Suddenly Praising the Confederate Army Is Cool Again

Here's the text of the ad's narrative:

Little Round Top, Gettysburg. Three times Col. William Oates of Alabama led the Confederate forces to take it. Running out of ammunition, Col. Joshua Chamberlain of Maine had his men fix bayonets to desperately repel the attack. What brought those two brave men, one from Alabama and one from Maine, together was war—two sides believing so strongly in their cause that they were willing to die for it. Those times are past, long ago, and our country is better for it. But now we fight too often over other matters. It seems as if we're coming apart. I want to go to Washington and meet the representatives from Maine and those from every other state not on a battlefield, but to find common ground, because there's honor in compromise and civility. To pull together as a people and get things done for Alabama. I'm Doug Jones and I approve this message, because on December 12, Alabama can lead the way.
Yep. Praising Confederates.
Here's the text of the ad's narrative:

Little Round Top, Gettysburg. Three times Col. William Oates of Alabama led the Confederate forces to take it. Running out of ammunition, Col. Joshua Chamberlain of Maine had his men fix bayonets to desperately repel the attack. What brought those two brave men, one from Alabama and one from Maine, together was war—two sides believing so strongly in their cause that they were willing to die for it. Those times are past, long ago, and our country is better for it. But now we fight too often over other matters. It seems as if we're coming apart. I want to go to Washington and meet the representatives from Maine and those from every other state not on a battlefield, but to find common ground, because there's honor in compromise and civility. To pull together as a people and get things done for Alabama. I'm Doug Jones and I approve this message, because on December 12, Alabama can lead the way.
Yep. Praising Confederates.
And the Yankees.
Here's the text of the ad's narrative:

Little Round Top, Gettysburg. Three times Col. William Oates of Alabama led the Confederate forces to take it. Running out of ammunition, Col. Joshua Chamberlain of Maine had his men fix bayonets to desperately repel the attack. What brought those two brave men, one from Alabama and one from Maine, together was war—two sides believing so strongly in their cause that they were willing to die for it. Those times are past, long ago, and our country is better for it. But now we fight too often over other matters. It seems as if we're coming apart. I want to go to Washington and meet the representatives from Maine and those from every other state not on a battlefield, but to find common ground, because there's honor in compromise and civility. To pull together as a people and get things done for Alabama. I'm Doug Jones and I approve this message, because on December 12, Alabama can lead the way.
Yep. Praising Confederates.
And the Yankees.
Doesn’t matter. Defending a statue of George Washington makes you a racist these days.
Calling someone brave is not praise?

Hypocriticus Maximus

Maybe.. But if it's true who they are doesn't change that does it? I mean it's praise to call someone a great public speaker or say they are full of vigor and enlightening, but that describes a LOT of evil dictators there.

It's praise to call someone beautiful, but if a supermodel kills someone is it no longer true that she's beautiful even if that's a compliment?

Bravery is simply being ready to face or endure pain or danger. Yeah to march on a field in a battle in the Civil War meant you were brave. Didn't mean you were a good person. Didn't mean what you were fighting for was good. Horrible people have been brave.

Saying someone is dedicated to a goal is praise. Was Hitler not dedicated to his goals of wiping out the Jews and expanding the master race?
Oh, it’s OK because it’s a Democrat doing the praising.

Roy Moore’s Democratic Challenger Recently Ran an Ad Praising the Confederate Army

Let me guess. The Slate is now alt right.

How do you get "praise" from this:

Little Round Top, Gettysburg. Three times Col. William Oates of Alabama led the Confederate forces to take it. Running out of ammunition, Col. Joshua Chamberlain of Maine had his men fix bayonets to desperately repel the attack. What brought those two brave men, one from Alabama and one from Maine, together was war—two sides believing so strongly in their cause that they were willing to die for it. Those times are past, long ago, and our country is better for it. But now we fight too often over other matters. It seems as if we're coming apart. I want to go to Washington and meet the representatives from Maine and those from every other state not on a battlefield, but to find common ground, because there's honor in compromise and civility. To pull together as a people and get things done for Alabama. I'm Doug Jones and I approve this message, because on December 12, Alabama can lead the way.
Calling someone brave is not praise?

Hypocriticus Maximus

Well charging across a field with cannons and muskets sending a hail of lead across the same field at those who are charging could be called brave. The elitist who started the war, not so brave. That reminds me.....

Well charging across a field with cannons and muskets sending a hail of lead across the same field at those who are charging could be called brave. The elitist who started the war, not so brave. That reminds me.....

Ah, back to the flying planes into buildings is brave argument.

Could be. Depending on your point of view.

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