Study: Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains?

When I drive stoned, I drive slow. I'm just not in a big hurry, and if a guy wants to pass me I'll pull over into the turnout (and maybe take another sip off the bubbler). To this day, I've never woken up to find a dead innocent child stuck to the grill of the company van. That is irrefutable evidence that smoking ganja and driving is perfectly manageable. Drinking and driving is another story. Pound a 40 ouncer or 3 of Old English 800 Malt Liquor, and you're probably not going to be driving in the slow lane.

I don't drive much anymore. I walk and ride my bike and take the trains and buses. I shrink my brain each and every day with marijuana. We only use 10% of our brain capacity, and I've merely consolidated the active centers of my brain through the process of huffing down enormous bowls of kindbud sprinkled with hash. My goal is to ultimately factor down to four total braincells, each of them responsible for a quarter of my responsibilities.

When I used to drive stoned (and this is way back in the 70s and 80s) I would drive super slow for awhile until I realized how slow I was going then I would speed up to the point that I was rushing then I go back to slow mode. Pot has a way of making idiots of otherwise smart people.

Pot has a way of reminding people that life is extremely interesting. That's also why people drink. It's good to change the channel once in a while.

Tonight, I'm doing data entry on the computer at the office. I have to input all the data from last weekend's business endeavors. And then I have to update the website. That sounds boring, but it's actually about to get interesting, because I'm about to fire up some NorCal doobonabage and blow it out the window, and then I'm going to drink the last of these Sierra Nevada Torpedos. And then finally, I'll either walk home or ride the bus. It isn't supposed to rain until Thursday.
When I drive stoned, I drive slow. I'm just not in a big hurry, and if a guy wants to pass me I'll pull over into the turnout (and maybe take another sip off the bubbler). To this day, I've never woken up to find a dead innocent child stuck to the grill of the company van. That is irrefutable evidence that smoking ganja and driving is perfectly manageable. Drinking and driving is another story. Pound a 40 ouncer or 3 of Old English 800 Malt Liquor, and you're probably not going to be driving in the slow lane.

I don't drive much anymore. I walk and ride my bike and take the trains and buses. I shrink my brain each and every day with marijuana. We only use 10% of our brain capacity, and I've merely consolidated the active centers of my brain through the process of huffing down enormous bowls of kindbud sprinkled with hash. My goal is to ultimately factor down to four total braincells, each of them responsible for a quarter of my responsibilities.

I smoke a lot too.

Me and my best friend refer to it as "tying half our brains behind our backs" to give the dumbasses an even break.

Fifty years of driving stoned shitless; never had an accident that was my fault.

Have had two different drunks hit me though.
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I've actually been considering it. I work across the street from a grow factory here in Colorado. When the wind is just right I almost get a contact high.
If it was not so cold I'd move to CO for the hash oil e-cigs.

Hoping GA legalizes soon.

In the meantime, "civil disobedience".

Between legal pot and text messaging Colorado roads have become literal danger zones.
And now that pot has been legalized in my state (Oregon) we'll be seeing that here as well.
so why are all these stories coming out of Colorado?......i dont see any stories out of Wash....what is different?.....
The pot in CO is much more potent and Coloradans know how to party. :)
I have to disagree.

I took a pot tour of CO, Pueblo, Boulder, Ft. Collins, Alma, and a few other places.

Never got anything as good as my Sword of Jah.
When I drive stoned, I drive slow. I'm just not in a big hurry, and if a guy wants to pass me I'll pull over into the turnout (and maybe take another sip off the bubbler). To this day, I've never woken up to find a dead innocent child stuck to the grill of the company van.

You make an excellent argument for vigilantism.

What does that even mean? Are you like the butt-fuck hick-ass assassin that took out Peter Fonda in Easy Rider?
I've actually been considering it. I work across the street from a grow factory here in Colorado. When the wind is just right I almost get a contact high.
If it was not so cold I'd move to CO for the hash oil e-cigs.

Hoping GA legalizes soon.

In the meantime, "civil disobedience".

Between legal pot and text messaging Colorado roads have become literal danger zones.
And now that pot has been legalized in my state (Oregon) we'll be seeing that here as well.
so why are all these stories coming out of Colorado?......i dont see any stories out of Wash....what is different?.....
The pot in CO is much more potent and Coloradans know how to party. :)
so no serious answer?.....i was serious about what i asked....why are none of these stories coming out of Wash?.....Pot has been decriminalized in my State to the point were it might as well be legal......but even here over the last 20 years i dont see this shit happening....WHY is Colorado so different?...
I smoked for years. When I was high I was as dumb as a rock. Now that I quick ... I'm as smart as a whip.
"now that I quick"

LMAO, you burn't out old dope.

Light up, your dried out brain needs a lube job.

I've actually been considering it. I work across the street from a grow factory here in Colorado. When the wind is just right I almost get a contact high.
If it was not so cold I'd move to CO for the hash oil e-cigs.

Hoping GA legalizes soon.

In the meantime, "civil disobedience".

Between legal pot and text messaging Colorado roads have become literal danger zones.
Weird you didnt factor in alcohol. I would bet there were more DUI's due to alcohol than weed.
yea but to people like Katz that dont long as the person has pot in the blood.....that was the reason for the accident or whatever .....
"now that I quick"

LMAO, you burn't out old dope.

Light up, your dried out brain needs a lube job.

I've actually been considering it. I work across the street from a grow factory here in Colorado. When the wind is just right I almost get a contact high.
If it was not so cold I'd move to CO for the hash oil e-cigs.

Hoping GA legalizes soon.

In the meantime, "civil disobedience".

Between legal pot and text messaging Colorado roads have become literal danger zones.
Weird you didnt factor in alcohol. I would bet there were more DUI's due to alcohol than weed.

Alcohol is a constant that we can all predict will happen routinely. Texting is a fairly new phenomenon that has adversely impacted the roads. I see people texting ALL the time and they're idiots when they do. Legal pot has given the general public the idea that smoking is okay under any conditions.
to only the ones with the same intellect as those who drink and drive....most Pot smokers know that it is not ok under any condition.........
Experimental mice have been telling us this for years, but pot-smoking humans didn't want to believe it could happen to them: Compared with a person who never smoked marijuana, someone who uses marijuana regularly has, on average, less gray matter in his orbital frontal cortex, a region that is a key node in the brain's reward, motivation, decision-making and addictive behaviors network.

More ambiguously, in regular pot smokers, that region is better connected than it is in non-users: the flow of signal traffic is speedier to other parts of that motivation and decision-making network, including across the superhighway of "white matter" that connects the brain's hemispheres.

The researchers who conducted the study speculate that the orbital frontal cortex's greater level of "connectedness"--which is especially pronounced in people who started smoking pot early in life--may be the brain's way of compensating for the region's under-performing gray matter. Whether these "complex neuroadaptive processes" reverse themselves when marijuana use stops is an important unanswered question, they added.
Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains study says - LA Times

The part you left out from the article:

Even now, however, the authors of the study acknowledge that they cannot discern whether a pot smoker's smaller orbital frontal cortex is the cause or the result of chronic marijuana use. A 2012 study found that subjects with a smaller orbital frontal cortex at age 12 were more likely to start using marijuana by age 16, suggesting that deficits in this crucial region may predispose one to substance-abuse behaviors.

So a person choosing to start pot use may be an indicator that the person is stupid.

I've always known this even without a study.
only a fairly stupid person would believe that......are you fairly stupid?....
We all know people who can't parallel park while completely sober, even if it were a test to save their lives.

Some people have poor night vision, or poor peripheral vision. Some people have poor hand-eye coordination. Some people never played football or basketball, and completely lack the ability to anticipate developing scenarios.

Some people are 16, with ADD. Others are 70 and can barely twist their necks, plus they're on 5 medications.

I smoke weed. That's the only medication I take, unless you include beer. But I'm a good driver. Sports have trained me to anticipate dangers. I have perfect vision. I have good hand-eye coordination. I have experience, and I drive the speed limit.

My solution; DMV can set up an obstacle course with a baseline of acceptable performance. Take bong hits until you fail the course, and that's where you establish the legal limit for that individual.
Impaired Driving 23  The number of Washington State drivers found to be impaired by marijuana use increased 28% from 764 in 2008 to 975 in 2010.  Among impaired Washington State drivers, the percentage found to be under the influence of marijuana increased 13% from 17.2% in 2008 to 19.5% in 2010. 24  Drivers who test positive for marijuana or self-report marijuana use are more than twice as likely as other drivers to be involved in motor vehicle crashes. 25

 The number of persons living in Northwest HIDTA counties who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased 74% from 1999 to 2010 (6,309 to 10,966). 18  The number of persons living in Cowlitz, Kitsap and Spokane counties who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 100% from 1999 to 2010 (1,076 to 2,341). 19  The number of persons living in Clark County who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 165% from 1999 to 2010 (264 to 699). 20  The number of persons living in Benton County who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 200% from 1999 to 2010 (142 to 451). 21

If it was not so cold I'd move to CO for the hash oil e-cigs.

Hoping GA legalizes soon.

In the meantime, "civil disobedience".

Between legal pot and text messaging Colorado roads have become literal danger zones.
And now that pot has been legalized in my state (Oregon) we'll be seeing that here as well.
so why are all these stories coming out of Colorado?......i dont see any stories out of Wash....what is different?.....
The pot in CO is much more potent and Coloradans know how to party. :)
so no serious answer?.....i was serious about what i asked....why are none of these stories coming out of Wash?.....Pot has been decriminalized in my State to the point were it might as well be legal......but even here over the last 20 years i dont see this shit happening....WHY is Colorado so different?...
We all know people who can't parallel park while completely sober, even if it were a test to save their lives.

Some people have poor night vision, or poor peripheral vision. Some people have poor hand-eye coordination. Some people never played football or basketball, and completely lack the ability to anticipate developing scenarios.

Some people are 16, with ADD. Others are 70 and can barely twist their necks, plus they're on 5 medications.

I smoke weed. That's the only medication I take, unless you include beer. But I'm a good driver. Sports have trained me to anticipate dangers. I have perfect vision. I have good hand-eye coordination. I have experience, and I drive the speed limit.

My solution; DMV can set up an obstacle course with a baseline of acceptable performance. Take bong hits until you fail the course, and that's where you establish the legal limit for that individual.
dont smoke and drive.....all it takes is just one time when you did not see that person walking across the street......and your life as well as others is changed forever....
Police said Duane Abbott was speeding when he jumped the curb and hit 7-year-old Cadence Boyer, her mother, another 6-year-old girl and Chelina Alsteen.

Cadence later died from her injuries. Her mother suffered broken bones and has since been released from the hospital.

Chelina Alsteen is still in the hospital in critical condition.

The other injured girl has been upgraded to good condition.

Abbott's brother, R.C. Miles, said Abbott struggled with drug use and smoke marijuana the night of the crash.

Candlelight vigil Friday for trick-or-treaters hit by car on Hal - KPTV - FOX 12

We all know people who can't parallel park while completely sober, even if it were a test to save their lives.

Some people have poor night vision, or poor peripheral vision. Some people have poor hand-eye coordination. Some people never played football or basketball, and completely lack the ability to anticipate developing scenarios.

Some people are 16, with ADD. Others are 70 and can barely twist their necks, plus they're on 5 medications.

I smoke weed. That's the only medication I take, unless you include beer. But I'm a good driver. Sports have trained me to anticipate dangers. I have perfect vision. I have good hand-eye coordination. I have experience, and I drive the speed limit.

My solution; DMV can set up an obstacle course with a baseline of acceptable performance. Take bong hits until you fail the course, and that's where you establish the legal limit for that individual.
dont smoke and drive.....all it takes is just one time when you did not see that person walking across the street......and your life as well as others is changed forever....
Impaired Driving 23  The number of Washington State drivers found to be impaired by marijuana use increased 28% from 764 in 2008 to 975 in 2010.  Among impaired Washington State drivers, the percentage found to be under the influence of marijuana increased 13% from 17.2% in 2008 to 19.5% in 2010. 24  Drivers who test positive for marijuana or self-report marijuana use are more than twice as likely as other drivers to be involved in motor vehicle crashes. 25

 The number of persons living in Northwest HIDTA counties who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased 74% from 1999 to 2010 (6,309 to 10,966). 18  The number of persons living in Cowlitz, Kitsap and Spokane counties who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 100% from 1999 to 2010 (1,076 to 2,341). 19  The number of persons living in Clark County who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 165% from 1999 to 2010 (264 to 699). 20  The number of persons living in Benton County who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 200% from 1999 to 2010 (142 to 451). 21

Between legal pot and text messaging Colorado roads have become literal danger zones.
And now that pot has been legalized in my state (Oregon) we'll be seeing that here as well.
so why are all these stories coming out of Colorado?......i dont see any stories out of Wash....what is different?.....
The pot in CO is much more potent and Coloradans know how to party. :)
so no serious answer?.....i was serious about what i asked....why are none of these stories coming out of Wash?.....Pot has been decriminalized in my State to the point were it might as well be legal......but even here over the last 20 years i dont see this shit happening....WHY is Colorado so different?...
you are showing history before talking since pot has been legalized in these 2 States.....all i see is Colorado come nothing of this nature is coming out of Washington?....i read something about Colorado a few times a month......never Washington....i just am asking why?....
Wouldn't be surprised, but still doesn't come close the harmful effects of smoking tobacco. If people want to poison their brain, heart, or their lungs, I would advise against it - but let people choose their poison.
Police said Duane Abbott was speeding when he jumped the curb and hit 7-year-old Cadence Boyer, her mother, another 6-year-old girl and Chelina Alsteen.

Cadence later died from her injuries. Her mother suffered broken bones and has since been released from the hospital.

Chelina Alsteen is still in the hospital in critical condition.

The other injured girl has been upgraded to good condition.

Abbott's brother, R.C. Miles, said Abbott struggled with drug use and smoke marijuana the night of the crash.

Candlelight vigil Friday for trick-or-treaters hit by car on Hal - KPTV - FOX 12

We all know people who can't parallel park while completely sober, even if it were a test to save their lives.

Some people have poor night vision, or poor peripheral vision. Some people have poor hand-eye coordination. Some people never played football or basketball, and completely lack the ability to anticipate developing scenarios.

Some people are 16, with ADD. Others are 70 and can barely twist their necks, plus they're on 5 medications.

I smoke weed. That's the only medication I take, unless you include beer. But I'm a good driver. Sports have trained me to anticipate dangers. I have perfect vision. I have good hand-eye coordination. I have experience, and I drive the speed limit.

My solution; DMV can set up an obstacle course with a baseline of acceptable performance. Take bong hits until you fail the course, and that's where you establish the legal limit for that individual.
dont smoke and drive.....all it takes is just one time when you did not see that person walking across the street......and your life as well as others is changed forever....
he was doing Meth too......
"now that I quick"

LMAO, you burn't out old dope.

Light up, your dried out brain needs a lube job.

I've actually been considering it. I work across the street from a grow factory here in Colorado. When the wind is just right I almost get a contact high.
If it was not so cold I'd move to CO for the hash oil e-cigs.

Hoping GA legalizes soon.

In the meantime, "civil disobedience".

Between legal pot and text messaging Colorado roads have become literal danger zones.
And now that pot has been legalized in my state (Oregon) we'll be seeing that here as well.
so why are all these stories coming out of Colorado?......i dont see any stories out of Wash....what is different?.....

Legalization went into effect just a few months ago in Washington state.
I really only drive when I absolutely need to, for my job. And for that, I often need to drive around the SF Bay Area. It's some of the gnarliest traffic in the US, especially at morning commute and after 3:30 pm.

What I find is the most threatening issue is 'road rage'. It's like on an internet message board where people feel out of reach of other people's potential responses to their asshole behavior. Some people on the road are just itching to be offended, sort of like on USMB with certain posters.

What I propose is that Obama issue an executive order to mandate that all new vehicles sold after 2015 be outfitted with a feature that rolls up your windows upon ignition and injects thick ganja smoke into the cabin for no less than 4 minutes. Bang! No more road rage.
Besides the below, there are individual cities in WA that have banned or have moratoriums on marijuana businesses or growers.
Driver charged with DUI Marijuana after deadly Vancouver crash - KPTV - FOX 12
Concern rising over marijuana and driving as legalization takes hold - The Pot Blog
Law enforcement officials say that while traffic fatalities in Colorado decreased 16 percent between 2006 to 2011, deaths involving drivers testing positive for just marijuana increased 114 percent.

And in Washington, according to Chuck Hayes of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, tests confirming the presence of THC – marijuana’s active ingredient – are 42 percent of the state’s toxicology lab caseload since legalization this year, up from 26 percent last year.

Impaired Driving 23  The number of Washington State drivers found to be impaired by marijuana use increased 28% from 764 in 2008 to 975 in 2010.  Among impaired Washington State drivers, the percentage found to be under the influence of marijuana increased 13% from 17.2% in 2008 to 19.5% in 2010. 24  Drivers who test positive for marijuana or self-report marijuana use are more than twice as likely as other drivers to be involved in motor vehicle crashes. 25

 The number of persons living in Northwest HIDTA counties who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased 74% from 1999 to 2010 (6,309 to 10,966). 18  The number of persons living in Cowlitz, Kitsap and Spokane counties who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 100% from 1999 to 2010 (1,076 to 2,341). 19  The number of persons living in Clark County who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 165% from 1999 to 2010 (264 to 699). 20  The number of persons living in Benton County who received treatment for marijuana addiction increased over 200% from 1999 to 2010 (142 to 451). 21

And now that pot has been legalized in my state (Oregon) we'll be seeing that here as well.
so why are all these stories coming out of Colorado?......i dont see any stories out of Wash....what is different?.....
The pot in CO is much more potent and Coloradans know how to party. :)
so no serious answer?.....i was serious about what i asked....why are none of these stories coming out of Wash?.....Pot has been decriminalized in my State to the point were it might as well be legal......but even here over the last 20 years i dont see this shit happening....WHY is Colorado so different?...
you are showing history before talking since pot has been legalized in these 2 States.....all i see is Colorado come nothing of this nature is coming out of Washington?....i read something about Colorado a few times a month......never Washington....i just am asking why?....

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