Sunni thinks his wife is property

you should find another hobby, ropey.

takes screenshots of sunni man's avatar. hahahah

There are many different kinds of love. Who are we to judge?

i am l.k.eder and i am here to enjoy the thoughtful discussion about the role of women in islam.

Sunni Man is a Muslim who follows Islam. Thus, his treatment of women in this forum will show his devotion to his belief, thus what I said falls into that category and shows how this Muslim treats women who are not of his wives(s) as well and connects to how he treats his own wife.

It's not nonsense. Islam is misogynistic.

Some muslims are misogynistic. So are some Christians, buddhists, and Jews. Most Mormons are, and almost all fundamentalist polygamist mormons are, but I don't see you being all up in their business, in spite of the fact that they marry their daughters off at 16 to 40+ year old men.

I know Jews that act that way also.

Pssst! This thread is about Sunni and his misogyny. If you want to talk about other faiths, start other threads. Quit trying to deflect in this one.

Sunni Man's views on women are that they are property to be used in whatever way he deems fit and this is shown by how he uses women here.

He jabs (like the avatar, etc. etc.) all over the forum, and then hides when the responses come from his jabs. He then relies on those he has groomed to come and protect him and whines about his poor treatment.

And that is relevantly pertinent to my view and because of this I say that Sunni Man crawls and does not stand as a man.
Ropey - Groomed? To protect 'him'?


It seriously seems that there is such a level of blindness within some that if that is how it's all seen then they should be left to themselves.

Sunniman represents a type of life that so few could understand and perhaps our culture carries the scars from such lack of understanding. The children of successful marriages are the evidence of such. As a wife and a mother there are days that if it were not for the other women from within my family, my mother, his mother, his grandmother... etc. my methods and abilities to do both positions within my marriage could possibly considered as negligent. Why? Because *I* am human. I need to fail and fall short. Our children also will not ever learn some of their most valuable lessons in life from merely me. They need the other women as well. They also have three grandfathers who are very active in their lives and two of the three are married to the grandmothers. It ISN'T easy. It can be horribly difficult and the levels of enmeshed emotions can be smothering at times, especially for me.

Society tells 'us' as wives and mothers to 'take charge' but all too often THAT is the very thing that destroys our husbands. There is a delicate balance that, well, doesn't have to make sense to anyone else but those of us who choose such a way.

I am not defending sunniman, but from what I have read throughout the forum he meets opposition with continual show of respect considering....
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^^ You don't have to believe it. I put out what I see and my own proof that supports my belief. When he is confronted by those he is jabbing, he whines about being mistreated and some others come out in the threads to support the Sunni Man.

No, he doesn't challenge. He attacks and then runs and snivels when those he attacks come back. :thup:


See the above avatar? He would change them sometimes five or six times in a short period of an hour in discussion with me when I was a newbie. He was attempting to get me to blow up and be banned.

Sometimes the Avatars would be death camps, etc. When I responded in a challenge he would then go to the bottom and quietly read the results of his trolling and add a bit here and there to enforce the view that he is now the victim.

And don't get me wrong, there's plenty of extreme liberals to support him as well. It's not just those he grooms who support him. I'm speaking to this thread and his pathology of using women as tools as well as property. Of course he handles the responses to his jabs nicely.

How else would he get others who feel a desire to come and protect him or just a desire to support someone who seems to be attacked unfairly? Oh, he makes himself look the victim quite well.

It's very clear to me.

However, you or anyone else doesn't have to believe it.

The search tags for this thread are telling though.

Ropey - obviously what your issues are with Sunni is NOT what he is saying but what he isn't saying.

His avatars, because I am not a message board hobbyist, I have missed. The pattern may be the trail of blood throughout 'history' though and perhaps you should PM him asking him directly about 'it all'.
ffs *I* am not muslim. I also fail my own expectations of my relationship with God so living up to anyone else's wouldn't be an aim at this point.

*I* am not his target, perhaps 'ropey' is for all the density proven to be so. :evil:
^^ Yes, I have no doubt he has many stories to explain why he does what he does.

He's said enough to me down here. It's not about what he isn't saying. It's about what he is saying.

ffs *I* am not muslim. I also fail my own expectations of my relationship with God so living up to anyone else's wouldn't be an aim at this point.

*I* am not his target, perhaps 'ropey' is for all the density proven to be so. :evil:

I understand. You want to turn this into what I'm doing. Not what he's doing.

He's jabbing and then whining at the responses to his jabbing. If he's going to jab, then I think he needs to stand up to his own jabs and not run away seeking external support from those he grooms and others.

ropey - have you studied anything spiritual? some people genuinely do have certain abilities and it cannot be explained or understood well within books. I read books, but better, I have had experiences. perhaps 'it all' be a joke to some, perhaps it should be, but it hasn't been to me for me.
ropey - have you studied anything spiritual? some people genuinely do have certain abilities and it cannot be explained or understood well within books. I read books, but better, I have had experiences. perhaps 'it all' be a joke to some, perhaps it should be, but it hasn't been to me for me.

If you are willing to read this thread, then you will have a better understanding why I don't see it as a joke.

It's not been funny since this:
Interesting take. Is that in your marriage contract? Do you have a prenup to that effect? If it is not in writing, 'considering' is all you can do with it.

A marriage contract gives one the right to have sex with their spouse, but it does not give you that right in any particular quantity or at any particular time. That is where the rub comes often times with married couples who are not sexual equals.

We aren't married, but I expect we will be within the next 6 months or so. I don't consider that I have a right to non-consensual sex with him, or that he is obligated to a set amount of sex per month. But, we are in an exclusive longterm relationship, and sexual contact with other partners is off the table. That's a mutually agreed upon commitment.

Of course, the only penalty would involve disassociating ourselves from the relationship were that agreement breached. Which is generally the case in marriages, as well.
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A possession/property, no... but there are still some of us in the younger generations who do harken back to the older, more traditional views on gender roles and relationships. It's probably one of the main reasons that I am single and will likely remain that way for the rest of my life.

I am not much of a traditionalist, but I do believe in absolute fidelity between partners. My partner belongs to me, in a sense, and I belong to him as well. There are parts of me that no one else gets to see.

Where it becomes annoying is when a romantic partner starts putting limits on you, where you can go, what you can wear, what job you can do. In essence, some men treat a woman like a beautiful but useless object to be placed on a shelf. Not like a real person, at all. However, while I know Sunni sees his wife as something precious and beautiful that belongs to him alone, she is also a woman who has a well-respected professional career, and he respects her for being so well-educated, intelligent, and capable. That's not really treating her like property, in my book.

I've never been a fan of one person putting limits on another in a relationship whatsoever. You put limits on yourself, then it's up to your partner to trust you to stay within your own limits.

If those limits you've set for yourself aren't enough for your partner to not feel insecure in himself/herself, then it's probably not going to work anyways.

It is interesting that you have a bible passage in your signiture line while saying that you are not a fan of one person putting limits on another in a relationship. Are you a fan of 1 Timothy. Are you in favor of limiting women to dress modestly, "with shamefacedness" -- not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. What is your position on letting the woman learn in silence with all subjection and prohibiting woman from teaching but to be in silence?
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[Terms like, 'you belong to me' are metaphorical in nature. They do not indicate that a person thinks his/her spouse is personal property. Personal property can be bought, sold, bartered, etc. That is not what those metaphorical romanticisms mean. If they meant that to you and islam, then someone should come out in droves and try to fix it before your women rise up and strike you down. And in the modern world that is quite likely.

BTW: What is she doing now? Giving you a foot massage?
They are metaphorical in Sunni's case, as well. His wife can't be bought, bartered or sold, though she could choose to leave and/or give herself to someone else. Thus, she isn't actually property.

FWIW, I am a huge stickler about fidelity. My ex was a chronic cheater, and I wouldn't tolerate it in my current guy. His body (sexually speaking) belongs to me, and mine belongs to him. I consider his sexuality my property, as mine is his. Were he to share what belongs to me with someone else, it would end our relationship, as I think it would for most of you.
Is Sunni that weak that he needs you to speak for him?

Apparently. However, he has already called his wife his property, and confirmed those words.

No matter how much you want it to be something different, that is exactly what he says and said.
Is Sunni that weak that he needs you to speak for him?

ad hominem.

Apparently. However, he has already called his wife his property, and confirmed those words.

Yes, but did he intend the term in the metaphoric or realistic sense? The fact that he referred to her as "most precious" suggests that he was speaking in metaphor. But, since you want to interpret the term differently, can Sunni sell or barter his wife? Can he trade her to another man? If not, the the sense in which he is describing his wife as property is no different from the sense in which husbands and wives are written about in the Bible.

No matter how much you want it to be something different, that is exactly what he says and said.

Oh, I see. Simplistic, black white non-metaphoric thinking that attempts to twist another poster to a preconceived paradigm is how you function. Well, consider my post directed at users who can think on a higher level than false dichotomies.
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^^Stick with the facts ma'am.

They are metaphorical in Sunni's case, as well. His wife can't be bought, bartered or sold, though she could choose to leave and/or give herself to someone else. Thus, she isn't actually property.


You are saying what you have heard him say. No more. Islam is clear and he has been clear. What you say is in direct opposition to his own words. :p

You are not sure of him, yet you speak for him.


He can't speak for himself? I'm fine with you speaking for him by the way. It just would be nice if he addressed the issues on his own as well.
Is Sunni that weak that he needs you to speak for him?

ad hominem.

Apparently. However, he has already called his wife his property, and confirmed those words.

Yes, but did he intend the term in the metaphoric or realistic sense? The fact that he referred to her as "most precious" suggests that he was speaking in metaphor. But, since you want to interpret the term differently, can Sunni sell or barter his wife? Can he trade her to another man? If not, the the sense in which he is describing his wife as property is no different from the sense in which husbands and wives are written about in the Bible.

No matter how much you want it to be something different, that is exactly what he says and said.

Oh, I see. Simplistic, black white non-metaphoric thinking that attempts to twist another poster to a preconceived paradigm is how you function. Well, consider my post directed at users who can think on a higher level than false dichotomies.
He confirmed exactly what he meant. He mean his property, his possession.

You have comprehension issues.

Now, apparently your delusions also have you believing that you can read minds.
Do you two think that if you continue to repeat yourself, you're going to magically appear smarter and more credible? Knock yourselves out.
Do you two think that if you continue to repeat yourself, you're going to magically appear smarter and more credible? Knock yourselves out.
Pssst. Actually, the sane posters actually know that you cannot read minds, so we take Sunni's word for it that he meant what he said.

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