Sunni thinks his wife is property

So, in another thread, Sunni calls his wife a possession and his property.

Anyone else think this way?

Any Muslims want to confirm or deny this sentiment?

As with all things in Islam. There is a separation of the genders. Gold is the most expensive and prices of all metals. Thus it is reserved for our most precious property; our wives. Underneath those abayas and burqas that the Muslim women wear. Are long strands of gold chains and gold coins. They are presents given to the Muslim woman by her husband as a sign of respect and love. Many times weighing several pounds.

Another prohibition is silk. Only Muslim women wear articles made of silk cloth. It is forbidden for a Muslim man to wear any form of silk apparel. I wear suits sometimes and it is difficult to find men's neck ties not made out of silk. They are available made out of other materials but the selection is very limited.

I'm not a dyke, so I don't have a wife.

And PW, as far as I know, is an abbreviation for 'password'. I have no idea what you are abbreviating with PW.

And, I will take you up on that.

Bet they love each other though, and you need to remember that they live in America. If she was not willing to live that life style she would leave him.
But I bet Hitler loved Eva Braun, too. I don't care, though. No offense.
I still can't see why other people don't see this for what it is though.

Because he can be nice? Now that's just messed up.

It's genocide he is advocating.

Article 2 of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Imagine how many of my people would die in this removal. The sick, aged, etc. etc. Then taking them away from the rest of humanity.

This is "nice" Sunni Man?


I've told two people today clearly that if they can have a friend who calls to end all my people, then please just see me as a dead man.

Bloody Fucking Hell.

I would not ever see you as a dead man, but we have to take what we read on a political message board with a grain of salt. I would fight along side of you if that were ever the case.
I've told two people today clearly that if they can have a friend who calls to end all my people, then please just see me as a dead man.

Ropey said:
but we have to take what we read on a political message board with a grain of salt.

I disagree. Not with Genocide. I will not take the talk of a future Genocide of any people with a grain of salt.

I'm too old, and remember too much. :doubt:

That is not tolerance. That is madness. :doubt:

Genocide is going on today and no one wants to talk about that. But these tolerant people are more than willing to discuss the future genocides?

They don't post in the Sudan, Darfur, Rwanda threads, etc. etc.

But they discuss future ones?? There's some more inconsistencies.
They dont post in them because they are ignorant fools. Whats sad is they choose to remain ignorant, and that makes them dangerous. Just counter there bull shit and educate as many as will listen.
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It's just words they say.

It was just words before EVERY Genocide! It needs to be fought, not tolerated. :doubt:
^^ Ignorant or uncaring?

Philosophical discussion is simple. They do not have to stand.

Those who remain ignorant by choice are definitely uncaring. They are the type who would turn there head and walk away if they came upon a rape or robbery in progress.
^^ Ignorant or uncaring?

Philosophical discussion is simple. They do not have to stand.

Those who remain ignorant by choice are definitely uncaring. They are the type who would turn there head and walk away if they came upon a rape or robbery in progress.

^^ And discuss it later.
Why does this keep happening?


What do the Jews do that keeps making people want to kill them and drive them out of their countries??

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

Ropey why do you insist on saying that I hate or am full of hate?

I am only discussing various issues.

Not once have you ever seen a post from me advocating violence on people.

Why can't you stop accusing me of hating and just debate the topic?

So you don't see it and everyone else here does?

I have no more to say to you. I posted this to see if I was off base.

Clearly I'm not.

You are simply a hater. I will continue to post your hate but not respond to you anymore.

You are blind to yourself and there's no use repeating it to you. My re-posts of yours will be repeating it so others see it.
You like to claim that "everyone" can see my so called hate.

But I get many PM's saying that you are the one that is full of hate and are wrong in accusing me of hating. :doubt:

You call for the future Genocide of my people but will not respond to confrontation and call the responses to your call for the future Genocide of my people hate?

Why does this keep happening?


What do the Jews do that keeps making people want to kill them and drive them out of their countries??

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

So you don't see it and everyone else here does?

I have no more to say to you. I posted this to see if I was off base.

Clearly I'm not.

You are simply a hater. I will continue to post your hate but not respond to you anymore.

You are blind to yourself and there's no use repeating it to you. My re-posts of yours will be repeating it so others see it.
You like to claim that "everyone" can see my so called hate.

But I get many PM's saying that you are the one that is full of hate and are wrong in accusing me of hating. :doubt:

You call for the future Genocide of my people but will not respond to confrontation and call the responses to your call for the future Genocide of my people hate?


Thats what I dont like about Sunni Man. He will admit that murder is murder, but make comments like that.
You don't find it hateful to want to send jews out of their homes into exile?

I do.
They seem to cause so much trouble in the world.

And there are only 13 million of them.
They live on land that the stole from other people 62 years ago.

So it would be easy for them to move again.

Plus the Middle East could be at peace once more.

See, that's not hate; just logic. :cool:


Sunni, The Jews could move to Mars, and then Shiites and Sunnis would just go back to killing each other, or who ever the next infidel happens to be.
So calling for the genocide of a people is ok under free speech? disgusting.

HG, I have never called for the genocide of the Jewish people.

And you will never find one single post where I have advocated that.

Dopey likes to say that I have but he is just a blatant liar. :doubt:
You want to round them up, put them on an island (or something like that) so that their contact with others is limited, all for their own good.

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