Stunning admission from Rep. Jordan, that the Hunter Biden laptop investigation is about putting Trump back in office

You type DNC lies with no proof. You can't dispute these FACTS

1. Tell me you support Dr. Kermit Gosnell on "women's rights"?
No ethical persons supports murder.
2. Women's rights need to be tempered with babies' rights. Tell me you support partial birth abortions, i.e. cutting the baby up as it is being born? Like several dem states allow.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
*Plus, the District of Columbia
Dailywire is not a credible source. On the right, I'll accept WSJ, Christian Science Monitor, The Bulwark, the Hill, and a few others on a case by case basis
3. The "poor" need to learn how to work. Then they won't be "poor".
Your attitudes is that of a cynic, which betrays the facts. Many are working poor, and many are disabled or elderly.
4. There is no hate for gay people, but we don't want OUR kids being forced to learn about deviant behaviors in school. Schools are to learn math and science, not what a drag queen is.
You guys act if this is what is going on all day in schools It's not. No one is teaching deviant behavior in school, it reflects your bias and paranoia. You want guns in schools, but are afraid of a drag queen? You guys are really fucked up.
How would you like if we forced classes on the bible and Christianity?
YOu mean like this?
5. Trumpism is coming back, its better than the moronic shit Biden and the democrats are forcing on America. (you know my list)
Trumpism tried to destroy America, and the electorate said no. Sorry. Your list is shit, padding, twisted facts, minor shit and my list is the fucking truth with major facts which blows your list away.
6. People are not fleeing the GOP, they are fleeing blue states for red ones.

Yeah, the conservatives in the blue states, they can go if they want.
No problem here. CA has too many people, as it is.

You got nothing on Joe Biden:

Now repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, Kim Jong Un, the 'poorly educated', despises democracy and has betrayed America

Got that?
The accusations have been made.

The matter must now play itself out the House Committee and the criminal law courts.

Just because the inquiry is politically motivated does not mean that there is no substantive corruption and wrongdoing to be investigated.

Let the matter be pressed.

That the matter is political motivated increases the odds that it's all bullshit.

I've seen the 'evidence' and none of it proves any wrong doing by Joe Biden.

That the idiots in the Republican congress and Senate do not understand this tells me they are incompetent.
Rump, it was comical for you to accuse others of not liking biden when you so clearly hate trump

Well, here's the difference

There is no evidence that justifies loathing Biden.

There are tons of evidence that justifies loathing Trump.

Well, here's the difference

There is no evidence that justifies loathing Biden.

There are tons of evidence that justifies loathing Trump.

You highly biased opinion does not hold water

Biden is dirty
Oh bullshit. 3 of 30k emails marked with a 'C' (confidential) doesn't warrant an indictment.
Doctoring and email doesn't get you prison. If that were true, the prisons would be thrice the size.
You have zero evidence.
They are doing their job, going after criminals like Trump and his criminal associates.
I used to be a Republican, but left because of the plethora of liars in the party, liars like you, not to mention
they love to cater to the rich and hate the poor, hate gay people, and no longer believe America is a democracy.
She's a communist? BFD. Republicans are criminals.
1. Her private server defeats FOIA and is actually ILLEGAL, i.e. against the law. Comey (FBI Gestapo) gave her a pass on her "intent". Total bullshit.
Intelligence officials have discovered sensitive national security information on Hillary Clinton’s server that goes beyond the “top secret” level, the intelligence community inspector general told lawmakers in a letter last week.

2. Falsifying evidence is a crime. That you try to justify it means you are just a garden variety lawless democrat hack.

3. Navy flunkout and druggie Hunter Biden is worth $230,000,000. He earned that cash by selling favors to America's enemies. Traitors.

4. Ride the subways or walk the streets of any big city and you'll see democrat criminals. Pedo Joe's "open border" policy and his "war on energy" raises Putin's income.
Trump, initiated elaborate scheme to overthrow the government/coup attempt, thousands of lies,.
Wondered why a report on Ted Cruz's dad in the Nat Enquirer didn't win a pulitzer, and maga morons parroting his talking points. Yep, you nailed the perfect description of Trump.

I love watching Democrats, snowflakes,bots, and trolls accuse others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done / do.

what’s so stunning about Jordan hoping exposing the criminal enterprise that is the xiden family will lead to him losing the election.?
No he said the purpose of the laptop investigation was to put Trump in the White House, it's all political theater.

What were the purpose of the Trump impeachments?
"everyone knows' are weasel words.

Weasel words have no argumentative value.

Obama mentioned no such thing.

You have no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

But we have tons of evidence against Trump
So when you are not aware of something, instead of blaming your source for hiding info you are arogantly dishonest. Look up Obamas concerns with Biden he relayed to his staff to try and handle, Obama did indeed know about Biden and have concerns. Look at the dates of my memes about his corruption in archives here. And no you do not have evidence against Trump, you have narrative created by the same source guilty of obstructing through intimidation of Trump and his helpers. Once again your source of info shaped your prejudices against everyone coming against the gov't corruption.
Hence my joke:
No ethical persons supports murder.
Dailywire is not a credible source. On the right, I'll accept WSJ, Christian Science Monitor, The Bulwark, the Hill, and a few others on a case by case basis
Your attitudes is that of a cynic, which betrays the facts. Many are working poor, and many are disabled or elderly.
You guys act if this is what is going on all day in schools It's not. No one is teaching deviant behavior in school, it reflects your bias and paranoia. You want guns in schools, but are afraid of a drag queen? You guys are really fucked up.
You mean like this?
10 Commandments
Trumpism tried to destroy America, and the electorate said no. Sorry. Your list is shit, padding, twisted facts, minor shit and my list is the fucking truth with major facts which blows your list away.
Yeah, the conservatives in the blue states, they can go if they want.
No problem here. CA has too many people, as it is.
You got nothing on Joe Biden:
Now repeat after me:
Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, Kim Jong Un, the 'poorly educated', despises democracy and has betrayed America
1. Time the fuck out. You are democrat. You can't say late term abortions are MURDER, you need to say infanticide is a "woman's right". Here is a credible link tha confirms the 8 states I posted above as allowing late term and partial birth abortions. If you disagree post a credible link. These are the blue states that allow infanticide.

3. Able bodied without kids should be able to work 20-hrs a week.

4. LIAR. Deviant behavior is being taught in public schools with our tax dollars.

5. Posting the 10 Commandments isn't pushing religion. Having every kid be forced to learn religious teachings and morality to graduate is what my solution to deviate classes. How would you like that? So stop the drag shit, or we push religions of the world to teach morals..

6. The electorate has another chance to correct their 2020 error. Voters won't be fooled again by the MSM and FBI Gestapo.
He has to do something to at least try and level the playing ground for Don since the left has weaponized the entire FBI and DOJ against him.

The most effective weapon the left has for destroying Donald Trump has been a television camera and a microphone.

Put Trump on camera and he’ll confess to sexually assaulting women, firing the Director of the FBI to stop an investigation he didn’t like, trying to extort the Ukraine into investigating his political enemies, advocating the overthrow of the government, or stealing Top Secret Documents from the White House.
Blah Blah Blah democrat liars lying.
Jordan hopes Trump runs and wins. SO WHAT?

Jordan wouldn't make a pimple on a dog's ass without his assbuddy Trump. It's his whole life, his being, his career. As a member of the HOR Jordan is an abject failure & he needs Trump & the cameras because without them no one would know if the fucker even had a pulse & no one would give a shit one way or the other anyway.
The most effective weapon the left has for destroying Donald Trump has been a television camera and a microphone.

Put Trump on camera and he’ll confess to sexually assaulting women, firing the Director of the FBI to stop an investigation he didn’t like, trying to extort the Ukraine into investigating his political enemies, advocating the overthrow of the government, or stealing Top Secret Documents from the White House.
Trump is a first class jerkoff & he proves it every time he opens his piehole. My dog barks because she just can't help yourself. Trump runs his stupid yap for the same reason.
No he said the purpose of the laptop investigation was to put Trump in the White House, it's all political theater.

Yah, but the Hunter laptop maybe should be enough to prevent Biden from being in the White House?
What Biden is doing in the Ukraine is illegal, expensive, and risk the utter destruction of the US.

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