Stunned: The left is coming out against.....the FBI in Portland?

Oregon is a commie state. I live here, believe me. We have a very active criminal underground because the left is sympathetic to them, and the left runs Oregon.

Well, Allie, no one is keeping you here. If you feel that this state is so bad, why don't you go to one that you like?

The left runs Oregon? Well, we are more liberal than most states. But then, we have a higher percentage of educated people than most states.

Lol...and there you have it, folks..what I hate most about Oregon...the arrogant, pontificating liberal types who think they are entitled to the rest of the state because they are just so much better.

I'm on the east side of the state, dickweed. I'm not going anywhere. Where people have land that attracts the attention of elitist assholes like you, who try to take it away. Portland is a tiny portion of the landmass of Oregon. Thank God. You guys all sit there with your peters in each other's asses, and the rest of us dummies will enjoy living where the air is clean and there isn't a cop on every corner to make immasculated morons like yourself feel okay about the fact that you are immasculated and often mistaken for your own mother, who lives upstairs.
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

The folks in Portland are re-thinking their position on the war on terror, and looking for a face-saving venue...

"In 2005, leaders in Portland, Oregon, angry at the Bush administration's conduct of the war on terror, voted not to allow city law enforcement officers to participate in a key anti-terror initiative, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. On Friday, that task force helped prevent what could have been a horrific terrorist attack in Portland. Now city officials say they might re-think their participation in the task force -- because Barack Obama is in the White House. "

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Byron York | Washington Examiner

Case in point: see wingy's post.

Really telling is the statement by the perp, telling what fools the lefties are:

"According to the FBI affidavit, the undercover agents asked whether he worried that law enforcement would stop him. "In Portland?" Mohamud replied. "Not really. They don't see it as a place where anything will happen. People say, you know, why, anybody want to do something in Portland, you know, it's on the west coast, it's in Oregon, and Oregon's, like you know, nobody ever thinks about it."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Politically correct Portland rejected feds who saved city from terrorist attack | Washington Examiner

Yes, uber-liberal Portland is the only city in the U.S. that won't cooperate with the FBI. :cuckoo:
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

The folks in Portland are re-thinking their position on the war on terror, and looking for a face-saving venue...

"In 2005, leaders in Portland, Oregon, angry at the Bush administration's conduct of the war on terror, voted not to allow city law enforcement officers to participate in a key anti-terror initiative, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. On Friday, that task force helped prevent what could have been a horrific terrorist attack in Portland. Now city officials say they might re-think their participation in the task force -- because Barack Obama is in the White House. "

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Byron York | Washington Examiner

Case in point: see wingy's post.

Really telling is the statement by the perp, telling what fools the lefties are:

"According to the FBI affidavit, the undercover agents asked whether he worried that law enforcement would stop him. "In Portland?" Mohamud replied. "Not really. They don't see it as a place where anything will happen. People say, you know, why, anybody want to do something in Portland, you know, it's on the west coast, it's in Oregon, and Oregon's, like you know, nobody ever thinks about it."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Politically correct Portland rejected feds who saved city from terrorist attack | Washington Examiner

Yes, uber-liberal Portland is the only city in the U.S. that won't cooperate with the FBI. :cuckoo:

I'll take "What are SANCTUARY CITIES for $1,000"
I haven't seen anyone blaming the FBI for anything. I hear a lot of jabbering about OTHER people elsewhere who are doing it, but haven't run across it at all yet on here.
There are many civil libertarian types on both the left and right that oppose the Patriot Act. That is obviously what was employed here. The Daily Beast said that is both comforting and discomfitting (sp?). Personally, I think its working well. How many plots have been thwarted?

No. The patriot act didn't come into play here until after people who knew the kid reported him. Then they started monitoring him. they'd have been able to get a warrant anyway...

The problem here is the right is whining every time this administration does anything in regard to security. they're hypocrites and wouldn't have said boo if it were bush doing it.

It is because "we" are racists, ask your moonbat friends.
In 2005, leaders in Portland, Oregon, angry at the Bush administration's conduct of the war on terror, voted not to allow city law enforcement officers to participate in a key anti-terror initiative, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. On Friday, that task force helped prevent what could have been a horrific terrorist attack in Portland. Now city officials say they might re-think their participation in the task force -- because Barack Obama is in the White House.


Might? Really? Just 'because'? Jeeze talk about partisanship...Nevermind that hundreds of citizens might have died?


There are many civil libertarian types on both the left and right that oppose the Patriot Act. That is obviously what was employed here. The Daily Beast said that is both comforting and discomfitting (sp?). Personally, I think its working well. How many plots have been thwarted?

No. The patriot act didn't come into play here until after people who knew the kid reported him. Then they started monitoring him. they'd have been able to get a warrant anyway...

The problem here is the right is whining every time this administration does anything in regard to security. they're hypocrites and wouldn't have said boo if it were bush doing it.

It is because "we" are racists, ask your moonbat friends.

Yes, and the FBI giving kids fake bombs who could not otherwise get them is not "security."
The Portland City Council and Mayor were PC boobs rejecting intelligence assistance from the FBI in 2005 and 2006. They cited their concerns about upsetting their Somali citizens.
Fuck the Somalis.
The FBI were bigger boobs holding press conferences announcing their intelligence organizational joint task forces in 2005 and 2006. A bunch of friggin idiots. Intelligence is to be gathered not by advertising joint task forces on national TV. What a joke.
These matters need to be done clandestinely.
The agents in the field, the suits AT RISK, cringed when the FBI did that then and now with all of the media attention devoted to this. Agents in the field want NO publicity ever.
Ideologues, be they "lefties" or "righties" YOU just have no fucking clue. We are talking about RISKING LIVES of agents in the field and all most folks care about here is getting their political gotchas in.
Makes me want to puke.
Just amazing. Its on this site and others. People actually accusing the FBI of wrong doing. I'm the biggest right winger around.......and I applaud the Obama Admin for getting this guy. Good job FBI, good job President Obama.

Someone posted a link, rawnews dot com I think, in this very thread, where they are blaming this on the fact that the MUSLIM kid was on a terror watch list, and thus couldn't fly, and thus couldnt go to Alaska to take a summer job. As implied that if only he'd been allowed to go take a summer job, he wouldn't have wanted to murder hundreds of people (my how our youth have changed).

Well, looks like he was on a watch list for good reason.

Good job Feds. Round up all the rest of the Muslim extremists who fantasize about blowing up Christmas tree lightings. Every one of us knows damn well that there are 1,000 more Mohammed Muhammed's out there that haven't been arrested yet.
Slow down. The FBI can't make fake bombs that fast. And now that the word is on the street, the next kid might want to see a real bomb.
No. The patriot act didn't come into play here until after people who knew the kid reported him. Then they started monitoring him. they'd have been able to get a warrant anyway...

The problem here is the right is whining every time this administration does anything in regard to security. they're hypocrites and wouldn't have said boo if it were bush doing it.

It is because "we" are racists, ask your moonbat friends.

Yes, and the FBI giving kids fake bombs who could not otherwise get them is not "security."

It's exactly the way they take drug dealers and drugs off the streets. You put out the bait and see who bites, and you lock them up.

Fuck anyone who WANTS to bomb, but is too incompetent to do so.
Slow down. The FBI can't make fake bombs that fast. And now that the word is on the street, the next kid might want to see a real bomb.

Ok, lets ask this then, since you can't get over your hatred of the FBI long enough to use some sense:

Which evil is worse?

- The FBI giving the muslim a fake bomb after trying to convince him he shouldnt do it...but upon seeing he was intent on it...they gave him a fake bomb, not a real one.


- The muslim dialing that phone, thinking 100% in his mind he was about to kill hundreds of people.

Do you really want someone who had that intent, and attempted it, walking freely?

I mean what if undercover cops heard a person wanted to shoot up a mall. And they tried to talk him out of it but he still wanted to. So they give him a rifle that has no firing pin. He takes the dud rifle into the mall, and starts pulling the trigger, but it wont fire. They arrest him.

Would they be wrong in that scenario?
I want them to catch the guys with the real bombs, not just getting lucky because the fuses won't stay lit.

Color me unimpressed.
No. The patriot act didn't come into play here until after people who knew the kid reported him. Then they started monitoring him. they'd have been able to get a warrant anyway...

The problem here is the right is whining every time this administration does anything in regard to security. they're hypocrites and wouldn't have said boo if it were bush doing it.

It is because "we" are racists, ask your moonbat friends.

Yes, and the FBI giving kids fake bombs who could not otherwise get them is not "security."

The FBI got a tip from a bunch of his Muslim friends he was getting radical. That..and they saw him contacting people in the middle east.

I'd say they had enough to let the young man tie his own noose with..
It is because "we" are racists, ask your moonbat friends.

Yes, and the FBI giving kids fake bombs who could not otherwise get them is not "security."

The FBI got a tip from a bunch of his Muslim friends he was getting radical. That..and they saw him contacting people in the middle east.

I'd say they had enough to let the young man tie his own noose with..

Then why the drama with the fake bomb?
Yes, and the FBI giving kids fake bombs who could not otherwise get them is not "security."

The FBI got a tip from a bunch of his Muslim friends he was getting radical. That..and they saw him contacting people in the middle east.

I'd say they had enough to let the young man tie his own noose with..

Then why the drama with the fake bomb?

You'd rather he get a real one?

No thanks..

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