Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Yay..Talk is cheap. Let me know when those countries have boots on the ground fighting You Obama lovers have such high hopes for that incompetent, know nothing. Who is Lebanon gong to fight? You mean Hezbollah?..Jordon is in no position to fight anyone. If they weren't next to Israel, they'd have been over run by the islamozi's by now. Qatar funds terrorist. Saidi Arabia as well

What's your idea? Have Dick Cheney invite all the terrorists to go hunting with him? Or do you want 200,000 US troops sent over there to fight and die for all these countries you think won't fight?
Yay..Talk is cheap. Let me know when those countries have boots on the ground fighting You Obama lovers have such high hopes for that incompetent, know nothing. Who is Lebanon gong to fight? You mean Hezbollah?..Jordon is in no position to fight anyone. If they weren't next to Israel, they'd have been over run by the islamozi's by now. Qatar funds terrorist. Saidi Arabia as well

What's your idea? Have Dick Cheney invite all the terrorists to go hunting with him? Or do you want 200,000 US troops sent over there to fight and die for all these countries you think won't fight?

No I want them to fight..although i'm not going to rely on them to provide the fight for the security of the United States of America that's our job
No I want them to fight..although i'm not going to rely on them to provide the fight for the security of the United States of America that's our job

Fair enough. Obama has it about as right as it can be. I thought so.
LMAO stupid fuck. Do you think all our troops and others over there on the front lines doing the heavy lifting worry about being socially redeemable and never cuss

You're so fucking stupid, every time I get on a thread where you're pontificating I laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

As for pointing out your lies.....all your shit is lies, nitwit dumbass. You're an idiot beyond belief.

I never said Americans serving in combat don't cuss. I was not aware that 1776 posting on a Message Board is the same thing or comparable to serving in combat for one's country.

And it is apparent you can't find one single lie I've told.

What lies. Point to a specific lie you think I've told and I will show you why it is not.
I have pointed out yours. Such as the lie that Iraqis did not have to pass a SOFA through parliament./QUOTE]

I'll ask again.

Why did you lie that Iraqis did not have to pass a SOFA through their parliament?.

You really are an idiot, aren't you, Tokyo Rose???

Remember her? She was a huge part of the war -- as a propagandist, just like you. And expect those of us who've been on the front lines in this war you lie about to not take kindly to it. And I can assure you those of us on the front lines do a lot of cussing. You've just entered our world by lying about what we did, fucker, not the other way around.

You don't like being verbally tussled, then Shut the Fuck Up.

Stop crying like a pussy, NotFooled. You want to comment on war yet couldn't survive the first day in theater crying like this.

It's actually comical how much you undermine yourself by doing so. LMAO
Its getting very clear why EconChick and 1778 are getting more foul-mouthed with every passing moment.

This has to crush every Obama Hater on this Message Board:

By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent, and Peter Foster in Washington
9:05PM BST 11 Sep 2014
A coalition of 10 Arab states threw their support behind Barack Obama’s pledge to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) movement in Iraq and Syria on Thursday.
In a welcome boost to US plans for defeating the militant Islamist group, regional powers including Saudi Arabia and Jordan pledged to “do their share” in the battle.
The announcement in Saudi Arabia was carefully choreographed, coming hours after the president told the American people that he would expand US air strikes against the militants, promising that Isil would ultimately be “vanquished from the Earth”.
As Mr Obama marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with a moment of silence at the White House, the 10 regional allies — which also included Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — issued their statement after a meeting in Jeddah with John Kerry, the US secretary of state.
They promised that they would join in “the comprehensive fight” against Isil, including choking off funds and fighters to the group.

10 Arab states join the US in battle against Isil - Telegraph
Yay..Talk is cheap. Let me know when those countries have boots on the ground fighting You Obama lovers have such high hopes for that incompetent, know nothing. Who is Lebanon gong to fight? You mean Hezbollah?..Jordon is in no position to fight anyone. If they weren't next to Israel, they'd have been over run by the islamozi's by now. Qatar funds terrorist. Saidi Arabia as well

Then why are we going to do 90% of the fighting over something that is not an imminent threat to us?
Let's get something straight you feeble minded propagandist, I don't owe you shit.

You are right. You don't own me anything. So it is plain to see that you don't know who you meant when you claimed it was somebody's intent to leave the SOFA open-ended for the next president. Yes, you don't owe me, but if you want your argument to be valid you would be quite happy to tell me what you meant about intent. The whole world knows the Iraq had no intent to do what you claim happened. Therefore you lied. You made that 'intent' stuff up just like you 'placeholder' lie in the first place. You lied about the Iraqis not needing the SOFA passed in their parliament. You've been caught in your lies and are now screaming like a stuck pig. Keep up your foul-mouthed screaming. The truth about you is being exposed.

Of COURSE I wouldn't know what I was talking about. I worked in every province before the surge, during the surge, and after the surge. Worked closely with many entities, including the State Department, and spent a lot of time negotiating with multiple entities.

What could I possibly know about how State Department negotiated things in Iraq?

Let's get something straight you feeble minded propagandist, I don't owe you shit.

You are right. You don't own me anything. So it is plain to see that you don't know who you meant when you claimed it was somebody's intent to leave the SOFA open-ended for the next president. Yes, you don't owe me, but if you want your argument to be valid you would be quite happy to tell me what you meant about intent. The whole world knows the Iraq had no intent to do what you claim happened. Therefore you lied. You made that 'intent' stuff up just like you 'placeholder' lie in the first place. You lied about the Iraqis not needing the SOFA passed in their parliament. You've been caught in your lies and are now screaming like a stuck pig. Keep up your foul-mouthed screaming. The truth about you is being exposed.

Oh, and I just read this entire POS post. LOL, I'm obviously getting to you, StillObsessedwithBush, aren't I? Got ya rattled, don't I?

Look, you're obviously a senile old man sent out by the Democrat Party, either paid or unpaid, to do nothing but obfuscate.

You must be pretty old because you can't seem to remember from day to day things I've already told you over and over again. I've also told you over and over again how many times you've misinterpreted what I said. In the past I even answered you multiple times. Ain't gonna keep happening, Tokyo Rose.

I'm sure you're a nice man, but your brain has turned to mush, darling, and you're making a massive fool of yourself for the world to see.
<> What could I possibly know about how State Department negotiated things in Iraq? <>

You did not know that the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008 had to be approved by Iraq's Parliament. I did. So what is all your experience done for you on this message board. All I know for certain is that you run away from uncomfortable truth when you get caught making things up.
<> What could I possibly know about how State Department negotiated things in Iraq? <>

You did not know that the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008 had to be approved by Iraq's Parliament. I did. So what is all your experience done for you on this message board. All I know for certain is that you run away from uncomfortable truth when you get caught making things up.
She is like the kid with ice cream smeared all over her face that swears she did eat the ice cream. Like the kid with her hand stuck in the cookie jar swearing she isn't trying to steal cookies.
to show statis some goodwill...i will cite a NYT article to support my claim, though the burden is on him.

Although the Pentagon wanted to leave as many as 20,000 troops in Iraq as a hedge against future violence, President Obama announced last month that all American troops would be home by the end of December.

your turn statis.


now i know why statist and fakey are such good friends....they both run away
This is definitely and example of EconChick fail:

<> The intent was always that this was a tentative SOFA until a final one that would be negotiated when the next president came in and finalized the number of troops to be left.

I asked: Who's "intent"? ... Who's "intent" were you talking about several posts up?

The entirety of EconChick's attack on Obama's alleged failure to negotiate a new SOFA after the Bush:Maliki 2008 SOFA expired on December 31 2011 is based upon her cockamamie "placeholder' story. That story is is based upon 'intent' as she tries to explain above. Her web of lies fell apart when she stated that "the intent was always that this was a tentative SOFA until a final one that would be negotiated". The problem with that is that she would have to know and identify the legal authority of those representing the US and Iraqi government whoever would negotiate a major military treaty in such a sloppy 'tentative' manner.

And we know that EconChick has made this entire story up because it is a fact that any 2012 SOFA required passage by Iraq's Legislators.So we know there is no way that EconChick, in 2008, can name a majority of lawmakers to be serving in office in 2011. EconChick can't have intent in 2008 by people making the decision in 2011.

EconChick is a huge fraud.
This is definitely and example of EconChick fail:

<> The intent was always that this was a tentative SOFA until a final one that would be negotiated when the next president came in and finalized the number of troops to be left.

I asked: Who's "intent"? ... Who's "intent" were you talking about several posts up?

The entirety of EconChick's attack on Obama's alleged failure to negotiate a new SOFA after the Bush:Maliki 2008 SOFA expired on December 31 2011 is based upon her cockamamie "placeholder' story. That story is is based upon 'intent' as she tries to explain above. Her web of lies fell apart when she stated that "the intent was always that this was a tentative SOFA until a final one that would be negotiated". The problem with that is that she would have to know and identify the legal authority of those representing the US and Iraqi government whoever would negotiate a major military treaty in such a sloppy 'tentative' manner.

And we know that EconChick has made this entire story up because it is a fact that any 2012 SOFA required passage by Iraq's Legislators.So we know there is no way that EconChick, in 2008, can name a majority of lawmakers to be serving in office in 2011. EconChick can't have intent in 2008 by people making the decision in 2011.

EconChick is a huge fraud.
I haven't read all the shit that has gone before...but are you saying that Obama had no control over the sofa with Maliki ??? Do you really think he is THAT weak?
I haven't read all the shit that has gone before...but are you saying that Obama had no control over the sofa with Maliki ??? Do you really think he is THAT weak?

Everytime a chinchilla farts it does not prove that Obama is weak. Same applies here. No US president can't use military strength to control the vote in a legislative body as fractious and as strongly anti-occupation as Iraq's.

The big point is that EconChick had no clue that Iraq's Parliament approved the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008.

She probably was unaware that it was Maliki in 2007 under Bush's watch who told the UN to end the MNF mandate at the end of 2008.

That is what forced Bush to concede on the deadline to withdraw ALL US troops by the end of 2011.

So yes. There was no way Obama could extend the SOFA unless Iraq's politicians and Maliki had a change of mind and they didnt?

EconChick is a fraud. That placeholder stuff of hers is crap.
I haven't read all the shit that has gone before...but are you saying that Obama had no control over the sofa with Maliki ??? Do you really think he is THAT weak?

Everytime a chinchilla farts it does not prove that Obama is weak. Same applies here. No US president can't use military strength to control the vote in a legislative body as fractious and as strongly anti-occupation as Iraq's.

The big point is that EconChick had no clue that Iraq's Parliament approved the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008.

She probably was unaware that it was Maliki in 2007 under Bush's watch who told the UN to end the MNF mandate at the end of 2008.

That is what forced Bush to concede on the deadline to withdraw ALL US troops by the end of 2011.

So yes. There was no way Obama could extend the SOFA unless Iraq's politicians and Maliki had a change of mind and they didnt?

EconChick is a fraud. That placeholder stuff of hers is crap.
If Obabble can't influence events occurring in a "friendly nation" how will he influence events in the unfriendly? No need to reply...we know the answer.
I haven't read all the shit that has gone before...but are you saying that Obama had no control over the sofa with Maliki ??? Do you really think he is THAT weak?

Everytime a chinchilla farts it does not prove that Obama is weak. Same applies here. No US president can't use military strength to control the vote in a legislative body as fractious and as strongly anti-occupation as Iraq's.

The big point is that EconChick had no clue that Iraq's Parliament approved the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008.

She probably was unaware that it was Maliki in 2007 under Bush's watch who told the UN to end the MNF mandate at the end of 2008.

That is what forced Bush to concede on the deadline to withdraw ALL US troops by the end of 2011.

So yes. There was no way Obama could extend the SOFA unless Iraq's politicians and Maliki had a change of mind and they didnt?

EconChick is a fraud. That placeholder stuff of hers is crap.
If Obabble can't influence events occurring in a "friendly nation" how will he influence events in the unfriendly? No need to reply...we know the answer.
That makes no sense. Why should you be able to boss around your friends and make them do things they don't want to do? But anyhow, it shows how dopey the Bushies are. They think that just because we conquered and occuped Iraq that Iraqi's are our friends.
I haven't read all the shit that has gone before...but are you saying that Obama had no control over the sofa with Maliki ??? Do you really think he is THAT weak?

Everytime a chinchilla farts it does not prove that Obama is weak. Same applies here. No US president can't use military strength to control the vote in a legislative body as fractious and as strongly anti-occupation as Iraq's.

The big point is that EconChick had no clue that Iraq's Parliament approved the Bush:Maliki SOFA of 2008.

She probably was unaware that it was Maliki in 2007 under Bush's watch who told the UN to end the MNF mandate at the end of 2008.

That is what forced Bush to concede on the deadline to withdraw ALL US troops by the end of 2011.

So yes. There was no way Obama could extend the SOFA unless Iraq's politicians and Maliki had a change of mind and they didnt?

EconChick is a fraud. That placeholder stuff of hers is crap.
If Obabble can't influence events occurring in a "friendly nation" how will he influence events in the unfriendly? No need to reply...we know the answer.
That makes no sense. Why should you be able to boss around your friends and make them do things they don't want to do? But anyhow, it shows how dopey the Bushies are. They think that just because we conquered and occuped Iraq that Iraqi's are our friends.
That's why I put friends in quotations...if they are not are friends they should at least smart enough to know we can destroy them again...they owe us...if they don't know that....nuke em and be done with it forever.

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