Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

That is what Trump did.

"H.R. McMaster, one of Donald Trump’s senior national security advisers, has called the previous administration’s arrangement with the Taliban a “surrender agreement.”

“Our secretary of state [Mike Pompeo] signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” McMaster said on Bari Weiss’ podcast Honestly.

“This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”

Left slant source, wow how predictable of you and your hate. Thanks for the BS.
Any plan would have changed under Biden, he is the one that moved the date and botched it, he was is the leader and responsible on actions after he has been in office eight months. Too bad he can’t accept responsibility for his screw ups, he is no better than the last guy in office. We manage to elect dumb and dumber people each election. More proof the two parties are failing.

I am waiting for Trump and his supporters to acknowledge his incompetence. Trump was in office for nearly a year after he signed the agreement. There should have been a plan in place and being implemented when Biden took office. There was no plan in place and Biden was forced to scramble. Whether he botched it is a question mark. He should have thrown out Trump's agreement and started all over.
He formulate a plan, provided it to the Democrats.....and they ignored it, producing the abject failure the world saw....and sees.

You don't see it???

Here's your new avi:

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Trump was President for 11 months after he signed the surrender document. He should have had a plan in place and being implemented not leaving a plan for Democrats. He left no plan.

This is what you actually are.


Trump was President for 11 months after he signed the surrender document. He should have had a plan in place and being implemented not leaving a plan for Democrats. He left no plan.

This is what you actually are.

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You are a deranged liar. Biden was not bound by anything. He could have stayed. Biden owns the horrible mess.
haha but he didn’t leave, he wasn’t going i until conditions were met

please this line has been debunked so many times and laughs in the face of reality. This is all xiden’s blunder


and now he is attacking the US Army, he is attacking and undermining our institutions because he won’t take responsibility for his failure and your. dembot cultist continue to spread and believe this irrational nonsense

The military did not come out of Afghanistan looking very good. The military was completely taken by surprise by the rapid advance of the Taliban. The military does play politics.
The military did not come out of Afghanistan looking very good. The military was completely taken by surprise by the rapid advance of the Taliban. The military does play politics.
nope they wanted to stay they told xiden that …they told xiden of what would likely happen…he ignored them and played politics…and ordered the withdraw
They are hardly elitist. Democrats are much closer than the Republicans are to caring about ordinary Republicans.
Believe it if you need to, I don’t think the Democrats are anywhere close to their voters, during the pandemic we saw Democratic elites want others to follow their rules, except they didn’t need to.
That is what Trump did.

"H.R. McMaster, one of Donald Trump’s senior national security advisers, has called the previous administration’s arrangement with the Taliban a “surrender agreement.”

“Our secretary of state [Mike Pompeo] signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” McMaster said on Bari Weiss’ podcast Honestly.

“This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”

That guy's full of shit. But it's shit you like the taste of, so you swallow it eagerly.
I am waiting for Trump and his supporters to acknowledge his incompetence. Trump was in office for nearly a year after he signed the agreement. There should have been a plan in place and being implemented when Biden took office. There was no plan in place and Biden was forced to scramble. Whether he botched it is a question mark. He should have thrown out Trump's agreement and started all over.
Trump was incompetent and so is Biden and Biden’s handling of. Afghanistan was terrible and it is so bad he is rejecting the military’s summary of the mess. Sorry, Trump, Biden are both not Presidential leaders.
Trump was incompetent and so is Biden and Biden’s handling of. Afghanistan was terrible and it is so bad he is rejecting the military’s summary of the mess. Sorry, Trump, Biden are both not Presidential leaders.

I disagree with you. Biden is competent but he is dealing with obstructionism by Republicans. He is too much of a institutionalist to take them on. The Supreme Court has been corrupted yet he refuses to take them on. He is much better than Trump who was trying to seize power.
haha of course he didn’t have a plan to pull out yet…why would he? he wants going to until the taliban met conditions…it appeared they weren’t…doing that so he would have stayed, just like the generals recommended…not gone rogue and surrender to terrorist like your Dear Leader who earned the contempt of the entire united kingdom for his betrayal

Treump withdrew US troops even as the Taliban were violating the agreement. Why did Trump withdraw troops?
The same reason Biden didn’t have a plan? Trump didn’t pull out, it was Biden and he botched it, Trump is irrelevant because he didn’t try to pull out in August and create the debacle and what we are now finding out was a really bad plan.

Trump pulled US troops soon after he signed the agreement. Why do you ignore facts?

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