Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

I just heard that Steele was used to feed reporters regarding his unproved dossier, increasing those news reports as more evidence they needed a fisa warrant, as though it was their own info. Something about circular reporting. And they have info where in a Steele conversation Ohr admitted Trump could not become president, and when the fbi cut off Steele, Ohr continued to feed them with info Steele claimed to have, thru his wife working at Fusion GPS. Memo is out-
Full Committee Business Meeting: Consideration of Pending Committee Business and Other Matters | Committee Repository | U.S. House of Representatives
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The minority response needs to be leaked NOW - Not ten days from now

That's OK if the Dem's rebuttal gets released later......

This entire memo BS is a Trump ass-kissers some temporary relief and since the memo has NOTHING to do with Mueller's on-going investigation, the only remaining option for Trump is to fire Mueller.........and, THEN, the fun really starts.
No discredited facts in the Steele Dossier. They are trying to kill the messenger.


No, no, no, no, no,'s not twue! I don't care what the EVIDENCE shows. It's not twue!
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The minority response needs to be leaked NOW - Not ten days from now
Oh yes, let's please have the embarrassed butt-hurt Democrats give their response - which will NOT be based on compiled evidence from Intel Agencies, the IG, etc - to the compilation of facts and evidence that just exposed their entire campaign of coordinated sedition and treason....which will be something like THIS:

No, no, no, no, no,'s not twue! I don't
care what the EVIDENCE shows. It's not twue!

I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

It'll be forgotten about within a week and these House Republicans are gonna pay a hefty price for their hackery and treason - #BigFatFAIL

because this truly is a fail.

damn, they're stupid.

The minority response needs to be leaked NOW - Not ten days from now
why should it not go through the same process this one did? It will get out.
I'm glad this memo is released. So Republicans can keep showing their obstructionist asses to public.

Very troubling when we have the president attacking the FBI and Department of Justice.

They are a part of our checks and balances. Without them, presidents would be allowed to run authoritian regimes.

Its only troubling when they become the problem instead of them being the "checks and balances".

The dossier is fake and any evidence collected is now worthless.

Willing to 'forgive" Trump on the technicality of damaging info that MAY have been illegally collected????

Most criminals would cheer your kind heart........LOL
If we disregard the FBI and the Department of Justice, then who do you turn to for justice? Trump and his goons?

Don't blame Trump for Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok being exposed for Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, Treason, etc...

Drain the Swamp...Perp-Walk these Proven Guilty...

Mueller was picked and praised by republicans. He's only a partisans hack because he's being throuough with his investigation.
THIS will be Obama's legacy. The interesting thing is that for the last year. FOX news, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Tucker Carlson, Judicial Watch, and Rush Limbaugh have been laying out everything that this memo verifies.

Meanwhile, the crackpipe sock-puppet leftist media and the Democrats have been doing everything within their power to keep the American people from knowing the truth.

This makes Watergate look like someone stealing a newspaper from the rack.

- FBI/DOJ knew dossier was produced by Clinton Campaign/DNC the entire time
- They leave that detail out while applying for the FISA warrant
- FBI/DOJ used MEDIA REPORTING to lend credibility to dossier
- Information is subsequently used to renew surveillance 3 times
- McCabe confirms no warrant would have ever been approved without use of dossier
-The opposition research group that created the dossier coached the media on what to report

In other words, the Democrats attempted to cheat an election with the help of the Russians, the FBI, the DOJ and fake news media. It was basically a coup against the American people.
Just read the memo. It's just more right wing talking points. There's nothing in that memo that we've haven't heard already on fox news.

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