Sunni thinks his wife is property

Sunni Man's views on women are that they are property to be used in whatever way he deems fit and this is shown by how he uses women here.

He jabs (like the avatar, etc. etc.) all over the forum, and then hides when the responses come from his jabs. He then relies on those he has groomed to come and protect him and whines about his poor treatment.

Excuse me, but I am not 'groomed' by Sunni. I don't know much about him. I do not read every post he makes. I do not engage in pms with him, nor do I with anyone else on this board. The only time I have ever sent a pm was to ask how to post videos, no other conversations have EVER taken place in pms with me and another member.

When I posted, I posted with only the info given in the OP. Of which seems to be an attack on Sunni due to his choice of one word and not to the way he used the word. I have learned that people on this message board tend to twist things to imply something that is not truly there just to discredit another. That is what I seen in the OP and that is what I addressed.
I did not say everyone is groomed. Those who are know by the virtue of the inconsistencies of what he says up there and down here. If they disagree with down here and agree with up there.

Then, by the inconsistency ....
I did not say everyone is groomed. Those who are know by the virtue of the inconsistencies of what he says up there and down here. If they disagree with down here and agree with up there.

Then, by the inconsistency ....

Over the months I have read some of the exchanges between you and Sunni and can appreciate (and support) your resentment in some of that. I have also seen some brilliant insights from both you and Sunni and have to give you both props for those. But I doubt you two will be friends anytime soon. :)

But on this one issue I have to take my standard anti-PC position that Sunni should not be condemned for the word he uses to describe his wife. Most especially if he and his wife mutually agree on that.

And if somebody ever asked me what was my most precious possession, I can see myself as responding; My husband, kids, family or some such. And I'm pretty sure none of them see themselves as my property. :)
I did not say everyone is groomed. Those who are know by the virtue of the inconsistencies of what he says up there and down here. If they disagree with down here and agree with up there.

Then, by the inconsistency ....
But on this one issue I have to take my standard anti-PC position that Sunni should not be condemned for the word he uses to describe his wife. Most especially if he and his wife mutually agree on that.

And if somebody ever asked me what was my most precious possession, I can see myself as responding; My husband, kids, family or some such. And I'm pretty sure none of them see themselves as my property. :)

Not condemned, but held to them Foxfyre.

Yes, you give him a lot of wiggle room...

He says it inconsistently for a reason. If he lies like was shown here and shown clearly and wouldn't respond to his lie when called to it, so then why do you simply just believe this when he's inconsistent here? What's your reason for this belief?

A standard generic thing? :doubt:

People are individuals and acts such as his posts and lies are as well. To toss what you don't like of his lies into a box and take a generic moral stance on the others?

Really? If so, ok, that's your thing. Not mine.
^^ The Number 1 Reason why I believe that liberality is useless when the world is not at peace.
Generic only in the sense of being practical, Ropey. I would cut you the same slack. If you took a position on one thread in one context and what appears to be a different position in a different context, I would take you at your word. I would have no reason not to. I really appreciate it when others allow me that kind of latitude. But then I don't have the confrontational history with Sunni that you do either.

There are a few members on USMB (and people elsewhere) with whom I am very cautious because they have shown themselves to be hateful or dishonest or two faced or some such. And the prejudice I develop re these people is often transferred to all my encounters with such people and how I perceive their remarks which may or may not be fair to them. There aren't very many of those though. It is a very short list.

Neither you nor Sunni have made that list. :)
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Neither you nor Sunni have made that list. :)

Sunni, by the very nature of his attempts to have me banned when I was first here is on my list.

You can be as forgiving as you want but you clearly don't see that his underhanded games on a Newbie who had never been to these discussion forums before shows his trolling of a newbie because he didn't like what I was saying and I'm a Jew.

When I first came he tried by neg and games to troll me into a ban. It didn't work and now he runs like a coward to ground.

It's a very short list

No doubt.

I understand. Had Sunni Man's ploy worked, no big deal eh? Now that you know he does this, there is still no change in your view eh?

Can-eh-dian :)
Neither you nor Sunni have made that list. :)

Sunni, by the very nature of his attempts to have me banned when I was first here is on my list.

You can be as forgiving as you want but you clearly don't see that his underhanded games on a Newbie who had never been to these discussion forums before shows his trolling of a newbie because he didn't like what I was saying and I'm a Jew.

When I first came he tried by neg and games to troll me into a ban. It didn't work and now he runs like a coward to ground.

But you see, however unpleasant something like that is, and probably most of us have experienced it from somebody, it has absolutely nothing to do with the thesis of this thread. It is no doubt a basis for distrusting or disapproving whatever another person says and resenting just about everything about them.

Like I said, I also sometimes transfer my the prejudices I have developed re another person and sometimes unfairly accuse them because I so resent them I don't want to admit they get anything right or aren't wrong yet again.
Dopey you are one idiotic retard.

No one can trap someone else into being banned. :cuckoo:

It is so pathetic how you run around all over the board begging people to believe your slander and lies.

Heck, you have told so many lies people can't keep track of them.

Yet you want to point your fingers at me and others.

When you are the King of liars on USMB. :lol:
Can't you stand and explain Sunni?

I see you down there.

As I have stated over and over again.

I am against the Zionist Jews who support Israel.

But have no problem with the regular Jewish people. :cool:


I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on. :cuckoo:

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

Jews worldwide you said. :doubt: :eusa_liar:

And if you lie about this and don't explain, then what about your error on your wife being property?

Freud also says your slip is a lie.

There's more 'splaining to do about your inconsistencies.
Dopey you are one idiotic retard.

No one can trap someone else into being banned. :cuckoo:


It is so pathetic how you run around all over the board begging people to believe your slander and lies.:

It's more pathetic that you whine about being mistreated when you started the entire thing.

Heck, you have told so many lies people can't keep track of them.

Yet you want to point your fingers at me and others.

When you are the King of liars on USMB. :lol:

But you're not against all Jews you said. Before that you said you wanted the moved from humanity.


Peace on you Sunni
Jews don't need Sunni's help to found a homeland for us. We have one. Oh yeah, we have our own guns and nukes to protect us, too. :tank:
I just had to tell someone (who is a very nice person) that I have no friends who have friends who want my people all gone. And they don't get it.
Is that off? Seriously? They don't get this and they are not morons. I'm lost in this one. I just don't fucking get it.

Sunni can call for the removal of all my people from humanity and another person can separate this from his view about women as property and discuss on that level alone.

So what if there would be no Jews around for that discussion. I mean he's killing all my people figuratively so a philosophical discussion with him would mean that there are no Jews in that discussion if he had his way.

And these people are telling me how they can separate all acts so as to view each one neutrally from the others.

Go figure. :doubt:
Can't you stand and explain Sunni?

I see you down there.

As I have stated over and over again.

I am against the Zionist Jews who support Israel.

But have no problem with the regular Jewish people. :cool:


I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on. :cuckoo:

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

Jews worldwide you said. :doubt: :eusa_liar:

And if you lie about this and don't explain, then what about your error on your wife being property?
Freud also says your slip is a lie.

There's more 'splaining to do about your inconsistencies.

I have owned my share of cats and dogs, which under the current system of jurisprudence they are considered personal property. My ownership of them did not stop them from stepping off my property and getting laid when they were a mind to. I suspect that Sunni's paradise isn't.
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I suspect that Sunni's paradise isn't.

I know that Sunni's paradise does not have any Jews or Homosexuals and since he said Blacks were only a few generations removed from the jungle well it's likely none of them will be there either.

But he's a good father, a fine man. Treats his wife and family well and none of his hate comes out. True?

False. Our children will learn from us. One can not hold the thoughts of ending a group of people from humanity and be a humanistic moral person.

But they sure can be supported by some. :cuckoo: :evil:

^^ And there's the Rub ^^
I suspect that Sunni's paradise isn't.

I know that Sunni's paradise does not have any Jews or Homosexuals and since he said Blacks were only a few generations removed from the jungle well it's likely none of them will be there either.

But he's a good father, a fine man. Treats his wife and family well and none of his hate comes out. True?

False. Our children will learn from us. One can not hold the thoughts of ending a group of people from humanity and be a humanistic moral person.

But they sure can be supported by some. :cuckoo: :evil:

^^ And there's the Rub ^^

Isn't it amazing the pass that some get to spew their venom on boards like this. I mean, what would his world be like if ALL his inferiors and infidels were dead?

I have to say that there are many middle eastern women I admire a great deal. They are smart, educated, and nobody's fool. When I was in Egypt I learned that their nursing shortage is fueled by their new graduate nurses going to Saudin where they can make some money. Good for them. Capitalism and money is what it will take to cool the jets of muslims. Most Christians I know revere their money above all else. I tease a friend of mine and tell her that her church needs to be renamed 'Our Lady of the Cadillac.' But it's oh so true. And women love money. If they put up with those men they do it only because they want their money. Yes, I know, women here do that as well, but once a woman can make her OWN money she doesn't need some skanky man. :9:

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