Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.

^^^^ Why are the Blacks and the Browns now saying they are "Persons of Colour"? Why are they being RACIST and DISCRIMINATING against Whites? I am White, White is a colour and so we Whites are also "Persons of Colour"

even better WHITE includes the whole spectrum------BLACK is the absence of color
Whites are the only "people of color."
When we're angry - red
When jealous - green
When scared - yellow

^^^^ Excellent!
I forgot, when cold, we turn blue and when frightened we turn (more) white.

We are also the only race with naturally occurring different hair and eye color (yes, I know the RARE eye color exception among minorities)
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

yeah---well -----da Chinese are ALSO anti white. -----as to ANTI-BLACK---have you ever met an IRANIAN? -----they hate BOTH blacks and arabs. ----
Racism is a complex issue-------try as you will you will never be able to DISTIL
it into a simple formula. This it the era of the idiot thing PERSON OF COLOR-------be of good cheer-------it will go out like pointy shoes and mini-mini skirts---(remember the cold behind days?)

OMG I forgot, it's now racist and offensive to call them Black's and yes it's now "Person of Color" how idiotic this all is.
I call them poc marks.
If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Total rubbish. Many free blacks immigrated to the U.S. throughout its history, from the Caribbean as well as Africa. Try looking up the history of New Orleans for one, and even New York. Almost none have ever left. Why is that? It must be something else they like about us white people.
Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Who were they forced by Rosie? Oh yes that's right, they were FORCED by their OWN African Chiefs who SOLD them to Evil Whitey.

The situation is this ALL the descendants of these African slaves should THANK Evil Whitey for buying them off the African Chiefs because they got transported to The West and IF they had NOT been then DeWayne and DeShawyne and Rayvon and LaKeisha and the rest of them RIGHT NOW would probably be still in some mud hut in whatever African Shithole their Slave Ancestors descended from.

Eldridge Cleaver decided he liked 'racist Amurka' more than Libya, for some reason; guess he figured out we aren't half bad after all. What they want is to have special privileges for their skin color and able to operate as a clique, then turning around and sniveling about the 'clannishness' of white people ... well, duh ....
Does Uncle Bernie have any black people living in his high end houses? Do the Obamas have any black neighbors?
Who were they forced by Rosie? Oh yes that's right, they were FORCED by their OWN African Chiefs who SOLD them to Evil Whitey.

The situation is this ALL the descendants of these African slaves should THANK Evil Whitey for buying them off the African Chiefs because they got transported to The West
and IF they had NOT been then DeWayne and DeShawyne and Rayvon and LaKeisha and the rest of them RIGHT NOW would probably be still in some mud hut in whatever African Shithole their Slave Ancestors descended from.


you lil' stupid deceitful dishonest racist, we Caucasoids did sell our own brothers into slavery too. Just like the African Chiefs did. See, look:

The White Slaves of Barbary

Yes all Races have indulged in intra-tribal wars where they sold their fellow brethren into Slavery. Yes. Those African tribes did the same thing we Caucasoids did to each other. So you look like real, deceitful, by trying to bring that up.

The issue at hand, in bringing up African Tribes, is how the African Tribes didn't decide to subjugate negro citizens from April 15 1619 - Feb 22 2020. We racist Americans made that decision.

African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Emanc Procl, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the 13th Amendment, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we USA Caucasoids do that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on Black History Month by subliminally deeming negros as, below animals, when we pretend to be celebrating this month ---we USA Caucasoids did that! And I have a feeling you really like what they did.
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Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Who were they forced by Rosie? Oh yes that's right, they were FORCED by their OWN African Chiefs who SOLD them to Evil Whitey.

The situation is this ALL the descendants of these African slaves should THANK Evil Whitey for buying them off the African Chiefs because they got transported to The West and IF they had NOT been then DeWayne and DeShawyne and Rayvon and LaKeisha and the rest of them RIGHT NOW would probably be still in some mud hut in whatever African Shithole their Slave Ancestors descended from.

Eldridge Cleaver decided he liked 'racist Amurka' more than Libya, for some reason; guess he figured out we aren't half bad after all. What they want is to have special privileges for their skin color and able to operate as a clique, then turning around and sniveling about the 'clannishness' of white people ... well, duh ....

you are VERY confused LIBYANS are not black-----they are arabs------ie CAUCASION ------the "person of color" is a giant fraud. Arabs treat
blacks as badly as do christians
Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Total rubbish. Many free blacks immigrated to the U.S. throughout its history, from the Caribbean as well as Africa. Try looking up the history of New Orleans for one, and even New York. Almost none have ever left. Why is that? It must be something else they like about us white people.

black slaves fled oppression in the Caribbean -----and blacks fled the filth of Christian oppression in Africa. South Africa and other countries down there had been conquered by WHITE CHRISTIAN OPPRESSORS What else is new?
gee-----your sunday school teacher really addled your mind
Update your new speck dictionary on the current date of this current year ..

Africanized bees

Those two words together....wacist


Does Uncle Bernie have any black people living in his high end houses? Do the Obamas have any black neighbors?
Funny thing is ,Obama never says ANYTHING about his mother,who is white. And RAISED him. His old man walked out. Hmmmmm.....
man0man I bet Lucy Hamilton will despise me even more, after she gets pummeled by more reality showcasing how African Chiefs were only practicing what they learned ---from watching our White ancestors, sell each other into Slavery:

Oh and since it's true that our White European ancestors sold our White brethren into slavery too...then here is a bit more reality for those of you who were bamboozled by racism's fav retard, Lucy Hamilton , when she deluded to what African Chiefs did by selling negros to our Caucasoid ancestors:

Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common
You're being pretty dishonest here when you refer to "we Caucasoids,"

You're talking about MUZZIES, a plague on this planet, while trying to make it look like it is the Western Christian world.

I've even agreed they are TECHNICALLY of the white race, but BARELY. You are being clearly dishonest in your rant.

This is about MUSLIMS enslaving CHRISTIANS. This is not about one Western democracy enslaving other Western democracies as all other groups have done to their own.

From the article YOU cite

A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780
Oh and since it's true that our White European ancestors sold our White brethren into slavery too...then here is a bit more reality for those of you who were bamboozled by racism's fav retard, Lucy Hamilton , when she deluded to what African Chiefs did by selling negros to our Caucasoid ancestors:

Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common
You're being pretty dishonest here when you refer to "we Caucasoids,"

You're talking about MUZZIES, a plague on this planet, while trying to make it look like it is the Western Christian world.

I've even agreed they are TECHNICALLY of the white race, but BARELY. You are being clearly dishonest in your rant.

This is about MUSLIMS enslaving CHRISTIANS. This is not about one Western democracy enslaving other Western democracies as all other groups have done to their own.

From the article YOU cite

A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780

He also likes to ignore just how old African slavery is; according to the PC Police, Africa is where humans began or something ridiculous like that, some claim the ancient Greeks were black, all that rubbish, so just how did they 'learn' anything from us poor stupid ignorant white people when they invented everything first???
Does Uncle Bernie have any black people living in his high end houses? Do the Obamas have any black neighbors?
Funny thing is ,Obama never says ANYTHING about his mother,who is white. And RAISED him. His old man walked out. Hmmmmm.....
His mother never raised him. She dumped the little shitstain with his grandparents and ran off with another black guy. The baby daddy had more wives back home.
You're being pretty dishonest here when you refer to "we Caucasoids,"

You're talking about MUZZIES, a plague on this planet, while trying to make it look like it is the Western Christian world.

I've even agreed they are TECHNICALLY of the white race, but BARELY. You are being clearly dishonest in your rant.

This is about MUSLIMS enslaving CHRISTIANS. This is not about one Western democracy enslaving other Western democracies as all other groups have done to their own.

Thanks, for admitting that I am correct. White people sold other Whites into slavery.

Yes, plus I also posted other links about it, yesterday. But of course, your deceitful mission caused you to steer clear of those links.

You know darn well that Caucasoids sold other Caucasoids into Slavery, so quit trying to obfuscate the plight of negros in the USA. Lucy Hamilton does not your help to be dishonest.
He also likes to ignore just how old African slavery is; according to the PC Police, Africa is where humans began or something ridiculous like that, some claim the ancient Greeks were black, all that rubbish, so just how did they 'learn' anything from us poor stupid ignorant white people when they invented everything first???

You are telling more lies on me here. I never ignored how old African slavery is.

I simply point out, how African Tribes selling their negro brethren into slavery, has everything to do with the fact how all Races have indulged in intra-tribal wars where they sold their fellow brethren into Slavery. Yes. Those African tribes did the same thing we Caucasoids did to each other. So you look like real, deceitful, by trying to bring that up.

The incorrectness, in bringing up African Tribes, is how the African Tribes didn't decide to subjugate USA negros from April 15 1619 - Feb 22 2020. We racist Americans made that decision.

African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Emanc Procl, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the 13th Amendment, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we USA Caucasoids do that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on Black History Month by subliminally deeming negros as, below animals, when we pretend to be celebrating this month ---we USA Caucasoids did that! And I have a feeling you really like what they did.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s
You aren't good enough to lie about. You are some random black guy who thinks he found a new schtick.

I have no control over your hallucinations here.

Now go gnash your trailer park molars and bicuspids over the fact that I am a Caucasoid just exactly like, you, and no there isn't a damn thing you can do change that fact :)
Well you aren't like me because I'm half Iroquois. You are a black boy marinated in black buzzwords.
The Race Card Is a Joker, Used in Card Games Played by Children

"Racist" is a buzzword among Whites who were born rich. Outside that sheltered and irrationally conceited community, it has no moral significance. The HeirHeads know that their Daddies buy them jobs that belong to the best of the rest of White people, and which feral minorities are incapable of doing. Liberalism is class warfare disguised as self-righteous humanitarianism. It is not at all pro-Black; it is completely anti-White. Those with terminal Affluenza feel that they inherited superior genes and have evolved into a separate Born to Rule race.

Perhaps the poster is a White MAGA, but from that spoiled-putrid class. He is terrified of the Preppy Progressives, so he wants to purify MAGA by purging "racists" from it. Trump is pro-White, but not at all anti-Black.

""Racist" is a buzzword among Whites who were born rich."

I disagree 100% as my family have been very very wealthy since the 16th Century I'm Independently Wealthy I do not have to work per se, I do volunteer to assist now 16 charities and I volunteer when I can at the Suicide Hotline to talk to Lost Souls and hopefully give them a reason to live another day etc,
So anyhow this is why I disagree 100% because I'm wealthy and so is my family (it's so vulgar I do not use racist as a buzzword and my family also do not, also in the entire history of my family there has been no Liberalism, my family have always been Right-Wing and Nationalist Patriotic.
Marie Antoinette Was Austrian

Thinking that your individual situation stands for the whole is a characteristic of the solipsistic world of inherited wealth, which is unearned and must be abolished. Also typical is the hidden hatred of the best of the rest, a disingenuous desire to save those who don't deserve to be saved and to purposely neglect financing people with potential. That's where the confiscated inheritances must go, from blueblood to brains.

"Vulgar" indeed is the slavish herd's superstition that God must love those he made born rich. Similar to the caste-serving myth of Hinduism, as if there had been a pre-life where the pre-born souls who had been holy got to win the birth lottery.

Why did your ancestors desert Vienna in 1683, leaving an open door for Islam to conquer the world and subjugate the White race? If the Turks had been led by someone as dedicated as Osama bin Laden, that's what would happened. The last day for subhuman Islam to return us to the Dark Ages, the eve of the Polish victory that saved Austrians from being cursed by all true humans, was September 11.

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