Sullivan Tells DOJ & USSC To Go F* Themselves, Says He Has A Right To Investigate Flynn

Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

First, it's from the gateway pundit, and therefore most likely not true.

Second. Sullivan doesn't have to prosecute anyone. The prosecution phase is over, Flynn admitted guilt.
The case was dismissed. Even if the judge did sentence Flynn, the case would automatially be dismissed on appeal because the DOJ wouldn't prosecute it there.

Only a douchebag would defend the actions of this judge. You can't if you have any concern about justice or truth or the law.

At this stage, it takes a court order to drop the case. That seems never to sink in with you knuckleheads.
TDS has made so many people destroy their own reputations and sully their entire career....its amazing to witness.....Sullivan will never be viewed the same again...he has crossed the line into disturbia.....

The DoJ will never be viewed the same again. This is an election-year stunt, with Barr trying to save Trump from the overt corruption of issuing a Pardon to Flynn.

Yesterday, in court:

"The unique facts of this case warrant evaluation by the trial judge before any review by this Court," Sullivan's lawyers wrote. "It is unusual for a criminal defendant to claim innocence and move to withdraw his guilty plea after repeatedly swearing under oath that he committed the crime."

"It is unprecedented for an Acting U.S. Attorney to contradict the solemn representations that career prosecutors made time and again, and undermine the district court’s legal and factual findings, in moving on his own to dismiss the charge years after two different federal judges accepted the defendant’s plea," the brief continues.

This administration is rotting from the head down.
You lost the minute Sullivan lawyered up.

Boldly asserted, but factually unsupported.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

Sorry but Flynn is clearly getting the benefit of cronyism. The only reason the DoJ is dropping charges is because he’s a friend of the boss.

It was a long time coming but Trump finally got someone to “go easy on him” like he demanded years ago.

Again you ignore the exculpatory evidence that Flynn was pressured to lie, that the FBI, CONSPIRED against him, trying to make him lie to them.

You keep pushing your bullshit, stop ignoring the released documents showing the FBI malfeasance.
No one pressured Flynn to lie, except maybe Trump.
Thread about the rogue judge Sullivan......Dragonlady: Orange Man Bad.

So was my reply. It was all about how Judge Sullivan is standing up for the rule of law, fighting back against a corrupt and lawless administration which is undermining the rule of law at every turn.

If Trump wasn't corrupt and lawless, Judge Sullivan would not have to be fighting back against the release of a self-admitted treasonous felon, just because he happens to be a friend of the President. You made the claim that Flynn was falsely accused and that is why the DOJ was "releasing" him, and I pointed out that this assertion was patently false.

Judge Sullivan is fighting the lawlessness and corruption of the Department of Justice in doing the bidding of Donald Trump, on behalf of his friends and cronies. And AG Barr is doing all of this bullshit under the cover of a pandemic and racial unrest, so the rest of America won't see it happening.

Judge Sullivan is ensuring that America WILL see it happening - plain as day. As Trump is firing tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful protestors claiming to be a "law and order president", he is busying destroying the rule of law, and the judiciary at every turn. Judge Sullivan is showing Trump for the liar that he is.

Orange Man a liar. Yesterday, he said he was "an ally of all peaceful protesters". That's a crock. That's a crock that insults the intelligence of anyone old enough to cross the street alone.
So, you weren’t insulted then.

Did you believe him?
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

It has nothing to do with political affiliation, read the story from a lawyer's perspective

what flynn did was a faux pas and sullivan is so pissed of he's gonna risk his career over this.

he may be crazy. But he's not biased. Flynn made a mockery of his court by trying to get out of this plea. Which sullivan spent a lot of extra time making sure was legitimate.

He's TOTALLY biased. His accusing Flynn of treason is ample proof of that.

He doesn't realize the case against Flynn has been completely dropped, that is how ignorant Juice free is.

It hasn't been dropped until Sullivan says it has been dropped. That's why the DoJ had to submit its motion to dismiss to Sullivan's court.

You are missing the point, he has no cause to prolong this at all, it is why the legal noose is getting tighter around his neck. The case is dropped by all parties, DOJ, Prosecutor and Flynn, there is nothing left for the stupid judge to prolong.

The DoJ asked the District Court, Judge Sullivan presiding, to dismiss the case. He hasn't done it yet. I'm not missing that point.

He has no legal reason to prolong it, it was a formality since the entire case was already DROPPED by all parties to the case.

"The case is dropped by all parties, DOJ, Prosecutor and Flynn"

You are that stupid to ignore this reality?

Repeating that didn't make it more convincing.

I notice you have NOT ONCE addressed this fact:

"The case is dropped by all parties, DOJ, Prosecutor and Flynn"

You are too dumb to understand.... apparently.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

Sorry but Flynn is clearly getting the benefit of cronyism. The only reason the DoJ is dropping charges is because he’s a friend of the boss.

It was a long time coming but Trump finally got someone to “go easy on him” like he demanded years ago.

Again you ignore the exculpatory evidence that Flynn was pressured to lie, that the FBI, CONSPIRED against him, trying to make him lie to them.

You keep pushing your bullshit, stop ignoring the released documents showing the FBI malfeasance.
No one pressured Flynn to lie, except maybe Trump.

You are lying now, the FBI documents released showed they CONSPIRED against Flynn, their memos showed discussion on how to make him lie.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

It has nothing to do with political affiliation, read the story from a lawyer's perspective

what flynn did was a faux pas and sullivan is so pissed of he's gonna risk his career over this.

he may be crazy. But he's not biased. Flynn made a mockery of his court by trying to get out of this plea. Which sullivan spent a lot of extra time making sure was legitimate.

He's TOTALLY biased. His accusing Flynn of treason is ample proof of that.

He doesn't realize the case against Flynn has been completely dropped, that is how ignorant Juice free is.

It hasn't been dropped until Sullivan says it has been dropped. That's why the DoJ had to submit its motion to dismiss to Sullivan's court.

You are missing the point, he has no cause to prolong this at all, it is why the legal noose is getting tighter around his neck. The case is dropped by all parties, DOJ, Prosecutor and Flynn, there is nothing left for the stupid judge to prolong.

The DoJ asked the District Court, Judge Sullivan presiding, to dismiss the case. He hasn't done it yet. I'm not missing that point.

He has no legal reason to prolong it, it was a formality since the entire case was already DROPPED by all parties to the case.

"The case is dropped by all parties, DOJ, Prosecutor and Flynn"

You are that stupid to ignore this reality?

Repeating that didn't make it more convincing.

I notice you have NOT ONCE addressed this fact:

"The case is dropped by all parties, DOJ, Prosecutor and Flynn"

You are too dumb to understand.... apparently.

Yes, I did, perhaps not directly enough for you.
(BTW - DOJ and prosecutor are the same entity.)

And, the case is not yet dismissed.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

First, it's from the gateway pundit, and therefore most likely not true.

Second. Sullivan doesn't have to prosecute anyone. The prosecution phase is over, Flynn admitted guilt.
The case was dismissed. Even if the judge did sentence Flynn, the case would automatially be dismissed on appeal because the DOJ wouldn't prosecute it there.

Only a douchebag would defend the actions of this judge. You can't if you have any concern about justice or truth or the law.

At this stage, it takes a court order to drop the case. That seems never to sink in with you knuckleheads.

Yes, a DEAD case you knucklehead!.

Sullivan's actions on a dead case is why he is an idiot, he has gone outside of his role as a Judge, the Solicitor General has showed Sullivan violating the law in the process.

U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco Responds to DC District Court – Refutes Arguments Presented by Flynn Judge Emmet Sullivan…



Stop fighting/ignoring the evidence!
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

First, it's from the gateway pundit, and therefore most likely not true.

Second. Sullivan doesn't have to prosecute anyone. The prosecution phase is over, Flynn admitted guilt.
The case was dismissed. Even if the judge did sentence Flynn, the case would automatially be dismissed on appeal because the DOJ wouldn't prosecute it there.

Only a douchebag would defend the actions of this judge. You can't if you have any concern about justice or truth or the law.

At this stage, it takes a court order to drop the case. That seems never to sink in with you knuckleheads.

Yes, a DEAD case you knucklehead!.

Sullivan's actions on a dead case is why he is an idiot, he has gone outside of his role as a Judge, the Solicitor General has showed Sullivan violating the law in the process.

U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco Responds to DC District Court – Refutes Arguments Presented by Flynn Judge Emmet Sullivan…



Stop fighting/ignoring the evidence!

The Solicitor General doesn't make rulings - he's an advocate.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

Sorry but Flynn is clearly getting the benefit of cronyism. The only reason the DoJ is dropping charges is because he’s a friend of the boss.

It was a long time coming but Trump finally got someone to “go easy on him” like he demanded years ago.

Again you ignore the exculpatory evidence that Flynn was pressured to lie, that the FBI, CONSPIRED against him, trying to make him lie to them.

You keep pushing your bullshit, stop ignoring the released documents showing the FBI malfeasance.
No one pressured Flynn to lie, except maybe Trump.

You are lying now, the FBI documents released showed they CONSPIRED against Flynn, their memos showed discussion on how to make him lie.

How did they make him lie?
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

First, it's from the gateway pundit, and therefore most likely not true.

Second. Sullivan doesn't have to prosecute anyone. The prosecution phase is over, Flynn admitted guilt.
The case was dismissed. Even if the judge did sentence Flynn, the case would automatially be dismissed on appeal because the DOJ wouldn't prosecute it there.

Only a douchebag would defend the actions of this judge. You can't if you have any concern about justice or truth or the law.

At this stage, it takes a court order to drop the case. That seems never to sink in with you knuckleheads.
Yeah but the Politico article has a link to Sullivans reply.
Ultimately, the rule incorporated the "leave of court" re-quirement.

That requirement "obviously vest some discretion in the [district] court." Rinaldi v. United States, 434 U.S. 22, 20 n.15 (1977) (per curiam) (em-phasis added). In United States v. Ammidown, 497 F.2d 615 (1973), this Court addressed the scope of the district court’s Rule 48 discretion in the context of evaluating a plea. The rule, the Court explained, does not require "the trial court to serve merely as a rubber stamp"; it must be satisfied that dismissal "adequately protects the public interest." Id. at 622 (quotation omitted). To override the government’s recommendation, a trial judge "must provide a rea-soned exercise of discretion" that advances "one or more of the following components: (a) fairness to the defense, such as protection against harass-ment; (b) fairness to the prosecution interest, as in avoiding a disposition that does not serve due and legitimate prosecutorial interests; (c) protection of the sentencing authority reserved to the judge." Id. Ammidown observed that

USCA Case #20-5143 Document #1845144 Filed: 06/01/2020 Page 31 of 46


unopposed Rule 48(a) motions should ordinarily be granted. Id. But it pre-served a district judge’s responsibility to evaluate those motions where there are questions about whether dismissal serves "legitimate prosecutorial inter-ests," and sentencing is underway. Id. Ammidown remains the law in this Circuit and district courts must follow it.

The linked response goes on to question the basis for the DOJ's change in position. And suggests that Sullivan will require the DOJ to expand on that change.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

First, it's from the gateway pundit, and therefore most likely not true.

Second. Sullivan doesn't have to prosecute anyone. The prosecution phase is over, Flynn admitted guilt.
The case was dismissed. Even if the judge did sentence Flynn, the case would automatially be dismissed on appeal because the DOJ wouldn't prosecute it there.

Only a douchebag would defend the actions of this judge. You can't if you have any concern about justice or truth or the law.

At this stage, it takes a court order to drop the case. That seems never to sink in with you knuckleheads.

Yes, a DEAD case you knucklehead!.

Sullivan's actions on a dead case is why he is an idiot, he has gone outside of his role as a Judge, the Solicitor General has showed Sullivan violating the law in the process.

U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco Responds to DC District Court – Refutes Arguments Presented by Flynn Judge Emmet Sullivan…



Stop fighting/ignoring the evidence!

The Solicitor General doesn't make rulings - he's an advocate.


It is clear you didn't read his FORTY FIVE page refutation. He spells it out in detail on why Sullivan is breaking the laws.

You are an idiot for ignoring numerous evidence that Sullivan is acting OUTSIDE of his Judicial power.

You didn't read, you make up your mind in a vacuum, that is why you are so ignorant.

You are part of the problem in American when you continually parade your ignorance.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

Sorry but Flynn is clearly getting the benefit of cronyism. The only reason the DoJ is dropping charges is because he’s a friend of the boss.

It was a long time coming but Trump finally got someone to “go easy on him” like he demanded years ago.

Again you ignore the exculpatory evidence that Flynn was pressured to lie, that the FBI, CONSPIRED against him, trying to make him lie to them.

You keep pushing your bullshit, stop ignoring the released documents showing the FBI malfeasance.
No one pressured Flynn to lie, except maybe Trump.

You are lying now, the FBI documents released showed they CONSPIRED against Flynn, their memos showed discussion on how to make him lie.

How did they make him lie?

You were shown the FBI documents, you ignore them because you have a partisan belief to support.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

Sorry but Flynn is clearly getting the benefit of cronyism. The only reason the DoJ is dropping charges is because he’s a friend of the boss.

It was a long time coming but Trump finally got someone to “go easy on him” like he demanded years ago.

Again you ignore the exculpatory evidence that Flynn was pressured to lie, that the FBI, CONSPIRED against him, trying to make him lie to them.

You keep pushing your bullshit, stop ignoring the released documents showing the FBI malfeasance.
No one pressured Flynn to lie, except maybe Trump.

You are lying now, the FBI documents released showed they CONSPIRED against Flynn, their memos showed discussion on how to make him lie.

How did they make him lie?
Been explained to you dozens of times. I doubt one more time will make it finally sink in.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

First, it's from the gateway pundit, and therefore most likely not true.

Second. Sullivan doesn't have to prosecute anyone. The prosecution phase is over, Flynn admitted guilt.
The case was dismissed. Even if the judge did sentence Flynn, the case would automatially be dismissed on appeal because the DOJ wouldn't prosecute it there.

Only a douchebag would defend the actions of this judge. You can't if you have any concern about justice or truth or the law.

At this stage, it takes a court order to drop the case. That seems never to sink in with you knuckleheads.

Yes, a DEAD case you knucklehead!.

Sullivan's actions on a dead case is why he is an idiot, he has gone outside of his role as a Judge, the Solicitor General has showed Sullivan violating the law in the process.

U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco Responds to DC District Court – Refutes Arguments Presented by Flynn Judge Emmet Sullivan…



Stop fighting/ignoring the evidence!

The Solicitor General doesn't make rulings - he's an advocate.


It is clear you didn't read his FORTY FIVE page refutation. He spells it out in detail on why Sullivan is breaking the laws.

You are an idiot for ignoring numerous evidence that Sullivan is acting OUTSIDE of his Judicial power.

You didn't read, you make up your mind in a vacuum, that is why you are so ignorant.

You are part of the problem in American when you continually parade your ignorance.

No, I didn't read it. Do you not know that the SG is an advocate? He is not obligated to present, or consider, both sides of an argument.
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

Sorry but Flynn is clearly getting the benefit of cronyism. The only reason the DoJ is dropping charges is because he’s a friend of the boss.

It was a long time coming but Trump finally got someone to “go easy on him” like he demanded years ago.

Again you ignore the exculpatory evidence that Flynn was pressured to lie, that the FBI, CONSPIRED against him, trying to make him lie to them.

You keep pushing your bullshit, stop ignoring the released documents showing the FBI malfeasance.
No one pressured Flynn to lie, except maybe Trump.

You are lying now, the FBI documents released showed they CONSPIRED against Flynn, their memos showed discussion on how to make him lie.

How did they make him lie?

You were shown the FBI documents, you ignore them because you have a partisan belief to support.
Can't answer the question, can you. How did they make him lie? Seems like that should be pretty easy to explain.
Thread about the rogue judge Sullivan......Dragonlady: Orange Man Bad.

So was my reply. It was all about how Judge Sullivan is standing up for the rule of law, fighting back against a corrupt and lawless administration which is undermining the rule of law at every turn.

If Trump wasn't corrupt and lawless, Judge Sullivan would not have to be fighting back against the release of a self-admitted treasonous felon, just because he happens to be a friend of the President. You made the claim that Flynn was falsely accused and that is why the DOJ was "releasing" him, and I pointed out that this assertion was patently false.

Judge Sullivan is fighting the lawlessness and corruption of the Department of Justice in doing the bidding of Donald Trump, on behalf of his friends and cronies. And AG Barr is doing all of this bullshit under the cover of a pandemic and racial unrest, so the rest of America won't see it happening.

Judge Sullivan is ensuring that America WILL see it happening - plain as day. As Trump is firing tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful protestors claiming to be a "law and order president", he is busying destroying the rule of law, and the judiciary at every turn. Judge Sullivan is showing Trump for the liar that he is.

Orange Man a liar. Yesterday, he said he was "an ally of all peaceful protesters". That's a crock. That's a crock that insults the intelligence of anyone old enough to cross the street alone.
So, you weren’t insulted then.

Did you believe him?
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects
Blacks are 13% of the population

whites about 65%
Sullivan is already defying a precedent set by the USSC in a 9 -0 decision made 1 week before he started his personal 'war' against he says he has the 'RIGHT' to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE Flynn....

flynn really shouldn't have pissed him off

sullivan gonna fuck him up

trump victory isn't looking so good.....Gonna be a high black turnout me suspects

Oh look, yet another progressive who doesn't understand why Justice has a blindfold on.

I hope you buttfucked by a criminal judge just so you get your karmic bitchslap while you are alive.

Sorry but Flynn is clearly getting the benefit of cronyism. The only reason the DoJ is dropping charges is because he’s a friend of the boss.

It was a long time coming but Trump finally got someone to “go easy on him” like he demanded years ago.

Again you ignore the exculpatory evidence that Flynn was pressured to lie, that the FBI, CONSPIRED against him, trying to make him lie to them.

You keep pushing your bullshit, stop ignoring the released documents showing the FBI malfeasance.
No one pressured Flynn to lie, except maybe Trump.

You are lying now, the FBI documents released showed they CONSPIRED against Flynn, their memos showed discussion on how to make him lie.

How did they make him lie?

You were shown the FBI documents, you ignore them because you have a partisan belief to support.
Can't answer the question, can you. How did they make him lie? Seems like that should be pretty easy to explain.
There is no underlying crime

Flynn broke no laws so the FBI tried to pin a procedural infraction on him

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