Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

College professors and historians told Bush before the invasion what would happen and they were right. Only, it wasn't stunning to the right wing. It was "ignored".
You gotta admit that Republicans posting pictures of women in Bukas with a purple finger proves their success is fucking hilarious. Especially the "women in Burkas" part. Talk about "selective".
This is like arguing law with someone that can't even spell jurisprudence. You're wayyyyyyyyyyy in over your head.

When I educated you about the rolling negotiations in Iraq, it went completely over your head. You think there was just one document called a SOFA and no other negotiations.

That's like saying opposing counselors never meet an American judge in his chambers to haggle about any given case. Watch, you won't grasp this sentence either. ROLL EYES.

You do like your soapbox, now don't you....
She/it is a blustering blowhard :blahblah: Its fun/funny to just look at her self-important bloviations and laugh. :laugh: S.D. aint much better w/ this FAIL revisionist history rw hack thread :thup:

Fact is, the last repub Admin brought this on. Now our President has to waste time/money cleaning up their colossal foreign policy mess that Obama even warned them about in advance. Blustering blowhards & tools of the mil ind complex that Repubs are, they rushed-in regardless.

"This agreement is not subject to extension, not subject to alteration. It is sealed."

Bush did it. Not Obama.

Iraq Wants the U.S. Out
Prime Minister, in Interview, Says Troops Must Leave Next Year as Planned
By Sam Dagher Updated Dec. 28, 2010 12:01 a.m. ET
BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.
In his first media interview since the Iraqi Parliament confirmed his new cabinet in December, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki sat down for an exclusive conversation with The Wall Street Journal's Sam Dagher. Here are some excerpts.
Mr. Maliki spoke with The Wall Street Journal in a two-hour interview, his first since Iraq ended nine months of stalemate and seated a new government after an inconclusive election, allowing Mr. Maliki to begin a second term as premier.
A majority of Iraqis—and some Iraqi and U.S. officials—have assumed the U.S. troop presence would eventually be extended, especially after the long government limbo. But Mr. Maliki was eager to draw a line in his most definitive remarks on the subject. "The last American soldier will leave Iraq" as agreed, he said, speaking at his office in a leafy section of Baghdad's protected Green Zone. "This agreement is not subject to extension, not subject to alteration. It is sealed."
REALLY DUMB ASS????????? I was there negotiating with Iraqis, not you, you stupid fucker.

When you failed to get a longer term deal to secure the military gains of 2008? When you got the complete withdrawal of US troops shoved up your behind by Muqtada al Sadr, Maliki , and Tehran? Those negotiations? You are proud of those negotiations?
I'm sure glad you weren't involved in the Afghanistan SOFA negotiations. You probably would have botched those too. The better negotiators got a ten year open ended security deal in Afghanistan.

Lucky for you though it appears the Iraqis didnt need a residual US force in Iraq after 2011 after all. Baghdad will not fall and Daesh terrorists are suffering setbacks every day. Like the loss of Beiji this past week.

The loss of Beiji marks the latest in a series of setbacks for the jihadi group, which has lost hundreds of fighters to U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, particularly in the group's stalled advance on the Syrian town of Kobani. On Friday, activists there reported significant progress by the town's Kurdish defenders

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey Arrives In Iraq On Previously Unannounced Visit
REALLY DUMB ASS????????? I was there negotiating with Iraqis, not you, you stupid fucker.

When you failed to get a longer term deal to secure the military gains of 2008? When you got the complete withdrawal of US troops shoved up your behind by Muqtada al Sadr, Maliki , and Tehran? Those negotiations? You are proud of those negotiations?
I'm sure glad you weren't involved in the Afghanistan SOFA negotiations. You probably would have botched those too. The better negotiators got a ten year open ended security deal in Afghanistan.

Lucky for you though it appears the Iraqis didnt need a residual US force in Iraq after 2011 after all. Baghdad will not fall and Daesh terrorists are suffering setbacks every day. Like the loss of Beiji this past week.

The loss of Beiji marks the latest in a series of setbacks for the jihadi group, which has lost hundreds of fighters to U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, particularly in the group's stalled advance on the Syrian town of Kobani. On Friday, activists there reported significant progress by the town's Kurdish defenders

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey Arrives In Iraq On Previously Unannounced Visit

Yeah, I pointed out her utter incompetence at negotiations and provision of advice to generals and senior military strategists months ago.
Still, going by the standard of the Bush administration she probably got continued promotions and pay rises.
I worked in every province before the surge, during the surge, and after the surge.

You obviously could do nothing to protect Iraq's Christians while your very presence there was what initiated this to happen to them:

NF 10207316
The "beheading of a Syriac Orthodox priest in Mosul, the crucifixion of a Christian teenager in Albasra, the frequent kidnappings for ransom of Christians including four priests–one of whom was the secretary of Patriarch Delly, the rape of Christian women and teenage girls, and the bombings of churches"

So why do you rant about all over this message board that the terrorist jihad rampage this year in Iraq is all Obama's fault while defending Bush or pretending that Bush's deliberate war of aggression on Iraq had nothing to do with this years events?
ogib 9747419
so why didn't Bush negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

Bush did sign a short term SOFA before leaving office. But that SOFA was attached to Iraq's demands for complete US troop withdrawal by the end of 2011.

If you are still interested, here is a good summary as to how Bush and his invasion army was put on notice to leave by a set time table

How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal Inter Press Service

How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal
By Gareth Porter • WASHINGTON, (IPS) • December 16, 2011

Defence Secretary Leon Panetta’s suggestion that the end of the U.S. troop presence in Iraq is part of a U.S. military success story ignores the fact that the George W. Bush administration and the U.S. military had planned to maintain a semi-permanent military presence in Iraq.

The real story behind the U.S. withdrawal is how a clever strategy of deception and diplomacy adopted by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in cooperation with Iran outmanoeuvered Bush and the U.S. military leadership and got the United States to sign the U.S.-Iraq withdrawal agreement.

And that is why the attempts by the right to exploit the IS terrorists pillage and murder assault into Iraq by pinning the Bush troop withdrawal on Obama have evidently failed.

And now that IS terrorists are in retreat in Iraq it is obvious now that CrusaderFrank's cite of Bush predicting the terrorist takeover of Iraq has been proven to be another fine example if the right's life of foreign power lunacy.

CF 9747498.
Bush warns them that leaving Iraq early will destabilize the region so Obama makes that his Middle East plan

The right has lost all interest in IS now that they are showing that Bush was wrong - terrorists will not takeover Iraq.
CrusaderFrank and the far right are wrong almost all of the time, including this issue.

They want the world that does not coincide to their mindset to, in fact, coincide with their mindset.

Since the won't apply the thesis to the evidence, but force the evidence to the thesis, they end up askew all the time.
Over a decade simply wasn't long enough to repair all the damage the GOP did to that country. Look at their damage to this country.
Oldstyle, post: 978158
Bush negotiated a Status of Forces Agreement with Maliki that had a clause in it that either side could back out of it given a years notice. The troop withdrawals stretched all the way out until 2012...plenty of time to reevaluate what was going on in Iraq and bordering countries.

That job unfortunately fell to Barack Obama who botched it so badly that an Islamic terror "nation" now exists in the Middle East

What are you Obama haters saying now that Bush’s 2007 prediction did not come true?

It is a clear fact now that Maliki was right in December 2010 when he determined there was not a need for U.S. troops in Iraq after 2011 - not Bush.

“10. For example, in a December 29, 2010 Wall Street Journal interview where he expressed a belief that there was not a need for U.S. troops in Iraq after 2011, Prime Minister Maliki strongly endorsed the Strategic Framework Agreement, saying: “We have actually asked for this...It is scientific, commercial, economic, expertise, and training...we’re insisting that it be activated because it’s in Iraq’s interest. America is a superpower with expertise and huge capabilities in science, trade and economy and Iraq needs such expertise.””

Bush’s predictions did not come true. There was no Obama’s screw up at all. We all should know based upon the facts that it was Maliki’s decision after all. Iraq never requested combat or trainers to troops to stay.
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Oldstyle, post: 9781584
That job unfortunately fell to Barack Obama who botched it so badly that an Islamic terror "nation" now exists in the Middle East.

Hey, Oldstyle I asked back then why you recognized the ISIS terrorists as a nation in the Middle East.

Why did you?

What happened to your Islamic Terrorist Nation that was all Obama’s fault?

Maliki was right wasnt he? Bush was wrong.

When Obama respected Iraq’s sovereignty and Maliki’s decision in an interview in the WSJ December 2010 edition that an extension of the SOFA was not needed, it was the right thing to do.

Baghdad has not fallen to Islamic terririst as idiot Bush predicted.

That is the second time Obama was right anout Iraq.

The first time was when he said before Bush drove us into the quagmire to find WMD that was not there, that invading Iraq wouid be dumb.
Oldstyle, post: 9778974
Why do you think Maliki is no longer running Iraq? I'll give you a hint...because we told him to resign or we were pulling our aid.

Not true. Maliki was democratically removed from power by Iraqis. Why did you lie?

“Speaking in Australia earlier on Monday,Kerry had warned Maliki to abide by the constitutional process and not to use his powers as head of the armed forces to cling to office.

Kerry said that any move to circumvent the political process would lead to a cut-off of international aid. He said: "There should be no use of force, no introduction of troops or militias into this moment of democracy for Iraq."

Nouri al-Maliki forced out as Iraq's political turmoil deepens

The threat to cut off aid was linked only to dissuade Maliki to not use his military or police to stay in power after he lost his office as Prime Minister during Iraq’s biggest moment of democracy.
Oldstyle, post: 9747739
Saying Bush is at fault for Obama's failure to leave enough troops in Iraq to keep it stable is LAUGHABLE!.

Is Iraq stable right now? DECEMBER 27, 2018 Iraqi lawmakers want US troops to be gone, including Maliki.

“The government needs to explain why there are "so many American troops and the nature of their work in Iraq to meet the fears and concerns of Iraqis and the future of their country," said Nuri al-Maliki, leader of the State of Law Coalition, in a statement.”

And this reminder about 2011.

“"The response of Iraqis will be the decision of the parliament to force U.S. troops to leave Iraq," said Qais Khazali, the leader of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, also called the Khazali Network, on Twitter.

"And if you don't do so, we have experience and capabilities to force your troops to withdraw, and your forces know these ways that forced them to withdraw in 2011," the tweet continued.”

Iraqi lawmakers demand U.S. troops withdraw after Trump's surprise visit

Democracy in action in Iraq in January 2019- I say Iraq is as stable as ever but not as stable as before March 2003 with UN inspectors peacefully searching for WMD in Iraq with iraq’s proactive cooperation.

We all know who destabilized Iraq from March 19 2003 going forward.
jknowgood, post: 9747879,
Remember Obama was against the surge that won in Iraq. Obama would've lost the war if he was in charge, and when he was in charge. Well we see what happened.

Obama didn’t lose the war in Iraq. Do you feel stupid right now?
That's a fair question. Maybe that couldn't be done before a certain timeline?

We know Obama didn't do it, but did Bush have the chance prior? Anyone know?
yes, he did. he negotiated the status of forces agreement that required us to leave when we did.

There are no forces, therefore he did not negotiate. Use your head.
bush negotiated the status of forces agreement that only allowed us forces inside iraq cities until 6/30/09 and forces in iraq until 12/31/11.
use your google.

After which time a long term status (Think Germany and Japan post WW2) needed to be implemented. The reason it wasn't, is because Obama didn't really want it. It's that simple. It could have been done.
No U.S. Troops Didn t Have to Leave Iraq National Review Online

Damn!!!!! Deltex, now that we know that Maliki was right in December 2010 that US troops were no longer needed in Iraq, I found this revealed in the link you posted.

“As an aside, I won’t quibble much with the very first claim he [Chris Hayes on MSNBC] makes in the above video, that ISIS is more or less a creation of the invasion of Iraq. In an important sense, this is true, and therefore one can argue the single most consequential decision that brought us to today’s deplorable situation is the decision to invade Iraq.“

Thank you for ridding us of the rightwing hater version of Obama’s legacy on Iraq and restoring it to the dumb lying bastard that invaded Iraq in the first place.

Thank you Thank you 21 Times thank you,

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