Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment

If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)
Trump is ... not at all anti-Black.

ahhhh I see here that you did finally stop posting your dumb rant long enough to get, cognizant, of what I had posted here pages ago:

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Well if 8 in 10 think The Donald is racist what does that say? It says that 8 in 10 have OD'd on the Kool-Aid that Leftists and the Leftist MSM has been broadcasting 24/7 since 2015/2016 about The Donald.

The Donald was NEVER accused of being a racist until 2015/2016 and what did The Donald do in 2015/2016 to cause him to be called racist for the FIRST time in his ENTIRE life? Oh yes that's right he did this:

If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

you are disgusting, pic. Muslims use the SAME PERVERTED argument to
PROVE that islam is DA MOST TOLERANT RELIGION IN THE WORLD----sine hindus, jews and Christians STILL EXIST. Killing EVERYONE is not so easy
-----ask your co-religionist, adolf

lol Jewish Orthodox were Islams' greatest allies until around the end of the 18th Century, as any genuine Jewish scholar will point out. Good thing Rosie doesn't rule over Israel, as she would have all the university professors killed.
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

^^^^ Why are the Blacks and the Browns now saying they are "Persons of Colour"? Why are they being RACIST and DISCRIMINATING against Whites? I am White, White is a colour and so we Whites are also "Persons of Colour"
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

worse than that------NOW PERSON OF COLOR is a mark of glorious distinction-------the persons who spit on black Africans in the past-----PROUDLY CALL THEMSELVES "persons of color"-------think jerks like Linda Sarsour
and AOC and whole bunches of airheads. I have a real problem-----very fair skin but I tend to BLUSH RED--------can I call myself a PERSON OF COLOR?
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Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

^^^^ Why are the Blacks and the Browns now saying they are "Persons of Colour"? Why are they being RACIST and DISCRIMINATING against Whites? I am White, White is a colour and so we Whites are also "Persons of Colour"

even better WHITE includes the whole spectrum------BLACK is the absence of color
If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Who were they forced by Rosie? Oh yes that's right, they were FORCED by their OWN African Chiefs who SOLD them to Evil Whitey.

The situation is this ALL the descendants of these African slaves should THANK Evil Whitey for buying them off the African Chiefs because they got transported to The West and IF they had NOT been then DeWayne and DeShawyne and Rayvon and LaKeisha and the rest of them RIGHT NOW would probably be still in some mud hut in whatever African Shithole their Slave Ancestors descended from.
If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

^^^^ Why are the Blacks and the Browns now saying they are "Persons of Colour"? Why are they being RACIST and DISCRIMINATING against Whites? I am White, White is a colour and so we Whites are also "Persons of Colour"

even better WHITE includes the whole spectrum------BLACK is the absence of color

Well yes and also there is no diversity in Black, Black is Black there are NO other shades of Black, there is no such thing as Off Black as there is Off White, EVERYTHING Black looks the SAME.
If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

^^^^ Why are the Blacks and the Browns now saying they are "Persons of Colour"? Why are they being RACIST and DISCRIMINATING against Whites? I am White, White is a colour and so we Whites are also "Persons of Colour"

even better WHITE includes the whole spectrum------BLACK is the absence of color
Whites are the only "people of color."
When we're angry - red
When jealous - green
When scared - yellow
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

worse than that------NOW PERSON OF COLOR is a mark of glorious distinction-------the persons who spit on black Africans in the past-----PROUDLY CALL THEMSELVES "persons of color"-------think jerks like Linda Sarsour
and AOC and whole bunches of airheads. I have a real problem-----very fair skint but I tend to BLUSH RED--------can I call myself a PERSON OF COLOR?

Well everyone has a colour so why should all the SJW idiots claim ONLY their Victim Groups like Blacks and Browns can claim a colour, they should not.
Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

^^^^ Why are the Blacks and the Browns now saying they are "Persons of Colour"? Why are they being RACIST and DISCRIMINATING against Whites? I am White, White is a colour and so we Whites are also "Persons of Colour"

even better WHITE includes the whole spectrum------BLACK is the absence of color
Whites are the only "people of color."
When we're angry - red
When jealous - green
When scared - yellow

^^^^ Excellent!
Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Who were they forced by Rosie? Oh yes that's right, they were FORCED by their OWN African Chiefs who SOLD them to Evil Whitey.

The situation is this ALL the descendants of these African slaves should THANK Evil Whitey for buying them off the African Chiefs because they got transported to The West and IF they had NOT been then DeWayne and DeShawyne and Rayvon and LaKeisha and the rest of them RIGHT NOW would probably be still in some mud hut in whatever African Shithole their Slave Ancestors descended from.

I REALLY despise your "Lucky Blacks" approach to slavery----LUCY------I grew up with it in a REALLY WHITE BREAD WASP TOWN which was so "exclusive"-----that when my family (I was four years old) ----moved in with FIVE KIDS---JEWS_--
no less------there circulated a really vicious "get rid of them" thing-----but it petered out because in the POST WAR BABY BOOM period -----selling houses to baby boom families was DAMNED LUCRATIVE------and my dad did have the VA LOAN advantage-----SO THERE!!!!!!! ------even better---VERY LATELY there are even blacks in that NAZI BASTARD town now. try to control your white nationalism yearnings---------at least a little------ BTW----Jesus was a jew-------
well---a white jew from the GALIL -----where people tended to be so WHITE that some even had blondish hair-----like sand. Genetics and HUMAN SEXUALITY works like that. Lucky you----Jesus was not a jew of "COLOR" ------no matter what the purists of my childhood town ------DECIDE JEWS ARE...... but mother mary never cooked a HAM for easter. ------in my childhood town -----even WOPS were ------sorta "persons of color"
Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Who were they forced by Rosie? Oh yes that's right, they were FORCED by their OWN African Chiefs who SOLD them to Evil Whitey.

The situation is this ALL the descendants of these African slaves should THANK Evil Whitey for buying them off the African Chiefs because they got transported to The West and IF they had NOT been then DeWayne and DeShawyne and Rayvon and LaKeisha and the rest of them RIGHT NOW would probably be still in some mud hut in whatever African Shithole their Slave Ancestors descended from.

I REALLY despise your "Lucky Blacks" approach to slavery----LUCY------I grew up with it in a REALLY WHITE BREAD WASP TOWN which was so "exclusive"-----that when my family (I was four years old) ----moved in with FIVE KIDS---JEWS_--
no less------there circulated a really vicious "get rid of them" thing-----but it petered out because in the POST WAR BABY BOOM period -----selling houses to baby boom families was DAMNED LUCRATIVE------and my dad did have the VA LOAN advantage-----SO THERE!!!!!!! ------even better---VERY LATELY there are even blacks in that NAZI BASTARD town now. try to control your white nationalism yearnings---------at least a little------ BTW----Jesus was a jew-------
well---a white jew from the GALIL -----where people tended to be so WHITE that some even had blondish hair-----like sand. Genetics and HUMAN SEXUALITY works like that. Lucky you----Jesus was not a jew of "COLOR" ------no matter what the purists of my childhood town ------DECIDE JEWS ARE...... but mother mary never cooked a HAM for easter. ------in my childhood town -----even WOPS were ------sorta "persons of color"

^^^^ :confused-84:

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