Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment

Trump is ... not at all anti-Black.

ahhhh I see here that you did finally stop posting long enough to get, cognizant, of what I had posted here pages ago:

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
The Hereditary Ruling Class's Race Treason

AfrAms think the way their Limousine Liberal handlers tell them to think, whine on cue as much as the Preppy Progressives would if Daddy's Money were taken away from them, and got their childishly self-indulgent drug culture's initial financing from the degenerate Whites' trust funds, same with any music that is chanted solely to annoy the other White people.

The wild and stupid simian race would become docile if real Americans ever woke up and pulled the sponsoring upper class down.
Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Total rubbish. Many free blacks immigrated to the U.S. throughout its history, from the Caribbean Try looking up the history of New Orleans for one, and even New York. Almost none have ever left. Why is that? It must be something else they like about us white people.
Monroe's Doctrine Was Forced on Him by Anti-Expansionists

The history that the elitists preach to us has always been self-serving and empty of common sense.The Civil War could have been prevented if we had annexed the islands in the Caribbean, as President Monroe wanted to do. Then the Abolitionists could have had the Western states that the war started over.
Does Uncle Bernie have any black people living in his high end houses? Do the Obamas have any black neighbors?
Funny thing is ,Obama never says ANYTHING about his mother,who is white. And RAISED him. His old man walked out. Hmmmmm.....
Works Like a Charm on Degenerates Who Want to Wallow in Jungle Culture Anyway

He was the product of date rape. Also, his father opened with the guilt-extortion line, "You won't have sex with me just because I'm Black, so you are a racist after all!"
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

Actually if you ask white nationalists they're not at all fond of the slave owners; Abraham Lincoln was the advocate of white nationalism in the 1850's, he wanted to ship them all back to Africa, and most of his votes came from northern whites who wanted the same thing. You're confused as usual, Rosie, due to your own bigotry and racism, like most Democrats are.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.
Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Total rubbish. Many free blacks immigrated to the U.S. throughout its history, from the Caribbean Try looking up the history of New Orleans for one, and even New York. Almost none have ever left. Why is that? It must be something else they like about us white people.
Monroe's Doctrine Was Forced on Him by Anti-Expansionists

The history that the elitists preach to us has always been self-serving and empty of common sense.The Civil War could have been prevented if we had annexed the islands in the Caribbean, as President Monroe wanted to do. Then the Abolitionists could have had the Western states that the war started over.

Many free blacks from Haiti and other places in South America immigrated to Louisiana along with the white slave owners; many mulattos owned slaves as well, and brought them with them. They continued to do so after the Revolution, also immigrated to Philadelphia. Some became quite wealthy as slave traders in New Orleans and Charleston, and as caterers and the like in Pennsylvania.
He also likes to ignore just how old African slavery is; according to the PC Police, Africa is where humans began or something ridiculous like that, some claim the ancient Greeks were black, all that rubbish, so just how did they 'learn' anything from us poor stupid ignorant white people when they invented everything first???

You are telling more lies on me here. I never ignored how old African slavery is.

I simply point out, how African Tribes selling their negro brethren into slavery, has everything to do with the fact how all Races have indulged in intra-tribal wars where they sold their fellow brethren into Slavery. Yes. Those African tribes did the same thing we Caucasoids did to each other. So you look like real, deceitful, by trying to bring that up.

The incorrectness, in bringing up African Tribes, is how the African Tribes didn't decide to subjugate USA negros from April 15 1619 - Feb 22 2020. We racist Americans made that decision.

African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Emanc Procl, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the 13th Amendment, we USA Caucasoids did that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we USA Caucasoids do that. African Tribes didn't decide to spit on Black History Month by subliminally deeming negros as, below animals, when we pretend to be celebrating this month ---we USA Caucasoids did that! And I have a feeling you really like what they did.

I never lie, dufus. You're the one trying tp play semantics and losing here. lol @ 'caucasoids' and 'spiting' in stuff. Black history doesn't take an entire month to tell, anyway, which is why PBS has to rerun the same 5 shows every day.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

Actually if you ask white nationalists they're not at all fond of the slave owners; Abraham Lincoln was the advocate of white nationalism in the 1850's, he wanted to ship them all back to Africa, and most of his votes came from northern whites who wanted the same thing. You're confused as usual, Rosie, due to your own bigotry and racism, like most Democrats are.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.
Muslims have been slaughtering people since the 7th Century. They stole Scripture from the Torah ,the Gospel ,added some Pagan crap ,and started a wave of Barbarian conquest that hasn't stopped yet.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.

Pic WASPISH revisionist history
Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

you went a bit overboard there,, Pic------the arabs were no more barbaric in their
forms of slavery than were the christians

Sure Rosie, sure ... that must be why the world's refugees have all flocked to Saudi Arabia and Syria and nobody ever came to the Europe or America voluntarily.

are you DELIRIOUS? I got news------black Africans did not struggle to
migrate to either the USA or South America or Europe IN ORDER TO ENJOY
THE GLORY OF CHRISTIAN SLAVERY------they were forced

Total rubbish. Many free blacks immigrated to the U.S. throughout its history, from the Caribbean Try looking up the history of New Orleans for one, and even New York. Almost none have ever left. Why is that? It must be something else they like about us white people.
Monroe's Doctrine Was Forced on Him by Anti-Expansionists

The history that the elitists preach to us has always been self-serving and empty of common sense.The Civil War could have been prevented if we had annexed the islands in the Caribbean, as President Monroe wanted to do. Then the Abolitionists could have had the Western states that the war started over.

Probably true. At the end of the day, though, it was the British Navy that enforced the Monroe Doctrine; we didn't have much of a Navy until after Monroe.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

Fuck, this is beyond pathetic. This is why racism gets diluted.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.
Muslims have been slaughtering people since the 7th Century. They stole Scripture from the Torah ,the Gospel ,added some Pagan crap ,and started a wave of Barbarian conquest that hasn't stopped yet.
Big deal, Christians have been doing it longer, and also added "some Pagan crap" to the religion.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.

pic waspish revisionist history
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.

pic lies again-------he seems to understand anti-slavery movements as taught
ONLY in sunday school
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.
Muslims have been slaughtering people since the 7th Century. They stole Scripture from the Torah ,the Gospel ,added some Pagan crap ,and started a wave of Barbarian conquest that hasn't stopped yet.
Big deal, Christians have been doing it longer, and also added "some Pagan crap" to the religion.
Allah was a Moon God. Before Mohammed.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.
Muslims have been slaughtering people since the 7th Century. They stole Scripture from the Torah ,the Gospel ,added some Pagan crap ,and started a wave of Barbarian conquest that hasn't stopped yet.
Big deal, Christians have been doing it longer, and also added "some Pagan crap" to the religion.
Allah was a Moon God. Before Mohammed.
A lot of the words for God used in different Indo-European languages also have pagan roots.

For example the Slavic word:
Russian word for God is BOG – Rooted in the Sanskrit Bhagavan
Greek Theos, related to the Latin Deus (or Greek Zeus):
θεός -
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.

pic lies again-------he seems to understand anti-slavery movements as taught
ONLY in sunday school

Rosie of course gets her silly versions of 'history' from hardcore racist Chasidics. If anyone is interested they can find a book titled Jerusalem In The Time Of Jesus by Joachim Jeremias, a socio-economic study of Jewish culture and society circa 100B.C.-70 A.D.; Jewish 'racial purity' laws and slavery take up a third of the book, they're so obsessive and detailed. That was the major focus of Jewish 'leadership' and religion after the return of the exiles under Cyrus, not the Torah.
ethos---you are right-----SLAVERY was a norm in just about all human societies (and religions) -------various nationalists type nuts have been claiming "we didn't
do it" ------mostly since the 1960s

The abolitionist movement and the anti-slavery movements were all founded and supported by white Christians, Rosie; Muslims never started any such movements, neither did pagans, neither did Jews, nor did atheists. A few blacks joined later, mostly Baptists.

pic lies again-------he seems to understand anti-slavery movements as taught
ONLY in sunday school

Rosie of course gets her silly versions of 'history' from hardcore racist Chasidics. If anyone is interested they can find a book titled Jerusalem In The Time Of Jesus by Joachim Jeremias, a socio-economic study of Jewish culture and society circa 100B.C.-70 A.D.; Jewish 'racial purity' laws and slavery take up a third of the book, they're so obsessive and detailed. That was the major focus of Jewish 'leadership' and religion after the return of the exiles under Cyrus, not the Torah.

pic gets his history from sunday school coloring books. He never met a chassid in
his pathetic life
Marie Antoinette Was Austrian

Thinking that your individual situation stands for the whole is a characteristic of the solipsistic world of inherited wealth, which is unearned and must be abolished. Also typical is the hidden hatred of the best of the rest, a disingenuous desire to save those who don't deserve to be saved and to purposely neglect financing people with potential. That's where the confiscated inheritances must go, from blueblood to brains.

"Vulgar" indeed is the slavish herd's superstition that God must love those he made born rich. Similar to the caste-serving myth of Hinduism, as if there had been a pre-life where the pre-born souls who had been holy got to win the birth lottery.

Why did your ancestors desert Vienna in 1683, leaving an open door for Islam to conquer the world and subjugate the White race? If the Turks had been led by someone as dedicated as Osama bin Laden, that's what would happened. The last day for subhuman Islam to return us to the Dark Ages, the eve of the Polish victory that saved Austrians from being cursed by all true humans, was September 11.

Actually, it is quite the opposite.

Those who spend their lives wrapped up in, monetary wealth, are usually the people who are furthest from God via the amt of time it takes/amt of dedication it takes, to achieve and sustain wealth. God expects his children to seek Righteousness and be, selfless, which is the exact opposite of the mindset needed to achieve wealth anywhere on earth.

It just, might be, the reasoning behind this biblical scripture in Matthew 19:24
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