Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment

Enough said...

Nobody has suggested that The Donald is a self-hating White

Hey fucctardian, you said some stupid nonsense about I didn't vote for President Trump. So, I posted proofs here of why I voted for him ---featuring instances verifying how he loves our negro brethen as much as I do. And he realizes that we can't keep disrespecting them if we expect them to help us beat the Dems in 2020 and 2024 and 2028

^^^^ Whatever :rolleyes-41:
ROFLMFAO, tens of millions?

Yes, my silly Bol. And now, go reread my words and notice that I never said that the 10's of millions all made it here to the auction blocks.

Just like Lucy Hamilton you failed to think far enough into, reality, before you overzealously post to me.

I guess you're just too ignorant to know what you wrote.
You post proof that African negros in the bush, are most responsible for slavery, and I'll post proofs that us Caucasoids went over there to help abduct tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here. Then let's see who is the most, correct, between you and I ... Fair?
Is "here", not here in the US? Here's a clue for ya commie, when you find yourself in a hole, perhaps you should stop digging. Sometimes it better to remain silent and let people think you're stupid, than open your ignorant pie hole, and proving you're stupid.

There's nothing wrong with this assignment.

No there is not, it was teaching children about all types of animals and engaging their minds. The only thing that SJWs want is for children to be brainwashed and indoctrinated in Self-Hate and Guilt Tripped as EARLY as possible, they do NOT want children learning per se and they certainly do NOT want them thinking for themselves and having their minds engaged with ANYTHING outside of the SJW Agenda.
ROFLMFAO, tens of millions?

Yes, my silly Bol. And now, go reread my words and notice that I never said that the 10's of millions all made it here to the auction blocks.

Just like Lucy Hamilton you failed to think far enough into, reality, before you overzealously post to me.
In reality in 400 years it was a bit over 12 million imported meat. Not tens of millions.
Their major contribution is crime...

although not as, major, as Caucasians contribution:

Table 43

Table 43


Overdue Dindus

If a group acts like wild animals, they need to be tamed. It is only logical to question whether the human race has a false but enforced politically correct unity or comprises different species at various stages of evolution, with some hanging on long past their evolutionary expiration date.

Whenever only one side of an issue is allowed to be discussed, we can be sure that is the side which is totalitarian and irrational.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

No, silly, this is just like when we study the founding fathers and focus on the flora and fauna of England. No really, that happens all the time. Or not.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

So long as we have months dedicated to studying one particular race you cant deny that racists are in control.

ahhh, yes, you finally realized that 'the other 11 months' are used to celebrate White History.

Not even close. The other 11 months are used to propagandize kids as to how evil whites are. Its never ending.

Yes like stealing a bike from Evil Whitey, Black can't ride bike, falls off and blames Evil Whitey but then needs Evil Whitey to help it:

View attachment 307737

The Vicious Misfit Liberals Know Exactly What They Vindictively Turned Loose on America.

A race that has no respect for property deserves to become property.
Disrespected black history month. Really? A month is worthy of respect? No. A month is a time period on a calendar. It is not worthy of respect. Black history has never advanced the cause of human progress. May as well call it Collie History Month. It was designated simply to make blacks feel good about themselves based on nothing.
It's like Hispanic Heritage Month or Asian Pacific Heritage Month. Bellyaching has given us the oh so politically correct Pride Month.

They are all garbage. If black history month makes you feel loving there was a term for that. It's not used any more.
Slavery Saved the Africans From Starvation and Savagery

There's no balance at all unless the Whiteys Hating Whitey ruling class allows a Confederate History Month.
Perhaps you would prefer stories about how Africans captured and sold other Africans to slave traders and that's how African-Americans got to this country.

Post proof. Don't just whine and sob here, post your proofs.

You post proof that African negros in the bush, are most responsible for slavery, and I'll post proofs that us Caucasoids went over there to help abduct tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here. Then let's see who is the most, correct, between you and I ... Fair?

Put up, or shut up.

Or the first legal life time slave owner was an African-American. I'm sure there could be many stories that would trigger your cream puff ass. Now feel free to throw out your meaningless race card again.

The only cream puff here, is the soft moist OKTexas spongecake who's all hurt up because these racist teachers got exposed ---and now it's a national story, that they disrespected Black History Month in a way which savage-racists like you, really enjoyed.

BTW you might want to check your OP, you showed you ignorance by using the wrong term.


No. I did exactly use the correct term on these flagrant anti-USA teachers, and on you; Racists!

As if you needed to post more to illustrate what an uneducated low IQ Muppet you are, you then post the above.

Historical fact is that African slaves were NOT abducted by Evil Whitey, they were SOLD to Evil Whitey by OTHER Africans, they were SOLD by African Tribal Chiefs and their footsoldiers and they made for them what was a lot of moneys selling their OWN into Slavery.

Below is just Nigeria for ONE example:

View attachment 308164

View attachment 308165

African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade

The Origin of Black on Black Crime

Every slave not born in America had participated in slave hunts until he himself got captured.
I told you I'd post proofs that you are a, fool, and I think I will let you out of the chokehold now then get back on topic.

You have posted zero of any educational or social relevance.
And his grammar is at a ten-year-old's level. When will people on the embees start realizing how important that is? Instead of killing the messenger, they should try to improve their own English rather than imitating these drooling pseudo-intellectuals.
Is "here", not here in the US?


You extremely dumb SOB, the fact that millions of negros did not make it to the USA after being abducted as future American Slaves, does not change the fact that our White ancestors still left here in Slaveships to get tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here.

You idiot, for starters, at least 2-4 million are at the bottom of the ocean/the Middle Passage which our ancestors used as a route for slave trafficking. Thousands of negros also got sold to other western nations, instead of hitting the USA auction blocks. There are other realities too.

Wow. You really are one stupid som'biiich
These types of lies are only embarrassing you/your knowledge of real life:

Every slave not born in America had participated in slave hunts until he himself got captured.

Yes all Races have indulged in intra-tribal wars where they sold their fellow brethren into Slavery. Yes. Those African tribes did the same thing we Caucasoids did to each other. So you look like real, aimless, by trying to bring that up.

The issue at hand, in bringing up African Tribes, is how the African Tribes didn't decide to subjugate negro citizens from April 15 1619 - Feb 22 2020. We racist Americans made that decision.

African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Emanc Procl, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the 13th Amendment, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we USA Caucasoids do that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on Black History Month by subliminally deeming negros as, below animals, when we pretend to be celebrating this month ---we USA Caucasoids did that! And I have a feeling you really like what they did.
Is "here", not here in the US?


You extremely dumb SOB, the fact that millions of negros did not make it to the USA after being abducted as future American Slaves, does not change the fact that our White ancestors still left here in Slaveships to get tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here.

You idiot, for starters, at least 2-4 million are at the bottom of the ocean/the Middle Passage which our ancestors used as a route for slave trafficking. Thousands of negros also got sold to other western nations, instead of hitting the USA auction blocks. There are other realities too.

Wow. You really are one stupid som'biiich
Oh so tens of millions is your interpretation. You really have no idea. Thought so.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

American History is all that matters. Pandering to individual ethnicities is absurd. When is Chinese American month? Scandinavian American month? European American month? Native American month? Mexican American month? Japanese American month?

Ridiculous pandering bullshit. If you were born here you are AMERICAN. Hyphenated bullshit is irrelevant
Is "here", not here in the US?


You extremely dumb SOB, the fact that millions of negros did not make it to the USA after being abducted as future American Slaves, does not change the fact that our White ancestors still left here in Slaveships to get tens of millions of negro Africans and bring them back here.

You idiot, for starters, at least 2-4 million are at the bottom of the ocean/the Middle Passage which our ancestors used as a route for slave trafficking. Thousands of negros also got sold to other western nations, instead of hitting the USA auction blocks. There are other realities too.

Wow. You really are one stupid som'biiich

Poor little commie, you said 10s of millions were brought "here", now like a typically intellectually dishonest commie you're trying to move the goal post. And now since you've violated posting rules twice in your dishonesty, I'm going to report your slimy ass.

These types of lies are only embarrassing you/your knowledge of real life:

Every slave not born in America had participated in slave hunts until he himself got captured.

Yes all Races have indulged in intra-tribal wars where they sold their fellow brethren into Slavery. Yes. Those African tribes did the same thing we Caucasoids did to each other. So you look like real, aimless, by trying to bring that up.

The issue at hand, in bringing up African Tribes, is how the African Tribes didn't decide to subjugate negro citizens from April 15 1619 - Feb 22 2020. We racist Americans made that decision.

African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Emanc Procl, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the 13th Amendment, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we USA Caucasoids do that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on Black History Month by subliminally deeming negros as, below animals, when we pretend to be celebrating this month ---we USA Caucasoids did that! And I have a feeling you really like what they did.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

American History is all that matters. Pandering to individual ethnicities is absurd. When is Chinese American month? Scandinavian American month? European American month? Native American month? Mexican American month? Japanese American month?

Ridiculous pandering bullshit. If you were born here you are AMERICAN. Hyphenated bullshit is irrelevant

There is an Asian Pacific heritage month and a Hispanic heritage month. March is Irish heritage month. There are months for everything. The only people that want to browbeat you into some twisted submission are blacks. How dare you disrespect black heritage month. People should collectively and virtually lift legs and piss on black heritage month. Just to put them back in their place.

Yes the animals of Africa are way more important than the people of Africa. When poachers start beheading the people I'll feel sorry. Actually can't we take those human poachers and string them up by the ankles.

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