Suddenly cons are crying about a rigged justice system!!?

lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!
The day GW Bush swings for his war crimes is the day I'll concede that Hillary Clinton got off too easy.
The day GW Bush swings for his war crimes is the day I'll concede that Hillary Clinton got off too easy.

That's pretty funny, since all of the Iraq War pushers support Hillary precisely because Hillary won't re-open the 911 investigation...
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!

If a police officer is blatantly abusive I'll be the first to cheer when they are rightfully convicted. The problem with you lefties is you convict before hand with no facts whatsoever.

If BLM wasn't anything other than a tool to crush the police they would be protesting the genocide that's going on in cities like Chicago and Detroit they would be angry that Blacks who make up a little over 12% of the population are responsible for 32% of abortions. Another successful means of genocide championed by the progressives in this nation.

Last a Government that uses its power to punish groups because of political ideology is more dangerous than terrorism and should terrify all citizens.

BLM is grassroots and gained steam after a series of police brutality videos came out . Most resulted in no charges .

So yeah, when a dude is thrown in a van for no reason and winds up dead of a brokem neck, yeah that's a big deal.

lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!

If a police officer is blatantly abusive I'll be the first to cheer when they are rightfully convicted. The problem with you lefties is you convict before hand with no facts whatsoever.

If BLM wasn't anything other than a tool to crush the police they would be protesting the genocide that's going on in cities like Chicago and Detroit they would be angry that Blacks who make up a little over 12% of the population are responsible for 32% of abortions. Another successful means of genocide championed by the progressives in this nation.

Last a Government that uses its power to punish groups because of political ideology is more dangerous than terrorism and should terrify all citizens.

BLM is grassroots and gained steam after a series of police brutality videos came out . Most resulted in no charges .

So yeah, when a dude is thrown in a van for no reason and winds up dead of a brokem neck, yeah that's a big deal.

You know what's amazing, Timmy! You don't have any clue WHY that "dude" was thrown in that van in Baltimore, do you? You're so caught up in the politically correct bullshit that the Black Lives Matter idiots are spewing that you totally ignore what really took place that day. The reason he was getting arrested is that the Prosecutor who is now trying to imprison those police officers is the reason that they were at that corner arresting drug dealers. Marilyn Mosby SENT those cops there to do exactly what they did. Arrest people that were breaking the law.
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!

If a police officer is blatantly abusive I'll be the first to cheer when they are rightfully convicted. The problem with you lefties is you convict before hand with no facts whatsoever.

If BLM wasn't anything other than a tool to crush the police they would be protesting the genocide that's going on in cities like Chicago and Detroit they would be angry that Blacks who make up a little over 12% of the population are responsible for 32% of abortions. Another successful means of genocide championed by the progressives in this nation.

Last a Government that uses its power to punish groups because of political ideology is more dangerous than terrorism and should terrify all citizens.

BLM is grassroots and gained steam after a series of police brutality videos came out . Most resulted in no charges .

So yeah, when a dude is thrown in a van for no reason and winds up dead of a brokem neck, yeah that's a big deal.
Police brutality is important and should be dealt with, but the amount of Black on Black crime and number of aborted black babies is epidemic. Why do people on the left ignore the bigger issues ?.
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!
“Suddenly cons are crying about a rigged justice system!!?”

Actually they’re lying about a ‘rigged’ justice system.

The justice system is not ‘rigged’ – that’s idiotic partisan nonsense.

Any conservative making such a moronic statement only exhibits his ignorance of the law, or contempt for it.

Trump has made the same baseless claim, and he sounds just as delusional, paranoid, and ridiculous as others on the right.
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!
As opposed to what exactly?
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!
“Suddenly cons are crying about a rigged justice system!!?”

Actually they’re lying about a ‘rigged’ justice system.

The justice system is not ‘rigged’ – that’s idiotic partisan nonsense.

Any conservative making such a moronic statement only exhibits his ignorance of the law, or contempt for it.

Trump has made the same baseless claim, and he sounds just as delusional, paranoid, and ridiculous as others on the right.
Keep on sucking clayton.
The conservative chorus is now that the system is rigged against them!!!!!! boohoo.

Let's not forget that the conservatives have been crying about the system being rigged against them for years.

Including the 'system' having allowed the Kenyan born Obama to be elected. lol
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!

Plenty of the "folk" you are talking about also castigate the system when cops who truly overstepped their bounds get protected by said system. However in this case there is clear cut evidence laws were broken, the law enforcement agency investigating admits laws were broken, but the agency says not to prosecute. No grand jury, no evidentiary pre-hearing, nothing.

Better show us where the FBI said a law was broken...
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!

I am not crying about it. If anything, this is the Liberals OJ moment. Everyone knows Hillary had the evidence stacked against her and by the FBI's own words, they are choosing not make her face consequences. Hillary is OJ which means the Left can no longer cry victim without getting laughed at.
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!

Plenty of the "folk" you are talking about also castigate the system when cops who truly overstepped their bounds get protected by said system. However in this case there is clear cut evidence laws were broken, the law enforcement agency investigating admits laws were broken, but the agency says not to prosecute. No grand jury, no evidentiary pre-hearing, nothing.

Better show us where the FBI said a law was broken...

So anyone can violate security protocols without consequence? Good to know.
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .

But hey, stupid email/server shit it's truely an outrage ! IRS asking for extra paperwork for tax exempt status.... Greatest injustice ever!!

Yeah, those are the situations that call into question our justice system!? Playa please!

Plenty of the "folk" you are talking about also castigate the system when cops who truly overstepped their bounds get protected by said system. However in this case there is clear cut evidence laws were broken, the law enforcement agency investigating admits laws were broken, but the agency says not to prosecute. No grand jury, no evidentiary pre-hearing, nothing.

Better show us where the FBI said a law was broken...

So anyone can violate security protocols without consequence? Good to know.

Well. Not just anyone. Ya gotta be someone running for office named Clinton.

I'm sure others have been prosecuted for doing the same thing as she did.

She did show herself and her State Department to be careless, clueless and incompetent.

I'm sure folks will be remembering just how incompetent she is come Nov and you can bet Trump will be reminding them.
lol! It's Opposite Day!

These are the same people who spit on Black Lives matter movement and cheer when officers get away with killing unarmed brown folk .
You're a liar. An unclever one at that. If black lives matter they need to act like it and not wrestle with the police, it happens far to frequently and when it turns out bad for them we are supposed to automatically assume the black was innocent and the cop guilty. When we don't we are called hateful by libtards like you.

The hypocrisy is all yours, your cry freely about an unjust system then turn around and give power to the most corrupt bunch out there.
BLM is grassroots and gained steam after a series of police brutality videos came out . Most resulted in no charges .

So yeah, when a dude is thrown in a van for no reason and winds up dead of a brokem neck, yeah that's a big deal.
There is nothing grass roots about it. It was well funded by leftists using them to usurp power by creating chaos. Leftists thrive on chaos, it's how they move forward.

Dude was arrested for a reason and got hurt by wrestling with people who were doing their job. They were found not guilty by people that had the facts but BLM wanted a lynch mob and would have hung them from the lamp posts if they could have.

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