Stunning admission from Rep. Jordan, that the Hunter Biden laptop investigation is about putting Trump back in office

It is surprising to leftists that some Republicans have agendas and actually, HONESTLY, say it out loud... opposed to Democrats who lie, scheme, initiate scandals, and attempt elaborate schemes / coup attempts in secret, lying, using MSM to print / report Pulutzer Prize-winning falae narrative, and count on snowflakes, bots, and trolls to parrot talking points for 7 years.

Trump, initiated elaborate scheme to overthrow the government/coup attempt, thousands of lies,.
Wondered why a report on Ted Cruz's dad in the Nat Enquirer didn't win a pulitzer, and maga morons parroting his talking points. Yep, you nailed the perfect description of Trump.
Would that change the fact Biden sold his country out to a foreign adversary?
You'd definitely change my mind about Biden if there were any truth
to what you are imply. But, there isn't.
Then your post is the political theater, smokescreens don't change the fact you placed a corrupt politician in office at the worst possible time in history. Brilliant!

There is no evidence of Biden corruption.

But there is TONS of evidence on Trump's corruption.

Evidence provided on request.

Now, do you have evidence on Joe Biden?

No, you don't.
I'm looking forward to the 2024 ass-kicking.
Biden and Harris are total incompetents.
Trump and / or Desantis should beat them like baby seals.

I almost hope that the FBI and DOJ get Trump convicted and out of the 2024 race. Then again, if Trump wins you know how he will tear the deep state apart.

You're an idiot, and the world is full of them. Unfortunately, there is no cure.

Now fuck off. Yes, the feds are coming after Trump, and rightfully so, he's a criminal.

But, Republican criminals in the WH is nothing new:

You're an idiot, and the world is full of them. Unfortunately, there is no cure.
Now fuck off. Yes, the feds are coming after Trump, and rightfully so, he's a criminal.
But, Republican criminals in the WH is nothing new:
All you proved is that the FBI Gestapo covers up democrat crimes.
A grand Jury made up of DC democrats proves nothing.
That the democrat's perverse agenda promotes deviant behavior, and they call church-goers "domestic terrorists" says it all.

Yeah, you repubs want to take women's rights away, you guys want tax cuts for the rich, want cutting back on helping the poor, you guys spread hate on gay people (according to you, equality for gays is 'perverse'), and you want guns in schools and churches, but of course, not at presidential rallies, fucking hypocrites,

Trumpism will fall into the dumpster of history, an asterisk in the annals of history that America made a big ass mistake.

make no mistake, the majority of voters have had ENOUGH of right wing bullshit. People are fleeing the GOP
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All you proved is that the FBI Gestapo covers up democrat crimes.
A grand Jury made up of DC democrats proves nothing.

You haven't proved democrat crimes. I have proved that the FBI prevented right wing propaganda.

A grand jury doesn't convict, a JURY does. Either you love American institutions, or you hate it.

Clearly, you are anti-American. Anyone that is pro Trump is anti-America. The man is a wannabe dictator, he loves KJU and PUtin and hates American institutions. No wonder, they hate him because he loves the enemy.

Anyone who loves the enemy hates America, anyone who loves the man who hates America also hates America.

Democrats are patriots. We want MORE democracy, Republicans want Less. Hell, republicans are going around trying to convince the morons in their base that America is not a democracy? Clearly, they hate democracy. No fucking wonder, they lost the popular vote for the last few decades. FBI are heros. Dems are the party of law and order. Republicans are the party of fascism. Republicans are fucking evil and a runaway crime org, HISTORY IS PROOF


Repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents
Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session of congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

Got that?
Trump’s motivation is not my motivation

Hunter and old Joe are criminals snd must be exposed

No evidence so far. Let me know when you have it.

And, by the way, claiming their is evidence is not evidence.
Yeah, you guns want to take women's rights away, tax cuts for the rich, cutting back on helping the poor, spread hate on gay people (according to you, equality for gays is 'perverse'), and you want guns in schools and churches, but of course, not at presidential rallies, fucking hypocrites,
Trumpism will fall into the dumpster of history, an asterisk in the annals of history that America made a big ass mistake.
make no mistake, the majority of voters have had ENOUGH of right wing bullshit. People are fleeing the GOP
You type DNC lies with no proof. You can't dispute these FACTS

1. Tell me you support Dr. Kermit Gosnell on "women's rights"?

2. Women's rights need to be tempered with babies' rights. Tell me you support partial birth abortions, i.e. cutting the baby up as it is being born? Like several dem states allow.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
*Plus, the District of Columbia

3. The "poor" need to learn how to work. Then they won't be "poor".

4. There is no hate for gay people, but we don't want OUR kids being forced to learn about deviant behaviors in school. Schools are to learn math and science, not what a drag queen is. How would you like if we forced classes on the bible and Christianity?

5. Trumpism is coming back, its better than the moronic shit Biden and the democrats are forcing on America. (you know my list)

6. People are not fleeing the GOP, they are fleeing blue states for red ones.
You haven't proved democrat crimes. I have proved that the FBI prevented right wing propaganda.
A grand jury doesn't convict, a JURY does. Either you love American institutions, or you hate it.
Clearly, you are anti-American. Anyone that is pro Trump is anti-America. The man is a wannabe dictator, he loves KJU and PUtin and hates American institutions. No wonder, they hate him because he loves the enemy.
Anyone who loves the enemy hates America, anyone who loves the man who hates America also hates America.
Democrats are patriots. We want MORE democracy, Republicans want Less. Hell, republicans are going around trying to convince the morons in their base that America is not a democracy?
Hillary should be in prison for her bathroom server
Clinesmith should be in prison for falsifying evidence
The Bidens should be indicted for selling influence, especially to Putin and Xi
The FBI Gestapo needs to be rebuilt to be non-partisan
Democrats are for criminals and against patriotism, like AOC and her commie friends.
No evidence so far. Let me know when you have it.

And, by the way, claiming their is evidence is not evidence.
Crime sometimes goes unpunished due to lack of evidence

The best you can say about old joe and his crackhead son is that so far they have beaten the rap
You'd definitely change my mind about Biden if there were any truth
to what you are imply. But, there isn't.

There is no evidence of Biden corruption.

But there is TONS of evidence on Trump's corruption.

Evidence provided on request.

Now, do you have evidence on Joe Biden?

No, you don't.
Have I ever been wrong about these things yet?
Has your news source purposely avoided the subject at all costs? Why?
Has your news source been wrong about everything thus far?
Did they not put in office the exact guy they falsely claimed Trump to be?
I rest my case....everyone has known about his corruption for decades, even Obama mentioned it a problem, they just did nothing about it, and this is the price of sin and complacency.
Have I ever been wrong about these things yet?
Has your news source purposely avoided the subject at all costs? Why?
Has your news source been wrong about everything thus far?
Did they not put in office the exact guy they falsely claimed Trump to be?
I rest my case....everyone has known about his corruption for decades, even Obama mentioned it a problem, they just did nothing about it, and this is the price of sin and complacency.

"everyone knows' are weasel words.

Weasel words have no argumentative value.

Obama mentioned no such thing.

You have no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

But we have tons of evidence against Trump
Crime sometimes goes unpunished due to lack of evidence

The best you can say about old joe and his crackhead son is that so far they have beaten the rap

We get it, you don't like Joe Biden.

So what else is new?

Got any evidence?

Nope, you got shit.

Repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, Kim Jong Un, the 'poorly educated', despises democracy and has betrayed America

Got that?
From the horse's mouth, I shit you not, he admits it, CLEARLY.

The accusations have been made.

The matter must now play itself out the House Committee and the criminal law courts.

Just because the inquiry is politically motivated does not mean that there is no substantive corruption and wrongdoing to be investigated.

Let the matter be pressed.
Hillary should be in prison for her bathroom server
Oh bullshit. 3 of 30k emails marked with a 'C' (confidential) doesn't warrant an indictment.
Clinesmith should be in prison for falsifying evidence
Doctoring and email doesn't get you prison. If taht were true, the prisons would be thrice the size.
The Bidens should be indicted for selling influence, especially to Putin and Xi
You have zero evidence.
The FBI Gestapo needs to be rebuilt to be non-partisan
They are doing their job, going after criminals like Trump and his criminal associates.
Democrats are for criminals and against patriotism, like AOC and her commie friends.
I used to be a Republican, but left because of the plethora of liars in the party, liars like you, not to mention
they love to cater to the rich and hate the poor, hate gay people, and no longer believe America is a democracy.

She's a communist? BFD. Republicans are criminals.


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