Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

On 140909 at 0803 PM 1776 wrote: *a "These dumb motherfuckers still defending Obama fucking up in Iraq and Syria......and none of them have ever seen anything above FOUO."

Just another sample of the foul-mouthed lack of socially redeemable and facts-based discourse coming from the Obama Hater side.

On 140909 at 0803 PM 1776 wrote: *a "These dumb motherfuckers still defending Obama fucking up in Iraq and Syria......and none of them have ever seen anything above FOUO."

Just another sample of the foul-mouthed lack of socially redeemable and facts-based discourse coming from the Obama Hater side.

LMAO stupid fuck. Do you think all our troops and others over there on the front lines doing the heavy lifting worry about being socially redeemable and never cuss????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

You're so fucking stupid, every time I get on a thread where you're pontificating I laugh so hard my stomach hurts.


As for pointing out your lies.....all your shit is lies, nitwit dumbass. You're an idiot beyond belief.
On 140909 at 0803 PM 1776 wrote: *a "These dumb motherfuckers still defending Obama fucking up in Iraq and Syria......and none of them have ever seen anything above FOUO."

Just another sample of the foul-mouthed lack of socially redeemable and facts-based discourse coming from the Obama Hater side.

Here dum dum... open your ears and listen again. PROOF that you're an idiot.

President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean we are risking mass killings on a grand scale. It would allow the terrorists to replace the safe haven they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d have to return at a later date to confront an enemy who is even more dangerous.

President Obama is trying to blame Bush but he won the war and Obama then handed over to ISIS.

Listen to this clip. He thinks people will fall for his blaming Bush for what is obviously his failure.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Stunning performance by bush. After destroying Iraq and murdering a good percentage of it's population, he warns that pulling out could be dangerous for Iraq.

You know what's REALLY stunning? That you progressives simply can't bring yourselves to admit that Bush was completely correct when he warned about a premature withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Over a million people have been dislocated from their homes. Tens of thousands more have been raped or slaughtered by an invading terrorist army. Yet you people can't admit that Bush was right when he said an early withdrawal was the wrong thing to do!

If the President truly believed that in November of 2008, why did he sign the agreement to remove all our troops by 2012?

Because he truly wanted to get American combat troops out of Iraq and thought it could be done by that date? The difference between Bush and Obama however is that with the situation two years later Bush would have fought hard for a residual force to remain behind because it was obvious that the Sunnis were not being included in the Maliki government and that there was a growing threat from ISIS across the border in Syria...whereas Obama simply ignored the threat...declared that Iraq was stable and a "win" for his Administration and moved on despite having failed miserably at forcing Maliki to be inclusive with the Kurds and the Sunnis.

Nice try but no, it was the Iraqis who forced the agreement on President Bush. They also refused to allow our troops immunity during the negotiations with Obama as well.

How exactly does Maliki "force" anything on any American President? We were the ones who put him in office...we were the ones who were training his security forces...we were the ones who were subsidizing his government to the tune of billions of dollars in aid. Where is his leverage to "force" an American President to do ANYTHING!

Why do you think Maliki is no longer running Iraq? I'll give you a hint...because we told him to resign or we were pulling our aid. That's the reality that has always existed in "negotiations" between Iraq and America. If Barry had REALLY wanted a new Status of Forces Agreement that kept 10,000 US troops in Iraq then all he needed to do is make it clear to Maliki that was the way it was going to be. That didn't get done because quite frankly...Obama didn't care if it got done! He wanted out of Iraq and didn't care how that happened. So he pulled everyone out despite the fact that his military were warning him that doing so was dangerous given the situation in Iraq and Syria.

Stop being so naive, doesn't do wonders for your rep...

from post #525

"U.S. and coalition forces have been in Iraq since 2003. And while the UN Security Council did not explicitly authorize the invasion, the council did approve the presence of foreign forces in an annually renewed resolution first adopted in October 2003.Because Iraq's government has requested that the Security Council not renew the mandate upon its expiration at the end of 2008, U.S. officials have had to accelerate negotiations on a detailed legal framework for the U.S. presence in Iraq.

Who exactly gives a single fuck about reps.......

I meant your reputation for being naive, Boo. When you make statements like you've made about Maliki "forcing" something from either Bush or Obama when he was always dependent on the US for his survival you come across as incredibly naive. What do you think forced Maliki from power? Do you NOT grasp that came from the US?

Who do you suppose made that request of the UNSC?

Quite frankly, Boo...I'm trying to understand what that even has to do with what's being discussed.

The bottom line is that with everything that the US was doing for Maliki there is no way he says no to a determined US President. The reason that a new Status of Forces Agreement wasn't reached was that Barack Obama really didn't want US forces to be IN Iraq therefore he didn't push for a new agreement to happen but rather used a lack of one as an excuse to take out all of the US forces.

It's the reason President Bush had to have a SOFA by the end of 2008. President Obama had been pushing the idea of a residual force his entire presidency, and negotiations with Iraq continued throughout most of 2011.
Uh, R.D., US commanders DID tell us we were ready to withdraw from Iraq. It was according to THEIR plan, mostly finished before Bush left office.

So, no, former Pres. Bush's comments were not very prophetic at all. But I'm not surprised that FOX would try to use this tactic.

that is complete bullshit. most wanted 10-50K left there. did you graduate high school?
Democrats are known for this. If you tell them an action will make things worse, they double down on it. Pat Moynihan warned that the biggest threat to the black family was fartherlessness. So, of course, the Democrat Party made it their goal to have a government check replace the black male head of household and as an added bonus they so destroyed the educational system that blacks have the highest drop out and illiteracy rates.

Bush warns them that leaving Iraq early will destabilize the region so Obama makes that his Middle East plan

Yes, even Obama himself has finally admitted on national television that Iraq was secure when he took office and that the door was wide open for him to negotiate to keep American troops there. That's from his own mouth.
I asked: Who's "intent"?

And I commented: You are lying. The Iraqis have never shown or stated that intent.

This is EconChick's response:

REALLY DUMB ASS????????? I was there negotiating with Iraqis, not you, you stupid fucker.

Are you going to next tell me what time of day I was delivered from my mother's womb??????????

What makes you think that everything is put in writing you fucking moron????????????????????

You also show incredible ignorance about international law even in developed countries.

I wrote nothing about 'in writing' .

I asked a follow up to your argument because we deserve to know.

Who's "intent" were you talking about several posts up?

Let's get something straight you feeble minded propagandist, I don't owe you shit. You should feel lucky I've answered any of your lies over about five threads.

I don't re-read all your propaganda lies, dumb fuck. I read just enough to counter your criminally negligent posts. Which is what you are as far as I'm concerned. Yep, I'd put you in the category of Tokyo Rose. A fucking criminal. Because you were no doubt lying like this while our troops were there...part of the slime that was accusing troops of rape and torture, lying about facts, spreading as much hatred toward the military and mission and Commander in Chief as possible.

You're not here for debate. Your questions were answered long ago on other threads. You re-ask the same questions you already got answers to over and over and over because you're a fucking POS here to misinform.

Boo is actually trying to have a debate. You are just scum sent here to obfuscate. Own it.

And we are not going to let scum like you get away with the lies asses like you have told for years.

You want an answer to something....go back and get it from the last thread I answered you in. You will NOT monopolize my time.
Uh, R.D., US commanders DID tell us we were ready to withdraw from Iraq. It was according to THEIR plan, mostly finished before Bush left office.

So, no, former Pres. Bush's comments were not very prophetic at all. But I'm not surprised that FOX would try to use this tactic.

that is complete bullshit. most wanted 10-50K left there. did you graduate high school?

No, it is not bullshit. Nice try at trolling. As usual, you fail.
Econchick believes that having a lot of people predict stuff on the internet is proof of something.
She believes that, because she knew a lot of people in Iraq that didn't want the US to leave then that's proof that they should have stayed (I wonder how many of them had contracts with Halliburton etc).

If she was as central to negotiations with the Iraqis and advising the US military and political hierarchy as she claims then I hope she got the sack because, going by the evidence, she did a pretty poor job.
yeah, people going on 4-6+ deployments in the sandbox, & marriages disintegrating as a result, is a win-win according to EconChick. I'm going to go out on a limb and say she's single.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean we are risking mass killings on a grand scale. It would allow the terrorists to replace the safe haven they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d have to return at a later date to confront an enemy who is even more dangerous.

President Obama is trying to blame Bush but he won the war and Obama then handed over to ISIS.

Listen to this clip. He thinks people will fall for his blaming Bush for what is obviously his failure.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Stunning performance by bush. After destroying Iraq and murdering a good percentage of it's population, he warns that pulling out could be dangerous for Iraq.

You know what's REALLY stunning? That you progressives simply can't bring yourselves to admit that Bush was completely correct when he warned about a premature withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Over a million people have been dislocated from their homes. Tens of thousands more have been raped or slaughtered by an invading terrorist army. Yet you people can't admit that Bush was right when he said an early withdrawal was the wrong thing to do!

If the President truly believed that in November of 2008, why did he sign the agreement to remove all our troops by 2012?

Because he truly wanted to get American combat troops out of Iraq and thought it could be done by that date? The difference between Bush and Obama however is that with the situation two years later Bush would have fought hard for a residual force to remain behind because it was obvious that the Sunnis were not being included in the Maliki government and that there was a growing threat from ISIS across the border in Syria...whereas Obama simply ignored the threat...declared that Iraq was stable and a "win" for his Administration and moved on despite having failed miserably at forcing Maliki to be inclusive with the Kurds and the Sunnis.

Nice try but no, it was the Iraqis who forced the agreement on President Bush. They also refused to allow our troops immunity during the negotiations with Obama as well.

How exactly does Maliki "force" anything on any American President? We were the ones who put him in office...we were the ones who were training his security forces...we were the ones who were subsidizing his government to the tune of billions of dollars in aid. Where is his leverage to "force" an American President to do ANYTHING!

Why do you think Maliki is no longer running Iraq? I'll give you a hint...because we told him to resign or we were pulling our aid. That's the reality that has always existed in "negotiations" between Iraq and America. If Barry had REALLY wanted a new Status of Forces Agreement that kept 10,000 US troops in Iraq then all he needed to do is make it clear to Maliki that was the way it was going to be. That didn't get done because quite frankly...Obama didn't care if it got done! He wanted out of Iraq and didn't care how that happened. So he pulled everyone out despite the fact that his military were warning him that doing so was dangerous given the situation in Iraq and Syria.

Stop being so naive, doesn't do wonders for your rep...

from post #525

"U.S. and coalition forces have been in Iraq since 2003. And while the UN Security Council did not explicitly authorize the invasion, the council did approve the presence of foreign forces in an annually renewed resolution first adopted in October 2003.Because Iraq's government has requested that the Security Council not renew the mandate upon its expiration at the end of 2008, U.S. officials have had to accelerate negotiations on a detailed legal framework for the U.S. presence in Iraq.

Who exactly gives a single fuck about reps.......

I meant your reputation for being naive, Boo. When you make statements like you've made about Maliki "forcing" something from either Bush or Obama when he was always dependent on the US for his survival you come across as incredibly naive. What do you think forced Maliki from power? Do you NOT grasp that came from the US?

Who do you suppose made that request of the UNSC?

Quite frankly, Boo...I'm trying to understand what that even has to do with what's being discussed.

The bottom line is that with everything that the US was doing for Maliki there is no way he says no to a determined US President. The reason that a new Status of Forces Agreement wasn't reached was that Barack Obama really didn't want US forces to be IN Iraq therefore he didn't push for a new agreement to happen but rather used a lack of one as an excuse to take out all of the US forces.

yeah, that Muslim country loved having 1000's of infidel soldiers permanently stationed there (10+ yrs [having soldiers stationed in Saudi is why OBL said he attacked the U.S. BTW]) and drinking alcohol after hours :rolleyes: What planet do you live on?
Uh, R.D., US commanders DID tell us we were ready to withdraw from Iraq. It was according to THEIR plan, mostly finished before Bush left office.

So, no, former Pres. Bush's comments were not very prophetic at all. But I'm not surprised that FOX would try to use this tactic.

that is complete bullshit. most wanted 10-50K left there. did you graduate high school?

No, it is not bullshit. Nice try at trolling. As usual, you fail.

then back your claim up. you know the drill. stop pussyfooting around like your bff jake and actually back up your claims.;
Uh, R.D., US commanders DID tell us we were ready to withdraw from Iraq. It was according to THEIR plan, mostly finished before Bush left office.

So, no, former Pres. Bush's comments were not very prophetic at all. But I'm not surprised that FOX would try to use this tactic.

that is complete bullshit. most wanted 10-50K left there. did you graduate high school?

No, it is not bullshit. Nice try at trolling. As usual, you fail.

then back your claim up. you know the drill. stop pussyfooting around like your bff jake and actually back up your claims.;

Pres. Bush backs it up for me. He said clearly on video more than once that he would only sign a draw down plan for Iraq once the upper brass told him it was clear to do that. Then he signed the draw-down plan.

As a matter of fact, he mentioned this is the very video that is the OP of this thread.

Are you calling Bush a liar?

And btw this is not a court of law and you are no fucking attorney here. So, get over it, troll.
Uh, R.D., US commanders DID tell us we were ready to withdraw from Iraq. It was according to THEIR plan, mostly finished before Bush left office.

So, no, former Pres. Bush's comments were not very prophetic at all. But I'm not surprised that FOX would try to use this tactic.

that is complete bullshit. most wanted 10-50K left there. did you graduate high school?

No, it is not bullshit. Nice try at trolling. As usual, you fail.

then back your claim up. you know the drill. stop pussyfooting around like your bff jake and actually back up your claims.;

Pres. Bush backs it up for me. He said clearly on video more than once that he would only sign a draw down plan for Iraq once the upper brass told him it was clear to do that. Then he signed the draw-down plan.

As a matter of fact, he mentioned this is the very video that is the OP of this thread.

Are you calling Bush a liar?

And btw this is not a court of law and you are no fucking attorney here. So, get over it, troll.

that is not proof of anything. that is merely proof bush said something. provide proof of your claim or be another fakeyjakey.

of course i am not an attorney, nor did i claim this was a court of law. my good lord, if you can't back up a fucking claim stay the fuck out politics. sissy boy. are proof of what I said.

On 140909 at 0803 PM 1776 wrote: *a "These dumb motherfuckers still defending Obama fucking up in Iraq and Syria......and none of them have ever seen anything above FOUO."

Just another sample of the foul-mouthed lack of socially redeemable and facts-based discourse coming from the Obama Hater side.
LMAO stupid fuck. Do you think all our troops and others over there on the front lines doing the heavy lifting worry about being socially redeemable and never cuss

You're so fucking stupid, every time I get on a thread where you're pontificating I laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

As for pointing out your lies.....all your shit is lies, nitwit dumbass. You're an idiot beyond belief.

I never said Americans serving in combat don't cuss. I was not aware that 1776 posting on a Message Board is the same thing or comparable to serving in combat for one's country.

And it is apparent you can't find one single lie I've told.

What lies. Point to a specific lie you think I've told and I will show you why it is not.
I have pointed out yours. Such as the lie that Iraqis did not have to pass a SOFA through parliament./QUOTE]

I'll ask again.

Why did you lie that Iraqis did not have to pass a SOFA through their parliament?.
Last edited:
Let's get something straight you feeble minded propagandist, I don't owe you shit.

You are right. You don't own me anything. So it is plain to see that you don't know who you meant when you claimed it was somebody's intent to leave the SOFA open-ended for the next president. Yes, you don't owe me, but if you want your argument to be valid you would be quite happy to tell me what you meant about intent. The whole world knows the Iraq had no intent to do what you claim happened. Therefore you lied. You made that 'intent' stuff up just like you 'placeholder' lie in the first place. You lied about the Iraqis not needing the SOFA passed in their parliament. You've been caught in your lies and are now screaming like a stuck pig. Keep up your foul-mouthed screaming. The truth about you is being exposed.
A fucking criminal. Because you were no doubt lying like this while our troops were there...part of the slime that was accusing troops of rape and torture, lying about facts, spreading as much hatred toward the military and mission and Commander in Chief as possible.

Lying like what? You have not pointed to any single lie by me. What is wrong with you. Do you think you are so high and mighty that you don't have to back up anything you claim?
Its getting very clear why EconChick and 1778 are getting more foul-mouthed with every passing moment.

This has to crush every Obama Hater on this Message Board:

By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent, and Peter Foster in Washington
9:05PM BST 11 Sep 2014
A coalition of 10 Arab states threw their support behind Barack Obama’s pledge to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) movement in Iraq and Syria on Thursday.
In a welcome boost to US plans for defeating the militant Islamist group, regional powers including Saudi Arabia and Jordan pledged to “do their share” in the battle.
The announcement in Saudi Arabia was carefully choreographed, coming hours after the president told the American people that he would expand US air strikes against the militants, promising that Isil would ultimately be “vanquished from the Earth”.
As Mr Obama marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with a moment of silence at the White House, the 10 regional allies — which also included Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — issued their statement after a meeting in Jeddah with John Kerry, the US secretary of state.
They promised that they would join in “the comprehensive fight” against Isil, including choking off funds and fighters to the group.

10 Arab states join the US in battle against Isil - Telegraph
Its getting very clear why EconChick and 1778 are getting more foul-mouthed with every passing moment.

This has to crush every Obama Hater on this Message Board:

By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent, and Peter Foster in Washington
9:05PM BST 11 Sep 2014
A coalition of 10 Arab states threw their support behind Barack Obama’s pledge to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) movement in Iraq and Syria on Thursday.
In a welcome boost to US plans for defeating the militant Islamist group, regional powers including Saudi Arabia and Jordan pledged to “do their share” in the battle.
The announcement in Saudi Arabia was carefully choreographed, coming hours after the president told the American people that he would expand US air strikes against the militants, promising that Isil would ultimately be “vanquished from the Earth”.
As Mr Obama marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with a moment of silence at the White House, the 10 regional allies — which also included Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — issued their statement after a meeting in Jeddah with John Kerry, the US secretary of state.
They promised that they would join in “the comprehensive fight” against Isil, including choking off funds and fighters to the group.

10 Arab states join the US in battle against Isil - Telegraph
Yay..Talk is cheap. Let me know when those countries have boots on the ground fighting You Obama lovers have such high hopes for that incompetent, know nothing. Who is Lebanon gong to fight? You mean Hezbollah?..Jordon is in no position to fight anyone. If they weren't next to Israel, they'd have been over run by the islamozi's by now. Qatar funds terrorist. Saidi Arabia as well

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