Stupid weather!

There is no climate change going on.

Your imagination, girl.

Can't fit cold weather into "global warming" anymore can ya, fruitcake?
:) Yep, you are a loon. That the global temp has increased significantly cannot be doubted. How it affects our overall weather is still being tested. Anyone can analyze the temps locally, regionally, hemispherically, and globally, and realize significant change is occurring. Anyone who denies it is rightly dismissed as woefully ignorant or mentally feeble or mentally challenged. In your case, your comment is even more woefully ignornant.

Pity the facts declare you a dill!!


Something is happening of course....all the Capitalists fault whatever it is!!!

It's fricken cold! June 1st in CT and it was 54 degrees now today at noon 49 degrees. WTF! I had to dig out the winter clothes I'd already put away. :mad-61:

Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.
Wow! In my house, the fire in the fireplace warms the entire house.
We finally had a HOT day in Phoenix over the weekend....normally we see 100 around Easter.....the last few years are the mildest I can remember in central Arizona. If WE aren't hot, nobody is hot....get it? :eusa_naughty:
It's fricken cold! June 1st in CT and it was 54 degrees now today at noon 49 degrees. WTF! I had to dig out the winter clothes I'd already put away. :mad-61:

Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.
Wow! In my house, the fire in the fireplace warms the entire house.

I suspect that what happens (???maybe) is that the air heated goes up the chimney and draws air from colder parts to replace it. I haven't noticed it here as we keep the doors shut to the back half of the house which is in a reduced use area.


Western Oregon had one of it's mildest winters, and now one of it's best spring in years. Normally from mid-October until late June it's gray, rainy weather. We've had many sunny 70 degrees and above days already.
If it was normal, I wouldn't want to leave.
Then of course I remember the politics of this state, and leaving will be easy.
CT politic's suck too. Probably why most of my family has moved south.

Can't blame them at all.
I've considered it myself,taxes and political stupidity are out of control here. I love my state so IDK if I should stay and try to change things or leave for greener pastures. I also don't know if I can handle the heat in the South. I melt after 75 degrees.
:) Yep, you are a loon. That the global temp has increased significantly cannot be doubted. How it affects our overall weather is still being tested. Anyone can analyze the temps locally, regionally, hemispherically, and globally, and realize significant change is occurring. Anyone who denies it is rightly dismissed as woefully ignorant or mentally feeble or mentally challenged. In your case, your comment is even more woefully ignornant.'re a lying fucking idiot.....nothing is islands disappearing, no polar bears drowning, no massive hurricanes hitting's all horseshit.
OK tell us how you really feel,don't hold back.
Just washed the ice off the windscreen......had to drive someplace.

A tad cool here. 30oF and falling.

It's fricken cold! June 1st in CT and it was 54 degrees now today at noon 49 degrees. WTF! I had to dig out the winter clothes I'd already put away. :mad-61:

Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.
Wow! In my house, the fire in the fireplace warms the entire house.
Mines doing a fairly good job right now, at least the temp is up to 70 in here now.
One Island did disappear but not due to global warming

Disappearance Of Sandy Island- Australian scientists who went in search of outcrop in Pacific found only sea. NEW ZetaTalk - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift

Disappearance Of Sandy Island- Australian scientists who went in search of outcrop in Pacific found only sea. (NEW ZetaTalk)

Nov 22, 2012

A tiny island in the Pacific which appears on a range of maps seems to have disappeared without a trace.

Australian scientists who went in search of Sandy Island - which appears midway between Australia and the French-governed New Caledonia on Google Earth among other world maps - found nothing but sea when they arrived.
Sand isn't the most stable substance in water.

On the OP though, I have a gripe. The other day my thermometer outside said 104... I live in Alaska so I can't handle that shit. I had every window and door in the house open and about 15 fans going, and I /still/ thought I was going to die. And the next day wasn't much better either, at like 86.

So, I would like to formally demand more cloud cover from whoever our global manipulators are. I am physically unable to sweat so I feel I'm being mistreated by you guys who keep pushing your global warming shit on me... I'm willing to compromise though, in the winter I can deal with it because I'm growing less and less fond of shoveling snow, and Hawaii is getting boring, but in the summer you guys just need to cool it. If I wanted to melt into my sofa everyday I'd move to the lower 48... or watch that stupid soap opera channel... I ended up watching Fantasy Island when it was super hot and I'll never forgive.

(...sorry I couldn't resist...)
It's fricken cold! June 1st in CT and it was 54 degrees now today at noon 49 degrees. WTF! I had to dig out the winter clothes I'd already put away. :mad-61:

Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.
Wow! In my house, the fire in the fireplace warms the entire house.

I suspect that what happens (???maybe) is that the air heated goes up the chimney and draws air from colder parts to replace it. I haven't noticed it here as we keep the doors shut to the back half of the house which is in a reduced use area.


It's good to know how to use the damper.
We have a 70's era woodstove that heats our entire 2k sqft house even when it's 15 below outside. Cast iron is key, ours can fry an egg for like an hour after the fire goes out.

My mother found these cool heat powered fan things that sit on the stove top part and circulates heat awesomely; the heat used to kind of get trapped downstairs, but with the fan things it gets all the way upstairs and down the hallway. Unfortunately, no one can remember where they came from anymore, we wanted to buy one for the south cabin which has no power...
It's fricken cold! June 1st in CT and it was 54 degrees now today at noon 49 degrees. WTF! I had to dig out the winter clothes I'd already put away. :mad-61:

Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.
Still think it's the volcanic ash. I guess only time will tell. This could just be a fluke. I'm gonna of turn on my fire place, I'm cold.
No, it is not. We have not had any eruptions of the size to do that. One needs a Pinotuba sized eruption for that. What it is is a stuck weather pattern that continues to bring cold air down from Canada. In the meanwhile, the West Coast has too little rain, too much warmth. Coming weekend is supposed to be in the 90's here in Portland, and that is warm for us in June.
Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.

In other words.....WEATHER...and for that you moonbats want to close down coal and oil production....not in this lifetime pal.
Fellow, economics is shutting down coal production as we post. The grid scale batteries, and the fact that wind is far cheaper now than coal, and solar will be before 2016 is done, has put the nails in the coffin of coal. And a good thing for us all.
Western Oregon had one of it's mildest winters, and now one of it's best spring in years. Normally from mid-October until late June it's gray, rainy weather. We've had many sunny 70 degrees and above days already.
If it was normal, I wouldn't want to leave.
Then of course I remember the politics of this state, and leaving will be easy.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass. You won't be missed, we kind of like our citizens here in Oregon to be productive.
:) Yep, you are a loon. That the global temp has increased significantly cannot be doubted. How it affects our overall weather is still being tested. Anyone can analyze the temps locally, regionally, hemispherically, and globally, and realize significant change is occurring. Anyone who denies it is rightly dismissed as woefully ignorant or mentally feeble or mentally challenged. In your case, your comment is even more woefully ignornant.'re a lying fucking idiot.....nothing is islands disappearing, no polar bears drowning, no massive hurricanes hitting's all horseshit.
No, what is bullshit is that you are as old as you are and still so fucking ignorant.
Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.

In other words.....WEATHER...and for that you moonbats want to close down coal and oil production....not in this lifetime pal.
Wow, such informative retorts...
It's fricken cold! June 1st in CT and it was 54 degrees now today at noon 49 degrees. WTF! I had to dig out the winter clothes I'd already put away. :mad-61:

Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.
Still think it's the volcanic ash. I guess only time will tell. This could just be a fluke. I'm gonna of turn on my fire place, I'm cold.
We were having the same weather in SW Mizzouri....
We have a 70's era woodstove that heats our entire 2k sqft house even when it's 15 below outside. Cast iron is key, ours can fry an egg for like an hour after the fire goes out.

My mother found these cool heat powered fan things that sit on the stove top part and circulates heat awesomely; the heat used to kind of get trapped downstairs, but with the fan things it gets all the way upstairs and down the hallway. Unfortunately, no one can remember where they came from anymore, we wanted to buy one for the south cabin which has no power...
Wood Stoves and Accessories Wood Stove Accessories Wood Fireplaces - Plow Hearth

Put 'heat powered stove fan' on google, and you will get a lot of results.
It's fricken cold! June 1st in CT and it was 54 degrees now today at noon 49 degrees. WTF! I had to dig out the winter clothes I'd already put away. :mad-61:

Warmer one place, usually colder some place else. How it works. Like when you have a fireplace and fire going it sukcs in the heat from adjacent bedrooms making them colder. Works on a planetary scale too.
Still think it's the volcanic ash. I guess only time will tell. This could just be a fluke. I'm gonna of turn on my fire place, I'm cold.
No, it is not. We have not had any eruptions of the size to do that. One needs a Pinotuba sized eruption for that. What it is is a stuck weather pattern that continues to bring cold air down from Canada. In the meanwhile, the West Coast has too little rain, too much warmth. Coming weekend is supposed to be in the 90's here in Portland, and that is warm for us in June.
We have had several separate eruptions that could equal enough ash to cause problems.

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