Study: Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains?

If the study is true and there is something to it, what it truly reveals is how we are simply unable handle truth. Wait, let me be more poignant since "truth" may be interpreted as something religious.

We are unable to handle or accept scientific facts. At least many of them.
BULLSHIT, in fact the bible has caused you more brain damage than pot ever could.

Where did I ever reference the Bible? The soul is a concept in much more than just Christian teaching.

What makes you think that any specific reference was needed.....or do you thin you're something new and different......well I will give you different.
Hey about that old bullshit line "there are elements in pot that we can't even identify" Oh really, there is nothing in a plant that isn't in the soil, so I guess that means we suddenly have elements in the soil that can't be identified. These idiots never look at their statements from all sides.....and that's what makes them who and what they are !
Comparing pot to water? See? That's what happens.
There is no case of a person smoking himself to death with weed.

Now, google "Woman dies in water drinking contest tragedy" and see what you come up with.
See, I told you. Potheads!!!!
What did you tell the potheads? I havent found one credible story of a death caused by an overdose of weed

Deflecting again? The OP was about shrunken brains, not death caused by an overdose.
Comparing pot to water? See? That's what happens.
There is no case of a person smoking himself to death with weed.

Now, google "Woman dies in water drinking contest tragedy" and see what you come up with.
See, I told you. Potheads!!!!
What did you tell the potheads? I havent found one credible story of a death caused by an overdose of weed

Deflecting again? The OP was about shrunken brains, not death caused by an overdose.
I wasnt talking about the OP. I was talking about Ice Weasels reply to my comment on the OP stating that anything in excess will harm you. Learn how to read so I dont have to embarrass you again.
What makes you think that any specific reference was needed.....or do you thin you're something new and different......well I will give you different.

I'm not a Christian. I'm a Moral Spiritualist. I believe that Morality is the route to spiritual enlightenment. Anything that limits the ability of an individual to make Moral decisions instantly..... emotions, chemicals, etc..... needs to be rooted out.
Comparing pot to water? See? That's what happens.
There is no case of a person smoking himself to death with weed.

Now, google "Woman dies in water drinking contest tragedy" and see what you come up with.
See, I told you. Potheads!!!!
What did you tell the potheads? I havent found one credible story of a death caused by an overdose of weed

Deflecting again? The OP was about shrunken brains, not death caused by an overdose.
I wasnt talking about the OP.

There is no case of a person smoking himself to death with weed.

Now, google "Woman dies in water drinking contest tragedy" and see what you come up with.
See, I told you. Potheads!!!!
What did you tell the potheads? I havent found one credible story of a death caused by an overdose of weed

Deflecting again? The OP was about shrunken brains, not death caused by an overdose.
I wasnt talking about the OP.

Exactly what? Are you saying I cant respond to replies to my post?

" I was talking about Ice Weasels reply to my comment on the OP stating that anything in excess will harm you. Learn how to read so I dont have to embarrass you again."
Well this certainly comes as no surprise to me. The potheads that smoke on a regular basis that I've encountered are paranoid slackers that appear to me to have a difficult time getting anything accomplished.
Comparing pot to water? See? That's what happens.
There is no case of a person smoking himself to death with weed.

Now, google "Woman dies in water drinking contest tragedy" and see what you come up with.
See, I told you. Potheads!!!!
What did you tell the potheads? I havent found one credible story of a death caused by an overdose of weed
What makes you think that any specific reference was needed.....or do you thin you're something new and different......well I will give you different.

I'm not a Christian. I'm a Moral Spiritualist. I believe that Morality is the route to spiritual enlightenment. Anything that limits the ability of an individual to make Moral decisions instantly..... emotions, chemicals, etc..... needs to be rooted out.
"Rooted out"????

Fascist pigs need to be "rooted out".
I think that was 50 years ago, I got two BA's, and a Masters from UT Austin, and we all smoked dope between classes.

Today, I am retired, and still smoking dope.

I blame the media.

I saw an article on the Hell's Angels, and one of the slogans they had was, DOPE FOREVER, FOREVER LOADED.

Made sense to me, worked out quite well.

My brother here is smart as a whip and quick as mercury but I think he's the exception to the rule. I've had a long and jaded history with reefer...traded pistols for weight in Mehico,, sold it, ripped off other dealers for it, and once was looking at 1-10 for smoking it in my sleep (long story). :lol: I never really enjoyed it by itself but with a few cold brews it worked. Had a girlfriend once who told me she'd hand her ex-husband a joint and say: "here honey, take your birth control" shrinks your nuts...luckily my nuts are so large they could shrink by half and still look normal. Most old dopers smoke to get straight....ornery and sullen before they get their THC in the morning....I don't do anything but Ginkgo and Lisinopril since I turned geezer and don't miss any of it. :rolleyes-41:
Well this certainly comes as no surprise to me. The potheads that smoke on a regular basis that I've encountered are paranoid slackers that appear to me to have a difficult time getting anything accomplished.
Pothead screwed your wife too, eh?

Generalizations suck don't they?
I smoked for years. When I was high I was as dumb as a rock. Now that I quit ... I'm as smart as a whip.

(edited per Roadrunner's "quick" catch)
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Experimental mice have been telling us this for years, but pot-smoking humans didn't want to believe it could happen to them: Compared with a person who never smoked marijuana, someone who uses marijuana regularly has, on average, less gray matter in his orbital frontal cortex, a region that is a key node in the brain's reward, motivation, decision-making and addictive behaviors network.

More ambiguously, in regular pot smokers, that region is better connected than it is in non-users: the flow of signal traffic is speedier to other parts of that motivation and decision-making network, including across the superhighway of "white matter" that connects the brain's hemispheres.

The researchers who conducted the study speculate that the orbital frontal cortex's greater level of "connectedness"--which is especially pronounced in people who started smoking pot early in life--may be the brain's way of compensating for the region's under-performing gray matter. Whether these "complex neuroadaptive processes" reverse themselves when marijuana use stops is an important unanswered question, they added.
Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains study says - LA Times

The part you left out from the article:

Even now, however, the authors of the study acknowledge that they cannot discern whether a pot smoker's smaller orbital frontal cortex is the cause or the result of chronic marijuana use. A 2012 study found that subjects with a smaller orbital frontal cortex at age 12 were more likely to start using marijuana by age 16, suggesting that deficits in this crucial region may predispose one to substance-abuse behaviors.
Hey about that old bullshit line "there are elements in pot that we can't even identify" Oh really, there is nothing in a plant that isn't in the soil, so I guess that means we suddenly have elements in the soil that can't be identified. These idiots never look at their statements from all sides.....and that's what makes them who and what they are !

Well, Nixon had the reefer fields in Mehico sprayed with paraquat...a nasty little herbicide you really don't want in your lungs....Tricky Dick told Bebe Rebozo: "if those fucking hippies want drugs let get them some real drugs" and massive amounts of heroin hit the streets and the end of Woodstock Nation followed. If you're going to have a patch, you might want to find out what, if anything, was on that spot in the years before you arrived....plenty of solvents and pesticides where you'd least expect them.
Experimental mice have been telling us this for years, but pot-smoking humans didn't want to believe it could happen to them: Compared with a person who never smoked marijuana, someone who uses marijuana regularly has, on average, less gray matter in his orbital frontal cortex, a region that is a key node in the brain's reward, motivation, decision-making and addictive behaviors network.

More ambiguously, in regular pot smokers, that region is better connected than it is in non-users: the flow of signal traffic is speedier to other parts of that motivation and decision-making network, including across the superhighway of "white matter" that connects the brain's hemispheres.

The researchers who conducted the study speculate that the orbital frontal cortex's greater level of "connectedness"--which is especially pronounced in people who started smoking pot early in life--may be the brain's way of compensating for the region's under-performing gray matter. Whether these "complex neuroadaptive processes" reverse themselves when marijuana use stops is an important unanswered question, they added.
Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains study says - LA Times

The part you left out from the article:

Even now, however, the authors of the study acknowledge that they cannot discern whether a pot smoker's smaller orbital frontal cortex is the cause or the result of chronic marijuana use. A 2012 study found that subjects with a smaller orbital frontal cortex at age 12 were more likely to start using marijuana by age 16, suggesting that deficits in this crucial region may predispose one to substance-abuse behaviors.

So pot smokers have smaller brains to begin with? That explains a lot of the comments on the thread...

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