Study simulates likelihood of Ebola spread (18% likely to appear in US by 9-22)


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And of course this is Bushes fault and anyone that thinks blacks are somehow spreading this disease via incompetence are racists. /s

Study simulates likelihood of Ebola spread
Now, a new analysis published this week in PLOS Currents: Outbreaks has shed some light on the possibility of Ebola traveling outside of West Africa.
Using WHO data, researchers simulated potential situations where Ebola could spread to other countries by studying air traffic patterns and mobility between infected and non-infected countries. They ran simulations on two dates, Sept. 1 and Sept. 22. Their predictions show a sharp increase in the probability of another country getting infected. At the beginning of the month, the U.S. had only a five percent chance of importing an outbreak. By the 22nd, the probability jumps up to 18 percent. (Video via Voice of America)
"What is happening in West Africa is going to get here. We can't escape that at this point. ... Sooner or later, they will arrive," Alessandro Vespignani, the study's author, told NPR.
Now, there are a couple of important caveats to the researchers' findings. For one thing, an Ebola case reaching a developed country with an efficient healthcare system probably won't cause the mass epidemic levels we've seen in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. What's more, the numbers come with a pretty high probability range, so while the U.S. could have a 18 percent infection risk at the end of the month, that number could also be as low as 1 percent. Contrast that with the U.K., which has an infection risk of 25-28 percent by the end of the month.
It's already's called "obama scheduled to speak". Puts people into a state of confusion, anxiety, depression and frustration. The cure is two years away.
And of course this is Bushes fault and anyone that thinks blacks are somehow spreading this disease via incompetence are racists. /s

Racist yes but more to the point, they're stupid.
Don't touch someone infected you have nothing to worry about.

Bubonic plague aka "The Black Death" which devastated medieval Europe on the other hand is here in the US today and killing Americans every year.
Bubonic plague aka "The Black Death" which devastated medieval Europe on the other hand is here in the US today and killing Americans every year.

Really? I didn't know that. o_O I thought the plagued was defeated long time ago and one could meet it in some research laboratories only. o_O

As for Ebola... Well, I'm not that seriously scared, but still... concerned. I don't like what's happening. And asking myself: why now when it's been appearing since 1976?
Don't touch someone infected you have nothing to worry about.

That is documented and proven to NOT be true.

Other KNOWN means of transmission; being bitten by an animal that is a carrier like fruit bats or touching infected pigs. Sexual transmission can happen for as much as 7 weeks later after all testable presence has been ridden from the body.

But of course you would know this if you actually read the fucking doc, Delta.

Why do you have to suck Obama's virtual cock so much?
Does the OP read his own links?

Yes, so what is your fucking point, or are you sober enough to state what it is?

lol, these libtard tricks are so predictable. Dumbass here makes a vague statement suggesting that I didn't readmy own post, like libtards do all the time, and I am automatically supposed to go searching through my onw post, wondering what the fuck he is referring to, roflamo.
Does the OP read his own links?

jimbowie1958 said:
Yes, so what is your fucking point, or are you sober enough to state what it is?

lol, these libtard tricks are so predictable. Dumbass here makes a vague statement suggesting that I didn't readmy own post, like libtards do all the time, and I am automatically supposed to go searching through my onw post, wondering what the fuck he is referring to, roflamo.

Personally, I think they're more like ticks than tricks, myself. :badgrin:
Does the OP read his own links?

jimbowie1958 said:
Yes, so what is your fucking point, or are you sober enough to state what it is?

lol, these libtard tricks are so predictable. Dumbass here makes a vague statement suggesting that I didn't readmy own post, like libtards do all the time, and I am automatically supposed to go searching through my onw post, wondering what the fuck he is referring to, roflamo.

Personally, I think they're more like ticks than tricks, myself. :badgrin:

Yeah, ticks that crawl into the deepest recesses of the crack of your ass cause they like it there.
And of course this is Bushes fault and anyone that thinks blacks are somehow spreading this disease via incompetence are racists. /s

Study simulates likelihood of Ebola spread


I honestly cant blame you for reacting that way. Were I not an autistic person who gets obsessed with morbid topics, perhaps I would agree with you about my posts.

But whatever in my psychology may drive me, I have been a bookworm on internet crack since about 1991 with USENET. And I have followed numerous topics for more than twenty years.

George W Bush was a disaster for the conservative movement and I warned conservatives at the time, though I am not a conservative. They reacted the same way you do now, and I understand they wanted to be loyal to 'their guy', but they didn't realize that W wasn't their guy, not really. He was playing the part for their votes, but W was never a reflective conservative, but only more conservative than most.

But this Bozo President has been sowing more seeds of disaster than any previous President I have ever read of, and he keeps me on my toes. Many times I have been up till sun rise reading fascinating story lines about the incompetence of this administration and it is truly amazing. IT is such a pattern that I have come to suspect in the past few months that he might be doing this DELIBERATELY and not just due to possessing a legendary level of incompetence. I used to think 'No way! It is just all the shrooms', but even my dope smoking friends are losing their faith and patience with this guy. So if even the dopers are waking up to this mans bullshit, how can it just be innocent incompetence I now wonder?

This Ebola plague is not CAUSED by Obama, but it does highlight his regimes incompetence. I have even defended him on it on occasion.

But if you understood exponential growth rates and what the implications are of a disease with a 55% mortality rate, or the fact that our hospitals after decades of effort still cannot control MRSA, if you could connect the dots and understand the implications you wouldn't be implying that I am being hysterical at all.

But since you are a documented dumbass and a certified liar, I don't expect much else from you.
Does the OP read his own links?

Yes, so what is your fucking point, or are you sober enough to state what it is?

lol, these libtard tricks are so predictable. Dumbass here makes a vague statement suggesting that I didn't readmy own post, like libtards do all the time, and I am automatically supposed to go searching through my onw post, wondering what the fuck he is referring to, roflamo.

Now, there are a couple of important caveats to the researchers' findings. For one thing, an Ebola case reaching a developed country with an efficient healthcare system probably won't cause the mass epidemic levels we've seen in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

"What's more, the numbers come with a pretty high probability range, so while the U.S. could have a 18 percent infection risk at the end of the month, that number could also be as low as 1 percent."
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