Success of Our Food Stamp President


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Remember this?

1. "Food Stamps For Tattoos, Porn, Manicures, And Bail Money

2. There was a time when there were standards for getting food stamps (now EBT cards). The food stamp program was designed to help families with the necessities. You couldn’t buy anything you want with food stamps.

3. A general rule of economics is, “The more money you throw at a program, the more you get of it.” Is it any wonder that obesity is America’s number-one health problem? Maybe Mayor Bloomberg should be looking at EBT cards as the problem for obesity and not Big-Gulp drinks.

4. It’s now worse than this, at least in Massachusetts. “If you are a tax payer in Massachusetts, you get to fund EBT cards for those who want to buy tattoos, manicures, body piercings or porn.”
Food Stamps for Tattoos, Porn, Manicures, and Bail Money

And....the update:

5. "Late on Feb. 28, Rebecka came home to their two-bedroom apartment to make a snack for her daughters, ages 1 and 3.....Only a few jars of jelly, iced tea, rotten vegetables and some string cheese remained in between.

6. For the past three years, the Ortizes’ lives had unfolded in a series of exhausting, fractional decisions. Was it better to eat the string cheese now or to save it? To buy milk for $3.80 nearby or for $3.10 across town? Was it better to pay down the $600 they owed the landlord, or the $110 they owed for their cellphones, or the $75 they owed the tattoo parlor, or the $840 they owed the electric company?"
Food stamps put Rhode Island town on monthly boom-and-bust cycle - The Washington Post

If one reads the WaPo article....America appears to be in the midst of the Great Depression.

Two items jump out:

a. This family has "Only a few jars of jelly, iced tea, rotten vegetables and some string cheese remained in between" but..."... $110 they owed for their cellphones, or the $75 they owed the tattoo parlor,"

Two babies, hungry and you spend the money on cell phones and tattoos???

They get $518/ month.

b. "Three years into an economic recovery, this is the lasting scar of collapse: a federal program that began as a last resort for a few million hungry people has grown into an economic lifeline for entire towns. Spending on SNAP has doubled in the past four years and tripled in the past decade, surpassing $78 billion last year. A record 47 million Americans receive the benefit — including 13,752 in Woonsocket, one-third of the town’s population, where the first of each month now reveals twin shortcomings of the U.S. economy..."
Is this program working???

And, what is the purpose of the program??

Wouldn't simply opening 24-hour soup kitchens be more efficacious than simply feeding and growing the welfare industry octopus??
At least the kids would get fed!!!

What kind of insanity put this administration back in office??
a federal program that began as a last resort for a few million hungry people has grown into an economic lifeline for entire towns. Spending on SNAP has doubled in the past four years and tripled in the past decade, surpassing $78 billion last year. A record 47 million Americans receive the benefit — including 13,752 in Woonsocket, one-third of the town’s population,

Obamas fault...Why dont the ppl in that town just work? Oh, theres no jobs. Oh thye should just move. Oh, they have no money.

They should just...go fuck themselves right Chic
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a federal program that began as a last resort for a few million hungry people has grown into an economic lifeline for entire towns. Spending on SNAP has doubled in the past four years and tripled in the past decade, surpassing $78 billion last year. A record 47 million Americans receive the benefit — including 13,752 in Woonsocket, one-third of the town’s population,

Obamas fault...Why dont the ppl in that town just work? Oh, theres no jobs. Oh thye should just move. Oh, they have no money.

They should just...go fuck themselves right Chic

1. I don't use vulgar language....but, then, I don't need some sort of macho pretense, as you clearly do.

2. How many years are you going to turn a blind eye to the lack of improvements, the increases in the numbers of Americans on food stamps?

3. How do you ignore the babies starving while these 'recipients' of Obama largess get tattoos??

4. Are you going to keep pretending that his economic plan is solving the unemployment problem just so you won't have to face the fact that this President is a fraud and a failure?

5. you realize that the article is from Obama supporters, the Washington Compost????
Imagine: this article try to shield Obama as best they can??
How many years did you turn a blind eye to the increase of food stamp recipients under Bush? And you want to talk about me?

Save that cry baby garbage about the Washpo. In your eyes everyone is out to get you. Everyone is attacking you. It's not paranoia, no, everyone is really out to get you. Riiiight. It's not you, it's EVERYONE ELSE.
A record number of people on food stamps seems to be what Obamabots consider an economic recovery.
Oh by the family owed for tattoos and that's terrible. What's worst is you trying to portray "welfare recipients" in general of getting Tattoos while their babies "starved" and using that one family as an argument against welfare in general. Honesty isn't your strong suit.
Oh by the family owed for tattoos and that's terrible. What's worst is you trying to portray "welfare recipients" in general of getting Tattoos while their babies "starved" and using that one family as an argument against welfare in general. Honesty isn't your strong suit.

"What's worst is you trying to portray "welfare recipients" in general...."

That would be 'worse,' not 'worst.''re not trying to shut down debate....are you?

That would be, of you.

BTW....I have lots of arguments against what you call 'welfare.'
Just ask.
How many years did you turn a blind eye to the increase of food stamp recipients under Bush? And you want to talk about me?

Save that cry baby garbage about the Washpo. In your eyes everyone is out to get you. Everyone is attacking you. It's not paranoia, no, everyone is really out to get you. Riiiight. It's not you, it's EVERYONE ELSE.

"Everyone is attacking you. It's not paranoia,..."

Why is in your bloviation i hear the words of the Jewish passenger in Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools" poo-pooing the idea of how terrible the plans of the Nazis are...

...he says: "What are they going to do, kill all of us?"

And, of course, you look at Obama's record and sigh,..'how wonderful.'

"Why dont the ppl in that town just work? Oh, theres no jobs. Oh thye should just move. Oh, they have no money."

Been there, done that. When I was young and a newly arrived immigrant, who spoke little or no English, I moved, and since I had no money, I moved by hitch hiking. Granted, it was not too hard, because I was single, but I was smart enough not to make commitments or have a family until I was ready. The jobs I could have with my "qualifications" were being a busboy, being a lumberjack (using buck saw, since I could not afford a chain saw) or working in a mine.

While I did those jobs, after work I hit the grammar book and the dictionary and learned enough English to go to school as an adult student and earn my high school diploma.

I retired ten years ago after 38 years working for the same company, the last eight of which I was a self-taught computer programmer.

So I have absolutely no sympathy and pity for able bodied free loaders.
Oh by the family owed for tattoos and that's terrible. What's worst is you trying to portray "welfare recipients" in general of getting Tattoos while their babies "starved" and using that one family as an argument against welfare in general. Honesty isn't your strong suit.

"What's worst is you trying to portray "welfare recipients" in general...."

That would be 'worse,' not 'worst.''re not trying to shut down debate....are you?

That would be, of you.

BTW....I have lots of arguments against what you call 'welfare.'
Just ask.

Do you ignore everyones post? Why quote me if you refuse to deal with what I said? The spelling lesson is cute and all but I guess when you cant refute a point, its best to find something to disagree with
Food stamps will be to Obama what Hoovervilles were to Hoover. Both are symbols of failure. Having said that, Hoover might not have been a terribly good president, but those who understand 20th century US history will note that he was a man of extraordinary accomplishments before and after his presidency. To be fair, Obama may be able to accomplish something after he leaves office.
Oh by the family owed for tattoos and that's terrible. What's worst is you trying to portray "welfare recipients" in general of getting Tattoos while their babies "starved" and using that one family as an argument against welfare in general. Honesty isn't your strong suit.

"What's worst is you trying to portray "welfare recipients" in general...."

That would be 'worse,' not 'worst.''re not trying to shut down debate....are you?

That would be, of you.

BTW....I have lots of arguments against what you call 'welfare.'
Just ask.

Do you ignore everyones post? Why quote me if you refuse to deal with what I said? The spelling lesson is cute and all but I guess when you cant refute a point, its best to find something to disagree with

Let's review that post, shall we?

You've proven to have a dearth of education....

...and I offered you an education, here:
"BTW....I have lots of arguments against what you call 'welfare.'
Just ask."

This explains the first problem.

So you see, it wasn't that ignored your post....rather, you failed to comprehend the answer.

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