Stunning admission from Rep. Jordan, that the Hunter Biden laptop investigation is about putting Trump back in office

The US has also tried to put nukes in Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, etc.
The US government has gone totally crazy and committing acts of war, in violation of dozens of treaties, going back to when Gorbachev allow East Germany to reunite.

There not question at all the US put nukes in Poland.
They ere Sprint nuclear ABMs.
Wrong and all lies

The US has not tried to put nukes in eastern europe since the sixties..

The US never pugt Nukes in Poland and that is fact. The Sprint was discontinued in the seventies and was never place on their border
Not only is it criminal to try to join NATO, but clearly Russia will have no choice but to nuke Kyiv is this war drags on too long.
So Zelensky and Biden are not just criminals, but total idiots.
It is not criminal to try and join NATO

You do not decide what is criminal the law does and it violates no law or Treaty
They’re Canadians. The best educated work force on the planet. . We are taught real history, warts and all, so we don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over.

We don’t have a lying billionaire owned right wing media feeding Canadians fear and paranoia night and day.

We like immigrants. We don’t care what colour they are. We’re bringing in good people and they’re making their homes here and they’re making Canada their home. So all of the right wing crap you’re being fed about immigrants we know it’s a lie.

80% of Canadians think Donald Trump is a complete and utter asshole. And they think that America has had a complete and total nervous breakdown in the entire nation has lost its mind.

I don’t even think you could get Alberta to join you at this point.

You have a racist leader who wears black face and you proudly support him. Fact.
Jordan wouldn't make a pimple on a dog's ass without his assbuddy Trump. It's his whole life, his being, his career. As a member of the HOR Jordan is an abject failure & he needs Trump & the cameras because without them no one would know if the fucker even had a pulse & no one would give a shit one way or the other anyway.
Jim Jordan, a national wrestling champion, has the heart of a lion.
No one is going to intimidate him away from his mission to save America from the FBI Gestapo.
You can whine about his pulse after defending Fetterman and Feinstein, duh.
I am far left of Bernie Sanders, and I do not thing Biden is a better alternative to anyone.
I can ignore a lot of things, but illegally starting this war in the Ukraine is totally intolerable.
It not only is expensive, but risks the totally destruction of the entire US.
There is no way Putin can let us put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
It is illegal, and half the Ukrainians are ethnic Russian and don't want it either.

Joe Biden didn’t start any war. Vladimir Putin started the war.

The risks of not defending the Ukraine, far exceed the risks, and the cost of doing so
That isn't true.
Trump did not start any illegal wars, and that is the main way the US economy ends up in the dumpster.
Considering the Bush recession and covid, Trump did ok.
Biden however, is doing terribly.
Could be the worst president ever.
Not only starting a whole new war of his own in the Ukraine, but risking everything, for nothing.
How’s Uncle Vlad doing? I hear he’s dying of cancer
Stunning? Well, the alphabet groups and the MSM conspired to bury the true story to help steal the election from Trump so I guess what's good for the goose....

And what true story might that be, hmmm?
Your source is worthless. Little Jamie Raskin is a lying sack of shit. He (like Adam Schiff) have lied about Donald Trump for years.

Run a search for "Jamie Raskin liar" if you don't believe me.
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a threat to US National Security" if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a criminal' if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a sex abuser' if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a con man' if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a liar' if you don't believe me. So what do you care about liars? You wouldn't be a HYPOCRITE, now would you, hmmmmm?

Jamie may have a short man complex. He hates Donald Trump with a passion. Jealous probably.

He doesn't matter. Neither do you OP.

TRUMP 2024

Incompetent rebuttal; no substantive rebuttal offered.

kill-the-messenger, a pseudo debate trick, has no argumentative value.
Yah, but the Hunter laptop maybe should be enough to prevent Biden from being in the White House?
What Biden is doing in the Ukraine is illegal, expensive, and risk the utter destruction of the US.

Except for one small detail. There is NOTHING in the laptop which reveals any criminal activity by Joe Biden
1. Time the fuck out. You are democrat. You can't say late term abortions are MURDER,

Hey Shit for Brains, dems support late term abortions ONL:Y if the mother's life is in danger.

you need to say infanticide is a "woman's right".
my gawd you are dumb.
Here is a credible link tha confirms the 8 states I posted above as allowing late term and partial birth abortions. If you disagree post a credible link. These are the blue states that allow infanticide.
Show me the legislation for each of those, and THEN we'll see if it adds up to your SMEAR.
3. Able bodied without kids should be able to work 20-hrs a week.
Abled bodied do not get welfare. Don't think so? Apply for welfare and see how far you get.
4. LIAR. Deviant behavior is being taught in public schools with our tax dollars.
What 'deviant behavior' do you have evidence for that is being taught? The presence of a drag queen is NOT 'deviant behavior', PER SE, it is theatre, or diversity education if they are reciting something (such as a children's book)
5. Posting the 10 Commandments isn't pushing religion.
Are you really that stupid?

Having every kid be forced to learn religious teachings and morality to graduate is what my solution to deviate classes.
You are seeking a solution to a problem that does not exist. But teaching religion outside of a comparative religion class should only be taught in churches at sunday school, period. It's called 'separation of church and state'.

How would you like that? So stop the drag shit, or we push religions of the world to teach morals..
The whole whole point of 'Drag Queen Story Hour' is to teach kids to accept people who are different, not be ignorant, nor be bigots, and clearly this is the kind of education you did not receive as a child, for you are one bigotted muthafucka.

More wars and inhumanity to man has been committed in the name of religion, so don't get me started.
6. The electorate has another chance to correct their 2020 error. Voters won't be fooled again by the MSM and FBI Gestapo.

You're going to be disappointed, I'm afraid.
What's the big deal? We will openly and proudly do whatever we can to kick the Democrats right in the nuts in 2024. Tissue?
And what true story might that be, hmmm?

That the laptop was real, that xiden crime family is the most corrupt we know of, and the deep state is ignoring the COTUS.

Hey Shit for Brains, dems support late term abortions ONL:Y if the mother's life is in danger.

my gawd you are dumb.

Show me the legislation for each of those, and THEN we'll see if it adds up to your SMEAR.

Abled bodied do not get welfare. Don't think so? Apply for welfare and see how far you get.

What 'deviant behavior' do you have evidence for that is being taught? The presence of a drag queen is NOT 'deviant behavior', PER SE, it is theatre, or diversity education if they are reciting something (such as a children's book)

Are you really that stupid?

You are seeking a solution to a problem that does not exist. But teaching religion outside of a comparative religion class should only be taught in churches at sunday school, period. It's called 'separation of church and state'.

The whole whole point of 'Drag Queen Story Hour' is to teach kids to accept people who are different, not be ignorant, nor be bigots, and clearly this is the kind of education you did not receive as a child, for you are one bigotted muthafucka.

More wars and inhumanity to man has been committed in the name of religion, so don't get me started.

You're going to be disappointed, I'm afraid.

No, drag queen story hour is to normalize sexual fetishes, and to sexualize children.

Step one on the road to child rape.
Jim Jordan, a national wrestling champion, has the heart of a lion.
No one is going to intimidate him away from his mission to save America from the FBI Gestapo.
You can whine about his pulse after defending Fetterman and Feinstein, duh.
Jordan is a national disgrace.
Your source is worthless. Little Jamie Raskin is a lying sack of shit. He (like Adam Schiff) have lied about Donald Trump for years.

Run a search for "Jamie Raskin liar" if you don't believe me.

Jamie may have a short man complex. He hates Donald Trump with a passion. Jealous probably.

He doesn't matter. Neither do you OP.

TRUMP 2024
Raskin is jealous of a twice impeached jackass who was bounced out of the W.H. after one term? :abgg2q.jpg:
No, drag queen story hour is to normalize sexual fetishes, and to sexualize children.

Step one on the road to child rape.

Please provide substantiation for your opinion.

I'm not here for opinions, I'm here for substantiation of opinions, and to determine whether the
substantiation has merit. Opinions are cheap.
That the laptop was real, that xiden crime family is the most corrupt we know of, and the deep state is ignoring the COTUS.

incompetent rebuttal; No evidence of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden given. 'Deep state' is a right wing thought-terminating cliché, and, as such, has no argumentative value.
incompetent rebuttal; No evidence of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden given. 'Deep state' is a right wing thought-terminating cliché, and, as such, has no argumentative value.

Loads of evidence. Liars, like you, ignore mountains of evidence to support your dictator.
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a threat to US National Security" if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a criminal' if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a sex abuser' if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a con man' if you don't believe me
Run a search for 'Donald Trump is a liar' if you don't believe me. So what do you care about liars? You wouldn't be a HYPOCRITE, now would you, hmmmmm?

Incompetent rebuttal; no substantive rebuttal offered.

kill-the-messenger, a pseudo debate trick, has no argumentative value.
Sure, run a search for "Donald Trump is _____________"

Include any of those search terms. Donald Trump is a controversial figure who is loathed by mainstream media news networks. Social media too. You will find many links that say "Donald Trump is [insert insult]".

Rumpole, huh? Like "Rumpole of the Bailey"? Your avatar resembles the character. I am American and have never seen it. I do read and know of this series.

Are you British?

"kill-the-messenger, a pseudo debate trick, has no argumentative value."

kill-the-messenger is precisely what Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff have been doing for years. The messenger is Donald Trump and his millions of supporters. They have lied and lied over and over again about Donald Trump. Raskin has been lying about the Durham Report trying to discredit it and John Durham. He is failing. Again. He is a failure.

Jamie Raskin is the liar spouting off in the video you posted in this thread. He has no credibility.

There is a resolution in Congress now to expel Adam Schiff. It probably won't succeed because democrats are circling the wagons. He is, however, thoroughly discredited. So is little Jamie Raskin.

If you are British you cannot vote for the next President of the United States.

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