Suicide Crisis Among Native American Youth Prompts Federal Action

You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.

But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

You cite people living in cars and living with no running water and the like. But look at the percentage of Americans that live under those conditions and discount those that choose to do so and the number is very small.
People do not choose to live in poverty. You suggest that if the government didn't support them, they would get it together themselves. I've been to many 3rd world countries where the government gives little or no assistance to the poor. People remain poor. The do not rise above the situation, not the vast majority of them. They remain poor. If our government ceased to help out the poor, we would have vast numbers of them living in abject poverty, begging in the streets, etc. Your understanding of the situation is wishful thinking and based in myth instead of reality.

As I've already showed you, poverty in America isn't poverty.

  • 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
  • Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
  • 43 percent have Internet service.
  • 40 percent have an automatic dishwasher.
  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
  • Around one-fourth have a digital video recorder, such as a TiVo.
  • More than half have a cell phone.

This is what you call poverty stricken?

Understanding Poverty in the United States Poverty USA

  • Over the course of a year, 4 percent of poor persons become temporarily homeless.
  • Only 9.5 percent of the poor live in mobile homes or trailers, 49.5 percent live in separate single-family houses or townhouses, and 40 percent live in apartments.
  • 42 percent of poor households actually own their own homes.
  • Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.
  • The average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France, or the United Kingdom.
  • The vast majority of the homes or apartments of the poor are in good repair.

This country's poor have it so bad then explain why every poor fuck is trying to come here
But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

Simplistic mindset!

Without any social programs you will end up with abject poverty that brings with it rampant crime and epidemic diseases rather than people finding jobs that don't exist since Republicans outsourced them to 3rd world nations.

You want to punish the less fortunate for being born into poverty.

That much is obvious.

Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.

Cost of living here is not the same as the cost of living in those other nations so you are comparing apples and oranges and ending up with fruit salad.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Actually you did exactly that when you made the following inane claim;

"Poverty in America, isn't really poverty."

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.


Exactly how is that comparing America to a third world country?
But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

Simplistic mindset!

Without any social programs you will end up with abject poverty that brings with it rampant crime and epidemic diseases rather than people finding jobs that don't exist since Republicans outsourced them to 3rd world nations.

You want to punish the less fortunate for being born into poverty.

That much is obvious.

You're a dishonest hack.

You're dismissed.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.

Cost of living here is not the same as the cost of living in those other nations so you are comparing apples and oranges and ending up with fruit salad.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Actually you did exactly that when you made the following inane claim;

"Poverty in America, isn't really poverty."

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.


Exactly how is that comparing America to a third world country?

You really need to take advantage of the adult remedial education classes at your local community college if something that elementary is beyond your comprehension.

Even the poor kids on those reservations would be able to figure that one out for themselves.
You're a dishonest hack.



You can't refute the reality of what happens when your failed Republican economic policies are exposed as being responsible for making poverty worse rather than better.
It's very obvious you are unable to grasp the point I am making about your identity as a 'white' person. I have explained it twice; there isn't much more that I can do.
Labels are for nimrods like you. I don't think about my whiteness or clan of white people I belong to. Your point is false, you should correct it instead of doubling down on it. The fact that you think you know me better than I do is the height of arrogance.
I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.

Cost of living here is not the same as the cost of living in those other nations so you are comparing apples and oranges and ending up with fruit salad.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Actually you did exactly that when you made the following inane claim;

"Poverty in America, isn't really poverty."

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.


Exactly how is that comparing America to a third world country?

You really need to take advantage of the adult remedial education classes at your local community college if something that elementary is beyond your comprehension.

Even the poor kids on those reservations would be able to figure that one out for themselves.

Dude you jump into a conversation that you obviously don't know anything about and then you have the nerve to lecture me about comprehension?

You are as dumb as a person can get. Now go twist up another joint and shut the fuck up!
Cost of living here is not the same as the cost of living in those other nations so you are comparing apples and oranges and ending up with fruit salad.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Actually you did exactly that when you made the following inane claim;

"Poverty in America, isn't really poverty."

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.


Exactly how is that comparing America to a third world country?

You really need to take advantage of the adult remedial education classes at your local community college if something that elementary is beyond your comprehension.

Even the poor kids on those reservations would be able to figure that one out for themselves.

Dude you jump into a conversation that you obviously don't know anything about and then you have the nerve to lecture me about comprehension?

You are as dumb as a person can get. Now go twist up another joint and shut the fuck up!

Irony squared coming from someone whose ignorance of poverty is glaringly apparent to anyone who doesn't self lobotomize themselves by swallowing the extremist hard righwing Koolaid.

Plenty of people who can afford a gun use it to commit suicide.

Does that mean that they should have sold their gun and used the proceeds to make a better life for themselves?

Because that is the illogical claim you are making about those in poverty.
I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Actually you did exactly that when you made the following inane claim;

"Poverty in America, isn't really poverty."

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.


Exactly how is that comparing America to a third world country?

You really need to take advantage of the adult remedial education classes at your local community college if something that elementary is beyond your comprehension.

Even the poor kids on those reservations would be able to figure that one out for themselves.

Dude you jump into a conversation that you obviously don't know anything about and then you have the nerve to lecture me about comprehension?

You are as dumb as a person can get. Now go twist up another joint and shut the fuck up!

Irony squared coming from someone whose ignorance of poverty is glaringly apparent to anyone who doesn't self lobotomize themselves by swallowing the extremist hard righwing Koolaid.

Plenty of people who can afford a gun use it to commit suicide.

Does that mean that they should have sold their gun and used the proceeds to make a better life for themselves?

Because that is the illogical claim you are making about those in poverty.

Dude, a person is not living in poverty if they have the luxuries I pointed out TWICE!!!

The liberal idea of poverty is fucked up!
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.

But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

You cite people living in cars and living with no running water and the like. But look at the percentage of Americans that live under those conditions and discount those that choose to do so and the number is very small.

Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
Actually you did exactly that when you made the following inane claim;

"Poverty in America, isn't really poverty."


Exactly how is that comparing America to a third world country?

You really need to take advantage of the adult remedial education classes at your local community college if something that elementary is beyond your comprehension.

Even the poor kids on those reservations would be able to figure that one out for themselves.

Dude you jump into a conversation that you obviously don't know anything about and then you have the nerve to lecture me about comprehension?

You are as dumb as a person can get. Now go twist up another joint and shut the fuck up!

Irony squared coming from someone whose ignorance of poverty is glaringly apparent to anyone who doesn't self lobotomize themselves by swallowing the extremist hard righwing Koolaid.

Plenty of people who can afford a gun use it to commit suicide.

Does that mean that they should have sold their gun and used the proceeds to make a better life for themselves?

Because that is the illogical claim you are making about those in poverty.

Dude, a person is not living in poverty if they have the luxuries I pointed out TWICE!!!

The liberal idea of poverty is fucked up!

Nowhere near as bad as the economic perversions that Republicans want to impose on the least fortunate members of this nation. Just look at what Libertarians and Republicans are doing to the people of Kansas.
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?

Do you want to live in a 3rd world nation with rampant poverty, crime and disease?

Or do you want to live in a civilized western nation?

Taxes are the price you pay for the latter.

You don't get to decide where and how the money is spent unless you are elected to Congress.
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?
Do you want to live in a 3rd world nation with rampant poverty, crime and disease?

Or do you want to live in a civilized western nation?

Taxes are the price you pay for the latter.

You don't get to decide where and how the money is spent unless you are elected to Congress.
You didn't answer the question.
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?
Do you want to live in a 3rd world nation with rampant poverty, crime and disease?

Or do you want to live in a civilized western nation?

Taxes are the price you pay for the latter.

You don't get to decide where and how the money is spent unless you are elected to Congress.
You didn't answer the question.

Actually I did!

You pay taxes because the alternative is turning this nation into a 3rd world country.
Why does the U.S. provide $4 billion per year in aid to Israel? Reservations could sure use that money for education and healthcare.
They are much needed allies in the middle east, much of it is for military. I'm not a fan of foreign aid but why should people be given things? Why does an Indian deserve my money?
Do you want to live in a 3rd world nation with rampant poverty, crime and disease?

Or do you want to live in a civilized western nation?

Taxes are the price you pay for the latter.

You don't get to decide where and how the money is spent unless you are elected to Congress.
You didn't answer the question.

Actually I did!

You pay taxes because the alternative is turning this nation into a 3rd world country.
That's a deflection, not an answer. If we don't give Indians money this will be a third world nation? You're full of shit.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.

But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

You cite people living in cars and living with no running water and the like. But look at the percentage of Americans that live under those conditions and discount those that choose to do so and the number is very small.
People do not choose to live in poverty. You suggest that if the government didn't support them, they would get it together themselves. I've been to many 3rd world countries where the government gives little or no assistance to the poor. People remain poor. The do not rise above the situation, not the vast majority of them. They remain poor. If our government ceased to help out the poor, we would have vast numbers of them living in abject poverty, begging in the streets, etc. Your understanding of the situation is wishful thinking and based in myth instead of reality.

As I've already showed you, poverty in America isn't poverty.

  • 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
  • Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
  • 43 percent have Internet service.
  • 40 percent have an automatic dishwasher.
  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
  • Around one-fourth have a digital video recorder, such as a TiVo.
  • More than half have a cell phone.
This is what you call poverty stricken?

Understanding Poverty in the United States Poverty USA

  • Over the course of a year, 4 percent of poor persons become temporarily homeless.
  • Only 9.5 percent of the poor live in mobile homes or trailers, 49.5 percent live in separate single-family houses or townhouses, and 40 percent live in apartments.
  • 42 percent of poor households actually own their own homes.
  • Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.
  • The average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France, or the United Kingdom.
  • The vast majority of the homes or apartments of the poor are in good repair.
This country's poor have it so bad then explain why every poor fuck is trying to come here
In other words.. as long as it's not as bad as poverty in africa, fuck them.

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