Suicide Crisis Among Native American Youth Prompts Federal Action

In other words.. as long as it's not as bad as poverty in africa, fuck them.
Creating dependents doesn't solve poverty.
Jesus christ, how long will people like you continue spouting the "dependency" bullshit. The countries with the strongest welfare states have happier citizens, better wages, more work... The "welfare" programs in America today are food stamps, disability, all necessary, what, with the stagnant wages, rising cost of living..
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?
Do you want to live in a 3rd world nation with rampant poverty, crime and disease?

Or do you want to live in a civilized western nation?

Taxes are the price you pay for the latter.

You don't get to decide where and how the money is spent unless you are elected to Congress.
You didn't answer the question.

Actually I did!

You pay taxes because the alternative is turning this nation into a 3rd world country.
That's a deflection, not an answer. If we don't give Indians money this will be a third world nation? You're full of shit.

Facts are outlawed in your oxygen deprived bubble world, aren't they?

Abject poverty causes crime and disease. Despair and depression, both of which are mental diseases found quite often in those living in poverty, are the driving forces behind suicides.

You can choose to live in the real world or you can remain in your oxygen deprived bubble in the nether reaches of your colon.
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?

Why does a foreign Jew deserve your money?
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?
Why does a foreign Jew deserve your money?
Learn to read.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.

Kinda funny that loads of people have dragged themselves out of poverty. Loads have made no effort to do so. That's the facts.

The poor in this country don't compare to the poor in third world shitholes and they never will.

Our Govt. have forced we taxpayers to bankroll the "poor" in this country and none of them will ever starve our tax dollars make sure of that.

Your beating dead horse.
Reservations aren't exactly located on rich farmland or areas with great mineral resources.
Nope. They pushed us onto the shittiest lands possible, all so they could have their Manifest Destiny. My reservation in Montana is in a beautiful place, but others I've seen in New Mexico, Nevada, and South Dakota are deplorable waste lands. The Northwest tribes were more fortunate than the Plains Indians that were steamrolled over by White Protestant Manifest Destiny.
I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.

But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

You cite people living in cars and living with no running water and the like. But look at the percentage of Americans that live under those conditions and discount those that choose to do so and the number is very small.
People do not choose to live in poverty. You suggest that if the government didn't support them, they would get it together themselves. I've been to many 3rd world countries where the government gives little or no assistance to the poor. People remain poor. The do not rise above the situation, not the vast majority of them. They remain poor. If our government ceased to help out the poor, we would have vast numbers of them living in abject poverty, begging in the streets, etc. Your understanding of the situation is wishful thinking and based in myth instead of reality.

As I've already showed you, poverty in America isn't poverty.

  • 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
  • Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
  • 43 percent have Internet service.
  • 40 percent have an automatic dishwasher.
  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
  • Around one-fourth have a digital video recorder, such as a TiVo.
  • More than half have a cell phone.
This is what you call poverty stricken?

Understanding Poverty in the United States Poverty USA

  • Over the course of a year, 4 percent of poor persons become temporarily homeless.
  • Only 9.5 percent of the poor live in mobile homes or trailers, 49.5 percent live in separate single-family houses or townhouses, and 40 percent live in apartments.
  • 42 percent of poor households actually own their own homes.
  • Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.
  • The average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France, or the United Kingdom.
  • The vast majority of the homes or apartments of the poor are in good repair.
This country's poor have it so bad then explain why every poor fuck is trying to come here
In other words.. as long as it's not as bad as poverty in africa, fuck them.

No you moron. What we have for the most part isn't poverty, it's people happily depending on the government with no desire to do anything different.
Ten years ago, the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota endured an unimaginable tragedy when one of its teens fatally shot his grandfather, his grandfather's girlfriend, seven people at a local school and himself. At the time, then-President George W. Bush promised tribe members that government resources would help the community recover.

That promise has not endured, Darrell Seki, chairman of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, told the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Wednesday. Further, he said, the broken promise is harming tribal youth.

The Chippewa, like many Native American tribes, are plagued by complex social ails, including high youth suicide rates. The federal government has only provided short-term, temporary relief for reservation kids.

Native Leaders Tell Senators How To Help Stop Youth Suicide

Maybe they will finally get the help they need.
Reservations aren't exactly located on rich farmland or areas with great mineral resources.
Nope. They pushed us onto the shittiest lands possible, all so they could have their Manifest Destiny. My reservation in Montana is in a beautiful place, but others I've seen in New Mexico, Nevada, and South Dakota are deplorable waste lands. The Northwest tribes were more fortunate than the Plains Indians that were steamrolled over by White Protestant Manifest Destiny.
I wasn't given any land but now own my own property. It's doable. You have a choice where you live in this country, don't let someone make you feel like a slave. The positive spin on the reservation deal is that in other countries the people were simply killed or turned into slaves. It's what happens when one civilization conquers another.
Ten years ago, the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota endured an unimaginable tragedy when one of its teens fatally shot his grandfather, his grandfather's girlfriend, seven people at a local school and himself. At the time, then-President George W. Bush promised tribe members that government resources would help the community recover.

That promise has not endured, Darrell Seki, chairman of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, told the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Wednesday. Further, he said, the broken promise is harming tribal youth.

The Chippewa, like many Native American tribes, are plagued by complex social ails, including high youth suicide rates. The federal government has only provided short-term, temporary relief for reservation kids.

Native Leaders Tell Senators How To Help Stop Youth Suicide

Maybe they will finally get the help they need.

Yes let Daddy government help. They've been so helpful to the Native American people in the past.
Ten years ago, the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota endured an unimaginable tragedy when one of its teens fatally shot his grandfather, his grandfather's girlfriend, seven people at a local school and himself. At the time, then-President George W. Bush promised tribe members that government resources would help the community recover.

That promise has not endured, Darrell Seki, chairman of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, told the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Wednesday. Further, he said, the broken promise is harming tribal youth.

The Chippewa, like many Native American tribes, are plagued by complex social ails, including high youth suicide rates. The federal government has only provided short-term, temporary relief for reservation kids.

Native Leaders Tell Senators How To Help Stop Youth Suicide

Maybe they will finally get the help they need.
They need our money and federal hand holding to get their heads out of their asses? Seriously?
Ten years ago, the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota endured an unimaginable tragedy when one of its teens fatally shot his grandfather, his grandfather's girlfriend, seven people at a local school and himself. At the time, then-President George W. Bush promised tribe members that government resources would help the community recover.

That promise has not endured, Darrell Seki, chairman of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, told the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Wednesday. Further, he said, the broken promise is harming tribal youth.

The Chippewa, like many Native American tribes, are plagued by complex social ails, including high youth suicide rates. The federal government has only provided short-term, temporary relief for reservation kids.

Native Leaders Tell Senators How To Help Stop Youth Suicide

Maybe they will finally get the help they need.
They need our money and federal hand holding to get their heads out of their asses? Seriously?

It's always entertaining to hear the ravings of NaziCon bigots.
Reservations aren't exactly located on rich farmland or areas with great mineral resources.
Nope. They pushed us onto the shittiest lands possible, all so they could have their Manifest Destiny. My reservation in Montana is in a beautiful place, but others I've seen in New Mexico, Nevada, and South Dakota are deplorable waste lands. The Northwest tribes were more fortunate than the Plains Indians that were steamrolled over by White Protestant Manifest Destiny.
I wasn't given any land but now own my own property. It's doable. You have a choice where you live in this country, don't let someone make you feel like a slave. The positive spin on the reservation deal is that in other countries the people were simply killed or turned into slaves. It's what happens when one civilization conquers another.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.
You're the one locked into a mindset. I didn't say 'we didn't kill you'. I wasn't there. I'm a person not a civilization. Yes, I like owning my own property and it isn't just Europeans that did/do it. If someone prefers to live in community squalor that's their business. I have no interest in outfitting them with fancy digs.

You need to do a bit of research since you have historic tunnel vision. Natives warred, killed, raped, enslaved other tribes long before the evil white man showed up. Natives are immigrants too but for whatever reason chose to stay in a stone age culture and suffered the unfortunate consequence of superior forces. Same story was told all over the globe.

Your thinking is odd to me, while you recognize that whites today weren't there you say 'what they did to us'. You can't have it both ways. And a newsflash is that whites are the sole holders of power. You have power as an individual, with the same opportunities, maybe more.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.
You're the one locked into a mindset. I didn't say 'we didn't kill you'. I wasn't there. I'm a person not a civilization. Yes, I like owning my own property and it isn't just Europeans that did/do it. If someone prefers to live in community squalor that's their business. I have no interest in outfitting them with fancy digs.

You need to do a bit of research since you have historic tunnel vision. Natives warred, killed, raped, enslaved other tribes long before the evil white man showed up. Natives are immigrants too but for whatever reason chose to stay in a stone age culture and suffered the unfortunate consequence of superior forces. Same story was told all over the globe.

Your thinking is odd to me, while you recognize that whites today weren't there you say 'what they did to us'. You can't have it both ways. And a newsflash is that whites are the sole holders of power. You have power as an individual, with the same opportunities, maybe more.
My thinking is odd to you for the same reason you missed the entire point. We collectively owned the land and this isn't an issue of whether you or I today own a home. Reducing the discussion to an individualist rendering of land ownership is part of the problem. You come from a culture that has historically granted exclusive titles to some and made slaves of everyone else. So in this Nietzche context you see no wrong with the stronger taking from the weaker.

And my view of history is fine. Though tribes warred among each other, we lacked the will and capacity to make a permanent underclass out of weaker civilizations as White people did to us. There simply is no precedent on the American continents for the savagery by which my people were ruthlessly and permanently oppressed. I'm not blaming you, though you seem to take it that way anyway, but you seem to be unable to see beyond the white-splaining and view it from the eyes of those oppressed by Manifest Destiny.

Ironically enough, the only ones that seem able to walk a mile in my moccasins are white progressives.

So I married one.
Reservations aren't exactly located on rich farmland or areas with great mineral resources.
Nope. They pushed us onto the shittiest lands possible, all so they could have their Manifest Destiny. My reservation in Montana is in a beautiful place, but others I've seen in New Mexico, Nevada, and South Dakota are deplorable waste lands. The Northwest tribes were more fortunate than the Plains Indians that were steamrolled over by White Protestant Manifest Destiny.
I wasn't given any land but now own my own property. It's doable. You have a choice where you live in this country, don't let someone make you feel like a slave. The positive spin on the reservation deal is that in other countries the people were simply killed or turned into slaves. It's what happens when one civilization conquers another.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.

So your people wasn't into owning land. What the fuck has that got to do with the present?

Native Americans didn't kill white folk? You really don't believe that nonsense do you?

This "sharing the land" talk, when exactly did that take place?

Bottom line is, your people got their ass handed to them and to the victor goes the spoils. You should consider yourself lucky that the white men had enough compassion to not completely wipe your kind out. Did the government lie to you? Yes probably so and they continue to do so to this day. I would imagine you voted for the current Liar-in-Chief.
Reservations aren't exactly located on rich farmland or areas with great mineral resources.
Nope. They pushed us onto the shittiest lands possible, all so they could have their Manifest Destiny. My reservation in Montana is in a beautiful place, but others I've seen in New Mexico, Nevada, and South Dakota are deplorable waste lands. The Northwest tribes were more fortunate than the Plains Indians that were steamrolled over by White Protestant Manifest Destiny.
I wasn't given any land but now own my own property. It's doable. You have a choice where you live in this country, don't let someone make you feel like a slave. The positive spin on the reservation deal is that in other countries the people were simply killed or turned into slaves. It's what happens when one civilization conquers another.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.

So your people wasn't into owning land. What the fuck has that got to do with the present?

Native Americans didn't kill white folk? You really don't believe that nonsense do you?

This "sharing the land" talk, when exactly did that take place?

Bottom line is, your people got their ass handed to them and to the victor goes the spoils. You should consider yourself lucky that the white men had enough compassion to not completely wipe your kind out. Did the government lie to you? Yes probably so and they continue to do so to this day. I would imagine you voted for the current Liar-in-Chief.
I'm a Republican, skid mark, and worked politically to defeat the Magic Negro.

But at least you're honest about your White Nietzche philosophy by which the strong are entitled to take from the weak. Most white people don't want to admit what you just did. Kudos.
Reservations aren't exactly located on rich farmland or areas with great mineral resources.
Nope. They pushed us onto the shittiest lands possible, all so they could have their Manifest Destiny. My reservation in Montana is in a beautiful place, but others I've seen in New Mexico, Nevada, and South Dakota are deplorable waste lands. The Northwest tribes were more fortunate than the Plains Indians that were steamrolled over by White Protestant Manifest Destiny.
I wasn't given any land but now own my own property. It's doable. You have a choice where you live in this country, don't let someone make you feel like a slave. The positive spin on the reservation deal is that in other countries the people were simply killed or turned into slaves. It's what happens when one civilization conquers another.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.

So your people wasn't into owning land. What the fuck has that got to do with the present?

Native Americans didn't kill white folk? You really don't believe that nonsense do you?

This "sharing the land" talk, when exactly did that take place?

Bottom line is, your people got their ass handed to them and to the victor goes the spoils. You should consider yourself lucky that the white men had enough compassion to not completely wipe your kind out. Did the government lie to you? Yes probably so and they continue to do so to this day. I would imagine you voted for the current Liar-in-Chief.
I'm a Republican, skid mark, and worked politically to defeat the Magic Negro.

But at least you're honest about your White Nietzche philosophy by which the strong are entitled to take from the weak. Most white people don't want to admit what you just did. Kudos.

Hell you can be whoever you want to be online. Your opinions however are very liberal.
Nope. They pushed us onto the shittiest lands possible, all so they could have their Manifest Destiny. My reservation in Montana is in a beautiful place, but others I've seen in New Mexico, Nevada, and South Dakota are deplorable waste lands. The Northwest tribes were more fortunate than the Plains Indians that were steamrolled over by White Protestant Manifest Destiny.
I wasn't given any land but now own my own property. It's doable. You have a choice where you live in this country, don't let someone make you feel like a slave. The positive spin on the reservation deal is that in other countries the people were simply killed or turned into slaves. It's what happens when one civilization conquers another.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.

So your people wasn't into owning land. What the fuck has that got to do with the present?

Native Americans didn't kill white folk? You really don't believe that nonsense do you?

This "sharing the land" talk, when exactly did that take place?

Bottom line is, your people got their ass handed to them and to the victor goes the spoils. You should consider yourself lucky that the white men had enough compassion to not completely wipe your kind out. Did the government lie to you? Yes probably so and they continue to do so to this day. I would imagine you voted for the current Liar-in-Chief.
I'm a Republican, skid mark, and worked politically to defeat the Magic Negro.

But at least you're honest about your White Nietzche philosophy by which the strong are entitled to take from the weak. Most white people don't want to admit what you just did. Kudos.

Hell you can be whoever you want to be online. Your opinions however are very liberal.
That's your opinion jackass

The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe in South Dakota, is in a state of crisis. Over the past year, 14 school-age children on the reservation have killed themselves.

At the time of their suicides, four of those children were attending Pine Ridge School. On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Education announced that the Bureau of Indian Education school, which has some 800 K-12 students, has received $218,000 in emergency funds to help its students deal with that trauma.

The school requested the grant money through the Education Department’s Project SERV (School Emergency Response to Violence). With the funds, Pine Ridge will be able to hire an additional counselor and social worker for the next 12 months, better implement a Lakota-based healing program and bring in cultural teachers to provide monthly lessons on healing processes, according to information provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

The 183 Bureau of Indian Education schools nationwide, which are overseen by the federal government, face a number of daunting challenges. Suicide rates among young Native Americans are disproportionately high, while high school graduation rates are disproportionately low. Many BIE school facilities are old and in poor condition.

Between August 2014 and April 2015, Pine Ridge School saw a "significant increase" in suicide attempts and counseling referrals, according to the Education Department. But currently, the school has only two counselors on staff, said Nedra Darling, a spokesperson for the Department of the Interior.

"During the end of the School Year 2014-2015 the mood was somewhat in a mourning state," Darling wrote HuffPost, adding that school personnel were spending "a great amount of time" providing mental health counseling to students and staff.

"However, as graduation approached the mood lifted and many believe it is time to move forward to teach these children to celebrate life," Darling wrote.

The Education Department touted the grant as part of the Obama administration's overall push to improve life for Native youth. The White House launched its Generation Indigenous initiative in February in an effort to remove barriers for this population through new investments and opportunities to engage.

“We are heartbroken about the tragic loss of life and are committed to working with the Pine Ridge community as it heals. These funds will help Pine Ridge School’s continued efforts to restore the learning environment in the face of these great tragedies,” said William Mendoza, director of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education, in Wednesday's press release. “This Administration is committed to supporting tribes in their work to meet the needs of their students. We all must do more to address the challenges across Indian Country.”

John Yellow Bird Steele, president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, declared a state of emergency on the reservation in response to the youth suicides in February.

More: Native American School Mourning 4 Student Suicides Gets Emergency Federal Aid

Poverty and suicide are common among Native Americans. They aren't all rich Injuns with casinos.

While it is certainly tragic these youngsters sought this way out and fellow students are left to mourn and deal with grief, the tribe, however, chooses to be a sovereign nation. As such, is it really the federal government's place to rush in with funding? Either you choose to be completely separate from the laws of this country, or you don't. If you don't then, yes, I guess it's the Feds responsibility to dish out even more taxpayer's money for yet another cause. Why not? After all, it's an unlimited budget.

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