues it's gibberish only yet again to be shot down and/or debunked. To suggest that asking students to write about African animals that are native to Western Blacks Ancestral lands in Africa is in any way racist is beyond absurd, to then throw up a ridiculous set of Straw Men non-arguments about how Evil Whitey is to blame for EVERY problem that Blacks have been faced with just illustrates the low level of education the OP has.
The ONLY Whites who display such hatred of Evil Whitey are ALL Leftist Self-Hating Whites....

Was our great President Trump a self-hating White, from 2017-'19? When he attends teenaged negros' Conservative Youth Summit?

Nobody has suggested that The Donald is a self-hating White, but your ilk consider ALL Whites to be racist by being White, so again WTF point are you now attempting to make in this increasingly embarrassing way you are doing?
Perhaps you would prefer stories about how Africans captured and sold other Africans to slave traders and that's how African-Americans got to this country.

Post proof. Don't just whine and sob here, post your proofs.

You post proof that African negros in the bush, are most responsible for slavery, and I'll post proofs that us Caucasoids went over there to help abduct tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here. Then let's see who is the most, correct, between you and I ... Fair?

Put up, or shut up.

Or the first legal life time slave owner was an African-American. I'm sure there could be many stories that would trigger your cream puff ass. Now feel free to throw out your meaningless race card again.

The only cream puff here, is the soft moist OKTexas spongecake who's all hurt up because these racist teachers got exposed ---and now it's a national story, that they disrespected Black History Month in a way which savage-racists like you, really enjoyed.

BTW you might want to check your OP, you showed you ignorance by using the wrong term.


No. I did exactly use the correct term on these flagrant anti-USA teachers, and on you; Racists!

As if you needed to post more to illustrate what an uneducated low IQ Muppet you are, you then post the above.

Historical fact is that African slaves were NOT abducted by Evil Whitey, they were SOLD to Evil Whitey by OTHER Africans, they were SOLD by African Tribal Chiefs and their footsoldiers and they made for them what was a lot of moneys selling their OWN into Slavery.

Below is just Nigeria for ONE example:

View attachment 308164

View attachment 308165

African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade

^^^^ I am posting another article about how Africans were deeply involved in the Slave Trade, not for Ethos Logos Pathos to read as He/She/It has illustrated they are too stupid to comprehend, but I post another article for others to read:

View attachment 308170

View attachment 308171

Confronting Africa's Role in the Slave Trade

But facts are racist...


To suggest that asking students to write about African animals that are native to Western Blacks Ancestral lands in Africa is in any way racist is.

If your hurt feelings can get over being destroyed on the topic, long enough, to stop namecalling here ... you will go to the web and see that 99% of the whole rational world disagrees with you and the teachers as we go research the reason why Black History Month was created.

No matter how many times you try to convince readers that black is really White and white is really Black? It will never work.
SO you have proof these kids were not taught about black humans during Black history month? Context is important...

Context is important, and that is why it was not listed that they wrote about the African ANIMALS and the great Black American humans who they learned about.

Those of us not looking to protect racism's faculty members here, will acknowledge the red flag within the fact that Black History Month was created to celebrate American Negros ---not the non-human organisms existing over in Africa.

That is the defining element of racism, to me, that these teachers did not think it was normal to focus on what Black History Month is meant to focus on (Black Americans) so let's focus on elements which have absolutely nothing to do with the reason Black History Month was created for.

Again, you don't have enough information to make the claim that the faculty members are racist. It was one assignment and you don't know what other assignments they had or had planned to have. It's just fine for a parent like the mother to be unhappy with the school work, and then go complain about it. It's within a parents right to be concerned about the material, but its another thing to go and immediately call teachers racist based on ONE assignment. Sometimes teachers give dumb assignments when it comes to kindergartners because they under estimate their sophistication.
Find out what was being taught to the other age groups about Black History Month... and then get back to us with proof that the faculty is racist.
Being called a racist is not a light thing but it sure gets thrown around a lot recklessly these days.
Nobody has suggested that The Donald is a self-hating White

Hey fucctardian, you said some stupid nonsense about I didn't vote for President Trump. So, I posted proofs here of why I voted for him ---featuring instances verifying how he loves our negro brethen as much as I do. And he realizes that we can't keep disrespecting them if we expect them to help us beat the Dems in 2020 and 2024 and 2028
To suggest that asking students to write about African animals that are native to Western Blacks Ancestral lands in Africa is in any way racist is.

If your hurt feelings can get over being destroyed on the topic, long enough, to stop namecalling here ... you will go to the web and see that 99% of the whole rational world disagrees with you and the teachers as we go research the reason why Black History Month was created.

No matter how many times you try to convince readers that black is really White and white is really Black? It will never work.

"99% of the whole rational world disagrees with you"

What idiocy. That same 99% of the so-called rational world are also those who don't even know what bathroom they should be using, that men also have periods and can give birth and that the world will end in 10 years because of the Global Warming Hoax, it's the same crowd, all Leftist SJW Snowflake Bedwetters.

The actual rational world is tired of ALL this horsecrap that loud-mouthed and Brainwashed SJW Snowflakes keep screaming about.
Enough said...

Nobody has suggested that The Donald is a self-hating White

Hey fucctardian, you said some stupid nonsense about I didn't vote for President Trump. So, I posted proofs here of why I voted for him ---featuring instances verifying how he loves our negro brethen as much as I do. And he realizes that we can't keep disrespecting them if we expect them to help us beat the Dems in 2020 and 2024 and 2028

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