Suicide Crisis Among Native American Youth Prompts Federal Action

You know--or probably you don't because you are obviously very intellectually limited--those who are lacking in sensibility and self esteem are those who are the biggest bullies: which means that's you buddy.

The social problems of the Native Americans are complex and something that goes back to the conquering of this country by European settlers, invaders actually. Just because you are where you are does not mean it has anything to do with you as an individual human being being superior to anyone: it's very clear you are not. If you had a brain of any worth, you would be able to put this situation in perspective and with other intelligent and perceptive people, try to think of a solution to the problem.

But, indeed and truly, you are a knuckle dragger and incapable of seeing anything past your big fat nose. The pathetic one, the one on the way out as far as evolution is concernedd is you. Yep. The Native Americans are evolving and will evolve, though it is tough, but they are in the process. You have had every opportunity to be a better person, but you are nowhere near being one.

You are the one who is "backward ... retarded and [an] idiot."

The old "blame whitey" excuse.

Why are they not held accountable for their own plight? Their poverty and poor health is something that each one can overcome through hard work and dedication. They are so many opportunities in this country and yet they choose to remain slaves (dependents) to the government. Blacks are killing white on a scale five times worse than whites killing blacks but it's whitey's fault.

You talk about being retarded and an idiot. I would imagine your looking into a mirror while saying that.
Okay, so it is all their problem, their fault? They should fix the problem themselves? And, of course, your stance is not racist. You believe that the white people in the Ozarks are just as bad as the Native Americans and the blacks in the inner cities at being lazy and dumb and living off the government instead of fixing the desperate poverty in which they live?

We have severe poverty in America, in the inner city ghettos, on the reservation, and in the Ozarks. The poverty in the Ozarks is as bad as in the urban ghettos and on the reservations. The use of government assistance in the Ozarks is as high as in the inner cities. These people in the Ozarks are white, overwhelmingly white. Is it your opinion that they too are responsible for their own plight? Is it also your opinion that they should be left to take care of their problem on their own? Is it your position that their situation is their own fault? That "there are so many opportunities in this country and yet they remain slaves (dependents) to the government"?


Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.

Cost of living here is not the same as the cost of living in those other nations so you are comparing apples and oranges and ending up with fruit salad.
The poor in third would countries have their ribs sticking out, the poor here are obese, even morbidly obese. Have suvs and big flat panel TVs.
You know--or probably you don't because you are obviously very intellectually limited--those who are lacking in sensibility and self esteem are those who are the biggest bullies: which means that's you buddy.

The social problems of the Native Americans are complex and something that goes back to the conquering of this country by European settlers, invaders actually. Just because you are where you are does not mean it has anything to do with you as an individual human being being superior to anyone: it's very clear you are not. If you had a brain of any worth, you would be able to put this situation in perspective and with other intelligent and perceptive people, try to think of a solution to the problem.

But, indeed and truly, you are a knuckle dragger and incapable of seeing anything past your big fat nose. The pathetic one, the one on the way out as far as evolution is concernedd is you. Yep. The Native Americans are evolving and will evolve, though it is tough, but they are in the process. You have had every opportunity to be a better person, but you are nowhere near being one.

You are the one who is "backward ... retarded and [an] idiot."

The old "blame whitey" excuse.

Why are they not held accountable for their own plight? Their poverty and poor health is something that each one can overcome through hard work and dedication. They are so many opportunities in this country and yet they choose to remain slaves (dependents) to the government. Blacks are killing white on a scale five times worse than whites killing blacks but it's whitey's fault.

You talk about being retarded and an idiot. I would imagine your looking into a mirror while saying that.
Okay, so it is all their problem, their fault? They should fix the problem themselves? And, of course, your stance is not racist. You believe that the white people in the Ozarks are just as bad as the Native Americans and the blacks in the inner cities at being lazy and dumb and living off the government instead of fixing the desperate poverty in which they live?

We have severe poverty in America, in the inner city ghettos, on the reservation, and in the Ozarks. The poverty in the Ozarks is as bad as in the urban ghettos and on the reservations. The use of government assistance in the Ozarks is as high as in the inner cities. These people in the Ozarks are white, overwhelmingly white. Is it your opinion that they too are responsible for their own plight? Is it also your opinion that they should be left to take care of their problem on their own? Is it your position that their situation is their own fault? That "there are so many opportunities in this country and yet they remain slaves (dependents) to the government"?


Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
Many Indian psychologists believe that the root of the population's suicide problem is the combination of generational trauma and loss of ethnic identity.
I call bull. I don't think about my ethnicity at all. Native Americans don't need to either, it's a choice and a choice of victim-hood at that. You're a person, not a rce of people. Nothing is stopping anyone from leaving the reservations and becoming a productive member of society. Black, white, red, yellow or green. You can look in the rear view mirror or you can look forward, your choice.
Of course you think of your 'ethnicity,' You're white, and you think about that as an fundamental part of your identity. Of course being white is not an ethnicity, well, but people seem to feel it in the way one would feel ethnicity.

As well, in order to really understand the situation, one needs to understand the culture and cultural background of Native Americans. It's obvious you don't and don't want to. It varies from culture to culture, but cultural identity can be extremely strong and important; it can be a guide for ones entire world and personal perspective. These views of the conservative right are very Cretinesque. Definition of CRETIN. 1. often offensive : one afflicted with cretinism. 2. : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : clod, lout.
I believe I know myself better than you do. Caucasian is an ethnicity, you're full of shit. Slandering people is about all you can manage with your hate filled intolerant pea brain. What I said was true, your insults don't make it false.
The old "blame whitey" excuse.

Why are they not held accountable for their own plight? Their poverty and poor health is something that each one can overcome through hard work and dedication. They are so many opportunities in this country and yet they choose to remain slaves (dependents) to the government. Blacks are killing white on a scale five times worse than whites killing blacks but it's whitey's fault.

You talk about being retarded and an idiot. I would imagine your looking into a mirror while saying that.
Okay, so it is all their problem, their fault? They should fix the problem themselves? And, of course, your stance is not racist. You believe that the white people in the Ozarks are just as bad as the Native Americans and the blacks in the inner cities at being lazy and dumb and living off the government instead of fixing the desperate poverty in which they live?

We have severe poverty in America, in the inner city ghettos, on the reservation, and in the Ozarks. The poverty in the Ozarks is as bad as in the urban ghettos and on the reservations. The use of government assistance in the Ozarks is as high as in the inner cities. These people in the Ozarks are white, overwhelmingly white. Is it your opinion that they too are responsible for their own plight? Is it also your opinion that they should be left to take care of their problem on their own? Is it your position that their situation is their own fault? That "there are so many opportunities in this country and yet they remain slaves (dependents) to the government"?


Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
The old "blame whitey" excuse.

Why are they not held accountable for their own plight? Their poverty and poor health is something that each one can overcome through hard work and dedication. They are so many opportunities in this country and yet they choose to remain slaves (dependents) to the government. Blacks are killing white on a scale five times worse than whites killing blacks but it's whitey's fault.

You talk about being retarded and an idiot. I would imagine your looking into a mirror while saying that.
Okay, so it is all their problem, their fault? They should fix the problem themselves? And, of course, your stance is not racist. You believe that the white people in the Ozarks are just as bad as the Native Americans and the blacks in the inner cities at being lazy and dumb and living off the government instead of fixing the desperate poverty in which they live?

We have severe poverty in America, in the inner city ghettos, on the reservation, and in the Ozarks. The poverty in the Ozarks is as bad as in the urban ghettos and on the reservations. The use of government assistance in the Ozarks is as high as in the inner cities. These people in the Ozarks are white, overwhelmingly white. Is it your opinion that they too are responsible for their own plight? Is it also your opinion that they should be left to take care of their problem on their own? Is it your position that their situation is their own fault? That "there are so many opportunities in this country and yet they remain slaves (dependents) to the government"?


Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.

Cost of living here is not the same as the cost of living in those other nations so you are comparing apples and oranges and ending up with fruit salad.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.
The old "blame whitey" excuse.

Why are they not held accountable for their own plight? Their poverty and poor health is something that each one can overcome through hard work and dedication. They are so many opportunities in this country and yet they choose to remain slaves (dependents) to the government. Blacks are killing white on a scale five times worse than whites killing blacks but it's whitey's fault.

You talk about being retarded and an idiot. I would imagine your looking into a mirror while saying that.
Okay, so it is all their problem, their fault? They should fix the problem themselves? And, of course, your stance is not racist. You believe that the white people in the Ozarks are just as bad as the Native Americans and the blacks in the inner cities at being lazy and dumb and living off the government instead of fixing the desperate poverty in which they live?

We have severe poverty in America, in the inner city ghettos, on the reservation, and in the Ozarks. The poverty in the Ozarks is as bad as in the urban ghettos and on the reservations. The use of government assistance in the Ozarks is as high as in the inner cities. These people in the Ozarks are white, overwhelmingly white. Is it your opinion that they too are responsible for their own plight? Is it also your opinion that they should be left to take care of their problem on their own? Is it your position that their situation is their own fault? That "there are so many opportunities in this country and yet they remain slaves (dependents) to the government"?


Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.

Where the evidence? Just your saying it doesn't make it true.
Many Indian psychologists believe that the root of the population's suicide problem is the combination of generational trauma and loss of ethnic identity.
I call bull. I don't think about my ethnicity at all. Native Americans don't need to either, it's a choice and a choice of victim-hood at that. You're a person, not a rce of people. Nothing is stopping anyone from leaving the reservations and becoming a productive member of society. Black, white, red, yellow or green. You can look in the rear view mirror or you can look forward, your choice.
Of course you think of your 'ethnicity,' You're white, and you think about that as an fundamental part of your identity. Of course being white is not an ethnicity, well, but people seem to feel it in the way one would feel ethnicity.

As well, in order to really understand the situation, one needs to understand the culture and cultural background of Native Americans. It's obvious you don't and don't want to. It varies from culture to culture, but cultural identity can be extremely strong and important; it can be a guide for ones entire world and personal perspective. These views of the conservative right are very Cretinesque. Definition of CRETIN. 1. often offensive : one afflicted with cretinism. 2. : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : clod, lout.
I believe I know myself better than you do. Caucasian is an ethnicity, you're full of shit. Slandering people is about all you can manage with your hate filled intolerant pea brain. What I said was true, your insults don't make it false.
I didn't not say Caucasian is an ethnicity. I didn't mention Caucasian. I know that there are people all over the world who are Caucasian and who are not 'white.'

What I said, and very specifically, is that to you, being white is an identity as much as any ethnicity is. Read more carefully.

How very ironic you are.

You're identity is 'white.' It's as good as an ethnic identity, for you. It has the same meaning for you, the same value and strength. It makes you better, in your mind, than blacks or Native Americans. That's not an insult: it is stating a fact.

But, you haven't addressed the overwhelmingly white poverty stricken people in the Ozarks. What is their problem? Are they lazy good for nothings like the blacks and Native Americans?

Cretin? Not an insult but a statement of fact.
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Reservations aren't exactly located on rich farmland or areas with great mineral resources.
Okay, so it is all their problem, their fault? They should fix the problem themselves? And, of course, your stance is not racist. You believe that the white people in the Ozarks are just as bad as the Native Americans and the blacks in the inner cities at being lazy and dumb and living off the government instead of fixing the desperate poverty in which they live?

We have severe poverty in America, in the inner city ghettos, on the reservation, and in the Ozarks. The poverty in the Ozarks is as bad as in the urban ghettos and on the reservations. The use of government assistance in the Ozarks is as high as in the inner cities. These people in the Ozarks are white, overwhelmingly white. Is it your opinion that they too are responsible for their own plight? Is it also your opinion that they should be left to take care of their problem on their own? Is it your position that their situation is their own fault? That "there are so many opportunities in this country and yet they remain slaves (dependents) to the government"?


Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.

Read, watch documentaries, learn.

Here's one. Rich Hill And Growing Up Poor in Rural America On Point with Tom Ashbrook

There are plenty more. There is very severe poverty in the US. It is usually generational. It goes on decade after decade
. W/O government assistance, kids wouldn't eat or go to school. Many of the kids who live in dire poverty are abused kids. They don't go to school because their parents don't have the emotional or mental wherewithal to get them there. If they do go to school, they need financial assistance for lunch and even breakfast because they the get to school in the morning on an empty stomach. It goes on and on. And they are not all black or brown either. Vast numbers of them are white.

A Cretin is defined as someone who is ignorant. If the shoe fits, and it seems to for you, wear it. You don't know anything about poverty in America. You are just assuming, and your assumptions are incorrect.
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Many Indian psychologists believe that the root of the population's suicide problem is the combination of generational trauma and loss of ethnic identity.
I call bull. I don't think about my ethnicity at all. Native Americans don't need to either, it's a choice and a choice of victim-hood at that. You're a person, not a rce of people. Nothing is stopping anyone from leaving the reservations and becoming a productive member of society. Black, white, red, yellow or green. You can look in the rear view mirror or you can look forward, your choice.
Of course you think of your 'ethnicity,' You're white, and you think about that as an fundamental part of your identity. Of course being white is not an ethnicity, well, but people seem to feel it in the way one would feel ethnicity.

As well, in order to really understand the situation, one needs to understand the culture and cultural background of Native Americans. It's obvious you don't and don't want to. It varies from culture to culture, but cultural identity can be extremely strong and important; it can be a guide for ones entire world and personal perspective. These views of the conservative right are very Cretinesque. Definition of CRETIN. 1. often offensive : one afflicted with cretinism. 2. : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : clod, lout.
I believe I know myself better than you do. Caucasian is an ethnicity, you're full of shit. Slandering people is about all you can manage with your hate filled intolerant pea brain. What I said was true, your insults don't make it false.
I didn't not say Caucasian is an ethnicity. I didn't mention Caucasian. I know that there are people all over the world who are Caucasian and who are not 'white.'

What I said, and very specifically, is that to you, being white is an identity as much as any ethnicity is. Read more carefully.

How very ironic you are.

You're identity is 'white.' It's as good as an ethnic identity, for you. It has the same meaning for you, the same value and strength. It makes you better, in your mind, than blacks or Native Americans. That's not an insult: it is stating a fact.

But, you haven't addressed the overwhelmingly white poverty stricken people in the Ozarks. What is their problem? Are they lazy good for nothings like the blacks and Native Americans?

Cretin? Not an insult but a statement of fact.
You're an asshole. Statement of fact. I said white. Normal people understand that as caucasian. I don't think about my race, ethnicity, heritage or any other spin you want to put on it, you lied.

I never said or implied I was better than any other race, you lying putrid whore.

Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Many Indian psychologists believe that the root of the population's suicide problem is the combination of generational trauma and loss of ethnic identity.
I call bull. I don't think about my ethnicity at all. Native Americans don't need to either, it's a choice and a choice of victim-hood at that. You're a person, not a rce of people. Nothing is stopping anyone from leaving the reservations and becoming a productive member of society. Black, white, red, yellow or green. You can look in the rear view mirror or you can look forward, your choice.
Of course you think of your 'ethnicity,' You're white, and you think about that as an fundamental part of your identity. Of course being white is not an ethnicity, well, but people seem to feel it in the way one would feel ethnicity.

As well, in order to really understand the situation, one needs to understand the culture and cultural background of Native Americans. It's obvious you don't and don't want to. It varies from culture to culture, but cultural identity can be extremely strong and important; it can be a guide for ones entire world and personal perspective. These views of the conservative right are very Cretinesque. Definition of CRETIN. 1. often offensive : one afflicted with cretinism. 2. : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : clod, lout.
I believe I know myself better than you do. Caucasian is an ethnicity, you're full of shit. Slandering people is about all you can manage with your hate filled intolerant pea brain. What I said was true, your insults don't make it false.
I didn't not say Caucasian is an ethnicity. I didn't mention Caucasian. I know that there are people all over the world who are Caucasian and who are not 'white.'

What I said, and very specifically, is that to you, being white is an identity as much as any ethnicity is. Read more carefully.

How very ironic you are.

You're identity is 'white.' It's as good as an ethnic identity, for you. It has the same meaning for you, the same value and strength. It makes you better, in your mind, than blacks or Native Americans. That's not an insult: it is stating a fact.

But, you haven't addressed the overwhelmingly white poverty stricken people in the Ozarks. What is their problem? Are they lazy good for nothings like the blacks and Native Americans?

Cretin? Not an insult but a statement of fact.
You're an asshole. Statement of fact. I said white. Normal people understand that as caucasian. I don't think about my race, ethnicity, heritage or any other spin you want to put on it, you lied.

I never said or implied I was better than any other race, you lying putrid whore.
It's very obvious you are unable to grasp the point I am making about your identity as a 'white' person. I have explained it twice; there isn't much more that I can do.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.
I'm not a failure. I am doing very well for myself and came from very humble beginnings. (BTW I'll be spending the next 2 months in the South of France, how about you?) I am educated, and educated about this topic. I would rather be informed and intelligent than anything else; it must be awful to be so ignorant as you are. You're back on ignore. I just do not have the motivation or patience to go and on with such as you. It's tiresome beyond measure.
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I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.
I've been to the 3rd world. I know what their poverty looks like. I've also watched documentaries about poverty in the US, including on reservations and in the Ozarks. I do know that people in America live in shacks without electricity or water or plumbing, I know their children are hungry and not getting sufficient education. I know the situation for hundreds of thousands and more in the US is very desperate. We don't usually see it, but it is there. We have people living on the streets. We have families living in cars. If you don't see or are not aware of the poverty in American, that is your fault.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.

But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

You cite people living in cars and living with no running water and the like. But look at the percentage of Americans that live under those conditions and discount those that choose to do so and the number is very small.
The point is that they are better off here than there. What child can't go to school here? You're so full of shit even lefties can't defend you.
You are very ignorant about the situation. Anyone in America can be anything they want. Any child can go to school. It's the land of opportunity. That's the mantra, but mantra is all it is. It is not true for hundreds of thousands of people. Millions perhaps. You need to read up on this instead of assuming what you are assuming.
Lots of successful people made it from being dirt poor. Been there myself. Don't project your failures onto others.

I agree. Loads of folks have made it after being dirt poor. Those folks had drive, determination and the want to make things better for themselves.

Of course loads of those wallowing in poverty don't have drive, determination or that want. They'd rather collect from the taxpayers than work. Freeloaders abound in America and apparently Essy doesn't see those. Just that the poor need help and EVERYONE should pitch in and help.

Sorry Essy. I for could give shit one about the poor. The poor are poor because that's what they want to be. If they didn't want to be poor they's get off their asses and make things better for themselves.
Claudette, if you would read the whole thread, I have already been over this. A small minority of people rise above their beginnings: they are the exceptions and the exceptional. The majority, who are ordinary, average people, do not. That is the fact of the situation. You can believe what you want to believe, but it is a myth that anyone can be anything in America, it's just a matter of get up and go. It is simply not that simple. But, I've explained this, so go back and read my posts.

But it is that simple. If the government stopped providing for their every need then they will have no choice but to find a job and learn to fend for themselves. But as it is, why should they?

You cite people living in cars and living with no running water and the like. But look at the percentage of Americans that live under those conditions and discount those that choose to do so and the number is very small.
People do not choose to live in poverty. You suggest that if the government didn't support them, they would get it together themselves. I've been to many 3rd world countries where the government gives little or no assistance to the poor. People remain poor. The do not rise above the situation, not the vast majority of them. They remain poor. If our government ceased to help out the poor, we would have vast numbers of them living in abject poverty, begging in the streets, etc. Your understanding of the situation is wishful thinking and based in myth instead of reality.
Okay, so it is all their problem, their fault? They should fix the problem themselves? And, of course, your stance is not racist. You believe that the white people in the Ozarks are just as bad as the Native Americans and the blacks in the inner cities at being lazy and dumb and living off the government instead of fixing the desperate poverty in which they live?

We have severe poverty in America, in the inner city ghettos, on the reservation, and in the Ozarks. The poverty in the Ozarks is as bad as in the urban ghettos and on the reservations. The use of government assistance in the Ozarks is as high as in the inner cities. These people in the Ozarks are white, overwhelmingly white. Is it your opinion that they too are responsible for their own plight? Is it also your opinion that they should be left to take care of their problem on their own? Is it your position that their situation is their own fault? That "there are so many opportunities in this country and yet they remain slaves (dependents) to the government"?


Poverty in America, isn't really poverty. The Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households considered poverty stricken have cell phones, 81% have cell phones along with their landlines, 58.2% have computers, 96.1% have televisions a third having a wide screen plasma or LCD TV, 83% have DVR's, 97.8% have gas or electric stoves, 96.6% microwaves, and over 83% have air conditioning, 65.6% own dryers, 44.9% own dishwashers, 75% have an automobile, 31% of those own two or more, two-thirds have satellite TV or cable, more than half have a video game system, 43% have internet access and on and on.

Yes if these people "live in poverty" then it's their own damn fault.
It is not as simple as you want to believe. It is possible in America to rise above your beginning, but only the exceptional people do that. The average, ordinary people do not. They are stuck in the cycle of poverty into which they were born. This situation is not something new: it has always been this way throughout human history. It is part of the human condition. For people who were born into a situation with better beginnings and in which it is easier to achieve, it may seem that all you need is a little get up and go, but it is not the case for most people. It is possible to rise above your situation, most people don't. It isn't because they are dumb or lazy, there are other reasons more complex. Only the simple minded sees this kind of situation as simple and black and white. It is not simple at all.

Poverty in America isn't really poverty? Really? Because people have cell phones and TVs? If you watch your TV, you will see that people in 3rd world countries who live in poverty also have TVs and cell phones. The fact some people have these items does not exclude the fact they live a life is desperate poverty. Their TVs and phones are bought second hand or on the black market. It does not mean they are well off.

I think you need to do some research. Likening our version of poverty to a third world nation is insane. Show me stats showing the poor in third world countries have luxury items comparable to the US. Show where 75% have cars, where 97% have gas or electric stoves and 81% have cellphones.

In other words, prove your ridiculous claim.

Cost of living here is not the same as the cost of living in those other nations so you are comparing apples and oranges and ending up with fruit salad.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.

I'm not the one that's saying our poor is the same as third world poor you moron! I know there is no comparison!

Actually you did exactly that when you made the following inane claim;

"Poverty in America, isn't really poverty."

Damn you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills or lack thereof.


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