Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

If Obabble can't influence events occurring in a "friendly nation" how will he influence events in the unfriendly?

That's easy, he bombs and fires missiles at the unfriendlies in the unfriendly areas. He does not use military force against friendliest in friendly areas. The latter do what they want. The former die. We have our way with them.
That's why I put friends in quotations...if they are not are friends they should at least smart enough to know we can destroy them again...they owe us...if they don't know that....nuke em and be done with it forever.

No one takes such idiocy seriously. You need a new comedy routine,
Once again, Obama takes half assed approach, ISIS shows they're fucking serious. A Brit now beheaded, and wait till they behead a woman.

Thanks Obama, your tit for tat is not going to work. Get a fucking clue. Stop listening to dumb ass limp dicks on how to deal with ISIS.

And don't bother commenting on this post, NotFooled. You're the epitome of the kind of limp dick I'm talking about.
Once again, Obama takes half assed approach, ISIS shows they're fucking serious. A Brit now beheaded, and wait till they behead a woman.

When a Brit is beheaded why doesn't your beloved Cameron 'kill' some terrorists? Why is Obama weak when he is the only world leader killing the IS terrorists up till now? You complain about what you call 'tit for tat' but Cameron drops food for tat. When will Cameron man up and drop some real bombs to back his mouth up.

And what do you suggest Obama do differently. Send you in to insult and foul mouth them to death? That ought to be good.
<> What could I possibly know about how State Department negotiated things in Iraq? <>

You did not know that the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008 had to be approved by Iraq's Parliament. I did. So what is all your experience done for you on this message board. All I know for certain is that you run away from uncomfortable truth when you get caught making things up.

LOL, idiot. When I first started educating you about this months ago, YOU didn't know there were two SOFAs the world was talking about. There was the 2008 SOFA and the final one your hero was supposed to have gotten signed by 2011. IN those early days of my educating you, you thought there was only the 2008 one. No wonder you can't follow anyone's post on this that knows what they're talking about. You also didn't realize there were ROLLING NEGOTIATIONS because you get your information from a Cracker Jack box.

You're too stupid to know I wasn't talking about 2008 DUMBASS!

Since I was talking about the final one that should have been signed - as everyone else can easily see - let me educate you for the umpteenth time: it was not envisioned in Bush's early negotiations to go through the Parliament.

Now let's stand back and watch how for the umpteenth time your small brain won't be able to grasp what I just typed.

Because you're extremely dumb and because you're Tokyo Rose the great propagandist trying to save your hero and your party from it's STOMPING in November. LOL.

Which isn't going to help them, nit wit.
This is definitely and example of EconChick fail:

<> The intent was always that this was a tentative SOFA until a final one that would be negotiated when the next president came in and finalized the number of troops to be left.

I asked: Who's "intent"? ... Who's "intent" were you talking about several posts up?

The entirety of EconChick's attack on Obama's alleged failure to negotiate a new SOFA after the Bush:Maliki 2008 SOFA expired on December 31 2011 is based upon her cockamamie "placeholder' story. That story is is based upon 'intent' as she tries to explain above. Her web of lies fell apart when she stated that "the intent was always that this was a tentative SOFA until a final one that would be negotiated". The problem with that is that she would have to know and identify the legal authority of those representing the US and Iraqi government whoever would negotiate a major military treaty in such a sloppy 'tentative' manner.

And we know that EconChick has made this entire story up because it is a fact that any 2012 SOFA required passage by Iraq's Legislators.So we know there is no way that EconChick, in 2008, can name a majority of lawmakers to be serving in office in 2011. EconChick can't have intent in 2008 by people making the decision in 2011.

EconChick is a huge fraud.

LMAO, this post is too funny. It's definitely fun to watch you twist and maim basic English.

As for my bold of your words above, what part of that do you not get, moron, LMAO?

Nevermind, this is like trying to explain quantum physics to a 7 year old.....
Once again, Obama takes half assed approach, ISIS shows they're fucking serious. A Brit now beheaded, and wait till they behead a woman.

When a Brit is beheaded why doesn't your beloved Cameron 'kill' some terrorists? Why is Obama weak when he is the only world leader killing the IS terrorists up till now? You complain about what you call 'tit for tat' but Cameron drops food for tat. When will Cameron man up and drop some real bombs to back his mouth up.

And what do you suggest Obama do differently. Send you in to insult and foul mouth them to death? That ought to be good.

Seriously dude? Are you and Camp just high school students? I thought you were a senile old dude but honestly, you and Camp's naivetee....sounds like you're just 15 years old.
Once again, Obama takes half assed approach, ISIS shows they're fucking serious. A Brit now beheaded, and wait till they behead a woman.

When a Brit is beheaded why doesn't your beloved Cameron 'kill' some terrorists? Why is Obama weak when he is the only world leader killing the IS terrorists up till now? You complain about what you call 'tit for tat' but Cameron drops food for tat. When will Cameron man up and drop some real bombs to back his mouth up.

And what do you suggest Obama do differently. Send you in to insult and foul mouth them to death? That ought to be good.

Seriously dude? Are you and Camp just high school students? I thought you were a senile old dude but honestly, you and Camp's naivetee....sounds like you're just 15 years old.
I'm not 15, but your threads are always so distorted and agenda driven attempts to rewrite facts and reality that a 15 year old can easily destroy your concepts and claims with a handful of google searches. You follow a basic routine, and that makes your clownishness even easier to expose. You pick a topic to use as a conduit to attack a politician that promotes an ideology you disagree with and form a thesis to promote your concept. The problem is is that you always use dopey resources that are unreliable and not academic or thoughtfully researched. Confronted with resources and concepts that are logical, reliable, accurate and presented in a professional fashion, you fall back on your deflection method of foul mouthed juvenile insults and lectures about how smart you are. As a bonus you brag as you give hints about your real world experiences in the military and as a consultant and adviser to Generals and all manner of intelligence officials.
At least the alleged 15 years old teenagers are able to back their comments up with facts. You aren't able to do that.
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<> What could I possibly know about how State Department negotiated things in Iraq? <>

You did not know that the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008 had to be approved by Iraq's Parliament. I did. So what is all your experience done for you on this message board. All I know for certain is that you run away from uncomfortable truth when you get caught making things up.

LOL, idiot. When I first started educating you about this months ago, YOU didn't know there were two SOFAs the world was talking about. There was the 2008 SOFA and the final one your hero was supposed to have gotten signed by 2011. IN those early days of my educating you, you thought there was only the 2008 one. No wonder you can't follow anyone's post on this that knows what they're talking about. You also didn't realize there were ROLLING NEGOTIATIONS because you get your information from a Cracker Jack box.

You're too stupid to know I wasn't talking about 2008 DUMBASS!

Since I was talking about the final one that should have been signed - as everyone else can easily see - let me educate you for the umpteenth time: it was not envisioned in Bush's early negotiations to go through the Parliament.

Now let's stand back and watch how for the umpteenth time your small brain won't be able to grasp what I just typed.

Because you're extremely dumb and because you're Tokyo Rose the great propagandist trying to save your hero and your party from it's STOMPING in November. LOL.

Which isn't going to help them, nit wit.

At the time everyone knew The Obama administration wanted to keep troops in Iraq past 2011.
Once again, Obama takes half assed approach, ISIS shows they're fucking serious. A Brit now beheaded, and wait till they behead a woman.

When a Brit is beheaded why doesn't your beloved Cameron 'kill' some terrorists? Why is Obama weak when he is the only world leader killing the IS terrorists up till now? You complain about what you call 'tit for tat' but Cameron drops food for tat. When will Cameron man up and drop some real bombs to back his mouth up.

And what do you suggest Obama do differently. Send you in to insult and foul mouth them to death? That ought to be good.

Seriously dude? Are you and Camp just high school students? I thought you were a senile old dude but honestly, you and Camp's naivetee....sounds like you're just 15 years old.
I'm not 15, but your threads are always so distorted and agenda driven attempts to rewrite facts and reality that a 15 year old can easily destroy your concepts and claims with a handful of google searches. You follow a basic routine, and that makes your clownishness even easier to expose. You pick a topic to use as a conduit to attack a politician that promotes an ideology you disagree with and form a thesis to promote your concept. The problem is is that you always use dopey resources that are unreliable and not academic or thoughtfully researched. Confronted with resources and concepts that are logical, reliable, accurate and presented in a professional fashion, you fall back on your deflection method of foul mouthed juvenile insults and lectures about how smart you are. As a bonus you brag as you give hints about your real world experiences in the military and as a consultant and adviser to Generals and all manner of intelligence officials.
At least the alleged 15 years old teenagers are able to back their comments up with facts. You aren't able to do that.

Why would experts and people with experience quote academics or state-side journalists who are just recycling someone else's bullshit. We ARE the sources, shit-for-brains.

You academics are the dumbest fucks in the world.

And yes, I have plenty of those credentials too, idiot.
And google searches???????????

What an idiot. Anyone who doesn't know the heavy bias of google or any search engine is a dumber fuck than I thought.
In fact, that needs to be a thread in itself. The way libs are brainwashed by what they read on search engines, on Wikipedia, and in overwhelmingly liberal academia. The things I witnessed over a timeframe of 5 years in Iraq can't be found on google.

So Camp, go back and play with yourself in academia. Try not to rub too hard though. Idiot.
<> What could I possibly know about how State Department negotiated things in Iraq? <>

You did not know that the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008 had to be approved by Iraq's Parliament. I did. So what is all your experience done for you on this message board. All I know for certain is that you run away from uncomfortable truth when you get caught making things up.

LOL, idiot. When I first started educating you about this months ago, YOU didn't know there were two SOFAs the world was talking about. There was the 2008 SOFA and the final one your hero was supposed to have gotten signed by 2011. IN those early days of my educating you, you thought there was only the 2008 one. No wonder you can't follow anyone's post on this that knows what they're talking about. You also didn't realize there were ROLLING NEGOTIATIONS because you get your information from a Cracker Jack box.

You're too stupid to know I wasn't talking about 2008 DUMBASS!

Since I was talking about the final one that should have been signed - as everyone else can easily see - let me educate you for the umpteenth time: it was not envisioned in Bush's early negotiations to go through the Parliament.

Now let's stand back and watch how for the umpteenth time your small brain won't be able to grasp what I just typed.

Because you're extremely dumb and because you're Tokyo Rose the great propagandist trying to save your hero and your party from it's STOMPING in November. LOL.

Which isn't going to help them, nit wit.

At the time everyone knew The Obama administration wanted to keep troops in Iraq past 2011.

Until he had to negotiate hard to make it happen.

He's not a good negotiator. AT ALL. Just look at the innocent Marine rotting in a prison in Mexico because he's too stupid to assert himself the way any other president would. Every American lawyer that's looked at that situation says it should be thrown out of court.

Bottom line, Obama is completely incompetent on foreign policy issues.
<> What could I possibly know about how State Department negotiated things in Iraq? <>

You did not know that the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008 had to be approved by Iraq's Parliament. I did. So what is all your experience done for you on this message board. All I know for certain is that you run away from uncomfortable truth when you get caught making things up.

LOL, idiot. When I first started educating you about this months ago, YOU didn't know there were two SOFAs the world was talking about. There was the 2008 SOFA and the final one your hero was supposed to have gotten signed by 2011. IN those early days of my educating you, you thought there was only the 2008 one. No wonder you can't follow anyone's post on this that knows what they're talking about. You also didn't realize there were ROLLING NEGOTIATIONS because you get your information from a Cracker Jack box.

You're too stupid to know I wasn't talking about 2008 DUMBASS!

Since I was talking about the final one that should have been signed - as everyone else can easily see - let me educate you for the umpteenth time: it was not envisioned in Bush's early negotiations to go through the Parliament.

Now let's stand back and watch how for the umpteenth time your small brain won't be able to grasp what I just typed.

Because you're extremely dumb and because you're Tokyo Rose the great propagandist trying to save your hero and your party from it's STOMPING in November. LOL.

Which isn't going to help them, nit wit.

At the time everyone knew The Obama administration wanted to keep troops in Iraq past 2011.

Until he had to negotiate hard to make it happen.

He's not a good negotiator. AT ALL. Just look at the innocent Marine rotting in a prison in Mexico because he's too stupid to assert himself the way any other president would. Every American lawyer that's looked at that situation says it should be thrown out of court.

Bottom line, Obama is completely incompetent on foreign policy issues.

Did you or did you not tell me the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for the SOFA to be negotiated for 2012 and beyond.

I told you your 2008 place-holder is bs and you have presented nothing to show us that your placeholder bs is not bs.
When I first started educating you about this months ago, YOU didn't know there were two SOFAs the world was talking about.

There was the 2008 SOFA and the final one your hero was supposed to have gotten signed by 2011.

Since I was talking about the final one that should have been signed - as everyone else can easily see - let me educate you for the umpteenth time: it was not envisioned in Bush's early negotiations to go through the Parliament.

Your own statement tells us that there was only one SOFA between Iraq and the United States.

You call people stupid when they don't buy your lies and bs. The fact is there was, until about a month ago, only one SOFA between Iraq and the US. That was the 2008 SOFA and timeline with a fixed date for removal of ALL US troops from Iraq.

There was no need for a second SOFA unless the Iraqis decided they THEY they wanted troops to stay.

They didnt want them to stay enough to grant immunity. So a second SOFA was never reached.

Two SOFA's exist only in your head. That's as dumb as your not knowing that the 2008 SOFA was first passed by Iraq's Parliament before Iraq would sign it.
This is like arguing law with someone that can't even spell jurisprudence. You're wayyyyyyyyyyy in over your head.

When I educated you about the rolling negotiations in Iraq, it went completely over your head. You think there was just one document called a SOFA and no other negotiations.

That's like saying opposing counselors never meet an American judge in his chambers to haggle about any given case. Watch, you won't grasp this sentence either. ROLL EYES.
This is like arguing law with someone that can't even spell jurisprudence. You're wayyyyyyyyyyy in over your head.

When I educated you about the rolling negotiations in Iraq, it went completely over your head. You think there was just one document called a SOFA and no other negotiations.

That's like saying opposing counselors never meet an American judge in his chambers to haggle about any given case. Watch, you won't grasp this sentence either. ROLL EYES.

You do like your soapbox, now don't you....
You think there was just one document called a SOFA and no other negotiations.

That's like saying opposing counselors never meet an American judge in his chambers to haggle about any given case.

No, the ignorance is all yours. I know full well there were negotiations for 2012, and that is your problem not mine. The negotiations did not produce a second SOFA. There was only one.

And your comparison to being before the judge is just as ignorant. The judge in the case for a SOFA in Iraq is the politicians and therefore the majority if the people they represent. Obama in Iraq has nothing akin to being a lawyer before a judge in a courtroom. Obama has zero standing among the majority in Iraq just like your precious war starting Bush.

Really stupid. You get dumber with every post. Keep 'em coming.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean we are risking mass killings on a grand scale. It would allow the terrorists to replace the safe haven they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d have to return at a later date to confront an enemy who is even more dangerous.

President Obama is trying to blame Bush but he won the war and Obama then handed over to ISIS.

Listen to this clip. He thinks people will fall for his blaming Bush for what is obviously his failure.

Great post!!! Many will not understand it, however...

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

so why didn't Bush negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

Methinks you don't understand what a SOFA is. It has nothing to do with radical Islamists, the jihad or the caliphate.

You think 7th century animals who behead journalists would, could, have, will or want to "agree" with infidels?

Wanna know more???
also, why the fuck is it our problem if iraq can't take care of itself? we gave them equipment, trained them, funded them. when will we have done enough for iraq?
What did we get for educating LIBTARDS? Talk about a waste of money....

For educating liberals, we get technology, good companies and infrastructure.

For educating conservatives we get, uh, oh wait, you can't educated conservatives. They've already lost the ability to learn.

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