Sued for political wrongdoing


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Should there be a system in place where political parties once out of power by a margin of 65% or more...
Be sued for the following reason...

Bills and/or Legislation during their political reign, that would, could have or has in fact reduced access to healthcare, public transportation, employment, unemployment services, SSI / SSDI, Utilities, Public Education, Public housing, Food and Drink, and lacking infrastructure funding, failure to protect the environment, and failure to restrict or eliminate access to guns, and so on ?
Should there be a system in place where political parties once out of power by a margin of 65% or more...
Be sued for the following reason...

Bills and/or Legislation during their political reign, that would, could have or has in fact reduced access to healthcare, public transportation, employment, unemployment services, SSI / SSDI, Utilities, Public Education, Public housing, Food and Drink, and lacking infrastructure funding, failure to protect the environment, and failure to restrict or eliminate access to guns, and so on ?

So you want politicians, once out of office, to be sued for obeying the Constitution, for refusing to engage in corruption and malfeasance and abuse of power?

I guess I shouldn't be surprised to hear such a proposal from LIbEral filth.

If anything should subject politicians to legal liability, it ought to be the opposite; for authoring and supporting bills which seek to violate Constitutional rights, to expand the reach of government outside of its legitimate bounds, or otherwise failing to fulfill their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

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