Study: Free birth control leads to fewer abortions; Romney wants to cut access.

Which again, I have no problem with, as long as they pay their fair share, play by the rules and give something back.

You're a pet parrot regurgitating the talking points of Fidel Castro. How's that working on out in Cuba? You have no new idea's, nor does the dumbocrat party. All of your bullshit has been done and it has been a spectacular failure.
Trickle down is a lie. Supply side doesn't work. We had our greatest prosperity when the workforce was heavily unionized, we invested in infrastructure and the top marginal rate was 93%.

There needs to be a balance to what a person earns, and what a company can afford in production costs to be competitive. Unions have a habit of negociating for higher wages and benefits that puts the company out of the market, and the workers nearly out of a job. The two auto companies in need of a bail-out were both union: GM and Dodge.

Except that did nothing of the sort. Reagan cut taxes, we had a weak recovery and huge deficits. Then Reagan agreed to tax increases. Then his deregulators let the Banking Industry ruin the economy, and after saying "read my lips", Bush put in another tax increase. Then Clinton put in a tax increase. And lo and behold, when you got the rich paynig their fair share and government doing its job, then we had real prosperity- and debt reduction.

Define the rich paying their fair share, when the poor who live off of government checks don't pay any federal taxes? To add, how many of those in poverty (who receive government assistance) have actually been able to work their way out of poverty, to become productive members of society, and contribute taxes back into the very Government that assisted them? Sounds like we actually have a rather expensive "assisted living" program without the kick-in-the-ass intiative.
Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon.

Look fuck'n loser, what amazes me is that I honestly doubt you are part of any power elite, but you seem to spend a lot of time trying to enslave people - forcing them to work but not get to keep the fruits of their labor.

What's funny is that, once your vision comes to fruition, you'll be one of the slaves that you so crave. That shows how stupid you are. You want to bring slavery back to the U.S. when you'll be one of the first working for the dictatorship and bitching about it the entire time.

You are correct, my friend. We all work and the government takes what they want from us and they continue to tighten the reins with their increasingly oppressive laws. They've put a debt on us that we won't live to see paid, nor will our great, great grandchildren. The wealthy, which is forever being redefined by this administration, are expected to pay for the reckless promises of overpaid, under-educated government critters whose agenda is to lift themselves to the ultimate level of power while the rest of us are looked upon as pawns.

The government, through too many controlling laws and an unfair tax burden, own us and give us no say in how they operate.

The country was founded so that people could rule government. Over the years both parties, especially the left, have successfully turned the tables. The minute the Great Society began, we headed down the road to a government-controlled socialist country. Like the dictators in history, it was fed to us a little at a time in a way that made people feel ashamed if they opposed because all their laws were for the children and the poor. That was a lie.

Exceptional post my friend. And what''s sad is, ever since "the great society", we've seen more and more failure. The people who support "the new deal" bullshit the most (like JoeB.) are the one's doing the most crying.

They create the failure, then cry the loudest about it.
There was a time when the right wing tries to justify giveaways to the rich by using mumbo-jumbo about "Supply Side" and "Trickle down".

First of all, the right doesn't give anything to the rich. The wealthy EARN it. You just can't accept that.

Second, there is nothing "mumbo-jumbo" about Trickle Down. 100% of ALL jobs comes from the wealthy. It's just that simple, stupid. Never in the history of the world has a homeless person given a job to anyone. A person on welfare has never given a job to anyone.

Third, no matter how bad Trickle Down Economics is, it's still a million times better than your TRICKLE UP POVERTY. Barack Obama has been using your Trickle Up Poverty for 4 years now, and the results have been $4,000 LESS per middle class family, higher education costs, higher healthcare costs, higher banking costs, higher unemployment, higher gas prices, and more people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history.

It's over JoeB. You and your "ideas" about economics are both monumental failures. You're embarrassing yourself trying to make arguments upstream against the FACTS... :rofl:
Making people pay their *fair share* according to your idea of fair, not theirs...that is by definition keeping people in their place.

Dismissed, freak.

I love how someone who has admitted to going to the food pantry and has lost her insurance is soooooooo concerned about the poor put upon wealthy.

Maybe you should throw a telephon for them.

It just proves she is a self-sufficient American, while you are a greedy, gimme-gimme-gimme communist.

Maybe you should throw a pity party for yourself.

Well, she's not self-sufficient if she's lost her insurance and job and has to go to the Church food pantry for food. (But oddly, she still has an internet connection. Go figure.)

Incidently, never took a dollar from the government I didn't earn, thanks. Probably paid them more than I ever made off of them.
There was a time when the right wing tries to justify giveaways to the rich by using mumbo-jumbo about "Supply Side" and "Trickle down".

First of all, the right doesn't give anything to the rich. The wealthy EARN it. You just can't accept that.

Second, there is nothing "mumbo-jumbo" about Trickle Down. 100% of ALL jobs comes from the wealthy. It's just that simple, stupid. Never in the history of the world has a homeless person given a job to anyone. A person on welfare has never given a job to anyone.

Third, no matter how bad Trickle Down Economics is, it's still a million times better than your TRICKLE UP POVERTY. Barack Obama has been using your Trickle Up Poverty for 4 years now, and the results have been $4,000 LESS per middle class family, higher education costs, higher healthcare costs, higher banking costs, higher unemployment, higher gas prices, and more people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history.

It's over JoeB. You and your "ideas" about economics are both monumental failures. You're embarrassing yourself trying to make arguments upstream against the FACTS... :rofl:

Here's your usual horseshit, and I'm honestly wondering if you are brainwashed or just a paid shill.

Fact is, the wealthy don't create jobs. Consumer demand creates jobs. Working people create jobs. You could eliminate corporations, confiscate all the wealth and simply have agencies of the government run production, and you know what, it would work as well as anything else.

Not saying you should... but you could. Countries have done that.

Now you can go there and whine about "trickle up poverty", but the fact is, more consumer activity happens because of working people buying consumer goods than rich people buying Dressage Horsies..
Which again, I have no problem with, as long as they pay their fair share, play by the rules and give something back.

You're a pet parrot regurgitating the talking points of Fidel Castro. How's that working on out in Cuba? You have no new idea's, nor does the dumbocrat party. All of your bullshit has been done and it has been a spectacular failure.

I don't know, ask your average Cuban if he's happier with Castro or what things were like under Batista, when foreigners owned 90% of the arable land...

I find it amusing that we've been punishing Cuba for 50 years now for throwing us out, and we act like we are superior somehow.

The ironic thing is, people like you are making America more and more like Batista's Cuba, and we all know how that turned out.
Because it's a true story of someone who went from homeless poverty to millionaire all by themselves, you stupid greedy fuck. EARN YOUR OWN MONEY AND STOP STEALING FROM OTHERS.

The only people i see doing the stealing are the rich.

When the poor steal, it's called "Crime".

When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".
Point out a case where someone has become rich without someone helping them...

I just did - his name was Chris Gardner and they made a movie about him. But like all other facts, you are completely ignorant of him, his situation, and the millions of Americans who have accumulated wealth all by themselves.

It happens every single day in America. It happens every single week in America. It happens every single month in America. It happens every single year in America.

You're problem is, your just lazy. And you're a fucking baby throwing a tantrum over what you don't have because you're not willing to earn it.

Probbaly because it ain't true.

And it isn't about what I don't have. I have everything I want to have. It's keeping it that's the problem when every year, some of the rich try to find new schemes to cheat me.
Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon.

Look fuck'n loser, what amazes me is that I honestly doubt you are part of any power elite, but you seem to spend a lot of time trying to enslave people - forcing them to work but not get to keep the fruits of their labor.

What's funny is that, once your vision comes to fruition, you'll be one of the slaves that you so crave. That shows how stupid you are. You want to bring slavery back to the U.S. when you'll be one of the first working for the dictatorship and bitching about it the entire time.

Sorry, guy, we aren't slaves if we can vote them out.

And the wealthy don't earn their wealth. Other people do. That's the one thing I've learned working in the private sector. Some fat rich asshole telling us they are cutting benefits again, or we can only get a raise that doesn't keep up with inflation because they have to make good to the investors who knew we were a bad bet going in.

People are tired of the shit. Dumbasses like you might keep voting for scraps off the table, but the rest of us just figured to upend the game.

Not to worry, when Romney loses, it'll be because he wasn't "conservative" enough.
Incidently, never took a dollar from the government I didn't earn, thanks. Probably paid them more than I ever made off of them.

Good - since you're the idiot advocating for government to take, take, take...
You could eliminate corporations, confiscate all the wealth and simply have agencies of the government run production, and you know what, it would work as well as anything else.

Not saying you should... but you could. Countries have done that.

Yes - and they all collapsed, stupid (U.S.S.R., Cuba, etc.).
People are tired of the shit. Dumbasses like you might keep voting for scraps off the table, but the rest of us just figured to upend the game.

Not to worry, when Romney loses, it'll be because he wasn't "conservative" enough.

Let me get this straight - you're disgusted about the large volumes of "scraps off the table" of the wealthy, so you want the miniscule rationed scraps off the table of the government? Man, you are even dumber than I thought... :rofl:

Seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up. I think the dumbocrats are actually operating in the negative IQ range now.
I don't know, ask your average Cuban if he's happier with Castro or what things were like under Batista, when foreigners owned 90% of the arable land...

And 100% of them would tell you that things were exponentially better under Batista, including Castro himself.

How many people climbed on to crude rafts of wood and twine and risked their lives under the harshest conditions in hopes of landing in America to escape Cuba under Batista? Exactly. It's remarkable the things you fail to take into consideration before commenting.

Fidel Castro Admits Central Government Planning a FAILURE:

Fidel Castro: Cuba's Communism Not Working | Fox News

Fidel Castro says Cuban model no longer works | Reuters

Uh, Nevermind. Fidel Castro Says Communism Doesn't Work

Castro: Cuba's Economic Model 'Doesn't Work'
By the way, how do you explain that I worship Allen West? Oops - as usual your weak & sad argument falls apart as I expose your ignorance.

You mean you worship a crazy person? That explains much.

He sees "communists" under his bed, too.

You probably both need medication.

Why do you change the issue when you're getting your ass kicked in a discussion? You falsely claimed I'm racist. I asked how do you explain my huge support and admiration of Allen West then? Still waiting for an explanation or an acknowledgement that you flat out lied and tried to hide behind racism because you were losing a disagreement.
And you greedy, dumb assholes who vote against your own economic interest

If we're (and I quote) "voting against are own economic interests", then aren't we in fact selfless?!?

This is how stupid you are - you vote people in who promise to feed your greed, and then call people who vote against handouts "greedy".

"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country" - John F. Kennedy (Dumbocrat)
Incidently, never took a dollar from the government I didn't earn, thanks. Probably paid them more than I ever made off of them.

Good - since you're the idiot advocating for government to take, take, take...

No, I just realize that good schools, good roads, clean water are more important than rich douchebags having dancing horsies...

I think when people work hard their whole lives, they shouldn't spend their golden years eating Alpo because we need to give the rich yet another tax cut that never seems to "trickle down" to the rest of us.
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And you greedy, dumb assholes who vote against your own economic interest

If we're (and I quote) "voting against are own economic interests", then aren't we in fact selfless?!?

This is how stupid you are - you vote people in who promise to feed your greed, and then call people who vote against handouts "greedy".

"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country" - John F. Kennedy (Dumbocrat)

No, guy, it means you're being stupid.

The Rich aren't your friends, and they don't have the best interest of the country at heart.

When I was in the Army, only met one rich person the whole time I was there. He was an officer, he was worthless, and he had a vast sense of entitlement. (He was essentially one of the "Idiot Nephews" of a rich Chicago family.)

Free Trade is not in your economic interest.
You paying 25% tax burden while Mitt pays 11% is not in your economic interest.

This should be simple, even for you with your learning disability.
By the way, how do you explain that I worship Allen West? Oops - as usual your weak & sad argument falls apart as I expose your ignorance.

You mean you worship a crazy person? That explains much.

He sees "communists" under his bed, too.

You probably both need medication.

Why do you change the issue when you're getting your ass kicked in a discussion? You falsely claimed I'm racist. I asked how do you explain my huge support and admiration of Allen West then? Still waiting for an explanation or an acknowledgement that you flat out lied and tried to hide behind racism because you were losing a disagreement.

There's nothing admirable about Alan West... He's another crazy Teabagger who has made Congress unworkable.

And because he's a black guy who validates your bigotry, doesn't make you less of a bigot.

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