Sudan mightier than Washington can expect


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
US ambassador, Joseph Staffords statement denying US desire to topple the Sudanese government and divide Sudan carries nothing new. The same statement with very expressions has been repeated by many US officials. US officials namely diplomats are not in the habit of disclosing their countrys intents and even officials in charge of these plans usually do not give statements to media.

Joseph Staffords statement is nonsense and untrue, simply because US has left no stone unturned over the past 20 years to do so. It has used all things including even long range and guided missiles which targeted the Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant in 1998 under the pretext of chemical weapons.

Washington provided more than 17 billion dollar during 1989 up to 2005, the date of Naivasha Comprehensive Peace Agreement to arm Sudan Peoples Liberation Army against the central government in Sudan, said a reliable source.

The Darfuri armed groups have received not less than three billion dollar through different channels, added the source.

Washington is still providing generous support to the so called Sudanese Revolutionary Front. However, Washington is disappointed of its unyielding efforts and puzzled by the stumbling block to overthrow the Sudanese government.

Washington insist on placing Sudan on the list of countries harbouring terrorism , despite Sudans cooperation in the fight against the global terror and the tangible breakthrough in the peace process.

These achievements include Naivasha Peace Agreement, the referendum which led to the secession of South Sudan, Doha Document for Peace in Darfur and east Sudan agreement. However, Washington hasnt lifted the economic sanctions on Sudan or normalized its ties with Khartoum.

When a U.S. official says that US is not desirous of toppling the Sudanese government, he always means the opposite. So, denying USs desire to divide Sudan is extremely untrue. It was just diplomatic statement. The Former US envoy to Sudan, Princeton Lyman has threatened to split east Sudan.

The Israeli Internal Security Minister, Avi Dichter has shared him the same view to split Sudan. This US and strategy is known to everyone even the naive. How can we believe the American ambassador who justified USs link with Darfuri armed movements as attempt to help the Dafuri movements develop their political agenda?

Has Washington shifted from a superpower to political science lecturer who wants to create bright political science students out of the armed movements?

Even Washingtons lift of sanctions on White Nile Sugar Factory will not compensate or be taken as a good will. In the end, Washington is applying carrot-and stick policy with Sudan . It grants to flog or or cauterize sometimes.
90% of its people are starving and yet they're mighty? LOL!

WTF??? Wouldn't it be better to get your fincal issues in order before anything else?
Most black nations make me seriously laugh. If it wasn't so fucking sad I'd think it's a bad joke!

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