Stunning admission from Rep. Jordan, that the Hunter Biden laptop investigation is about putting Trump back in office

Durham is a dud. 300 page crybaby whine about the FBI, four years and millions spent, no prosecutions worth a crap. FBI are heroes, fighting to put criminals like Trump, Manafort, Stone and all of his corrupt crew IN JAIL.

Not to mention years of crime by republicans in the WH:

No one is going to slash the FBI budget.

Fox news are proven liars.

I am correct. You are full of shit.

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal
who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention
that he despises democracy and has
betrayed America

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mgr., convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents

Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.
Got that?
Suck on this: republicans are CRIMINALS
The FBI covers up for democrats and persecutes Republicans, the FBI is the DNC GESTAPO. The FBI needs to be defunded so they enforce the law fairly. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI is a biased mess.
Do you have any evidence of a single thing that you’ve posted?
These are the QAnon talking points you’re descending into QAnon territory here.
All you have is baseless allegations, and no fucking evidence of any of it.
The Durham Report confirms that the FBI is currently the DNC Gestapo, unfairly and selectively enforcing the LAW.
You want to see real dopes? Here's a start...





The FBI covers up for democrats and persecutes Republicans, the FBI is the DNC GESTAPO. The FBI needs to be defunded so they enforce the law fairly. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI is a biased mess.

More hogswallop.

This is a stupid argument I keep hearing is that The FBI was manipulated by Clinton, and was in cahoots with her for carrying water for the left. This defies history.

for one thing.........

Historically, though, the F.B.I. has been arguably the most culturally conservative and traditionally white Christian institution in the entire U.S. government.

House Republicans have empaneled a Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government to investigate the widespread belief on the right that the FBI and other agencies are attempting to “purge conservative views.” A recently leaked memo even fueled concern that this campaign includes investigating Catholic conservatives for their beliefs. More than 20 state attorneys general and a host of Republican officials have called for an investigation of the Bureau’s bias, “woke” culture and “religious persecution,” and even to defund the FBI.

There is just one problem with the fury and demands for action: If the FBI suffers from bias against a political side, it’s the left. In fact, the Bureau’s history reveals that it has long had a conservative Christian preference in its hiring practices, culture and investigative priorities. While there have been some steps taken to address the Bureau’s bias, its fundamental culture remains in place — underscoring that the right’s claims are simply divorced from the reality of the Bureau.

This idea that the most conservative christian agency in the US government is in cahoots with a Democrat is absurd on it's face, and defies logic.

No, they just go after criminals, be they dem or repub, and just because so many on the right are criminals, well, that's on you guys.

You want to see real dopes? Here's a start...

Your willingness to traffic in innuendo, cheap shots and transphobia is proof that you can't be taken seriously.

Grow up.
The Durham Report confirms that the FBI is currently the DNC Gestapo, unfairly and selectively enforcing the LAW.

No, it doesn’t. It tries to make the case that Trump was unfairly treated by the FBI, but feels completely to do so. That take his completely at odds with both the Huber report and the inspector general’s report, both of whom excoriated dreams call me for his treatment of Hillary Clinton.

There is nothing nefarious in the FBI’s refusal to investigate the phoney Judicial Watch allegations during the election campaign. Judicial watch presented no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons.

The FBI did not reveal anything about the Trump investigation to the press all the while keeping the press updated about the Clinton investigation. That was definitely prejudicial to Clinton’s campaign.

No one was investigating Donald Trump until Trump fired Comey in order to stop the Russia Investigation which gave the FBI cause to investigate. Trump told Lester Holt on national TV that you fired. Call me in order to stop the Russia investigation.

Tomorrow, Lago case came about because Donald Trump admits he took documents from the White House

Donald Trump was found guilty of sexual assault because he told the press he grabs women by the pussy.

Donald Trump keeps confessing to the truck crimes he’s committed and you keep blaming Democrats for investigating and criminally charging him for the crimes he openly admits to doing.
Jim Jordan is a fucked up, piece of shit!

Jim Jordan has created a judicial committee that has no lawyers on it. Instead, it’s packed with QAnon crazies, white supremacists, and complete idiots.

Comer, Bobert, MTG, Gossar, and Jordan. The gang that couldn’t shoot straight. They’re not lawyers and they’re trying to prosecute Democrats.

None of them have the vaguest idea of what they’re doing and it shows. They have yet to turn up with a single piece of evidence against Hunter, Biden, Joe Biden, or any other members of the Biden family.
1. You keep posting Trump's "crimes" and "investigations" but no convictions. So they are all just democrat BULLSHIT
Everything in that list is verifiable, dipshit.
2. Evidence of criminal activity by Joe Biden includes selling influence. Follow the money to the Biden Crime Family.
Not a stitch of evidence has ever been provided. Now get this , you fucking jerk, US Attorney Delaware David Weiss, assigned to investigate Hunter Biden, over THREE YEARS ago, by Bill Barr, was LEFT TO FINISH THE JOB BY JOE BIDEN, on his OWN SON. Does that sound like a criminal? Fuck you. Joe Biden is cool, he's a hero.
Now get this, slimeball, Weiss, in over 3 years, has NOT indicted Hunter or anyone. If he doesn't have evidence, you sure as hell do not, nor does anyone else

3. Repeat after me, Trump leads Biden in the 2024 polls;
Depends on the poll.
This just in, 3 days ago: Biden up over 7 points in a NYPOST poll. Suck on this, sucka
4. There are NOT 34 felony counts in NYC. Bragg has nothing. Bragg is not the FEC, dumbass.
trump is indicted, his org is indicted, his CFO in prison, 8 others convicted, he's being sued for $250 million, and more indictments to come. DUMBASS.
5. LIAR. Here is the article on IRS agents willing to kill. (not "replace agents over time as they retire"
It's an opinion piece, which means it's spin. The IRS want to catch criminals But there are so many on the right, no wonder you guys are miffed.
6. Joe Biden is a pervert/pedophile

What a fucking dipshit you are. Listen

Trump is made to pay $5million for sexual abuse and defamation, so what the fuck do you even care?


A fleeting comment in a diary is not proof, and if you read the entire diary,

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF TRAUMA DIRECTED AT JOE BIDEN. In fact, we have photos and interviews of Ashley expressing love for her father, so you are trafficking in garbage innuendo and spinning it for a right wing agenda,

There is nothing wrong with a parent bathing a child.

We have Trump saying if his daughter weren't his daughter, he'd date her.

We have Trump bragging about "grabbing women's pussies."

We have Trump with photos of Epstein

We have trump bragging about barging in his teen pageant dressing rooms to 'inspect'.

We have 25 women accusing Trump of sexual abuse.

So you are a HYPOCRITE.

And what is that right wing agenda? Tax cuts for the rich, limit women's rights, guns everywhere.

You guys are fucking evil and we will whip your ass in 2024 over Dobbs and right wing abortion bans.
Jim Jordan has created a judicial committee that has no lawyers on it. Instead, it’s packed with QAnon crazies, white supremacists, and complete idiots.

Comer, Bobert, MTG, Gossar, and Jordan. The gang that couldn’t shoot straight. They’re not lawyers and they’re trying to prosecute Democrats.

None of them have the vaguest idea of what they’re doing and it shows. They have yet to turn up with a single piece of evidence against Hunter, Biden, Joe Biden, or any other members of the Biden family.
You rock, dude!
More hogswallop.

This is a stupid argument I keep hearing is that The FBI was manipulated by Clinton, and was in cahoots with her for carrying water for the left. This defies history.

for one thing.........

Historically, though, the F.B.I. has been arguably the most culturally conservative and traditionally white Christian institution in the entire U.S. government.

House Republicans have empaneled a Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government to investigate the widespread belief on the right that the FBI and other agencies are attempting to “purge conservative views.” A recently leaked memo even fueled concern that this campaign includes investigating Catholic conservatives for their beliefs. More than 20 state attorneys general and a host of Republican officials have called for an investigation of the Bureau’s bias, “woke” culture and “religious persecution,” and even to defund the FBI.

There is just one problem with the fury and demands for action: If the FBI suffers from bias against a political side, it’s the left. In fact, the Bureau’s history reveals that it has long had a conservative Christian preference in its hiring practices, culture and investigative priorities. While there have been some steps taken to address the Bureau’s bias, its fundamental culture remains in place — underscoring that the right’s claims are simply divorced from the reality of the Bureau.

This idea that the most conservative christian agency in the US government is in cahoots with a Democrat is absurd on it's face, and defies logic.

No, they just go after criminals, be they dem or repub, and just because so many on the right are criminals, well, that's on you guys.
All that proves is that the FBI persecutes Republicans, parents, and Catholics, and covers up for democrats.
Your willingness to traffic in innuendo, cheap shots and transphobia is proof that you can't be taken seriously. Grow up.
That the democrat's perverse agenda promotes deviant behavior, and they call church-goers "domestic terrorists" says it all.
No, it doesn’t. It tries to make the case that Trump was unfairly treated by the FBI, but feels completely to do so. That take his completely at odds with both the Huber report and the inspector general’s report, both of whom excoriated dreams call me for his treatment of Hillary Clinton.

There is nothing nefarious in the FBI’s refusal to investigate the phoney Judicial Watch allegations during the election campaign. Judicial watch presented no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons.

The FBI did not reveal anything about the Trump investigation to the press all the while keeping the press updated about the Clinton investigation. That was definitely prejudicial to Clinton’s campaign.

No one was investigating Donald Trump until Trump fired Comey in order to stop the Russia Investigation which gave the FBI cause to investigate. Trump told Lester Holt on national TV that you fired. Call me in order to stop the Russia investigation.

Tomorrow, Lago case came about because Donald Trump admits he took documents from the White House

Donald Trump was found guilty of sexual assault because he told the press he grabs women by the pussy.

Donald Trump keeps confessing to the truck crimes he’s committed and you keep blaming Democrats for investigating and criminally charging him for the crimes he openly admits to doing.
Were you on drugs when you mis-typed that post?
Everything in that list is verifiable, dipshit.
Not a stitch of evidence has ever been provided. Now get this , you fucking jerk, US Attorney Delaware David Weiss, assigned to investigate Hunter Biden, over THREE YEARS ago, by Bill Barr, was LEFT TO FINISH THE JOB BY JOE BIDEN, on his OWN SON. Does that sound like a criminal? Fuck you. Joe Biden is cool, he's a hero.
Now get this, slimeball, Weiss, in over 3 years, has NOT indicted Hunter or anyone. If he doesn't have evidence, you sure as hell do not, nor does anyone else

Depends on the poll.
This just in, 3 days ago: Biden up over 7 points in a NYPOST poll. Suck on this, sucka
trump is indicted, his org is indicted, his CFO in prison, 8 others convicted, he's being sued for $250 million, and more indictments to come. DUMBASS.

It's an opinion piece, which means it's spin. The IRS want to catch criminals But there are so many on the right, no wonder you guys are miffed.
What a fucking dipshit you are. Listen
Trump is made to pay $5million for sexual abuse and defamation, so what the fuck do you even care?
A fleeting comment in a diary is not proof, and if you read the entire diary,
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF TRAUMA DIRECTED AT JOE BIDEN. In fact, we have photos and interviews of Ashley expressing love for her father, so you are trafficking in garbage innuendo and spinning it for a right wing agenda,
We have Trump saying if his daughter weren't his daughter, he'd date her.
We have Trump bragging about "grabbing women's pussies."
We have Trump with photos of EpsteinWe have trump bragging about barging in his teen pageant dressing rooms to 'inspect'.We have 25 women accusing Trump of sexual abuse.So you are a
And what is that right wing agenda? Tax cuts for the rich, limit women's rights, guns everywhere.
You guys are fucking evil and we will whip your ass in 2024 over Dobbs and right wing abortion bans.
I'm looking forward to the 2024 ass-kicking.
Biden and Harris are total incompetents.
Trump and / or Desantis should beat them like baby seals.

I almost hope that the FBI and DOJ get Trump convicted and out of the 2024 race. Then again, if Trump wins you know how he will tear the deep state apart.
Everything in that list is verifiable, dipshit.

Not a stitch of evidence has ever been provided. Now get this , you fucking jerk, US Attorney Delaware David Weiss, assigned to investigate Hunter Biden, over THREE YEARS ago, by Bill Barr, was LEFT TO FINISH THE JOB BY JOE BIDEN, on his OWN SON. Does that sound like a criminal? Fuck you. Joe Biden is cool, he's a hero.
Now get this, slimeball, Weiss, in over 3 years, has NOT indicted Hunter or anyone. If he doesn't have evidence, you sure as hell do not, nor does anyone else

Depends on the poll.
This just in, 3 days ago: Biden up over 7 points in a NYPOST poll. Suck on this, sucka

trump is indicted, his org is indicted, his CFO in prison, 8 others convicted, he's being sued for $250 million, and more indictments to come. DUMBASS.

It's an opinion piece, which means it's spin. The IRS want to catch criminals But there are so many on the right, no wonder you guys are miffed.

What a fucking dipshit you are. Listen

Trump is made to pay $5million for sexual abuse and defamation, so what the fuck do you even care?


A fleeting comment in a diary is not proof, and if you read the entire diary,

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF TRAUMA DIRECTED AT JOE BIDEN. In fact, we have photos and interviews of Ashley expressing love for her father, so you are trafficking in garbage innuendo and spinning it for a right wing agenda,

There is nothing wrong with a parent bathing a child.

We have Trump saying if his daughter weren't his daughter, he'd date her.

We have Trump bragging about "grabbing women's pussies."

We have Trump with photos of Epstein

We have trump bragging about barging in his teen pageant dressing rooms to 'inspect'.

We have 25 women accusing Trump of sexual abuse.

So you are a HYPOCRITE.

And what is that right wing agenda? Tax cuts for the rich, limit women's rights, guns everywhere.

You guys are fucking evil and we will whip your ass in 2024 over Dobbs and right wing abortion bans.
Take a Midol.
No he said the purpose of the laptop investigation was to put Trump in the White House, it's all political theater.
Would that change the fact Biden sold his country out to a foreign adversary?
Then your post is the political theater, smokescreens don't change the fact you placed a corrupt politician in office at the worst possible time in history. Brilliant!
From the horse's mouth, I shit you not, he admits it, CLEARLY.

It is surprising to leftists that some Republicans have agendas and actually, HONESTLY, say it out loud... opposed to Democrats who lie, scheme, initiate scandals, and attempt elaborate schemes / coup attempts in secret, lying, using MSM to print / report Pulutzer Prize-winning falae narrative, and count on snowflakes, bots, and trolls to parrot talking points for 7 years.




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