study: Dem policies


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2012
Yep, you figured it out. Its really that simple!

Sorry to break it to you but our current situation is brought to you by many bad polices going back about 30 years ago.

But to stay on your link. One issue not brought up is the lack of economic savvy by the lower middle class these policies were aimed at. It goes back to knowing what one can afford and not afford.

But the failure of Fanny and Freddi does not explain the income inequality over the past few decades. The rich are richer and the poor are poorer. A strong housing market is ideal of course but we have to look at why money is flowing to the top and not trickling down, no pun intended. Income equality will lead to a much better housing market.
Pure Pubcrappe- Fannie+F went from 80% to 25% of the market under Booosh non-regulation, corruption, and cronyism, while private lenders sold toxic assets rated A+ around the world. The "reform" Clinton signed was written and forced through by Pubs, STIILL would have been alright without Bush administration shennanigans.
Voodoo and Reaganism explains the ruin of the nonrich and the country. It started with cuts for everyone, but shortfalls are made up for by higher state, local taxes and fees and payroll taxes (now higher than federal income taxes) which are negligible for the rich)-see sig pp1.
that's right ... of course, affordable housing for the poor is what caused the 2nd Great Republican Depression 2007-09.
that's right ... of course, affordable housing for the poor is what caused the 2nd Great Republican Depression 2007-09.

No, it was the poor defaulting on government-backed mortgages.

Must everything be explained to you?
What I want to know is why, when the stupidity of the housing bubble finally hit home and housing prices in general corrected downward, did everyone say that it was a bad thing?

When the price of gas drops, most folks 'round here do a happy dance :eusa_dance: Why not housing? :dunno:
It will happen again because people will pretend like it wasn't the housing market crash that led to it. Nah, don't admit you were wrong. Sending our country into another depression is better than admitting you were wrong.
CRA made it possible to lend money to the worthy poor. Bush shennanigans made it possible to lend to ANYONE, and insure them and bundle them and sell them around the world as A+ assets.Blaming poor people for taking houses from swindlers is silly, and that was a small % of the sales anyway.
CRA made it possible to lend money to the worthy poor. Bush shennanigans made it possible to lend to ANYONE, and insure them and bundle them and sell them around the world as A+ assets.Blaming poor people for taking houses from swindlers is silly, and that was a small % of the sales anyway.

From the article:
President Bush went to Congress repeatedly for years warning them that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going to destroy the economy (17 times in 2008 alone). Democrats continuously ignored him, shut down his proposals along party lines and continued raiding the institutions for campaign contributions on their way down.
Pure Pubcrappe- Fannie+F went from 80% to 25% of the market under Booosh non-regulation, corruption, and cronyism, while private lenders sold toxic assets rated A+ around the world. The "reform" Clinton signed was written and forced through by Pubs, STIILL would have been alright without Bush administration shennanigans.

How is it Pubcrappe when it comes from a non-bias / non-partisan research group?

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is an American private nonprofit research organization "committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community."[1] The NBER is well known for providing start and end dates for recessions in the United States.

nice try though
CRA made it possible to lend money to the worthy poor. Bush shennanigans made it possible to lend to ANYONE, and insure them and bundle them and sell them around the world as A+ assets.Blaming poor people for taking houses from swindlers is silly, and that was a small % of the sales anyway.

From the article:
President Bush went to Congress repeatedly for years warning them that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going to destroy the economy (17 times in 2008 alone). Democrats continuously ignored him, shut down his proposals along party lines and continued raiding the institutions for campaign contributions on their way down.

[ame=]Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble? - YouTube[/ame]

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