Study: Free birth control leads to fewer abortions; Romney wants to cut access.

So you've learned how to say "Marxist" instead of the N-word, and you think you fool anyone?

What I see is a basically good guy you would be touting if he had an R behind his name.

Your passive racism is just as despicable as as the overt racism of the ignorant red-neck KKK members. In fact, you're likely one of them based on your racism and your communism (after all, dumbocrat is the party of the KKK).

If my problem with Barack Obama had anything to do with his skin color, I'd scream "******" in giant font, loudly and proudly. Unlike you, I'm not a passive racist and I'm not a coward.

By the way, how do you explain that I worship Allen West? Oops - as usual your weak & sad argument falls apart as I expose your ignorance.
Does it count as "keeping people in their place" when you propose knocking rich people down and stealing their $$?

No, that's paying your fair share.

I have no problem with people being rich. Frankly, most of civilized society is about defending the right to be rich. If you had complete anarchy, you'd have no rich people. They'd never be able to hold on to anything for that long.

The wealthy SHOULD pay more in taxes. They should be subject to all the same laws the rest of us are. When we have a war, their kids should be in the foxholes right next to the kids of the poor folks.

And to be fair to the rich, the rich of an earlier time understood this.

It's only this new generation of Ayn Rand reading douchebags who have an inflated sense of their own worth.

Thats not true though, lots of rich people are in the military.....George Patton was LOADED......but came across as a average joe, general

Pat Tillman....gave up an NFL lets stop the bs on that

Palin's son went to the sand happens man.....
I hate the income I dont mind anyone lowering them til nothing....
Making people pay their *fair share* according to your idea of fair, not theirs...that is by definition keeping people in their place.

Dismissed, freak.
No, that's paying your fair share.

So then you're advocating for tax cuts for the wealthy and you're supporting Mitt Romney? Because we've already proven that for the wealthy to pay their fair share, we'd have to cut taxes for the wealthy by about 75%.

They don't pay their fair share at all. They control too much of the wealth and they pay less than working families do.

It's insane that Mitt Pays an 11% tax rate on eight figures of income.
Making people pay their *fair share* according to your idea of fair, not theirs...that is by definition keeping people in their place.

Dismissed, freak.

I love how someone who has admitted to going to the food pantry and has lost her insurance is soooooooo concerned about the poor put upon wealthy.

Maybe you should throw a telephon for them.
FACT: There is no such thing as "free" birth control other than you being too ugly to find a mate. Nothing in life is free, certainly not birth control, the Tax Payers actually have to pay for it and we're getting sick and tired of paying for other people's crap.
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Romney is all about money.. a Budget. He isn't going to Fund George Soros's Planned Parent Hood any more. I don't believe he thinks he can change how women think of themselves.
A half a billion dollars a year is better in our till than in the pocket of a Buffoon like Soros.
Girls, should pay there own fucking way for there own pussies.. or have the guy who stuck it to it pay. If, they know which one it was.

Okay so we know now Big Bird and Pussies are off the table..
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Does it count as "keeping people in their place" when you propose knocking rich people down and stealing their $$?

No, that's paying your fair share.

I have no problem with people being rich. Frankly, most of civilized society is about defending the right to be rich. If you had complete anarchy, you'd have no rich people. They'd never be able to hold on to anything for that long.

The wealthy SHOULD pay more in taxes. They should be subject to all the same laws the rest of us are. When we have a war, their kids should be in the foxholes right next to the kids of the poor folks.

And to be fair to the rich, the rich of an earlier time understood this.

It's only this new generation of Ayn Rand reading douchebags who have an inflated sense of their own worth.

Thats not true though, lots of rich people are in the military.....George Patton was LOADED......but came across as a average joe, general

Pat Tillman....gave up an NFL lets stop the bs on that

Palin's son went to the sand happens man.....
I hate the income I dont mind anyone lowering them til nothing....

Tillman didn't come from wealth.

Neither Did Palin. In fact, the Palins prove while you can take the trash out of the trailer park, you can't take the trailer park out of the trash.

Patton never came off as an "average joe". I think the problem is, you are mistaking him for the character played by George C. Scott in that movie. Patton was an arrogant, entitled a--hole who put the lives of his men at risk unnecessarily to get himself into the papers. But he did come from a time when the rich felt the need to serve.... I'll give him that. Of course, they had to serve as the officers, just to let themselves know that they were better than the rest of us. His only virtue is that he was competent.

Now, to your main whine.... the Income Tax is awesome,when applied properly. It's really the only way to make sure the rich pay their fair share, which is why it was put in to replace what we used to do, which was tariffs and excises.
Nobody has ever pulled himself up, not once. They've been pulled up by others or have climbed over others.

The most ignorant quote ever, by the most ignorant poster ever. Go watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" and then come back and talk to me about your insanely ignorant views on the world...

Why would I need to see that, ignormaus.

Point out a case where someone has become rich without someone helping them...


No one ever has. No one ever will.

This is just the fact of life of being a social animal.

Which again, I have no problem with, as long as they pay their fair share, play by the rules and give something back.

Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon. There was a time when the right wing tries to justify giveaways to the rich by using mumbo-jumbo about "Supply Side" and "Trickle down". Now it's just that they "Deserve" to keep their wealth more than working families trying to put food on the table, even when they are the ones making it harder for them to do so.

As a pure practical matter, when you have a soceity that divides itself between just the very rich and the very poor, things never end up well. I'll freely admit, 10 years ago, I'd have never considered voting for a guy like Obama. Today I would. I doubt he could have gotten even the Democratic nomination 10 years ago.
Nobody has ever pulled himself up, not once. They've been pulled up by others or have climbed over others.

The most ignorant quote ever, by the most ignorant poster ever. Go watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" and then come back and talk to me about your insanely ignorant views on the world...

Why would I need to see that, ignormaus.

Point out a case where someone has become rich without someone helping them...


No one ever has. No one ever will.

This is just the fact of life of being a social animal.

Which again, I have no problem with, as long as they pay their fair share, play by the rules and give something back.

Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon. There was a time when the right wing tries to justify giveaways to the rich by using mumbo-jumbo about "Supply Side" and "Trickle down". Now it's just that they "Deserve" to keep their wealth more than working families trying to put food on the table, even when they are the ones making it harder for them to do so.

As a pure practical matter, when you have a soceity that divides itself between just the very rich and the very poor, things never end up well. I'll freely admit, 10 years ago, I'd have never considered voting for a guy like Obama. Today I would. I doubt he could have gotten even the Democratic nomination 10 years ago.

One of his first orders of business was to shut down the Chamber of Commerce.
Don't vote for him... He's much worse than you think.
Making people pay their *fair share* according to your idea of fair, not theirs...that is by definition keeping people in their place.

Dismissed, freak.

I love how someone who has admitted to going to the food pantry and has lost her insurance is soooooooo concerned about the poor put upon wealthy.

Maybe you should throw a telephon for them.

It just proves she is a self-sufficient American, while you are a greedy, gimme-gimme-gimme communist.

Maybe you should throw a pity party for yourself.
Nobody has ever pulled himself up, not once. They've been pulled up by others or have climbed over others.

The most ignorant quote ever, by the most ignorant poster ever. Go watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" and then come back and talk to me about your insanely ignorant views on the world...

Why would I need to see that, ignormaus.

Point out a case where someone has become rich without someone helping them...


No one ever has. No one ever will.

This is just the fact of life of being a social animal.

Which again, I have no problem with, as long as they pay their fair share, play by the rules and give something back.

Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon. There was a time when the right wing tries to justify giveaways to the rich by using mumbo-jumbo about "Supply Side" and "Trickle down". Now it's just that they "Deserve" to keep their wealth more than working families trying to put food on the table, even when they are the ones making it harder for them to do so.

As a pure practical matter, when you have a soceity that divides itself between just the very rich and the very poor, things never end up well. I'll freely admit, 10 years ago, I'd have never considered voting for a guy like Obama. Today I would. I doubt he could have gotten even the Democratic nomination 10 years ago.

Because it's a true story of someone who went from homeless poverty to millionaire all by themselves, you stupid greedy fuck. EARN YOUR OWN MONEY AND STOP STEALING FROM OTHERS.
Point out a case where someone has become rich without someone helping them...

I just did - his name was Chris Gardner and they made a movie about him. But like all other facts, you are completely ignorant of him, his situation, and the millions of Americans who have accumulated wealth all by themselves.

It happens every single day in America. It happens every single week in America. It happens every single month in America. It happens every single year in America.

You're problem is, your just lazy. And you're a fucking baby throwing a tantrum over what you don't have because you're not willing to earn it.
I'll freely admit, 10 years ago, I'd have never considered voting for a guy like Obama. Today I would. I doubt he could have gotten even the Democratic nomination 10 years ago.

So you admit you're just a hateful, spiteful, envious little fuck? Well, at least you are getting more honest. At least now we might be able to have a real conversation. You're angry you don't have wealth so you support a Marxist who is looking to redistribute wealth.
Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon.

That's because we have to protect America from parasites like you. You admitted yourself that 10 years ago, Barack Obama would NEVER have received a nomination from the dumbocrats. The dumbocrat party has been hijacked by marxists, communists, and socialists like you. And America is simply not going to cave to you idiots.

It's funny as hell watching your desperation though...
Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon.

Look fuck'n loser, what amazes me is that I honestly doubt you are part of any power elite, but you seem to spend a lot of time trying to enslave people - forcing them to work but not get to keep the fruits of their labor.

What's funny is that, once your vision comes to fruition, you'll be one of the slaves that you so crave. That shows how stupid you are. You want to bring slavery back to the U.S. when you'll be one of the first working for the dictatorship and bitching about it the entire time.
Look, Poodle, what always amazes me is that I honestly doubt your are rich, but you seem to spend a lot of time worrying about whether the poor wealthy are put upon.

Look fuck'n loser, what amazes me is that I honestly doubt you are part of any power elite, but you seem to spend a lot of time trying to enslave people - forcing them to work but not get to keep the fruits of their labor.

What's funny is that, once your vision comes to fruition, you'll be one of the slaves that you so crave. That shows how stupid you are. You want to bring slavery back to the U.S. when you'll be one of the first working for the dictatorship and bitching about it the entire time.

You are correct, my friend. We all work and the government takes what they want from us and they continue to tighten the reins with their increasingly oppressive laws. They've put a debt on us that we won't live to see paid, nor will our great, great grandchildren. The wealthy, which is forever being redefined by this administration, are expected to pay for the reckless promises of overpaid, under-educated government critters whose agenda is to lift themselves to the ultimate level of power while the rest of us are looked upon as pawns.

The government, through too many controlling laws and an unfair tax burden, own us and give us no say in how they operate.

The country was founded so that people could rule government. Over the years both parties, especially the left, have successfully turned the tables. The minute the Great Society began, we headed down the road to a government-controlled socialist country. Like the dictators in history, it was fed to us a little at a time in a way that made people feel ashamed if they opposed because all their laws were for the children and the poor. That was a lie.
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