suidi arabia gambling for republican and terrorist warning at 2016

Your English is not as bad as your conclusions. Republican Trump is very content for Saudi to war with Iran and not get involved as long as US interests are not at stake. Oil is involved...but it's really the same old war...Sunni vs Shiia...and we want no part of that.

Sadly, we caused the coming Sunni/Shiite bloodbath. Our constant meddling in the Middle East has led to it. The Iraq invasion was the catalyst. Sunnis and Shiites have lived in relative peace for hundreds of years.

The Iraq invasion upset the balance. Iran, Iraq and all Shiites are now asserting their power & influence. So whether we want it a not, we are a big part of it. We meddled, now we pay. That's the reality.
You forgot the crusades thingy.

The Sunni/Shiite conflict is a very old one, but it's been very calm for centuries. We messed it all up. We should have left Iraq alone. The Shiites are now on the rise. They want a bigger piece of the pie. Let the bloodbath begin.
This coming Sunni/Shiite bloodbath is on the U.S. It shouldn't have meddled so much in the Middle East. The Iraq invasion was a miserable bloody blunder. It was the catalyst for the coming Sunni/Shiite War. Just more sad deadly Blow Back.

I agree with you on the saudi wahabism crap. I disagree on us being the catalyst. These fools have been killing each other without our help for centuries. Jefferson wrote about these bloodthirsty killers in the 1700s.

Saudi Arabia has been the chief supporter of Islamic Terrorism around the world for years. Without its support, awful groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS wouldn't have been possible. Saudis actually funded 9/11. Yet we're told by our Government that they're 'Good.'

And actually, Sunnis and Shiites have lived in relative peace all over the world for centuries. It was our meddling and the Iraq invasion that upset the balance. The Shiites are now on the move. They want their piece of the pie. That's why i've been saying for years that we need to disengage from the Middle East. We don't belong there. We never did.

That was bush' biggest mistake. As worthless as hussein was, he was an excellent hedge against iran.

He was a misbehaving U.S. puppet. And that usually means a death sentence. But all the Iraq invasion did was allow Iran and Shiites to begin asserting themselves more. Our constant meddling over there has led to the coming horror. Blow Back.

Russia seems to like their puppet Assad.
ISIS wants Obama. Will Val Jarrett still control Al Qaeda after Obama's out?
Isis wants Obama because he keeps killing them.
Makes sense

to a twisted and warped mind.

LOL!O!L!OLOLOLOlolOLOlolo OMFG!! That's hysterical!

You meant Putin right, not Obama
Putin has killed a tiny fraction of the number Obama has killed.


Yeah and Putin handed them all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad too, just like Obammy too, right?
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil for some oil cash. Saudi Arabia is a much bigger evil than Iran. It funded 9/11 for God's sake. Let's get out of the Middle East. Our constant meddling is only leading to more bloody carnage. Time to cut our losses and come home.
Your English is not as bad as your conclusions. Republican Trump is very content for Saudi to war with Iran and not get involved as long as US interests are not at stake. Oil is involved...but it's really the same old war...Sunni vs Shiia...and we want no part of that.

Sadly, we caused the coming Sunni/Shiite bloodbath. Our constant meddling in the Middle East has led to it. The Iraq invasion was the catalyst. Sunnis and Shiites have lived in relative peace for hundreds of years.

The Iraq invasion upset the balance. Iran, Iraq and all Shiites are now asserting their power & influence. So whether we want it a not, we are a big part of it. We meddled, now we pay. That's the reality.
You forgot the crusades thingy.

The Sunni/Shiite conflict is a very old one, but it's been very calm for centuries. We messed it all up. We should have left Iraq alone. The Shiites are now on the rise. They want a bigger piece of the pie. Let the bloodbath begin.
This coming Sunni/Shiite bloodbath is on the U.S. It shouldn't have meddled so much in the Middle East. The Iraq invasion was a miserable bloody blunder. It was the catalyst for the coming Sunni/Shiite War. Just more sad deadly Blow Back.

I agree with you on the saudi wahabism crap. I disagree on us being the catalyst. These fools have been killing each other without our help for centuries. Jefferson wrote about these bloodthirsty killers in the 1700s.

Saudi Arabia has been the chief supporter of Islamic Terrorism around the world for years. Without its support, awful groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS wouldn't have been possible. Saudis actually funded 9/11. Yet we're told by our Government that they're 'Good.'

And actually, Sunnis and Shiites have lived in relative peace all over the world for centuries. It was our meddling and the Iraq invasion that upset the balance. The Shiites are now on the move. They want their piece of the pie. That's why i've been saying for years that we need to disengage from the Middle East. We don't belong there. We never did.

That was bush' biggest mistake. As worthless as hussein was, he was an excellent hedge against iran.

He was a misbehaving U.S. puppet. And that usually means a death sentence. But all the Iraq invasion did was allow Iran and Shiites to begin asserting themselves more. Our constant meddling over there has led to the coming horror. Blow Back.

Russia seems to like their puppet Assad.

No one owns more puppets than the US/West does. But once they start misbehaving, you can bet they are not long for this world. Hussein found that out. Others have to.
breaking news
shooter says he did it for islam
philadelphia officer

remember me
Qaddafi warned Hillary that ISIS and AQ would swoop in if they removed him. They removed him and Obama switched sides and gave ISIS the best US Military hardware and gave ISIS all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad.
ISIS wants Obama. Will Val Jarrett still control Al Qaeda after Obama's out?
Isis wants Obama because he keeps killing them.
Makes sense

to a twisted and warped mind.

LOL!O!L!OLOLOLOlolOLOlolo OMFG!! That's hysterical!

You meant Putin right, not Obama
Putin has killed a tiny fraction of the number Obama has killed.


Yeah and Putin handed them all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad too, just like Obammy too, right?

Assad is a Western-educated secular leader. The US/West have committed another awful blunder trying to kill him. More sad bloody Blow Back.
This coming Sunni/Shiite bloodbath is on the U.S. It shouldn't have meddled so much in the Middle East. The Iraq invasion was a miserable bloody blunder. It was the catalyst for the coming Sunni/Shiite War. Just more sad deadly Blow Back.
We call the "The GOP Foreign Policy".
This coming Sunni/Shiite bloodbath is on the U.S. It shouldn't have meddled so much in the Middle East. The Iraq invasion was a miserable bloody blunder. It was the catalyst for the coming Sunni/Shiite War. Just more sad deadly Blow Back.
We call the "The GOP Foreign Policy".

You should call "The U.S. Foreign Policy." Because that's what it is. Republican/Democrat isn't really a factor.
What are you complaining about. Obama just helped Iran get their nuclear weapons.


Iran Hands Over Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia
A Russian ship left Iran on Monday carrying almost all of Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched uranium, fulfilling a major step in the nuclear deal struck last summer and, for the first time in nearly a decade, apparently leaving Iran with too little fuel to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

Hey, welcome to Reality. Hope it doesn't cause your hack partisan parrot brain to crash.

Lol. You are one gullible pigeon.
I doubt either side could win..
but suidi think :
with american coalition against iran.they can win
but they need republican party.somebody like ted cruz.
and they will do anything for it.even killing american people
As opposed to Iran's state sponsored terrorism that kills Americans.
give me just 1 source?
im talking about american people .no military and some rumor in iraq
You do not consider people who serve the military as citizens ?
I doubt either side could win..
but suidi think :
with american coalition against iran.they can win
but they need republican party.somebody like ted cruz.
and they will do anything for it.even killing american people
As opposed to Iran's state sponsored terrorism that kills Americans.
give me just 1 source?
im talking about american people .no military and some rumor in iraq
You do not consider people who serve the military as citizens ?
1:I DONT BELIEVE that iranian killed usa army . anyway.maybe somebody used iranian weapon .
and isis used american weapon too

2:killing soldier during war battle isnt terrorist.its war my dear
but killing ordinary people in their town.its terrorism.and iran never do it
1:iran and suidi are in cold war now.
2:saudi arabia cuts diplomatic ties with iran and make coaliton
3:they want destroy iran.they want that iran will be country like north korea
4:but they need usa for this.
4:suidi arabia want republican president for usa.because republican are against iran deal
5:terrorist attack will rise republican vote.because republican are anti imigration or anti moslem
6:when you gambling for do anything for it
7:american and european people must wait for suidi terrorist dogs


everybody read this topic. remember it
1:iran and suidi are in cold war now.

When were they not in a Cold War?

2:saudi arabia cuts diplomatic ties with iran and make coaliton

Does Iran have a coalition?

3:they want destroy iran.they want that iran will be country like north korea

How canntheybdestroy Iran?

4:but they need usa for this.

We ain't playing

4:suidi arabia want republican president for usa.because republican are against iran deal

Good idea

5:terrorist attack will rise republican vote.because republican are anti imigration or anti moslem

No they are not. You are watchingtoomuch CNN

6:when you gambling for do anything for it

Applies to all nations..does it not?

7:american and european people must wait for suidi terrorist dogs

We are ready...


everybody read this topic. remember it
1:iran and suidi are in cold war now.

When were they not in a Cold War?

problem is new king.


2:saudi arabia cuts diplomatic ties with iran and make coaliton

Does Iran have a coalition?

3:they want destroy iran.they want that iran will be country like north korea

How canntheybdestroy Iran? WHAT?

4:but they need usa for this.

We ain't playing .
do or dont .its not important.
i saying that republican basically are usefull for suidi arabia.
their future actions will help suidi .im not talking about directly actions for........
this new action of suidi like cut diplomatic ties are based their prediction.
and their prediction:republican president for usa

US presidential candidate Sen. Cruz vows to 'rip to shreds' Iran accord

4:suidi arabia want republican president for usa.because republican are against iran deal

Good idea. ok

5:terrorist attack will rise republican vote.because republican are anti imigration or anti moslem

No they are not. You are watchingtoomuch CNN

its know and everybody know
really? only trump rise 8 10 point after california attack.
rise points after anti moslem speech:(ban all moslem ......)

6:when you gambling for do anything for it

Applies to all nations..does it not? we are talking about basterds suidi wahabi bro

7:american and european people must wait for suidi terrorist dogs

We are ready...
im happy .but you need more work .philadelphia attack was just last night


everybody read this topic. remember it

remember me
1:iran and suidi are in cold war now.

When were they not in a Cold War?

problem is new king.


2:saudi arabia cuts diplomatic ties with iran and make coaliton

Does Iran have a coalition?

3:they want destroy iran.they want that iran will be country like north korea

How canntheybdestroy Iran? WHAT?

4:but they need usa for this.

We ain't playing .
do or dont .its not important.
i saying that republican basically are usefull for suidi arabia.
their future actions will help suidi .im not talking about directly actions for........
this new action of suidi like cut diplomatic ties are based their prediction.
and their prediction:republican president for usa

US presidential candidate Sen. Cruz vows to 'rip to shreds' Iran accord

4:suidi arabia want republican president for usa.because republican are against iran deal

Good idea. ok

5:terrorist attack will rise republican vote.because republican are anti imigration or anti moslem

No they are not. You are watchingtoomuch CNN

its know and everybody know
really? only trump rise 8 10 point after california attack.
rise points after anti moslem speech:(ban all moslem ......)

6:when you gambling for do anything for it

Applies to all nations..does it not? we are talking about basterds suidi wahabi bro

7:american and european people must wait for suidi terrorist dogs

We are ready...
im happy .but you need more work .philadelphia attack was just last night


everybody read this topic. remember it

remember me

Don't go away...enjoy your input...lots of mistrust...lots of lies...lots of misinterpretation. Not talking about you....talking about the whole world.
Archer is from Yeadon, Pennsylvania -- about 25 minutes outside of Philadelphia -- and has one prior arrest, police said. He was hospitalized to be treated for a gunshot wound, police said.

Archer traveled twice from New York-area airports to the Middle East -- to Saudi Arabia in 2011 for Hajj and to Egypt in 2012, two law enforcement sources told ABC News. Archer has a U.S. passport and was not on a watch list, the sources said. The FBI, who is assisting Philadelphia police with the investigation, will look at whether his travels could have played a role in the shooting, the sources said.

Alleged Cop Shooter Pledged Allegiance to ISIS, Police Say
Archer is from Yeadon, Pennsylvania -- about 25 minutes outside of Philadelphia -- and has one prior arrest, police said. He was hospitalized to be treated for a gunshot wound, police said.

Archer traveled twice from New York-area airports to the Middle East -- to Saudi Arabia in 2011 for Hajj and to Egypt in 2012, two law enforcement sources told ABC News. Archer has a U.S. passport and was not on a watch list, the sources said. The FBI, who is assisting Philadelphia police with the investigation, will look at whether his travels could have played a role in the shooting, the sources said.

Alleged Cop Shooter Pledged Allegiance to ISIS, Police Say
I read that last night...thought about your comments...but I think he was on the terror track long ago. Once again...Muslims have to report these guys...or the good Muslims will suffer with the bad.

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