Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

jknowgood, post: 21541284
He cut and ran.

Call it what you like, Obama did not lose the dumbest war in history that Bush started.

Just going by the reality on the ground.

What was declared “won” by pro-invasion warmongers in 2008 has not been lost by Obama or Trumpo.

And Obama assembled and led the coalition of nations that defeated ISIS in Iraq and Syria. There were six American combat deaths due to hostile actions over the four years it took to nearly defeat ISIS.

That is an amazing accomplishment if you love our troops. If that is leading from behind we need to stick to that kind of leadership.
jknowgood, post: 9747879,
Remember Obama was against the surge that won in Iraq. Obama would've lost the war if he was in charge, and when he was in charge. Well we see what happened.

Obama didn’t lose the war in Iraq. Do you feel stupid right now?
He cut and ran.
Trump cut n ran from Syria. Next...
So you want our troops abroad? Trump made you a war supporter. Lol
jknowgood, post: 9747879,
Remember Obama was against the surge that won in Iraq. Obama would've lost the war if he was in charge, and when he was in charge. Well we see what happened.

Obama didn’t lose the war in Iraq. Do you feel stupid right now?
He cut and ran.
Trump cut n ran from Syria. Next...
So you want our troops abroad? Trump made you a war supporter. Lol
I have been a war supporter for the right causes since Nam, next...
jknowgood, post: 9747879,
Remember Obama was against the surge that won in Iraq. Obama would've lost the war if he was in charge, and when he was in charge. Well we see what happened.

Obama didn’t lose the war in Iraq. Do you feel stupid right now?
He cut and ran.
Trump cut n ran from Syria. Next...
So you want our troops abroad? Trump made you a war supporter. Lol
I have been a war supporter for the right causes since Nam, next...
I'm glad he is bringing our troops home. We need to bring most of them from foriegn countries home also.
R.D., post: 9747402,
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

The future of Iraq has not been surrendered to any terrorists. In fact ISIS never successfully moved their terror operation into Shiite or Kurdish cities and villages.

ISIS could only control Sunni areas where they had collaborators. That defines foreign terrorists taking advantage of Iraq’s Sunni Shiite civil war.

The final analysis regarding Iraq’s 2010 through 2011 refusal to request a significant number of American troops to remain in Iraq after 2011 should now be settled. It was best that American troops got out of Iraq when they did.

A large contingency of combat troops on the ground were not needed to defeat ISIS.

American troops had no business getting caught in the middle of Iraq’s civil war by taking the Shiite government side against the Sunni population when ISIS.

It was not that difficult sending in advisers on the ground and then providing what the US Military is the best in the world. Air Support.

The war against ISIS in Iraq was won with minimal American casualties.

All those armchair generals with their 20/20 hindsight in 2014 blaming Obama’s failure to negotiate a new SOFA in 2011 were wrong as hell.

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