Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.

Who said they used the entire dossier?

IOW, they relied on cherry picked evidence?

Let's put it this way. Fox News reports that Hillary eats her boogers in the same story that they report she made a deal with NK to let them develop nuclear weapons. You want to get a warrant to tap her phone calls, so you use the story to convince the court. Now, do you accept the story because it sounds plausible, or do you, because of the salacious part of the story, go out and verify that she made the deal? If you verify the deal, you don't need the story any more, right?

In this case, they used cherry picked parts of the story to convince the FISA court without telling them the whole story.
Could be the “cherry-picked” parts of the dossier they used were the parts they confirmed.

So they wouldn't need the dossier. They would have used the verifying information.
Collusion is proven.

The FBI paid / collysed with a foreign spy who was working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be an anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President...meaning anything he provided was going to be extremely questionable ... to anyone objective.

The report this spy provided was Hillary campaign / DNC opposition research bought from a foreign spy working with Russians through a company working for the Russians.

The unsubstantiated report, parts PROVEN false, was illegally and deceitfully used both against The GOP candidate in a US election and treasonously used by the Obama administration DOJ and FBI to acquire warrants with which to spy on the opposing political party candidate and to begin a political witch hunt / effort to take down the newly elected President.

The Deputy Director of the FBI referred the report as their 'Insurance Policy'

What part of the dossier was proven false....

You are right!
Right because the ONLY person who has corroborated the veracity is the author Christopher Steele, the FBI fired for “suspended and then terminated” as an FBI source for what the bureau defined “as the most serious of violations” – an “unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI.”
FISA memo: Steele fired as an FBI source for breaking 'cardinal rule' --leaking to the media

Now what is really puzzling is the reason he was fired..."“as the most serious of violations” – an “unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI.”
but... everyone is defending Comey who was fired for leaking FBI material.

Not proven: Trump is open to blackmail due to illicit sexual activities in Russia.

The dossier's most infamous claim came down to two words: Golden shower. As in, the allegation that the Kremlin blackmailed Trump with footage of prostitues he hired in Moscow performing a "golden shower" urination on a hotel bed that former President Barack Obama and filst Lady Michelle Obama once slept in. The so-called "pee tape" has not surfaced and there is still zero indication that it even exists.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.

Gowdy: Nunes memo does not discredit Mueller probe in any way

Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.

Gowdy: Nunes memo does not discredit Mueller probe in any way

LOL. you still don't get it. you've been Stu'd Stu........hand slide over head.
No one knows which parts have been verified and which parts haven’t. I’ve pointed that out repeatedly. But Nunes never read the FISA documents which made the basis of his claim so it’s impossible to say the FBI presented unverified evidence to the FISC.

This blows Nunes’ bullshit claims out of the water.

While we don't know for sure, it's fairly safe to infer that only the portions of the dossier that pertain to Page himself would be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page.

Obviously the salacious parts would not be relevant.

The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.

Gowdy: Nunes memo does not discredit Mueller probe in any way

What does it even mean to "discredit the Mueller probe?" The memo proves that there shouldn't even be a Mueller probe.
Because getting such warrants on fraudulent info is a no no.
Regrettably, you have no proof the evidence offered from the dossier was fraudulent.

I have NO proof that you are truly one of the most ignorant person in the world do I...yet I can make that observation and no one will validate it!
The same with the dossier. It is Steele's word only.
Not, it’s not just Steele’s word. Some of it was confirmed by the FBI.
McCabe testified to Congress that nothing in it had been confirmed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Quote him...
You mean quote him not mentioning any claim in the dossier that was verified? How do I quote him not saying something?
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.

Who said they used the entire dossier?

IOW, they relied on cherry picked evidence?

Let's put it this way. Fox News reports that Hillary eats her boogers in the same story that they report she made a deal with NK to let them develop nuclear weapons. You want to get a warrant to tap her phone calls, so you use the story to convince the court. Now, do you accept the story because it sounds plausible, or do you, because of the salacious part of the story, go out and verify that she made the deal? If you verify the deal, you don't need the story any more, right?

In this case, they used cherry picked parts of the story to convince the FISA court without telling them the whole story.
Could be the “cherry-picked” parts of the dossier they used were the parts they confirmed.
None of it was confirmed.
While we don't know for sure, it's fairly safe to infer that only the portions of the dossier that pertain to Page himself would be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page.

Obviously the salacious parts would not be relevant.

The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia.

Which sure sounds pertinent to a warrant application specific to Page. Duh.
Really? You're going to stand behind the hookers pissing on the bed crap as a true story? Laughable.
I did no such thing. What a pity you have to lie to prop your position up.

It's a steaming pile is the point. Now, what parts if it are true and what parts are steaming and stinking?

Or you really don't know what's in it but really want bad things to be true?
No one knows which parts have been verified and which parts haven’t. I’ve pointed that out repeatedly. But Nunes never read the FISA documents which made the basis of his claim so it’s impossible to say the FBI presented unverified evidence to the FISC.

This blows Nunes’ bullshit claims out of the water.

Kashyap Patel, Main Author of Secret Memo, Is No Stranger to Quarrels
According to congressional sources, he is the primary author of the politically charged memo, released on Friday by the committee chairman, Representative Devin Nunes, over the opposition of the F.B.I. and the intelligence community, that accuses federal officials of bias against President Trump.

Democrats, led by Representative Adam B. Schiff, the ranking minority member on the committee, were scathing in their criticism of both the report and the decision to release it to the public.
Kashyap Patel, Main Author of Secret Memo, Is No Stranger to Quarrels

Now here is an interest point from the above article:
In early 2016, during a court appearance in Houston, Mr. Patel found himself in the cross hairs of Judge Lynn N. Hughes of Federal District Court, who became incensed that Mr. Patel had used the internet credentials of another lawyer to give notice that he would be involved in a terrorism case, and then did not like how he was dressed.
“The last thing I need here, Mr. Patel,” the judge said, according to a transcript of the hearing, “is a bureaucrat who flies down here at great expense and causes trouble rather than actually is a productive member of the team.”
He was berated by a federal judge who then issued an “Order on Ineptitude” directed at the entire agency.

Very interesting that this judge issues the "Order on Ineptitude" but the FISA courts allowed a private citizen to be wiretapped based on a dossier that was allowed admission into the FISA hearing but was proven to be completely fabricated.
Christopher Steele, a former top British intelligence official with deep ties in Moscow who was held in high regard in Washington. He produced a series of salacious, but unverified reports that are now universally referred to as “the Steele dossier,” and their publication 10 days before Trump’s inauguration supercharged claims on the left that the president or his team may have conspired with Russia to win the 2016 election.
Democrats Embraced a Flawed Dossier—And Gave Republicans an Opening

So an unverified report was used to gain the FISA warrants.
That at the minimum is incompetence and at the maximum a criminal act!
Again, it’s not been disclosed which parts of the dossier were presented to the FISC. No one here can categorically claim unverified intel was given to the the FISC without know what was given to it.

Since nothing in the dossier was verified, it would be impossible for unverified claims to not have been presented to the court.
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia.

Which sure sounds pertinent to a warrant application specific to Page. Duh.

So the FBI is entitled to spy on anyone who goes to Russia?
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.

Gowdy: Nunes memo does not discredit Mueller probe in any way

What does it even mean to "discredit the Mueller probe?" The memo proves that there shouldn't even be a Mueller probe.

The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.

I'll let the only Republican who has read the whole affidavit explain.

Extended interview: Rep. Trey Gowdy on Face the Nation
While we don't know for sure, it's fairly safe to infer that only the portions of the dossier that pertain to Page himself would be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page.

Obviously the salacious parts would not be relevant.

The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
well truly I want to know what happened to the 2013 investigation into Page when the fbi thought he was being recruited? was he found to be an agent? no he wasn't so why would he need to be surveilled again in 2016 when hired by trump? what is the motive? He was cleared three years earlier?
You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia.

Which sure sounds pertinent to a warrant application specific to Page. Duh.

So the FBI is entitled to spy on anyone who goes to Russia?

No, dope. It certainly is an indication though that he was still possibly working as a foreign agent. The dossier showed that he travelled to Russia and who he met with. As the warrant was subsequently renewed another three times and the requirement for a renewal is that new intelligence must be collected during the previous warrant period, then its safe to say that verification was acheived.

Page himself supported the claims in the dossier in his testimony before Congress.

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Last edited:
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.
Mueller’s been investigating for less than 9 months. Ken Starr investigated Whitewater for 6 years. Mueller can do this until Trump is out of office before your whining is heard.
While we don't know for sure, it's fairly safe to infer that only the portions of the dossier that pertain to Page himself would be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page.

Obviously the salacious parts would not be relevant.

The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.
You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.

Who said they used the entire dossier?

IOW, they relied on cherry picked evidence?

Let's put it this way. Fox News reports that Hillary eats her boogers in the same story that they report she made a deal with NK to let them develop nuclear weapons. You want to get a warrant to tap her phone calls, so you use the story to convince the court. Now, do you accept the story because it sounds plausible, or do you, because of the salacious part of the story, go out and verify that she made the deal? If you verify the deal, you don't need the story any more, right?

In this case, they used cherry picked parts of the story to convince the FISA court without telling them the whole story.
Could be the “cherry-picked” parts of the dossier they used were the parts they confirmed.
None of it was confirmed.
See: post #1038
I did no such thing. What a pity you have to lie to prop your position up.

It's a steaming pile is the point. Now, what parts if it are true and what parts are steaming and stinking?

Or you really don't know what's in it but really want bad things to be true?
No one knows which parts have been verified and which parts haven’t. I’ve pointed that out repeatedly. But Nunes never read the FISA documents which made the basis of his claim so it’s impossible to say the FBI presented unverified evidence to the FISC.

This blows Nunes’ bullshit claims out of the water.

Kashyap Patel, Main Author of Secret Memo, Is No Stranger to Quarrels
According to congressional sources, he is the primary author of the politically charged memo, released on Friday by the committee chairman, Representative Devin Nunes, over the opposition of the F.B.I. and the intelligence community, that accuses federal officials of bias against President Trump.

Democrats, led by Representative Adam B. Schiff, the ranking minority member on the committee, were scathing in their criticism of both the report and the decision to release it to the public.
Kashyap Patel, Main Author of Secret Memo, Is No Stranger to Quarrels

Now here is an interest point from the above article:
In early 2016, during a court appearance in Houston, Mr. Patel found himself in the cross hairs of Judge Lynn N. Hughes of Federal District Court, who became incensed that Mr. Patel had used the internet credentials of another lawyer to give notice that he would be involved in a terrorism case, and then did not like how he was dressed.
“The last thing I need here, Mr. Patel,” the judge said, according to a transcript of the hearing, “is a bureaucrat who flies down here at great expense and causes trouble rather than actually is a productive member of the team.”
He was berated by a federal judge who then issued an “Order on Ineptitude” directed at the entire agency.

Very interesting that this judge issues the "Order on Ineptitude" but the FISA courts allowed a private citizen to be wiretapped based on a dossier that was allowed admission into the FISA hearing but was proven to be completely fabricated.
Christopher Steele, a former top British intelligence official with deep ties in Moscow who was held in high regard in Washington. He produced a series of salacious, but unverified reports that are now universally referred to as “the Steele dossier,” and their publication 10 days before Trump’s inauguration supercharged claims on the left that the president or his team may have conspired with Russia to win the 2016 election.
Democrats Embraced a Flawed Dossier—And Gave Republicans an Opening

So an unverified report was used to gain the FISA warrants.
That at the minimum is incompetence and at the maximum a criminal act!
Again, it’s not been disclosed which parts of the dossier were presented to the FISC. No one here can categorically claim unverified intel was given to the the FISC without know what was given to it.

Since nothing in the dossier was verified, it would be impossible for unverified claims to not have been presented to the court.
See: post #1038

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