Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment


Look what I discovered here, Billiejeens Lucy Hamilton OKTexas Deplorable Yankee Godboy Tipsycatlover Bush92 and other Nathan B. Forrest spawn; some intelligent, proud negro citizens giving suggestions on what kids should be learning about for Black History Month!

Come on, everybody, lets see if they also focus on African ANIMALS to celebrate ---like the racism that this thread's OP focused on:

"Because my ilk voted for President Trump"

Um no probably not considering your comments in this thread.

Check 'The Stone Cold Truth' thread, you idiot, and take that harlequin Deplorable Yankee with you ---then prove me wrong, about those things I pointed out which us Caucasoids (and also specifically President Trump) did for negros since 2018.
You don't accept proof, now respond with more progtard demobabble.

Look what I discovered here, Billiejeens Lucy Hamilton OKTexas Deplorable Yankee Godboy Tipsycatlover Bush92 and other Nathan B. Forrest spawn; some intelligent, proud negro citizens giving suggestions on what kids should be learning about for Black History Month!

Come on, everybody, lets see if they also focus on African ANIMALS to celebrate ---like the racism that this thread's OP focused on:

The school assignment was not racist, studying African animals is not racist it is educational.

What else? Oh yes that's right....this:

Edited quote removed

Carter G. Woodson is credited with creating Black History Month, in around 1926, he said White American history books fail to include negros who helped make America great. Yep. He said nothing about African ANIMALS if you go research his words.
When the Caucasian U.S. President Gerald Ford used the (1976) bicentennial celebration to make February officially Black History Month he said, 'we should seize this moment to recognize the all-too-excluded contributions of Negro citizens.' Yep ol' Gerry said nothing nada nil nunca about African ANIMALS being celebrated.

So I posted three (3) videos on this page, to solidify my stance ---whereas you? did just like Lucy Hamilton and only posted your stupid emotions here, with no proofs no evidence no exhibits, to verify that you are correct.
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...studying African animals is not racist it is educational.

Exactly. Studying African animals is educational ---but doing so in the month of, February, then calling it a celebration for Black History Month? That is EXTREMELY racist and there is nothing you can do to change that fact.
...studying African animals is not racist it is educational.

Exactly. Studying African animals is educational ---but doing so in the month of, February, then calling it a celebration for Black History Month? That is EXTREMELY racist and there is nothing you can do to change that fact.

"Studying African animals is educational ---but doing so in the month of, February, then calling it a celebration for Black History Month? That is EXTREMELY racist "

Why is it racist? African animals are in Africa and Africa is 90% Black and so as Africa is majority Black it's not racist to include Africans, Africa AND African ANIMALS in Black History Month about African Americans who are Black and who's Ancestral Continent IS Africa where all those African animals are.

BTW why is Africa 90% Black, are they racist or something? I mean why aren't the Leftists and the International Globalist POS demanding DIVERSITY for The DARK Continent? Eg. There are just too many Blacks in Nigeria, how racist is that? Blacks should be chased down to the LAST Black until MILLIONS of Whites are mass imported in to turn Black areas within the next 10 years into 99% White areas, you know like how the International Globalist POS are for example turning HISTORICALLY WHITE Sweden into within the next 10 years a majority Sub-Saharan Black African and Mooselimb Raghead Sweden.
Let's have a little black history.

Harriet Tubman is credited with guiding over 300 escaped slaves to freedom. In reality it was 70 and they were all her family. The rest she left to rot.

Malcolm X was a street thug and killer. He once wanted all his blood drained and replaced with African blood just in case he had a white ancestor.

Huey Newton co founder of the black Panthers was shot dead in a drug deal gone bad by Tyrone Robinson.

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Legendary drunk and patron of whores. He especially liked blonde ones. With the money he embezzled from his church he could afford them.

The one poor soul that no one ever mentions, the forgotten man is Crispus Attucks the first patriot to die in the cause of freedom in the Revolutionary War.

Studying the majestic and noble animals of Africa is way more important than which drug deal caused who's death.
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

No but the International Globalist's need things like Black History Month for two reasons:

A) To create social division and MORE IMPORTANTLY to them is reason B) To Guilt Trip White children into Self-Hating White's so when they grow up they decide not to breed because they are so full of Self-Hate at being White after being Guilt Tripped via Brainwashing and Indoctrination as children, it's okay to the International Globalist's if these Self-Hating White's out of TOTAL SELF-HATE decide to breed with Blacks because that way it further destroys Evil Whiteness.

This is essentially why they go on about the ideal future world being Coffee or Cappuccino because that means elimination of Whites, the International Globalist's level of HATE for White's is literally off the chart, they will say that to destroy racism the future world has to be Coffee or Cappuccino, with this they are saying that White = Racist and to eliminate racism the world needs to eliminate White peoples and if they can via Propaganda in films, TV shows, TV advertisements etc Brainwash more and more Self-Hating White Worthless Whores to SHIT OUT more Mixed Breeds then that eliminates more and more Whites and within I don't know 50 years apparently there is going to be no more racism....they are genuinely INSANE the International Globalist's, hopefully at some point Tactical Nukes can be dropped on their main centres where they are, of course that means New York City is going to have to go as it's International Globalist HQ.
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

well it's clear that You suuuuure didn't need black history month in order to become, craziest, so I don't think your assertion here is relevant to the reality which we all live in.
Let's have a little black history.

Harriet Tubman is credited with guiding over 300 escaped slaves to freedom. In reality it was 70 and they were all her family. The rest she left to rot.

Malcolm X was a street thug and killer. He once wanted all his blood drained and replaced with African blood just in case he had a white ancestor.

Huey Newton co founder of the black Panthers was shot dead in a drug deal gone bad by Tyrone Robinson.

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Legendary drunk and patron of whores. He especially liked blonde ones. With the money he embezzled from his church he could afford them.

The one poor soul that no one ever mentions, the forgotten man is Crispus Attucks the first patriot to die in the cause of freedom in the Revolutionary War.

Studying the majestic and noble animals of Africa is way more important than which drug deal caused who's death.

Is Harriet Tubman that very very ugly wimmens? :smoke:
Lucy Hamilton and Tipsycatlover i am sure negros are very, appreciative, that you two loons have stopped trolling long enough to actually post about veracious Black History Month element ---no African ANIMALS!--- just negros who helped make America great. I am proud of you both, and President Trump is too!


did you two harlequins see footage of President Trump in PHX & LV, last week, bringing those darkskinned inner-city ghetto negros onstage, to celebrate Black History Month with him? Now that, was beautiful.

I bet you both think that I cannot possibly be a, Caucasoid, since I think that way eh?
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

well it's clear that You suuuuure didn't need black history month in order to become, craziest, so I don't think your assertion here is relevant to the reality which we all live in.

Tipsy's post # 231 is relevant because it's accurate, that's the type of thing they should teach at Black History Month that there has NEVER been We Wuz Kangz EVER.
Lucy Hamilton and Tipsycatlover i am sure negros are very, appreciative, that you two loons have stopped trolling long enough to actually post about veracious Black History Month element ---no African ANIMALS!--- just negros who helped make America great. I am proud of you both, and President Trump is too!


did you two harlequins see footage of President Trump in PHX & LV, last week, bringing those darkskinned inner-city ghetto negros onstage, to celebrate Black History Month with him? Now that, was beautiful.

I bet you both think that I cannot possibly be a, Caucasoid, since I think that way eh?

Black History Month....:smoke: This:




If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

well it's clear that You suuuuure didn't need black history month in order to become, craziest, so I don't think your assertion here is relevant to the reality which we all live in.

Tipsy's post # 231 is relevant because it's accurate, that's the type of thing they should teach at Black History Month that there has NEVER been We Wuz Kangz EVER.

Can you picture some student writing a black history month essay that told the truth? Martin Luther King Jr. was a drunk and diseased whorelover. He plagiarized his I have a dream speech from Archibald Carey. If he hadn't been assassinated, Ralph Abernathy was going to go to the police with evidence of King's embezzlement from the Ebenezer church. Coretta King was convinced that her husband's death was by black muslims and remained so for years.

It is black poachers that kill the animals of Africa and sell the carcasses to wealthy Asians for boner medicine. Certainly that's the story of black people too. Black history repeats. They sold their people to Arab and Portuguese slavers. Now they sell their heritage to the Chinese. That's worth an essay.

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