Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



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Not withstanding your idiotic post. What does any of that have to do with the Congressional Intelligence Committee to which I was referring? Fucking moron.
:abgg2q.jpg: And especially Joy and Whoopie, who have been believing that Hillary lost because of all the "Russian Theories". Now they all look like fools {well, except who ever is the conservative chick on the panel}.
And remember seeing Joy Blowhard all year,,having a cow/adamant that The Russians were the only reason Hillary lost?
:aug08_031: :imsorry3: :oops-28: :poop: :oops-28: :oops8:
Now they all look like fools
NOW? Fuck they looked like fools even when Baba Wa Wa was in charge, they were just better controlled by Wa Wa on the view.

I'm glad this memo is released. So Republicans can keep showing their obstructionist asses to public.

Very troubling when we have the president attacking the FBI and Department of Justice.

They are a part of our checks and balances. Without them, presidents would be allowed to run authoritian regimes.

You do understand that the FBI works for the Executive Branch and not the other way around, right? The FBI is most certainly NOT part of our checks and balances. It didn't even exist until the 1930s. The FBI and the CIA have been used as tools for political corruption ever since.

If we disregard the FBI and the Department of Justice, then who do you turn to for justice? Trump and his goons?

Who keeps the check on the FBI and the DOJ? You seem to think they are beyond reproach and that's the problem, particularly since it's purely for partisan reasons. If this had happened to Obama in 2009 none of you would have a problem with this.
If we disregard the FBI and the Department of Justice, then who do you turn to for justice? Trump and his goons?

Don't blame Trump for Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok being exposed for Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, Treason, etc...

Drain the Swamp...Perp-Walk these Proven Guilty...
Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



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so instead of evidence that the foreign guy Putin, we get evidence of the foreign guy Steele interfered in our election. And the dems were in on it. LOL. too fking funny. traitors.
Trump was setting them up the whole time and the LEFTIST brain deads are and were to stupid to figure that out LMFAO.. gawd u fkrs are so easy to manipulate and fall right into your own traps. Gawd gotta love watching retards in action.

House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

with material omissions of fact that make it all BS.

but enjoy yourself for the day, Sergei. we're still not Russia. and the Dem memo will be released pretty soon.

yes, I know though, you just want chaos. your boy vlad's certainly good at that. but that will be taken care of too... and the orange freak is still not going to do a full term.


Yes Shillian, it's all Russian fault.
Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



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Not withstanding your idiotic post. What does any of that have to do with the Congressional Intelligence Committee to which I was referring? Fucking moron.
I was not attacking you, just adding to your post, by emphasizing the proven crimes / treason of these 'Witch Hunters'...
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

Remember I told you some time ago that I read a rare book written by a former CSIS agent who explained that the Five Eyes circumvent domestic laws by having one of the other nations engage in the spying on their behalf?

Here is how I see it happening.

Obama admin was in the tank for Hillary. Whether it was Trump or not, didn't matter, but with Trump the opposition it made it much worse and personal. He was going to do the bidding for the global donors and work to undermine the opposition.

He found some bad actors whose strings he could pull. Hillary paid a British spy, presented as a "former spy (no spy is ever former)". Steele then meets McCain in Canada to talk about the dossier and it is eventually handed to him. Don't buy this "Steele didn't like Trump". No, the British government and some global trash didn't like Trump or want him to win, especially after Brexit; they were heavily invested in Clinton.

So, British spies, Canadian spies (RCMP/CSIS) show little regard for U.S law or Right to Self Determination and work to help destroy Trump and get a fake investigation moving. Whoever is encouraged by the former DOJ and Obama bring this fake dossier to the FISA courts to justify this bs. The Democrats PAID FOR THE DOSSIER! No way the courts knew about this.

While this happens, some Russian hag is fast tracked into America, when Lynch rubber stamps her Visa, and she meets Trumps son at Trump Tower, all the while knowing Obama's crew can point to this as a "smoking gun", when all along it was a cheap set-up by Lynch/Obama. More justification and efforts against Trump, and the "insurance policy" in case trump wins for continued efforts and special counsel, pushed by Democrats.

For the rank and file FBI, they should personally arrest anyone involved in this fraud, and issue INTERPOL warrants for arrests for Mr. Steele the British patsy.
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Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



View attachment 174596


Not withstanding your idiotic post. What does any of that have to do with the Congressional Intelligence Committee to which I was referring? Fucking moron.
I was not attacking you, just adding to your post, by emphasizing the proven crimes / treason of these 'Witch Hunters'...

You misunderstood my post.
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though
Mods moved my thread on Rosenstien yesterday, but Rosenstine needs to be fired ASAP.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

NOTICE the TURDS who can only laugh they're like a little kid who just got caught stealing as these leftist sickos supported and wanted to vote for Obama and Clinton the very power behind the scum taking down America.

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