Stunning admission from Rep. Jordan, that the Hunter Biden laptop investigation is about putting Trump back in office

No bias in the investigation itself,

This summary said “scathing criticism of Comey’s handling of the investigation”. Fox News never even mentioned shit like that. Anything that makes the Democrats look good over the Republicans look bad it’s either ignored or spun on its head.

Unlike you, I bring links to sources that CAN pass a fact check.

yeah he was harsh on Comey highlighting the firing by trump was justified
Since the laptop contained no evidence against Joe Biden, suppressing it was the right thing to do
given that the Republicans would twist it, spread lies to benefit Trump.

Hooray for the FBI. But what do you care, Trump paid $130k hush money to prevent the electorate from finding out that he fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth.

But you don't give a crap about 'keeping shit out of the media' you only care if dems do it.

Fucking hypocrite
I didn't say a fucking thing about Joe Biden you partisan lunatic and I do not give a shit if every dirty thing Trump has done in his life comes out. The media and government officials straight up lied calling the laptop Russian disinformation. Calling someone a hypocrite while being one yourself makes you look like a retarded child. It's like a game of I know you are but what am I but way more annoying when it's a full grown adult doing the shit. .

No, the purpose is to put Trump back in office.
The 'dossier' is a dead horse, get over it.
The FBI is doing just fine, but Repubs are trying to defund it.
There is NO evidence of criminal activity by Joe Biden.

But, for Trump, .............

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents
Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

Got it?
Pure garbage...
Many people are poorer today than when Joe was installed.

Over 1 million people are dead today because of Trump’s failed Covid response. 8 million people fell into poverty under Donald Trump.

Bidens, American rescue plan lifted most of them out of poverty, so I think you find that people are a lot better off today than they were when Biden was elected even with inflation.

And the same is true of the other meritless, bad faith ‘investigations.’
Got it. The FBI and democrat DAs are after Trump's ass for bullshit "crimes".
The Biden Crime Family's crimes affect national security, being bought by America's adversaries.

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
China loves Biden for abandoning AFG’s motherlode of rare metals to them!
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
Xiden sold 1m bbls of SPR emergency oil to Sinopec, Hunter’s Chinese oil company, twice,that’s treason.
Xiden is turning the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI and IRS to harass opponents
Xiden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Xiden proposed forgiving $10,000 of student loan debt (unconstitutional)
Xiden stole classified documents, did he sell them to anyone? Is he a traitor for cash?
Xiden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.
Xiden blew-up the Nord Stream pipelines?! WTF? That is an act of war against Russia.
How did Navy dropout Hunter Biden get to a $230,000,000 net worth? Selling access maybe?
Xiden wants the army to make EV tanks weakening military readiness.
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid "Pedo" Joe

Do you have any evidence of a single thing that you’ve posted?

These are the QAnon talking points you’re descending into QAnon territory here.

All you have is baseless allegations, and no fucking evidence of any of it.
Republicans have noting to run on. The party is dead. The tan midget with cowboy boots from Florida is not going to save the day.
The “tan midget with cowboy boots from Florida“ is my Governor and ot the best damn Governor of Florida in the 50 years I have lived here.

People from the big blue states are pulling up their roots and moving to states like Texas and Florida with conservative state governments. I would be careful not to count the Republican Party out too soon.
haha the IG didn’t confirm that…why do you all lie about what these investigations say?

You have it backwards. IG Horowitz's report is objective. Durham was under pressure to make 'heads roll' as it had been exclaimed by the right, and since he failed, he just gave a TOKEN 300 page report whining about the FBI. His report didn't confirm Horowitz's more objective, well reasoned report, which stated:

FBI's then Counterintelligence Division (CD) Assistant Director (AD), E.W. "Bill" Priestap, to open Crossfire Hurricane and reflected a consensus reached after multiple days of discussions and meetings among senior FBI officials.. We concluded that AD Priestap's exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision. While the information in the FBI's possession at the time was limited, in light of the low threshold established by Department and FBI predication policy, we found that Crossfire Hurricane was opened for an authorized investigative purpose and with sufficient factual predication.

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has
betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents

Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

Got that?
Fifty million unvetted mail-in votes. That is unprecedented.

Your claim that there were fifty million unvetted mail-in votes in the 2020 election is not accurate.

In the 2020 election, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many states expanded mail-in and absentee voting to allow people to vote safely. According to the U.S. Elections Project, an estimated 65.6 million voters cast their ballots by mail in the 2020 General Election. However, these votes were not "unvetted."

The process for mail-in voting varies by state, but all states have security measures in place to ensure the legitimacy of votes. These measures may include requirements for voter registration, signature verification, ballot tracking systems, and secure methods for storing and counting ballots.

Claims of widespread voter fraud have been widely debunked by multiple sources, including the U.S. Department of Justice, which found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could have changed the outcome of the 2020 election.

As for the claim that the number of mail-in votes was "unprecedented," it is true that the 2020 election saw a significant increase in the number of mail-in votes compared to previous elections, largely due to the pandemic. However, mail-in voting itself is not a new practice, and multiple states have used it as a primary method of voting for years.
Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has
betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents

Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

Got that?
I didn't say a fucking thing about Joe Biden you partisan lunatic

Well now, let's see, republicans are claiming 'Biden crime family' and note that Hunter Biden and siblings are private citizens you fucking moron, no one gives a shit but Republicans about Hunter Biden, republicans who want to cast false claims about Joe Biden.

and I do not give a shit if every dirty thing Trump has done in his life comes out.

So you don't give a shit if the former president of the united states wants to drag the country down the toilet in a cesspool of chaos, well, that's tells us who you are.

The media and government officials straight up lied calling the laptop Russian disinformation.
So what? The laptop contains no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong. That's all that matters.
Calling someone a hypocrite while being one yourself makes you look like a retarded child.
Quit lying, it's bad juju.

It's like a game of I know you are but what am I but way more annoying when it's a full grown adult doing the shit. .

NYPOST is owned by a traitor, dismissed.
I didn't say a fucking thing about Joe Biden you partisan lunatic and I do not give a shit if every dirty thing Trump has done in his life comes out. The media and government officials straight up lied calling the laptop Russian disinformation. Calling someone a hypocrite while being one yourself makes you look like a retarded child. It's like a game of I know you are but what am I but way more annoying when it's a full grown adult doing the shit. .

About taht link:

There is nothing on the laptop that is incriminating to Joe Biden.

Taht anyone prevented that laptop from surfacing did the nation a favor by preventing republicans
from trying to smear the good name of Joe Biden, hooray for those folks.

But, of course, speaking of hypocrisy, real hypocrisy, as in YOUR hypocrisy, you don't give a damn that Trump suppressed the hush money story, which, if had been known, hillary might have won. She sure as hell wouldn't have fawned over Putin and sent love letters to Kim Jong Un.

So, you link to a story that claims the outcome of the election would have been different if the laptop had been made public. If that is true, then the outcome would have been based on a lie, and thank providence that didn't happen. FBI are HEROES.

But, Trump is damned to hell for the hush money for preventing the TRUTH about Trump, a conman who fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth.

But, like you said, you don't give a shit if the president swims in a cesspool.

Says a lot about you.

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents
Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

But you don't give a damn. You care if a private citizen is a black sheep in Joe's family, as if that has anything to do with politics. It doesn't.
About taht link:

There is nothing on the laptop that is incriminating to Joe Biden.

Taht anyone prevented that laptop from surfacing did the nation a favor by preventing republicans
from trying to smear the good name of Joe Biden, hooray for those folks.

But, of course, speaking of hypocrisy, real hypocrisy, as in YOUR hypocrisy, you don't give a damn that Trump suppressed the hush money story, which, if had been known, hillary might have won. She sure as hell wouldn't have fawned over Putin and sent love letters to Kim Jong Un.

So, you link to a story that claims the outcome of the election would have been different if the laptop had been made public. If that is true, then the outcome would have been based on a lie, and thank providence that didn't happen. FBI are HEROES.

But, Trump is damned to hell for the hush money for preventing the TRUTH about Trump, a conman who fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth.

But, like you said, you don't give a shit if the president swims in a cesspool.

Says a lot about you.

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents
Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

But you don't give a damn. You care if a private citizen is a black sheep in Joe's family, as if that has anything to do with politics. It doesn't.
About taht link:

There is nothing on the laptop that is incriminating to Joe Biden.

Taht anyone prevented that laptop from surfacing did the nation a favor by preventing republicans
from trying to smear the good name of Joe Biden, hooray for those folks.

But, of course, speaking of hypocrisy, real hypocrisy, as in YOUR hypocrisy, you don't give a damn that Trump suppressed the hush money story, which, if had been known, hillary might have won. She sure as hell wouldn't have fawned over Putin and sent love letters to Kim Jong Un.

So, you link to a story that claims the outcome of the election would have been different if the laptop had been made public. If that is true, then the outcome would have been based on a lie, and thank providence that didn't happen. FBI are HEROES.

But, Trump is damned to hell for the hush money for preventing the TRUTH about Trump, a conman who fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth.

But, like you said, you don't give a shit if the president swims in a cesspool.

Says a lot about you.

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents
Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

But you don't give a damn. You care if a private citizen is a black sheep in Joe's family, as if that has anything to do with politics. It doesn't.
I do not give a shit whats on the fucking laptop what I have a problem with is the lies by the media and government officials to protect Biden's Presidential run. By the way I don't even like Trump I'm a true Conservative and I'm not a partisan hack like you are.
You have it backwards. IG Horowitz's report is objective. Durham was under pressure to make 'heads roll' as it had been exclaimed by the right, and since he failed, he just gave a TOKEN 300 page report whining about the FBI. His report didn't confirm Horowitz's more objective, well reasoned report, which stated:

FBI's then Counterintelligence Division (CD) Assistant Director (AD), E.W. "Bill" Priestap, to open Crossfire Hurricane and reflected a consensus reached after multiple days of discussions and meetings among senior FBI officials.. We concluded that AD Priestap's exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision. While the information in the FBI's possession at the time was limited, in light of the low threshold established by Department and FBI predication policy, we found that Crossfire Hurricane was opened for an authorized investigative purpose and with sufficient factual predication.

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has
betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents

Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

Got that?
haha more debunked lies
Zionist Fascism stole the election of 2020. The Hunter Biden laptop was part of the election fraud.

It wasn't the first time Zionist Fascism wished for Traitor Joe to be "installed" as US Prez...

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

Translation = We got away with JFK and installed Zionist Fascist mass murderer LBJ, let's try it again!!!

Zionist Fascism trusted Traitor Joe that if the Mossad offed homO, Joe would lie about it and hate hoax it on Iran, and start a US war with Iran....

Same as LBJ and Israel trying to murder USS Liberty to hate hoax a war with Egypt

Same as 911 fraud being used to hate hoax wars in Afghan and Iraq (and they wanted Iran too)
Your claim that there were fifty million unvetted mail-in votes in the 2020 election is not accurate.

In the 2020 election, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many states expanded mail-in and absentee voting to allow people to vote safely. According to the U.S. Elections Project, an estimated 65.6 million voters cast their ballots by mail in the 2020 General Election. However, these votes were not "unvetted."

The process for mail-in voting varies by state, but all states have security measures in place to ensure the legitimacy of votes. These measures may include requirements for voter registration, signature verification, ballot tracking systems, and secure methods for storing and counting ballots.

Claims of widespread voter fraud have been widely debunked by multiple sources, including the U.S. Department of Justice, which found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could have changed the outcome of the 2020 election.

As for the claim that the number of mail-in votes was "unprecedented," it is true that the 2020 election saw a significant increase in the number of mail-in votes compared to previous elections, largely due to the pandemic. However, mail-in voting itself is not a new practice, and multiple states have used it as a primary method of voting for years.
Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has
betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents

Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.

Got that?
They were unvetted. There is no way to prevent electioneering with widespread mail-in votes.
You are an election fraud denier.
You are anti-American.
Inflation is due to the pandemic, it is world wide. Get agrip.

Trump let two russian spies in the oval office with no American attending.
Trump invited the Taliban to camp david.

Shut up, you son of bitch. You traffic in this garbage.

THE IRS plan is to replace agents over time, as they retire. So you are twisting the facts.

Not been settled, and this is a good thing.

Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents and ADMITTED STEALING THEM DURING THE TOWHALL on CNN.

Your shit list is full of lies, PADDING, and misstatements of facts.

Evidence of criminal activity Joe Biden.
My shit list does contain evidence of criminal activity by Trump (provided on request)

Now, repeat after me:
Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has
betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents
Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.

Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.
Got it?
1. You keep posting Trump's "crimes" and "investigations" but no convictions. So they are all just democrat BULLSHIT
2. Evidence of criminal activity by Joe Biden includes selling influence. Follow the money to the Biden Crime Family.
3. Repeat after me, Trump leads Biden in the 2024 polls;
4. There are NOT 34 felony counts in NYC. Bragg has nothing. Bragg is not the FEC, dumbass.
5. LIAR. Here is the article on IRS agents willing to kill. (not "replace agents over time as they retire"
6. Joe Biden is a pervert/pedophile

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