Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



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Not withstanding your idiotic post. What does any of that have to do with the Congressional Intelligence Committee to which I was referring? Fucking moron.
I was not attacking you, just adding to your post, by emphasizing the proven crimes / treason of these 'Witch Hunters'...

You misunderstood my post.
I am man enough to admit when I make a mistake. I misunderstood the 1st time, but I completely agree with your post.
The Mueller investigation is based on false information, which is why they have failed to produce one shred of evidence. It's only continuing for political reasons because fake news and distractions are all the Dems have to fight Trump.
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

It'll be forgotten about within a week and these House Republicans are gonna pay a hefty price for their hackery and treason - #BigFatFAIL

because this truly is a fail.

damn, they're stupid.

The minority response needs to be leaked NOW - Not ten days from now

I agree. I want to see opposing positions so we can sift out the bs from the facts. I guarantee you this, a Democrat response could be very harmful to them, not the GOP. Mark my words here now. Two opposing positions is not a boon to the Democrats, it will only expose more British and Canadian connections.

Why do I say this? It will be a "tit for tat". The questions will be asked. How did Steele get into contact with McCain? Who transferred the money and what method? Where was the source of this money? Were there violations of Election Rules?

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The Democrats KNOW what they did, and Obama is fully responsible. The fact is they never expected Trump to win, they wanted a 100 year reign by the Democratic Party, each time finding some crooked cops to violate their oath and stab their own agencies, agents and the nation in the back.
Just read the memo. It's just more right wing talking points. There's nothing in that memo that we've haven't heard already on fox news.
Snowflake after snowflake continue to put their ignorance on display.

A Summary of Evidence - as this one is - is a compilation of facts and evidence collected by numerous agencies, Intel sources, and even the US IG.


Democrats and snowflakes can not lie, deny, justify, or spin their way out of this!
The minority response needs to be leaked NOW - Not ten days from now

That's OK if the Dem's rebuttal gets released later......

This entire memo BS is a Trump ass-kissers some temporary relief and since the memo has NOTHING to do with Mueller's on-going investigation, the only remaining option for Trump is to fire Mueller.........and, THEN, the fun really starts.

Don't think he'll fire Bob. This cherrypicked POS appears to be aimed at Rosenstein. Trump hopes to get the base frothing at the mouth enough to fire Rod. Then he replaces him with a sycophant who will slow walk the investigation. The new guy could cut funding and establish new parameters for Mueller.

Massive backfire :)

Trump always pulls his shit on Friday so by Monday people will be over how dumb he is ...
The Mueller investigation is based on false information, which is why they have failed to produce one shred of evidence. It's only continuing for political reasons because fake news and distractions are all the Dems have to fight Trump.

None of us know what evidence Mueller has. Investigators aren't suppose to discuss publicly the evidence they have until it's over and concluded.
Trump always pulls his shit on Friday so by Monday people will be over how dumb he is ...

He's running this Whitehouse like a reality TV show. You need bombshells and plot twist to keep the audience .
The minority response needs to be leaked NOW - Not ten days from now

That's OK if the Dem's rebuttal gets released later......

This entire memo BS is a Trump ass-kissers some temporary relief and since the memo has NOTHING to do with Mueller's on-going investigation, the only remaining option for Trump is to fire Mueller.........and, THEN, the fun really starts.
You mean the unsubstantiated Democrat PROPAGANDA.

What was just released was a portion of the SUMMARY of EVIDENCE compiled by numerous agencies, Intel sources, and US IG.

What the Democrats / FBI - who is being investigated by the DOJ right now - will release will be lies, denies, attempts to justify, and anything and everything they can to spin the fact that Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok, just got busted for ILLEGAL Collusion with a foreign spy, Conspiracy, sedition, and treason...
Comey said it was “salacious and unverified”
No discredited facts in the Steele Dossier. They are trying to kill the messenger.


No, no, no, no, no,'s not twue! I don't care what the EVIDENCE shows. It's not twue!

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