Stupid Jews for Obama

Liberal Jews hate other Jews and Israel. They're like rich liberals that hate other rich people and feel guilty about having so much money.

Liberal Jews put social issues about the survival of Israel because many of them forgot about what happened in WWII. They only care about themselves living in nice neighborhoods here in the USA.

that's interesting... it's nice of you to tell us what we hate and what we think.

how many times have you been there? i'm going back for the third time in march.

Sorry bout that,

1. Jews loved JFK, so they are always going to vote democrat.
2. They bonded with JFK, and now, they have no way out.
3. He was a good President.
4. But really, Obama is poison for Jews.

Sorry bout that,

1. Jews loved JFK, so they are always going to vote democrat.
2. They bonded with JFK, and now, they have no way out.
3. He was a good President.
4. But really, Obama is poison for Jews.


you're 1000% wrong...

jews are democrats going back to FDR

jews believe in taking care of the poorest elements of society
jews believe in taking care of the sickest and weakest in our society
jews believe in education for everyone as a means of advancement
jews believe in equality under the law which is why it was jews who marched with Martin Luther King and went to the south to register black voters and fight for desegregation.
jews believe government should stay out of the religion business

given that the right is opposed to all of those things, does it really surprise you that jews largely vote dem...except for the neocons and fundies.

as for the president, i've seen the neocon idiots say that he's bad for jews and israel... i'd defy you to show anything worse for jews than making israel take SCUD missiles to keep daddy bush's little band of merry men together...

or worse than empowering iran by dis-empowering iraq and destabilizing the region.

we'll wait.
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LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

why would a jew vote for an anti-choice, homophobic, misogynist, race-baiting, theocratic group of people who hate education, science and all of the other things that matter to jews?

well, unless you're which case, one fundie is pretty much the same as any other.

And I rest my case.
Obama has undercut efforts to stop Iran from getting nukes and he has went against the established American policy of supporting Israel borders. The 1967 borders he advocated, literally put Israel at the threat of being extinct.

Apparently, Jews don't look after their own people. They look after their own individual interests and that's why they're constantly being hated by every community they go to.

I believe you left out the worm that destroyed programming for centrifuges, made them grind themselves into unusable grinders.
Obama has undercut efforts to stop Iran from getting nukes and he has went against the established American policy of supporting Israel borders. The 1967 borders he advocated, literally put Israel at the threat of being extinct.

Apparently, Jews don't look after their own people. They look after their own individual interests and that's why they're constantly being hated by every community they go to.

I believe you left out the worm that destroyed programming for centrifuges, made them grind themselves into unusable grinders.

Is this jibberish or are you actually trying to make a real point?
Obama has undercut efforts to stop Iran from getting nukes and he has went against the established American policy of supporting Israel borders. The 1967 borders he advocated, literally put Israel at the threat of being extinct.

Apparently, Jews don't look after their own people. They look after their own individual interests and that's why they're constantly being hated by every community they go to.

I believe you left out the worm that destroyed programming for centrifuges, made them grind themselves into unusable grinders.

Is this jibberish or are you actually trying to make a real point?

With you would it matter?
LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

why would a jew vote for an anti-choice, homophobic, misogynist, race-baiting, theocratic group of people who hate education, science and all of the other things that matter to jews?

well, unless you're which case, one fundie is pretty much the same as any other.

:eusa_eh:Well.... That was an intelligent post also infantile in its ignorance. I’m sure an Orthodox Jew is the same as a "fundie" muslim? that's the same attitude atheists have, that says something I guess. Republicans are Christians in the eyes of liberal Jews...this is somes it up pretty well...

“For most American Jews, the core of their Jewish identity isn’t solidarity with Israel; it’s rejection of Christianity.” He offers two convincing hypotheticals: first, a imagined meeting between Woody Allen and a young emissary from the ultra-Orthodox Chabad movement, in which “the one area where they find common ground—and differ (together) from the majority of their fellow citizens—is their dismissal of New Testament theology.” And, second, the fact that while “atheist Jews, Buddhist Jews, pro-Palestinian Jews, Communist Jews, homosexual Jews” are accepted by left-leaning Jewish congregations, Jews for Jesus are decidedly not. Medved concludes that “the liberal belief that Jews should be pro-choice and pro-gay marriage has nothing to do with connecting to Jewish tradition and everything to do with disassociating from Christian conservatives.”
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LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

why would a jew vote for an anti-choice, homophobic, misogynist, race-baiting, theocratic group of people who hate education, science and all of the other things that matter to jews?

well, unless you're which case, one fundie is pretty much the same as any other.

:eusa_eh:Well.... That was an intelligent post also infantile in its ignorance. I’m sure an Orthodox Jew is the same as a "fundie" muslim? that's the same attitude atheists have, that says something I guess. Republicans are Christians in the eyes of liberal Jews...this is somes it up pretty well...

“For most American Jews, the core of their Jewish identity isn’t solidarity with Israel; it’s rejection of Christianity.” He offers two convincing hypotheticals: first, a imagined meeting between Woody Allen and a young emissary from the ultra-Orthodox Chabad movement, in which “the one area where they find common ground—and differ (together) from the majority of their fellow citizens—is their dismissal of New Testament theology.” And, second, the fact that while “atheist Jews, Buddhist Jews, pro-Palestinian Jews, Communist Jews, homosexual Jews” are accepted by left-leaning Jewish congregations, Jews for Jesus are decidedly not. Medved concludes that “the liberal belief that Jews should be pro-choice and pro-gay marriage has nothing to do with connecting to Jewish tradition and everything to do with disassociating from Christian conservatives.”

Why Jews Are Liberal - by Marissa Brostoff - Tablet Magazine – Jewish News and Politics, Jewish Arts and Culture, Jewish Life and Religion

Silly libs are in the us vs. them mode constantly. It's like dealing with five year olds.
LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

Well, yeah, here's the thing.

Israel might have seemed like a great idea in 1948, but for the Jews who didn't move there, it's kind of an embarrassment. It's an apartheid state that oppresses the native residents of the land they took for a religion they really arent' taking that literally.

Not that Obama has really taken any really radical positions towards Israel. He continues to send them billions we have to borrow from China. He continues to use our power to threaten anyone they are afraid of.

His position on a two state solution was the same position that George W. Bush had.

So who is Israel's real friend? Funditarded Christians who think that we need to have Israel there so Jesus can come back. And that's the problem, really. The Zionists and Funditards are playing each other. And really, the Zionists are getting the better of the deal because Jesus isn't coming back. He never existed to start with.

Oy Vey!
LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

Stupid, eh?

Good Jews agree with you.

Bad Jews disagree with you.

Anti-semitic much?
LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

Don't worry; the GOP can make up for the lack of support from Jews with their overwhelmingly favorable numbers among Latinos and women......oh wait. :lol:
The idiots that don't appreciate our protection are scum like you here that don't support the US military protecting you from yourselves. In reality, if we could hand you and the liberal Jews over to the muslim terrorists to satisfy their bloodthirst....

Good to see you living up to your name.

Get on a plane, quickly, and fly to Israel and enlist. They need your kind to protect them. Even though they are doing a good job themselves, I am sure they need a couple of extremists.

I think beserk is a term from the old Norse language. You a Viking?

btw, when 63% of a people do something you don't like, and you bitch about it, that makes you look stupid. Maybe you should change your mind. You could be wrong. And them right. Ever think of that?
LOL: Stupid Jews.

Bare in mind, I'm pro Israel. But I just have to laugh that these nit wits are overwhelmingly supporting Obama while he keeps telling them to bend over and grab their ankles.

Seventy eight percent of Jews voted for Obama in 2008. And now, despite everything he does, the latest Gallup polls show that 63 percent of Jews are still supporting Obama.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Jewish and Mormon Voters: A Tale of Two Very Different Groups

Well, yeah, here's the thing.

Israel might have seemed like a great idea in 1948, but for the Jews who didn't move there, it's kind of an embarrassment. It's an apartheid state that oppresses the native residents of the land they took for a religion they really arent' taking that literally.

Not that Obama has really taken any really radical positions towards Israel. He continues to send them billions we have to borrow from China. He continues to use our power to threaten anyone they are afraid of.

His position on a two state solution was the same position that George W. Bush had.

So who is Israel's real friend? Funditarded Christians who think that we need to have Israel there so Jesus can come back. And that's the problem, really. The Zionists and Funditards are playing each other. And really, the Zionists are getting the better of the deal because Jesus isn't coming back. He never existed to start with.

Oy Vey!

Joe lecturing Israelis on what they believe. Priceless.
I'm predicting a record Jewish Republican vote this year which would be over 40% although most Reform and secular Jews are libs there are lots of really impressive good conservative Jews like Levin.
I'm predicting a record Jewish Republican vote this year which would be over 40% although most Reform and secular Jews are libs there are lots of really impressive good conservative Jews like Levin.

As the Orthodox movement grows it spawns more and more politically conservative Jews. Wasn't there a House election in NY recently where the Republican candidate won, with a majority of Jewish support?
I'm predicting a record Jewish Republican vote this year which would be over 40% although most Reform and secular Jews are libs there are lots of really impressive good conservative Jews like Levin.

As the Orthodox movement grows it spawns more and more politically conservative Jews. Wasn't there a House election in NY recently where the Republican candidate won, with a majority of Jewish support?

That would be the one the Democrats didn't really contest that hard because the district is being eliminated...

but don't let facts distract you.

Obama will probably get about 75% of the Jewish vote, because Israel isn't that important and he's not really that radical on the issue.
I'm predicting a record Jewish Republican vote this year which would be over 40% although most Reform and secular Jews are libs there are lots of really impressive good conservative Jews like Levin.

As the Orthodox movement grows it spawns more and more politically conservative Jews. Wasn't there a House election in NY recently where the Republican candidate won, with a majority of Jewish support?

Yep.... they have lots of kids

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