Suicide Crisis Among Native American Youth Prompts Federal Action

I wasn't given any land but now own my own property. It's doable. You have a choice where you live in this country, don't let someone make you feel like a slave. The positive spin on the reservation deal is that in other countries the people were simply killed or turned into slaves. It's what happens when one civilization conquers another.
It's hard for white people to understand this because it seems you are locked into an individualist vision of owning land. My people didn't own land individually nor did it ever occur to us to do so. Such a concept is begotten by European titles granted to nobility and the White man brought it to the Americas. It was the idea that a person could own the land to the exclusion of all others that pushed my people out of choice grounds for hunting, fishing, and gathering food.

And "at least we didn't kill you" is of no comfort to us.

People don't just think individually, they think collectively too, which is why the Palestinians want their own nation. The issue goes well beyond individual land and home ownership. It's about identity and a share of resources.

Whites and Indians both talked about "sharing the land" but history demonstrates that the White man had something very different in mind; war, genocide, and forced relocation to shitty reservations, basically land so terrible whites didn't want it anyway.

I'm not anti-white in the sense of blaming whites today for what their ancestors did to us, but as an American Indian, I won't let history be "white" washed either.

So your people wasn't into owning land. What the fuck has that got to do with the present?

Native Americans didn't kill white folk? You really don't believe that nonsense do you?

This "sharing the land" talk, when exactly did that take place?

Bottom line is, your people got their ass handed to them and to the victor goes the spoils. You should consider yourself lucky that the white men had enough compassion to not completely wipe your kind out. Did the government lie to you? Yes probably so and they continue to do so to this day. I would imagine you voted for the current Liar-in-Chief.
I'm a Republican, skid mark, and worked politically to defeat the Magic Negro.

But at least you're honest about your White Nietzche philosophy by which the strong are entitled to take from the weak. Most white people don't want to admit what you just did. Kudos.

Hell you can be whoever you want to be online. Your opinions however are very liberal.
That's your opinion jackass

Damn you're a regular Einstein!!

Of course it's an opinion you retard!!
My thinking is odd to you for the same reason you missed the entire point. We collectively owned the land and this isn't an issue of whether you or I today own a home. Reducing the discussion to an individualist rendering of land ownership is part of the problem. You come from a culture that has historically granted exclusive titles to some and made slaves of everyone else. So in this Nietzche context you see no wrong with the stronger taking from the weaker.

And my view of history is fine. Though tribes warred among each other, we lacked the will and capacity to make a permanent underclass out of weaker civilizations as White people did to us. There simply is no precedent on the American continents for the savagery by which my people were ruthlessly and permanently oppressed. I'm not blaming you, though you seem to take it that way anyway, but you seem to be unable to see beyond the white-splaining and view it from the eyes of those oppressed by Manifest Destiny.

Ironically enough, the only ones that seem able to walk a mile in my moccasins are white progressives.

So I married one.
I got your point just fine. Socialism failed the natives like it does everywhere else, nothing new. You're a liar. I never supported slavery or power over others. My ancestors in this country never owned any, only about 3% of people did. Indians did enslave captives so you're ignorant of the history in this land.

You obviousy have a toggle switch for a brain and can't even grasp that all races enjoy private ownership. You're a loser and a victim so tough shit.
My thinking is odd to you for the same reason you missed the entire point. We collectively owned the land and this isn't an issue of whether you or I today own a home. Reducing the discussion to an individualist rendering of land ownership is part of the problem. You come from a culture that has historically granted exclusive titles to some and made slaves of everyone else. So in this Nietzche context you see no wrong with the stronger taking from the weaker.

And my view of history is fine. Though tribes warred among each other, we lacked the will and capacity to make a permanent underclass out of weaker civilizations as White people did to us. There simply is no precedent on the American continents for the savagery by which my people were ruthlessly and permanently oppressed. I'm not blaming you, though you seem to take it that way anyway, but you seem to be unable to see beyond the white-splaining and view it from the eyes of those oppressed by Manifest Destiny.

Ironically enough, the only ones that seem able to walk a mile in my moccasins are white progressives.

So I married one.
I got your point just fine. Socialism failed the natives like it does everywhere else, nothing new. You're a liar. I never supported slavery or power over others. My ancestors in this country never owned any, only about 3% of people did. Indians did enslave captives so you're ignorant of the history in this land.

You obviousy have a toggle switch for a brain and can't even grasp that all races enjoy private ownership. You're a loser and a victim so tough shit.
A commune is not socialism. Damn you think in tiny little circles. A tribe of interdependent persons is not Marxism. OMG that's dumb! Small communes have been the way of tribal humanity since the beginning and it works.

And calling me a "victim" for addressing the historical wrongs against my people takes stupid to a whole new level. Wiping out entire villages, slaughtering bison and buffalo, the Trail of Tears are just a few of the crimes committed by Whites against my people. I don't hold you or any white person today accountable for past sins, but when you are snarky about it and try to rationalize it you're no different than a fucking Nazi talking about how the Jews had it coming to them.
A commune is not socialism. Damn you think in tiny little circles. A tribe of interdependent persons is not Marxism. OMG that's dumb! Small communes have been the way of tribal humanity since the beginning and it works.

And calling me a "victim" for addressing the historical wrongs against my people takes stupid to a whole new level. Wiping out entire villages, slaughtering bison and buffalo, the Trail of Tears are just a few of the crimes committed by Whites against my people. I don't hold you or any white person today accountable for past sins, but when you are snarky about it and try to rationalize it you're no different than a fucking Nazi talking about how the Jews had it coming to them.
A commune IS socialism! You're here bitching about how things aren't working while claiming on the other hand it works. Which is it? Why demand federal help and our money if it works so well?

You're a victim today by choice, NOT for what happened to your ancestors. You can't read simple words. I don't need to rationalize anything, facts are facts. Indians had slaves, killed other tribes, ran entire buffalo herds off of cliffs. You wear blinders so you can go through life as a perpetual victim. Your emotional appeal with Nazis is childish. Grow up. Join the productive members of society and quit trying to dip into our pockets.
A commune is not socialism. Damn you think in tiny little circles. A tribe of interdependent persons is not Marxism. OMG that's dumb! Small communes have been the way of tribal humanity since the beginning and it works.

And calling me a "victim" for addressing the historical wrongs against my people takes stupid to a whole new level. Wiping out entire villages, slaughtering bison and buffalo, the Trail of Tears are just a few of the crimes committed by Whites against my people. I don't hold you or any white person today accountable for past sins, but when you are snarky about it and try to rationalize it you're no different than a fucking Nazi talking about how the Jews had it coming to them.
A commune IS socialism! You're here bitching about how things aren't working while claiming on the other hand it works. Which is it? Why demand federal help and our money if it works so well?

You're a victim today by choice, NOT for what happened to your ancestors. You can't read simple words. I don't need to rationalize anything, facts are facts. Indians had slaves, killed other tribes, ran entire buffalo herds off of cliffs. You wear blinders so you can go through life as a perpetual victim. Your emotional appeal with Nazis is childish. Grow up. Join the productive members of society and quit trying to dip into our pockets.
You jackass! I never used a government program in my life, so much for your ASSumption that acknowledging historic injustice means I'm milking the system. I support a family of six on just one income, which is probably more than can be said for you.

I asked many of my Indian friends and relatives why they aren't Republican. Nearly all of them said it's because the party is filled with white assholes just like you who "white" wash history and white-splain away all past crimes committed against my people.

Lakota is a typical NA and I don't blame him in the least for not wanting anything to do with conservatives. I'm a conservative by a preponderance of reasoning, but I also come from a race that's been on the other side of the White man's boot. As a whole, conservatives have been a welcoming bunch to minorities like me, but there are just too many white assholes like you to attract any more.

Robert Looks Twice grew up in a trailer with his grandmother, uncle and eight cousins on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Looks Twice, along with two other young Native people from Pine Ridge, was a subject of Diane Sawyer's "Children of the Plains," a special that first aired on ABC in 2011.

More: Native Children Are Facing A National Emergency. Now Congress Is Pushing To Address It.

Hopefully some good things will start to happen.


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