Study: Free birth control leads to fewer abortions; Romney wants to cut access.

Those women are taking responsibility.

God almighty, you don't even know what the word "responsibility" means. I can only imagine how low exactly your IQ is...

If they were taking responsibility (along with the idiot men who got them pregnant), then you wouldn't be screaming for society to pay for it. Responsibility INCLUDES the financial responsibility that goes with one's actions, you fuck'n moron.

Furthermore, committing MURDER is not an acceptable "solution". It is not taking "responsibility".
Soceity should pay for it because it's in society's best interest to do so.

It is definitely in society's best interest to get rid of your anti-American, communist ass. Still think because someone deems something is "in society's best interest" that it should be done?

If you want what's in society's best interest, Cuba is waiting for you (funny how you love what they stand for, yet you're too big of a coward to go live there - guess you realize it doesn't work when you don't have conservatives to mooch off of, uh?).

This is America. We stand for the FREEDOM of each INDIVIDUAL. We could give a fuck about the communist belief of "what's in the best interest of society". Society does not supersede my freedoms.
This is what has always troubled me about Romney. I looked it up, PP has, in the most populous state, 20 locations; 20 as well in the 2nd most populous state of Texas. So, lets just pretend they have 20 in every state (they don't); that is 1,000 locations. Title X funding goes to 4,500 sites--most are public health entities; i.e. County health departments, State health departments. On his website he says he wants to cut off funding to "abortion groups" like PP. Very little goes to PP of that $300M. He could have couched it in terms of, "Look, we can't afford it" but he didn't do it; he has to toss "abortion groups" into it because some focus group told them to do so. On his stump speech, he could do just as well in making his five points by not throwing in "the teachers unions"...but Mitt does because it's not just a "good idea" but there has to be a dig at some group somewhere even when it's intellectually false.

Oh I see...! Essentially, you don't want him exposing the problems with this country. How dare he point out that Planned Parenthood is the new age holocaust, taking great delight in shoveling babies into incinerators as quickly as they can.

And how dare he accurately point out that unions have collapsed everything they touched by ensuring worthless employees continue to be employed and by ensuring all employees make exorbitant salaries for their skill sets. Salaries that the employing institution cannot sustain, and thus end with collapse such as GM.

Yeah, that's typical of you. Just hate anyone who points out the problems created by your side.

No abortions leads to fewer abortions as well, but those of you on the left want to cut off the access to life for the unborn.
See, it wasn't very hard to destroy your whole thread, and I did it in less than one sentence.

Sure and if you work a minimum wage job and never spend a penny--ever---on anything, you'll be a millionaire eventually.

Neither scenario is remotely likely. Come back when you feel like using your brain.

I love the hissy the left throws when the ignorant ideology and arguments are destroyed with one OBVIOUS sentence... :rofl:
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Wow, guy, so you were totally unable to deal with the fact that I proved that social welfare states have less abortions, so you start whining about how we are being a bunch of meanies by making you help people you'd normally spit on.

You have no idea who I am, who I help, or who I would spit on. You're crying like a little bitch because you hate the idea that you can't control me and everyone else. You're like a scared little child thinking about this big world where everything is controlled by you or someone with your fucked up ideology.

It's so scary for little boy B., uh? Sorry communist bitch, you lose. And you always will. You're never bringing communism to our shore's no matter how much you cry. Mitt Romney is about to win in a landslide. Wonder how much crying you'll be doing then? :lol:
Nope, we are going to fix this country. And you greedy, dumb assholes who vote against your own economic interest because you're brainwashed by clowns like Limbaugh are going to have to deal.

We? Are you taking credit for all the dumb things Obama has done?

Tell me something, how are people that vote against their self interest the greedy fuckers, and the people that vote for stuff that helps them the selfless?

Wow, guy, so you were totally unable to deal with the fact that I proved that social welfare states have less abortions, so you start whining about how we are being a bunch of meanies by making you help people you'd normally spit on.

You proved no such thing.

People like you don't help anyone but yourselves. Except when you fall down, then you come whining looking for help. LIke Old Ayn Rand. At the end of her life, she got Medicare and Social Security when cancer ripped through her book royalties.

When was the last time you took time off from your job and drove to a disaster area to help someone?

Ain't Irony a bitch?

It would be a lot more ironic if you understood what the word actually means.
Did you read the part where it said that these are new guidelines, and it talked about how some pediatricians have been reluctant to prescribe them? That, for the idiots among us, means they are advising against them.


That's not what it means at all.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has been more cautious and has not endorsed specific methods of birth control, but is updating its guidance. Some pediatricians have been reluctant to recommend IUDs for teens, partly because of concerns over infection risks; an older model was blamed for infertility.

Dr. Paula Braverman, a University of Cincinnati physician involved in updating the academy's position, said the gynecologists' advice does a good job of clarifying misconceptions about IUDs and implants.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is the far greater authority on this matter. Even still, even if some doctors recommend against them, that doesn't still doesn't change the fact that what I said in the first place is still true.

If they aren't updating their guidelines why does it say they are? If doctors weren't recommending against them why does it say they were?
Nope, we are going to fix this country. And you greedy, dumb assholes who vote against your own economic interest because you're brainwashed by clowns like Limbaugh are going to have to deal.

We? Are you taking credit for all the dumb things Obama has done?

Tell me something, how are people that vote against their self interest the greedy fuckers, and the people that vote for stuff that helps them the selfless?

Wow, guy, so you were totally unable to deal with the fact that I proved that social welfare states have less abortions, so you start whining about how we are being a bunch of meanies by making you help people you'd normally spit on.

You proved no such thing.

People like you don't help anyone but yourselves. Except when you fall down, then you come whining looking for help. LIke Old Ayn Rand. At the end of her life, she got Medicare and Social Security when cancer ripped through her book royalties.

When was the last time you took time off from your job and drove to a disaster area to help someone?

Ain't Irony a bitch?

It would be a lot more ironic if you understood what the word actually means.

Exceptional points Quantum! I've never seen a clown so throughly destroyed in his argument as JoeB is in this thread. He's taking an epic beating in this debate - even worse than the meltdown Obama experienced against Romney. I guess their flawed ideology can't hold up no matter who is trying to convince people of it... :rofl:

You know I was dead on that post, but you're not mature enough to admit it. For every one bank teller job lost by the ATM, there are literally several dozens created by it. Astounding that you and Obama are so stupid, that had to be explained to you.

Feel free to try to explain that one. Any old time now...

I already did stupid. It was the part where I exposed your extreme ignorance on economics and you backpedalled faster than Deion Sanders in his prime.

Multiple engineers have to design the ATM. The. Others design the assembly line which manufactures them. Then a large crew actually builds the assembly line. The a large crew works on the assembly line. Then someone works in shipping. And there are lots of jobs are created by UPS/FedEx companies actually shipping the units. Many people across the nation install them, and many more maintain and repair them.
Wow, guy, so you were totally unable to deal with the fact that I proved that social welfare states have less abortions, so you start whining about how we are being a bunch of meanies by making you help people you'd normally spit on.

You have no idea who I am, who I help, or who I would spit on. You're crying like a little bitch because you hate the idea that you can't control me and everyone else. You're like a scared little child thinking about this big world where everything is controlled by you or someone with your fucked up ideology.

It's so scary for little boy B., uh? Sorry communist bitch, you lose. And you always will. You're never bringing communism to our shore's no matter how much you cry. Mitt Romney is about to win in a landslide. Wonder how much crying you'll be doing then? :lol:

“Bringing communism to our shore's.”

Really? You've got to be kidding.

For your sake we hope you’re just a well-disciplined liberal troll.
Nope, we are going to fix this country. And you greedy, dumb assholes who vote against your own economic interest because you're brainwashed by clowns like Limbaugh are going to have to deal.

We? Are you taking credit for all the dumb things Obama has done?

Tell me something, how are people that vote against their self interest the greedy fuckers, and the people that vote for stuff that helps them the selfless?

You proved no such thing.

When was the last time you took time off from your job and drove to a disaster area to help someone?

Ain't Irony a bitch?

It would be a lot more ironic if you understood what the word actually means.

Exceptional points Quantum! I've never seen a clown so throughly destroyed in his argument as JoeB is in this thread. He's taking an epic beating in this debate - even worse than the meltdown Obama experienced against Romney. I guess their flawed ideology can't hold up no matter who is trying to convince people of it... :rofl:

Victory is somewhat hollow against these weirdoes, however, since they are incapable of recognizing when they have been made to look ridiculous.
This is what has always troubled me about Romney. I looked it up, PP has, in the most populous state, 20 locations; 20 as well in the 2nd most populous state of Texas. So, lets just pretend they have 20 in every state (they don't); that is 1,000 locations. Title X funding goes to 4,500 sites--most are public health entities; i.e. County health departments, State health departments. On his website he says he wants to cut off funding to "abortion groups" like PP. Very little goes to PP of that $300M. He could have couched it in terms of, "Look, we can't afford it" but he didn't do it; he has to toss "abortion groups" into it because some focus group told them to do so. On his stump speech, he could do just as well in making his five points by not throwing in "the teachers unions"...but Mitt does because it's not just a "good idea" but there has to be a dig at some group somewhere even when it's intellectually false.

Oh I see...! Essentially, you don't want him exposing the problems with this country. How dare he point out that Planned Parenthood is the new age holocaust, taking great delight in shoveling babies into incinerators as quickly as they can.
PP doesn't do any of that of course but since you apparently didn't read the post you responded to (gee imagine my shock), I won't waste time re-writing it; just cut and paste.

I looked it up, PP has, in the most populous state, 20 locations; 20 as well in the 2nd most populous state of Texas. So, lets just pretend they have 20 in every state (they don't); that is 1,000 locations. Title X funding goes to 4,500 sites--most are public health entities; i.e. County health departments, State health departments. On his website he says he wants to cut off funding to "abortion groups" like PP. Very little goes to PP of that $300M.

And how dare he accurately point out that unions have collapsed everything they touched by ensuring worthless employees continue to be employed and by ensuring all employees make exorbitant salaries for their skill sets. Salaries that the employing institution cannot sustain, and thus end with collapse such as GM.
There are several problems with education; would you agree? Many teachers unions are one of them; no doubt. "Waiting for Superman" illustrated that perfectly.This is my point though: He doesn't talk about any program he has to change it (at least Bush had NCLB); just "Leave the teachers unions behind". Yeah; the solution to improving education is paying teachers less. Only a dumbass like you would believe that.

Yeah, that's typical of you. Just hate anyone who points out the problems created by your side.

Title X funding isn't a problem; getting rid of it will ironically lead to more abortions which is what it's elimination is supposed to prevent. As for the teachers unions, the unions have pretty much made their own bed. Cutting benefits and paying teachers less isn't going to improve the education of anyone. It would be good if the Republican candidate for President would acknowledge that instead of using buzz words in hopes they work on the intellectually challenged.
First of all, you're the one's who BROKE this country. We had as close to a perfect system as you could get, until the rise of Marxism/Socialism/Communism in the late 1800's and spreading to the US in the early 1900's.

Wait a minute. Are you claiming we had a "perfect" country before the Progressive era. Really?

You mean when we had THIS shit going on?


"Poodle thinks we were living in a perfect world!"

Then some whacky people had some idea that the people who actually did the work should see the rewards, and others had whacky ideas we should educate our kids instead of making them work in coal mines. Then some whacky folks had some ideas that women and blacks should be able to vote... You mean those whacky ideas?

By the way, I noticed you couldn't answer the question and so you avoided it (nothing like avoiding what proves you are WRONG). So I'll ask again just to drive home the point for everyone at how wrong you are:

Tell me, where is it written that we are supposed to "take care of each other through force and government"?

Tell me where it is written that your asinine communist ideology supersedes my FREEDOM to decide who I help, when I help, and how much I help?

why does it have to be "written". We had a vote, and we all decided that we were going to take care of poor people. Mind you, it would make more sense if we undid all the damage done by plutocrats and let them work good jobs, like we used to do. You know, back in the 1990's when the rich paid their fair share and we enjoyed 3.9 unemployment.

Here's the thing, the lamest excuse for not doing the right thing is to say something assinine like 'Well, the Founding Slave-Owners didn't think of it in the 18th century, so it must not have been a good idea!"
Wow, guy, so you were totally unable to deal with the fact that I proved that social welfare states have less abortions, so you start whining about how we are being a bunch of meanies by making you help people you'd normally spit on.

You have no idea who I am, who I help, or who I would spit on. You're crying like a little bitch because you hate the idea that you can't control me and everyone else. You're like a scared little child thinking about this big world where everything is controlled by you or someone with your fucked up ideology.

It's so scary for little boy B., uh? Sorry communist bitch, you lose. And you always will. You're never bringing communism to our shore's no matter how much you cry. Mitt Romney is about to win in a landslide. Wonder how much crying you'll be doing then? :lol:

Romney's going to lose. RCP only counting right wing polls for a week, and still admitting Obama's still winning in the swing states.

I think your posts tell me exactly who you are. Just because you spent an afternoon once handing out blankets once or something doesn't impress me.

But you avoided the point- AGAIN.

Okay, one more time.

The US has a policy of only giving medical care to people businesses find useful. No paid medical and family leave. At Will work laws that make it easy for assholes to fire pregnant women. We have 1.2 Million abortions a year.

France has a policy of full medical coverage for everyone, strong workers rights, and even sends social workers around to help new mothers. They have 161,000 abortions a year.

Abortions statistics - countries compared - NationMaster


Don't strain your brain on this one too hard, guy.
People like you don't help anyone but yourselves. Except when you fall down, then you come whining looking for help. LIke Old Ayn Rand. At the end of her life, she got Medicare and Social Security when cancer ripped through her book royalties.

When was the last time you took time off from your job and drove to a disaster area to help someone?


Keeping in mind you are crazier than a rat in an outhouse, I usually ignore you, but what does my point about Ayn Rand, Patron Saint of Selfish Douchebags, had to rely on the generosity of others (enforced by government) in order to not die in a pile of her own piss at the end of her life? Where were all her fans, setting up a fund? Nope. She had to get social security and Medicare!

No, I don't drive to disaster areas, because I wouldn't know what to do if I got there. I leave the handling of disasters to the professionals who know how to deal with that sort of thing. The first responders don't come to my desk when I'm processing purchase orders, I don't show up at their jobs and get in their way.

I just have some funny idea that you fund these groups adequately so they can do their jobs.

Even if it means that you get less Dressage Ponies for your rich heroes.
Soceity should pay for it because it's in society's best interest to do so.

It is definitely in society's best interest to get rid of your anti-American, communist ass. Still think because someone deems something is "in society's best interest" that it should be done?

If you want what's in society's best interest, Cuba is waiting for you (funny how you love what they stand for, yet you're too big of a coward to go live there - guess you realize it doesn't work when you don't have conservatives to mooch off of, uh?).

This is America. We stand for the FREEDOM of each INDIVIDUAL. We could give a fuck about the communist belief of "what's in the best interest of society". Society does not supersede my freedoms.

Of course it does.

That's why you can't have the freedom to throw carcinogens into the water table to make a quick buck. Because society has realized that's not in it's best interest.

Frankly, the welfare state is really just socialogical ether. We are paying the poor just enough to make sure they don't riot out of hunger. Which is good, because that means they won't break into your house in the middle of the night.
Those women are taking responsibility.

God almighty, you don't even know what the word "responsibility" means. I can only imagine how low exactly your IQ is...

If they were taking responsibility (along with the idiot men who got them pregnant), then you wouldn't be screaming for society to pay for it. Responsibility INCLUDES the financial responsibility that goes with one's actions, you fuck'n moron.

Furthermore, committing MURDER is not an acceptable "solution". It is not taking "responsibility".

1) Abortion isn't murder. Even when Abortion was illegal, they never arrested women for having them. So that's an argument fail.

2) No one is making you pay for abortions. PP's grant from the government pays for birth control. Abortion is actually a profit-making operation for them.

3) They are taking responsibility. They aren't bringing kids they don't want into the world.

Problem solved.
Pay me now or pay me later, dumbass.

Spoken like the ignorant communist dumbass that you are. Because, you know, that theory (pay me now or pay me later) worked sooooo well in the former U.S.S.R.

What didn't work in the USSR was that 140 million Russians held sway over 300 million Not Russians.

Just like the "Captialist" British Empire fell when a half-billion or so not-British got sick and tired of their shit.

You mistake the fall of empires for the failure of political systems.

Not that this lesson can be learned by the Neo-Cons. They really think we need one of those Empire things...

It again, has nothing to do with my point.

Is it not more practical to abort a fetus for $300.00 than to let him grow up in a abusive home, with no economic prospects, and then have to spend $47,000 a YEAR to lock him up in a prison?

We lock up 2 million people, largely because a few big corporations have gotten scared white people into thinking that was a solution...

France locks up 56,000 people.

Try to use a little reasoning, Poodle.

I find it amazing what you are and aren't willing to pay for.

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