Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment

If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

well it's clear that You suuuuure didn't need black history month in order to become, craziest, so I don't think your assertion here is relevant to the reality which we all live in.

Tipsy's post # 231 is relevant because it's accurate, that's the type of thing they should teach at Black History Month that there has NEVER been We Wuz Kangz EVER.

Can you picture some student writing a black history month essay that told the truth? Martin Luther King Jr. was a drunk and diseased whorelover. He plagiarized his I have a dream speech from Archibald Carey. If he hadn't been assassinated, Ralph Abernathy was going to go to the police with evidence of King's embezzlement from the Ebenezer church. Coretta King was convinced that her husband's death was by black muslims and remained so for years.

It is black poachers that kill the animals of Africa and sell the carcasses to wealthy Asians for boner medicine. Certainly that's the story of black people too. Black history repeats. They sold their people to Arab and Portuguese slavers. Now they sell their heritage to the Chinese. That's worth an essay.

Yes but teaching what is accurate would ruin the Fantasy Delusional Land that Blacks literally invented and created EVERYTHING but that the reason NOBODY knows that is because Evil Whitey ERASED it from the history books that Evil Whitey wrote, I mean this is the actual narrative the SJW's are pushing.

The situation is that Civilisation itself was created and sustained via across Centuries and Centuries and Pre-Biblical Times by a combination of the Ancient Egyptian's who primarily were what we today would call Mediterranean White, the Ancient Chinese, the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Roman's and I would also add the Carthaginian's who were in what is now Tunisia and so they also were NOT Black.

Blacks have played ZERO part in the creation and the sustaining of Civilisation as we have ALWAYS known it.
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If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

well it's clear that You suuuuure didn't need black history month in order to become, craziest, so I don't think your assertion here is relevant to the reality which we all live in.

Tipsy's post # 231 is relevant because it's accurate, that's the type of thing they should teach at Black History Month that there has NEVER been We Wuz Kangz EVER.

Can you picture some student writing a black history month essay that told the truth? Martin Luther King Jr. was a drunk and diseased whorelover. He plagiarized his I have a dream speech from Archibald Carey. If he hadn't been assassinated, Ralph Abernathy was going to go to the police with evidence of King's embezzlement from the Ebenezer church. Coretta King was convinced that her husband's death was by black muslims and remained so for years.

It is black poachers that kill the animals of Africa and sell the carcasses to wealthy Asians for boner medicine. Certainly that's the story of black people too. Black history repeats. They sold their people to Arab and Portuguese slavers. Now they sell their heritage to the Chinese. That's worth an essay.

Yes but teaching what is accurate would ruin the Fantasy Delusional Land that Blacks literally invented and created EVERYTHING but that the reason NOBODY knows that is because Evil Whitey ERASED it from the history books that Evil Whitey wrote, I mean this is the actual narrative the SJW's are pushing.

The situation is that Civilisation itself was created and sustained via across Centuries and Centuries and Pre-Biblical Times by a combination of the Ancient Egyptian's who primarily were what we today would call Mediterranean White, the Ancient Chinese, the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Roman's and I would also add the Carthaginian's who were in what is now Tunisia and so they also were NOT Black.

Blacks have played ZERO part in the creation and the sustaining of Civilisation as we have ALWAYS known it.

you left out the INDUS VALLEY------not actually "black" either-------but neither
were the "red" "Indians"-------of south America Mayan genius and the Aztecs who invented avocadoes, and chocolate and---MOST OF ALL CAPSAICIN which has conquered THE WORLD. -------the skin color thing is true idiocy-----the "BRAIN" of-----human beans is built the same across the ENTIRE GLOBE
(neuroscience is my "thing")
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

well it's clear that You suuuuure didn't need black history month in order to become, craziest, so I don't think your assertion here is relevant to the reality which we all live in.

Tipsy's post # 231 is relevant because it's accurate, that's the type of thing they should teach at Black History Month that there has NEVER been We Wuz Kangz EVER.

Can you picture some student writing a black history month essay that told the truth? Martin Luther King Jr. was a drunk and diseased whorelover. He plagiarized his I have a dream speech from Archibald Carey. If he hadn't been assassinated, Ralph Abernathy was going to go to the police with evidence of King's embezzlement from the Ebenezer church. Coretta King was convinced that her husband's death was by black muslims and remained so for years.

It is black poachers that kill the animals of Africa and sell the carcasses to wealthy Asians for boner medicine. Certainly that's the story of black people too. Black history repeats. They sold their people to Arab and Portuguese slavers. Now they sell their heritage to the Chinese. That's worth an essay.

Yes but teaching what is accurate would ruin the Fantasy Delusional Land that Blacks literally invented and created EVERYTHING but that the reason NOBODY knows that is because Evil Whitey ERASED it from the history books that Evil Whitey wrote, I mean this is the actual narrative the SJW's are pushing.

The situation is that Civilisation itself was created and sustained via across Centuries and Centuries and Pre-Biblical Times by a combination of the Ancient Egyptian's who primarily were what we today would call Mediterranean White, the Ancient Chinese, the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Roman's and I would also add the Carthaginian's who were in what is now Tunisia and so they also were NOT Black.

Blacks have played ZERO part in the creation and the sustaining of Civilisation as we have ALWAYS known it.

you left out the INDUS VALLEY------not actually "black" either-------but neither
were the "red" "Indians"-------of south America Mayan genius and the Aztecs who invented avocadoes, and chocolate and---MOST OF ALL CAPSAICIN which has conquered THE WORLD. -------the skin color thing is true idiocy-----the "BRAIN" of-----human beans is built the same across the ENTIRE GLOBE
(neuroscience is my "thing")

The brain of, so IQ. We are going on the skin thing because of the TOTAL obsession by racist Leftist SJWs on the skin thing which is to essentially say that ONLY Black's were responsible for all the world's inventions and without Black's then EVERYONE else would literally still be living in caves.

And as you have said the Maya Civilisation, the Aztecs or the Incas were NOT Black. When I mention Civilisation the creation and sustaining of I do not include Maya, Aztec or Inca in this as they all were very localised to ONE specific region and never went further than that one specific region as opposed to say the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Romans.
Blacks have played ZERO part in the creation and the sustaining of Civilisation as we have ALWAYS known it.

I'm sorry but all these things you are posting are produced entirely by Blacks who have been sold the Propaganda that Blacks have been this incredible Civilisation sustaining force across Centuries and it's all complete horsecrap.
You aren't good enough to lie about. You are some random black guy who thinks he found a new schtick.

I have no control over your hallucinations here.

Now go gnash your trailer park molars and bicuspids over the fact that I am a Caucasoid just exactly like, you, and no there isn't a damn thing you can do change that fact :)
Well you aren't like me because I'm half Iroquois. You are a black boy marinated in black buzzwords.
The Race Card Is a Joker, Used in Card Games Played by Children

"Racist" is a buzzword among Whites who were born rich. Outside that sheltered and irrationally conceited community, it has no moral significance. The HeirHeads know that their Daddies buy them jobs that belong to the best of the rest of White people, and which feral minorities are incapable of doing. Liberalism is class warfare disguised as self-righteous humanitarianism. It is not at all pro-Black; it is completely anti-White. Those with terminal Affluenza feel that they inherited superior genes and have evolved into a separate Born to Rule race.

Perhaps the poster is a White MAGA, but from that spoiled-putrid class. He is terrified of the Preppy Progressives, so he wants to purify MAGA by purging "racists" from it. Trump is pro-White, but not at all anti-Black. respond with...

Carter G. Woodson is credited with creating Black History Month, in around 1926, he said White American history books fail to include negros who helped make America great. Yep. He said nothing about African ANIMALS if you go research his words.
When the Caucasian U.S. President Gerald Ford used the (1976) bicentennial celebration to make February officially Black History Month he said, 'we should seize this moment to recognize the all-too-excluded contributions of Negro citizens.' Yep ol' Gerry said nothing nada nil nunca about African ANIMALS being celebrated.

So I posted three (3) videos on this page, to solidify my stance ---whereas you? did just like Lucy Hamilton and only posted your stupid emotions here, with no proofs no evidence no exhibits, to verify that you are correct.

"He said nothing about African ANIMALS if you go research his words."

Why not? Was this Carter G. Woodson Anti-African animals? Why did he discriminate against those African animals? Obviously because he must have been a TOTAL savage who if he was alive today I would be DEMANDING that Carter G. Goodson was airdropped into Gitmo :smoke:
The entire controversy is predicated on the idiotic belief that no subject can be considered but black history and celebration is universal. To the cringeworthy black history month is religious. Respect it as you would respect any God.

Hell no. This is whacked out garbage. Black people in Africa never had a prayer of developing a civilization of any stature. They were hunter gatherers as many are to this day.

Read Ice People Sun People for explanation.
You aren't good enough to lie about. You are some random black guy who thinks he found a new schtick.

I have no control over your hallucinations here.

Now go gnash your trailer park molars and bicuspids over the fact that I am a Caucasoid just exactly like, you, and no there isn't a damn thing you can do change that fact :)
Well you aren't like me because I'm half Iroquois. You are a black boy marinated in black buzzwords.
The Race Card Is a Joker, Used in Card Games Played by Children

"Racist" is a buzzword among Whites who were born rich. Outside that sheltered and irrationally conceited community, it has no moral significance. The HeirHeads know that their Daddies buy them jobs that belong to the best of the rest of White people, and which feral minorities are incapable of doing. Liberalism is class warfare disguised as self-righteous humanitarianism. It is not at all pro-Black; it is completely anti-White. Those with terminal Affluenza feel that they inherited superior genes and have evolved into a separate Born to Rule race.

Perhaps the poster is a White MAGA, but from that spoiled-putrid class. He is terrified of the Preppy Progressives, so he wants to purify MAGA by purging "racists" from it. Trump is pro-White, but not at all anti-Black.

""Racist" is a buzzword among Whites who were born rich."

I disagree 100% as my family have been very very wealthy since the 16th Century - not rich you notice I did not say - there is a difference between wealthy and rich, rich is just like having some extra pocket money and means zero it's just throw away moneys etc, anyhow as I'm Independently Wealthy I do not have to work per se, I do volunteer to assist now 16 charities and I volunteer when I can at the Suicide Hotline to talk to Lost Souls and hopefully give them a reason to live another day etc, I also am in my Military Reservists and I have also been working for the Government in the Ministry of The Interior and I was an Attache at our Embassy in Turkey for 6 months last year which accounted for my 8 months not posting at all at this it's not like I do ZERO, which is why I have just provided a brief list of things that I do.

So anyhow this is why I disagree 100% because I'm wealthy and so is my family (it's so vulgar discussing finances, I think this is only about the third time I have mentioned this since I joined the forum, but always it has been to illustrate a point and not for any other reason) I do not use racist as a buzzword and my family also do not, also in the entire history of my family there has been no Liberalism, my family have always been Right-Wing and Nationalist Patriotic.
The entire controversy is predicated on the idiotic belief that no subject can be considered but black history and celebration is universal. To the cringeworthy black history month is religious. Respect it as you would respect any God.

Hell no. This is whacked out garbage. Black people in Africa never had a prayer of developing a civilization of any stature. They were hunter gatherers as many are to this day.

Read Ice People Sun People for explanation.

"To the cringeworthy black history month is religious. Respect it as you would respect any God."

Anti-White Racism and The Global Warming Hoax have become the Leftists religions, these things have been specifically designed to be put on ONLY Western nations by The International Globalists who 80% of them are of the Jesus Christ Is The ONLY Messiah Denying ilk. The purpose of this is to diminish Whites, especially White Christians, to actively reduce the birthrate by using "Saving The Planet, Planet Over-Populated" - they do NOT push this message on Africa or India you notice that are OVER POPULATED x 1000 by Blacks and Browns. In turn the lowering of the White birthrate is then used to justify importing in MASS amounts UNLIMITED numbers of Sub-Saharan Africans and Mooselimb Ragheads into ONLY Western nations to fill the workforce or whatever.

Population Replacement ONLY for Western nations.
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.

well it's clear that You suuuuure didn't need black history month in order to become, craziest, so I don't think your assertion here is relevant to the reality which we all live in.

Tipsy's post # 231 is relevant because it's accurate, that's the type of thing they should teach at Black History Month that there has NEVER been We Wuz Kangz EVER.

Can you picture some student writing a black history month essay that told the truth? Martin Luther King Jr. was a drunk and diseased whorelover. He plagiarized his I have a dream speech from Archibald Carey. If he hadn't been assassinated, Ralph Abernathy was going to go to the police with evidence of King's embezzlement from the Ebenezer church. Coretta King was convinced that her husband's death was by black muslims and remained so for years.

It is black poachers that kill the animals of Africa and sell the carcasses to wealthy Asians for boner medicine. Certainly that's the story of black people too. Black history repeats. They sold their people to Arab and Portuguese slavers. Now they sell their heritage to the Chinese. That's worth an essay.

Yes but teaching what is accurate would ruin the Fantasy Delusional Land that Blacks literally invented and created EVERYTHING but that the reason NOBODY knows that is because Evil Whitey ERASED it from the history books that Evil Whitey wrote, I mean this is the actual narrative the SJW's are pushing.

The situation is that Civilisation itself was created and sustained via across Centuries and Centuries and Pre-Biblical Times by a combination of the Ancient Egyptian's who primarily were what we today would call Mediterranean White, the Ancient Chinese, the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Roman's and I would also add the Carthaginian's who were in what is now Tunisia and so they also were NOT Black.

Blacks have played ZERO part in the creation and the sustaining of Civilisation as we have ALWAYS known it.

you left out the INDUS VALLEY------not actually "black" either-------but neither
were the "red" "Indians"-------of south America Mayan genius and the Aztecs who invented avocadoes, and chocolate and---MOST OF ALL CAPSAICIN which has conquered THE WORLD. -------the skin color thing is true idiocy-----the "BRAIN" of-----human beans is built the same across the ENTIRE GLOBE
(neuroscience is my "thing")

Yes, but they were so dependent on slavery they never bothered to even invent the wheel, so they just stagnated, and their diets were nothing to brag about, either; lifespans were zilch for the average Mayan and Incan, something like 25. They also developed very late relative to any other region outside of southern Africa and the Mongolian steppes.
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?
If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

you are disgusting, pic. Muslims use the SAME PERVERTED argument to
PROVE that islam is DA MOST TOLERANT RELIGION IN THE WORLD----since hindus, jews and Christians STILL EXIST. Killing EVERYONE is not so easy
-----ask your co-religionist, adolf
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If black history month makes people this crazy it should never have gotten the designation.
Re-Name It According to What the Feralphiles Designed It for: Make-Whitey-Feel-Guilty Month

In their 400 years here, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved.

If the WASPS were so horribly racist, as racist as the brown, black, and Asian demographics have been historically and still are today, there wouldn't be any of the sniveling little whiners around to be incessantly complaining. Waht they're really whining about is their own miserable cultural failings and demanding bailouts for their own degenerate cultural mistakes.

Perhaps THE most actual Anti-Black nation on the planet is China, they literally hate Blacks in China and yet The International Globalists are TOTALLY SILENT about this. Why isn't China being FORCED by The International Globalist controlled Neo-Marxist UN to take in UNLIMITED amounts of Sub-Saharan Africans as Muh Refugees and Muh Migrants? Why isn't China being called RACIST every five minutes?

Why are ONLY Western ie. HISTORICALLY White nations being subjected to all of this VOMIT about Muh Racism on a daily basis?

Yes. Also note there is no NAACP in the Middle East; that's because the Arabs murdered them all in the Middle Ages, and then castrated all the male slaves they brought in after that, and of course when they knock up one of their female slaves they killed the baby, and they killed the female slaves after they got too old to work or the owners got too bored for raping them. We have the NOI over here also, the retarded dumbasses who reject Christianty as a 'slave religion' while proclaiming their devotion to Islam, i.e utter morons, and big 'leaders' of the black 'communities' here.

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