Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

The LEFT is totally fucked. THE FBI & DOJ

COMEY, MCCABE, ROSENSTEIN, YATES, BOENTE knowingly concealed numerous facts and conflicts of interest, as well as the funding for the dossier, Clinton, Obama, THE DNC, and that it was RUSSIAN SOURCED PROPAGANDA from FISA.

Furthermore, they concealed Ohr's Relationship with Fusion GPS, and Steele's Desperate Bias and his INTENT to stop President Trump from taking office. Page, Strozk, Ohr, all knew that the Dossier was false, and plotted together to try to get The President Removed from Office in McCabe's Office with McCabe present.
I just finished reading the memo. It doesn't really change anything. Trump will get to rage a little extra this weekend, but the investigation will continue.

You're not seeing it. The FISA warrant was based on a dossier paid to a former British spy, and money from the Democratic Party.

Obama had some patsies working against this. Did you notice how hard Obama worked to get her elected? He was on the campaign trail, he KNEW the shyte was going to hit the fan, he KNEW it. Even better to use British and Canadian sources without question, this is great for them. There are things the CIA can do to a Canadian or Brit that CSIS or Mi6 can't and vice versa.

Also, you aren't hearing ANY news talking about the British and Canadian connection to all this International covert Coup of sorts. This is absurd, completely absurd.

Consider how everyone says "Putin is a former KGB, you can't trust him or his motives? etc" Do you not think the same applies to a former British spy Steele? He was ordered to pull this shyte off and give some weak cover for Hillary if it all goes south. "Well, we didn't actively engage U.S agencies against an American citizen, a British agent did"
The Mueller investigation is based on false information, which is why they have failed to produce one shred of evidence. It's only continuing for political reasons because fake news and distractions are all the Dems have to fight Trump.

Ignorant morons like you "think" that the Mueller investigation is ONLY based on the Steele dossier????......Really????

Does the firing of Comey ring any fucking bells in your half brains as THE reason for the appointment of Mueller??

What a DUD this memo is turning out to be.......LOL
Just read the memo. It's just more right wing talking points. There's nothing in that memo that we've haven't heard already on fox news.

You remind me of "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

Then why are quoting my post if you don't want to pay attention to me?

To mock you...of course

self admitted trolling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

hellooooooooooooooo dopes and dopettes the memo is as worthless as one wing on a buzzard ...

Comey said it was “salacious and unverified”
No discredited facts in the Steele Dossier. They are trying to kill the messenger.


No, no, no, no, no,'s not twue! I don't care what the EVIDENCE shows. It's not twue!

Papadopoulos brag to Australian diplomat was key factor in FBI’s Russia probe

The FBI is a Republican Law & Order Arm of Government.
Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



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again, sergei... there was nothing illegal in the renewal of the FISA warrant on carter page.... who your boy had his spies working with.

try again, sergei.

Tell us Shillian, is anything illegal with using lies compiled by foreign national, paid by one political party candidate, and presented under oath to FISA court in order to obtain warrant to spy on opposing political candidate and later president elect?

McCabe testifies: No surveillance warrant would have been sought without the Steele dossier, which was funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign.
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Don't think he'll fire Bob. This cherrypicked POS appears to be aimed at Rosenstein. Trump hopes to get the base frothing at the mouth enough to fire Rod. Then he replaces him with a sycophant who will slow walk the investigation. The new guy could cut funding and establish new parameters for Mueller.

Massive backfire

Even IF Mueller is fired, the investigation will not stop.......and could be picked up by a state's AG office (like NY's) who would then rehire Mueller.

JGalt, posted: 19202686:

"THIS will be Obama's legacy. The interesting thing is that for the last year. FOX news, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Tucker Carlson, Judicial Watch, and Rush Limbaugh have been laying out everything that this memo verifies.

Meanwhile, the crackpipe sock-puppet leftist media and the Democrats have been doing everything within their power to keep the American people from knowing the truth.

This makes Watergate look like someone stealing a newspaper from the rack.

- FBI/DOJ knew dossier was produced by Clinton Campaign/DNC the entire time
- They leave that detail out while applying for the FISA warrant
- FBI/DOJ used MEDIA REPORTING to lend credibility to dossier
- Information is subsequently used to renew surveillance 3 times
- McCabe confirms no warrant would have ever been approved without use of dossier
-The opposition research group that created the dossier coached the media on what to report

In other words, the Democrats attempted to cheat an election with the help of the Russians, the FBI, the DOJ and fake news media. It was basically a coup against the American people."

What was just released was a portion of the SUMMARY of EVIDENCE compiled by numerous agencies, Intel sources, and US IG.

What the Democrats / FBI - who is being investigated by the DOJ right now - will release will be lies, denies, attempts to justify, and anything and everything they can to spin the fact that Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok, just got busted for ILLEGAL Collusion with a foreign spy, Conspiracy, sedition, and treason...

Well......Queasy you must be "correct"....since you're typing with BIGGER fonts.....................(what an asshole.....LOL)
would it be possible to dig up enough of J Edgar Hoover and Joe McCarthy to CLONE THEM.
we need them now

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